Show some common sense! Boris sends EU reeling with fresh threat on deal

BORIS JOHNSON has issued a warning to the European Union if the bloc doesn't show "common sense" over the Northern Ireland Protocol.

Brexit: Vicky Pryce warns ‘we have to follow EU regulations’

The Prime Minister warned European Commission vice-president Maros Sefcovic the Government would trigger Article 16 "if our friends don't show the require common sense". Speaking in the House of Commons he told MPs: "We must fix it (the problems with the so-called Northern Ireland protocol) and with goodwill and common sense I believe we can fix it," he told parliament." Chief Brexit negotiator Liz Truss and Mr Sefcovic are in ongoing negotiations over the Northern Ireland Protocol but little progress has been made. 


Brexit LIVE: 'Show sense' Boris in explosive warning to Sefcovic over sinking hated deal

Brexit LIVE: 'Show sense' Boris in explosive warning to Sefcovic over sinking hated deal (Image: Getty)

Brexit betrayal: Fury at new airline change as passengers face £195 loss – plan backfires

Government proposals to use post-Brexit powers to change regulations for flight compensation could see passengers lose out on over £195 for delayed flights.

Last week, the Department for Transport opened consultations over the adoptions of the new regulations, which would see compensation for much shorter delays than current EU law. However, refunds would be capped at a fraction of the ticket prices depending on the length of the delay.

The proposals would see a two-tier system adopted in the UK, with domestic flights compensated on a model akin to those given for train delays.

Current rules, adopted into UK law from the EU before Brexit, say that passengers can claim compensation up to £220 if their flight is delayed by over three hours and there are no “exceptional circumstances”.

Under the new proposals, domestic flights delayed by more than an hour would be liable for compensation.

However, a passenger delayed by more than an hour, but less than two hours, would only see a 25 percent refund of the ticket price.

Not Brexit! Red tape nightmare for UK lorry drivers bound for EU explained

Sir William Cash has defended Brexit after a Public Accounts Committee found Britain's EU exit has hit trade.

Committee members found that while it was difficult to untangle how much of the hit was caused by the Covid pandemic and how much by Brexit, it was clear that the UK's departure from the European Union has had an impact.

The report notes that far from boosting productivity and contributing to the economy, the only detectable impact of Brexit to date has been to increase the burdens on businesses.

However, Sir Bill accused the Committee of missing the main benefit of Brexit which is to restore British sovereignty and self-government.

He told "We are now able to run our own affairs, trading on our own terms and making decisions in line with the wishes of the British people. That is the major, fundamental issue they don't consider.

"They have not only jumped the gun but missed the wood for the trees."

The Conservative MP for Stone explained it will take time to get rid of 40 years worth of retained EU laws made behind closed doors, some of which were imposed on Britain through majority votes by members of the bloc.

EU ‘terrorists’ putting a ‘bomb’ in peace with damaging Brexit demands as row explodes

EU "terrorists" have been accused of putting a "bomb" in peace with damaging Brexit demands which have caused a row to explode.

Debate over the controversial Northern Ireland Protocol rages on, with the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) insisting goods from other UK countries should not have to undergo checks, despite EU rules. 

The party has now warned it will not let Northern Ireland’s power-sharing Government be revived unless this demand from Brussels is dropped.

In no uncertain terms, Agriculture Minister Edwin Poots said the EU was damaging peace in Northern Ireland.

He, quoted in POLITICO, insisted: “Someone in Europe needs to wake up to the reality that they are not doing this to assist the peace process…

“The political element of the peace process has had a bomb put in it, and it hasn’t been by terrorists, it has been by the European Union.”

Mr Poots last week ordered officials to halt Irish Sea border checks.

'Breached principle!' Brexit Britain hit with EU court case amid Northern Ireland talks

Brexit Britain has been hit with a court case challenge from the European Union as talks between the UK and the Brussels bloc over Northern Ireland continue, a report has claimed.

The European Commission has launched its first post-Brexit court case against the UK.

According to the Financial Times, Brussels approached the European Court of Justice on Wednesday over a UK Supreme Court case in February 2020.

The European Commission said the case, which judged the Romanian Government must pay compensation to investors who lost out on state subsidies, "breached the principle of sincere cooperation" and violated EU law.

However, the announcement comes as London and Brussels lock horns over the Northern Ireland Protocol.

Boris Johnson, 57, even reiterated Brexit Britain could still trigger Article 16.

During his appearance at Prime Minister's Questions, Mr Johnson said: "The Protocol does not require, contrary to the way it is being applied by our friends, all foods, all medicines and all plants to be systematically checked in the way that they are."

DUP MP quotes Belfast film in Commons

The DUP's Ian Paisley quoted the Oscar-nominated film Belfast in the Commons during PMQ's on Wednesday, as part of an attempt to get Boris Johnson to scrap the Northern Ireland protocol, which he said has “zero support from unionists”.

Addressing Mr Johnson, the DUP MP said: “The film Belfast contains the immortal words: 'If you are not listening you probably don’t understand us and if you don’t understand us you are probably not listening’.

“The fact of the matter is the protocol has zero support from unionists.

“I hope the Prime Minister is listening to this, a solution that only attracts the support of one section of that community will never stand.”

Brexit export bonanza about to explode – £500BN surge and 5M jobs

The UK could see 5 million new jobs and a flurry of new export income worth up to £500bn as the nation capitalises on what one Tory MP has called a "huge advantage" of Brexit. 

A report from the Global Britain Commission has said that boosting UK exports to match those of Germany could create an additional £474bn of export income per year. 

Peter Bone told that the commission's findings are the " the future we're going to see". 

He said: "The simple thing is, we had a Brexit deal which gave us a free trade agreement with Europe and no quotas.

"And at the same time it allowed us to do free trade agreements around the world.

"And that is clearly a huge advantage to us going forward.

"The fact that we are the fastest growing economy in the G7 tends to indicate that we are succeeding very well at that.

"I think the argument that was made very strongly during Brexit was that the markets in Europe will be a declining market here for us, and it will be the rest of the world where the expansion, and the rest of the world where we sell goods.

"So I think it's absolutely right that this is the future we're going to see."

Brexiteer says BBC 'clearly biased' and wanted to remain in EU

A Tory MP has shamed the BBC for being "clearly biased" and wanting the UK to remain in the EU. 

Peter Bone, who introduced a Private Members Bill aiming to scrap the BBC licence fee in June 2021 told "What people tell me and what I see myself is the fact that they are institutionally biased.

"For instance, they were clearly biased towards remaining in the EU.

"If you just look at the guests on Question time, it was always dominated by Remain supporters.

"There was never a fair balance with Leave supporters.

"I ran the second biggest leave campaign in the country and none of the team were ever invited onto Question Time.

"I say it's institutional because I don't actually think they know they're even doing it themselves.

"I don't want to pay a licence fee for something that I don't agree with."

Laws to replace EU subsidies could 'cut across devolution settlement'

A group of MSPs have warned that the UK Government's plans to replace EU subsidies could "cut across the devolution settlement".

The Scottish Government's Economy and Fair Work Committee have published a report laying out their concerns with the Subsidy Control Bill.

The Bill sets out how governments and local authorities should make decisions to award subsidies.

However, MSPs on the committee have argued that the Bill is lacking in detail and has not been properly scrutinised by Holyrood. 

The report says that the Bill could lead to UK ministers intervening inappropriately.

Convener, Claire Baker, said: "Our committee is deeply concerned by a number of aspects of this Bill and its potential implications.

"The complete absence of detail on how this new subsidy control regime would work is not acceptable.

"In its current form, this new regime could see UK ministers cutting across the devolution settlement and intervening in devolved areas without consultation or knowledge of local circumstances.

"We find it wholly unsatisfactory that this Bill would allow UK Government and UK Ministers to legislate in a way which will have a direct impact on devolved areas of our economy, while bypassing scrutiny of the Scottish Parliament or Scottish ministers."

She continued: "But our concerns do not end with the impact on devolved matters.

"We have heard evidence that the proposed subsidy scheme could create an imbalance between communities at a local or regional level, who may not have the means or ability to compete for subsidy with larger businesses and orgs, and that will be the case across the UK.

"This may mean it unfairly disadvantages smaller organisations and community groups who previously had access to European support funds."

Independent Scotland would 'rejoin EU'

An MSP has said that if Scotland gains independence from the UK it will rejoin the EU to regain “the advantages, solidarity and stability taken from us by Brexit”.

Alyn Edward Smith, the MP for Sterling said he spent four years between the EU referendum and the UK's exit final exit from the bloc "fighting Brexit" and said its recent two year anniversary was a "grim day". 

Writing in the pro-Independence National newspaper, he added: “The damage of Brexit has for many been hidden in the fog of Covid, but clarity is in the post, especially as people start travelling again and are funnelled into the ‘rest of the world’ queue.

“Attitudes too across the EU to Scotland’s EU ambitions are light years more positive – for us – than they were before.

“Scotland could be the good news story out of the ashes of Brexit for an EU that could use a good news story right now.

“So we didn’t stop it, but I don’t see what we could have done that we didn’t.

And having been through that wringer we have now boiled away the froth to a binary choice that faces our country: Brexit Britain or independence in Europe.

“The last independence referendum was fought on the UK’s political ground and we were proposing change.

“Next time we’re the ones proposing change at home certainly, but a regaining of the advantages, solidarity and stability taken from us by Brexit.

“That is an argument we’ll win.”

UK wants to see progress on NI protocol within 10 days

The UK wants to see enough progress in talks on the Northern Ireland Protocol within the next 10 days to demonstrate to the DUP that they are going in the right direction after they pulled out of government. 

Last week, Paul Givan resigned as First Minister in protest at the post-Brexit trade rules. 

A senior British source said, on condition of anonymity: "If we can make a good step forward... to show there is a process that's moving in the right direction, that would clearly be a positive thing.

"We're not necessarily expecting to resolve everything in the next 10 days, obviously. This is probably going to be more of a process but that process needs to show unionism that it's significant and actually moving in the right direction to resolve outstanding issues."

Britain is hoping for progress in talks with the EU by February 21. 

Government hopeful DUP walkout will lead to NI protocol deal in weeks

The government is hopeful that the DUP's decision to bring Stormont to a halt will prompt the EU to make a compromise big enough to secure a deal on the Northern Ireland protocol. 

A senior UK source said on Wednesday that last week's DUP walkout, which saw Paul Givan resign as First Minister, suggested that a solution to the protocol that is excepted by the DUP is the only way of avoiding the province ending up without a functioning Executive.

The source said: "We are hopeful of a big enough move from the EU in the next few weeks to convince unionists that things are moving in the right direction," they said.

“If the Northern Ireland Protocol isn’t revolved by 5 May, the DUP probably won’t nominate a First Minister or Deputy First Minister, and that would put us in a very difficult place where we could have another long gap without an Executive”.

There are concerns that Northern Ireland could again find itself without a functioning executive during the next election if the DUP refuses to form government in protest of the protocol. 

In 2017, Stormont was collapsed and was not restored again until 2020. 

Unfair rule giving EU students better deal than English in Scotland is over

An unfair rule which gave EU students free tuition in Scotland but not English students has been abolished due to Brexit. 

Unlike England, which introduced tuition fees for university students in 1998, Scottish students do not have to pay for university. 

However, due to EU law, Holyrood was forced to treat EU students in the same way as Scottish students. 

Now, thanks to Brexit, this unfair rule has been scrapped and EU students no longer have access to free tuition in Scotland. 

Richard Lochhead, an SNP MSP confirmed the move in a statement, and said: "It is with a heavy heart that we have taken the difficult decision to end free education for new EU students from the academic year 2021/22 onwards as a consequence of Brexit.

“EU students who have already started their studies, or who start this autumn, will not be affected and will still be tuition free for the entirety of their course.

“As a consequence of the decision we have taken on EU students, we must also decide what happens to the funding that currently supports those places.

"I can confirm that we will not remove the funding we currently devote to paying EU student fees from the overall funding for the sector.

UK defence set for major overhaul - new rules after Brexit freedom

Brexit Britain has launched a new plan that will allow for regulation on defence exports and renewed methods of cooperation with other countries. 

One of the points raised in the Governments document highlight the benefits of Brexit was that the UK will finally be able to adopt a new defence and security strategy. 

The report says it will revolutionise the way defence exports are dealt with around the globe.

Under the umbrella of Global Britain, the document read: "Our UK Defence and Security Industrial Strategy (DSIS) sets the framework for a deeper, more sophisticated and strategic relationship with industry and promotes investment in the UK and defence exports.

Traffic jams are 'not because of Brexit', claims MP

A Conservative MP was mocked by opposition MPs after suggesting traffic jams in Dover are "not because of Brexit".

Heckles could be heard in the Commons chamber when Natalie Elphicke said: "Dover is once again beset by miles of traffic jams along the motorways affecting residents and local businesses alike - not because of Brexit, but because of Brussels bureaucracy and red tape."

Ms Elphicke asked Boris Johnson to meet with her to hold talks about investing in roads in the area.

The Prime Minister said Ms Elphicke was "absolutely right in what she says".

He added: "As the economy rebounds, we're seeing all sorts of pressures and we do need to make sure that we clear bottlenecks everywhere in our system and that's what we'll do."

Lorries queue for the Port of Dover in Kent, as the Dover TAP is enforced

Lorries queue for the Port of Dover in Kent, as the Dover TAP is enforced (Image: PA)

UK will trigger Article 16 if EU doesn't show 'common sense'

Boris Johnson has issued a warning to the European Union saying London would take action to suspend post-Brexit customs checks on goods moving to Northern Ireland if the bloc did not show "common sense". 

The Prime Minister said "we must fix it" adding that he believes it could be fixed adding that the UK would trigger Article 16 if "our friends don't show the requisite common sense". 

Article 16 is a safeguarding mechanism in the protocol which can be trigger if either the EU or UK concludes that the deal is leading to serious practical problems or causing diversion of trade.

'Its time the Government was honest' about Brexit problems

More now on the Public Accounts Committee report of the impact of Brexit on the UK border. 

The Committee dismissed the Government's aim to create the "most effective border in the world" by 2025 as being "optimistic, given where things stand today".

Chair Meg Hillier said the "only detectable impacts" so far are "increased costs, paperwork and border delays". 

She added: "The PAC has repeatedly reported on Brexit preparedness and at every step there have been delays to promised deadlines.

"It's time the Government was honest about the problems rather than overpromising."

Frost explodes at Boris as he lifts lid on furious red tape Brexit row

Lord Frost has hit out at Boris Johnson for hindering the UK's international trade by introducing post-Brexit red tape. 

Since January 1, full customs checks and import declarations have been required on goods arriving from the EU.

Lord Frost said he argued against the checks while in Government but was overruled.

He said: "This year is affected by the new inward customs processes we brought in on January 1.

"I wouldn't have done this but I lost the internal argument."

Lord Frost criticised the UK for following the bloc by introducing frictions to trade, urging the Government to stop following the EU model.

He said: "We have to put up with EU controls. But we don't have to replicate them ourselves."

UK and Switzerland snub EU and strike own deal

The UK and Switzerland appear to have snubbed the EU by agreeing a separate deal. 

Science Minister George Freeman announced that Britain is hoping to partner with the “science and innovation powerhouse” as part of his £6billion backup plan to Horizon Europe.

Both the UK and Switzerland were banned from participating in the programme until disputes were resolved.

Luckily, Mr Freeman made contingency plans so that researchers can still access the funding from the grants they were supposed to receive from Horizon Europe.

He has suggested that his “Plan B” involves working with partners outside the EU, which are scientific powerhouses like Switzerland.

UK and EU yet to reach agreement on key research deal

Scientists are preparing to hold talks with the European Commission over a long-awaited research deal. 

The two sides are yet to reach a deal on the UK's involvement in Europe's €85 billion flagship research programme, Horizon Europe.

The hold up is due to the ongoing row between the UK and the EU over the Northern Ireland Protocol.

Policy manager at the  Russell Group, a consortium of top UK research universities, Jo Burton said: "We're starting to become very concerned about the situation."

The deal would allow British researchers to bid for funding from the Horizon Europe programme but scholars say the Commission is holding science "hostage" for wider political games. 

Rees-Mogg steps into new Brexit role

The Prime Minister tinkered with his team on Tuesday, appointing a new key role for Brexit. 

Jacob Rees-Mogg was moved in the new role of Minister for Brexit Opportunities.

Mr Rees-Mogg, who previously said it would take half a century to feel the full benefit of Brexit, has been told by Boris Johnson to draw up an action plan with "1,000 regulations we want to get rid of", according to Government officials. 

Jacob Rees-Mogg

Jacob Rees-Mogg (Image: PA)

Boris Johnson warned to cooperate with Brussels to reduce port mayhem

Parliaments spending watchdog has warned that the Government needs to cooperate with Brussels to reduce delays at UK ports.

According to official data from the ONS, Brexit along with the impact pandemic have meant that Britain’s trade with the EU has led to both imports and exports being exceptionally down compared to July 2018.

Imports have fallen by £3 billion while exports are £1.7 down compared to the July figures which was described as the last most stable time in UK trade.

According to ONS, in July, total exports of goods dropped sharply by £300 million due to a £900 million fall in exports to the EU.

'Clear that Eu exit has had an impact on businesses', report finds

Businesses have faced higher costs, more paperwork, and border delays since Britain left the EU, according to the public spending watchdog. 

A report by the Public Accounts Committee found that while it was difficult to untangle how much of the hit to trade since the end of the Brexit transition has been caused by the pandemic and how much by Brexit, it was "clear that EU exit has had an impact".

In its review of the impact of Brexit on the UK border, it slammed the Government saying it has "much more work".

It said that far from freeing up firms to boost productivity and contribution to the economy, the "only detectable impact" of Brexit so far has been to increase the burdens on businesses.

Lorries queue for the Port of Dover

Lorries queue for the Port of Dover (Image: PA)

Good morning

Good morning I'm Francesca Edwards, I’ll be bringing you all the latest developments on Brexit for the next eight hours.

Please feel free to get in touch with me as I work if you have a story or tips to share! Your thoughts are always welcome.

Email: [email protected]

Twitter: @FrankieLEdwards

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