'It's a tragedy' Boris savaged for 'cowing' to huge EU threat over hated deal

BORIS JOHNSON has been criticised for "cowing" to a huge EU threat over the hated post-Brexit deal.

Brexit: Tory MP calls for SPS treaty between UK and EU

Pro-Brexit businessman and former MEP Ben Habib told Express.co.uk: "Article 16 is not, as it is so often described, a nuclear button. It is a legitimate safeguarding measure within the Northern Ireland Protocol entitling the UK to suspend part or all of the Protocol if it is doing societal, environmental, or economic damage and/ or there is a diversion of trade. The grounds to invoke it exist. This is accepted by the Government. That it does not invoke is an act of gross negligence and constitutional self-harm. The Government and our PM are cowed by the EU’s (illegal) threat of sanctions if Article 16 is invoked. Our government and our PM lack backbone and an understanding of how properly to deal with this situation. It is a tragedy."



Brexit LIVE: 'It's a tragedy' Boris savaged for 'cowing' to huge EU threat over hated deal. (Image: Getty)

'He only thinks about the EU!' Frexiteer's huge fears for France if Macron wins election

Emmanuel Macron has been accused of putting the EU's interests before those of France by a leading Frexiteer, who warned he is "worried about the next five years" should he win the presidential election. 

He is often seen as the mouthpiece for the EU - particularly since former German Chancellor and Brussels figurehead Angela Merkel stepped down from her role at the end of last year.

But one leading Frexiteer has admitted to huge fears for France if Mr Macron wins another term as president.

When asked what France has learnt from Mr Macron's current term in office, Generation Frexit President Charles-Henri Gallois told Express.co.uk: "Regarding sovereignty, it’s a total disaster. He keeps on transferring powers to the EU.

"He has not solved any issues with purchasing power issues and a massive debt due to his Covid policies. France is for sure worse than it was five years ago."

PM slammed as Welsh microchip factory sold to China

The Prime Minster has given the green light for a major Welsh microchip factory to be sold to a Chinese-owned firm.

Whitehall refused to block the sale of the Newport Water Fab, the UK’s largest semiconductor plant, to Nexperia, which is a Dutch subsidiary of the Chinese tech company Wingtech.

Sir Iain Duncan Smith, a former Conservative leader called the decision to sell the factory “ridiculous.”

Read more here.

Boris sent Brexit ultimatum

The Prime Minister has been sent a Brexit ultimatum – act on the Northern Ireland Protocol or risk handing this part of the UK to Sinn Fein in upcoming elections and, at worst, split up the union.

Responding to questions from Express.co.uk readers, Mark Francois of the eurosceptic European Research Group (ERG) said: “The EU is playing with fire with these [Protocol] negotiations.

“Our own ministers [also] need to seriously raise their game and highlight the risks involved.”

He added: “The ERG has been warning Number 10 about the lack of progress on the Protocol for over a year.

“If nothing is done very soon, we will probably see Sinn Fein taking control of the devolved Government of Northern Ireland within six weeks.”

Read more here.

Habib answers your Brexit concerns HERE

We recently asked Express.co.uk readers to submit there questions to Ben Habib.

The pro-Brexit businessman and former MEP responded here.

Themes include the Northern Ireland Protocol, net zero and the damning assessment that “we have yet to properly Brexit”.

Boris savaged for 'cowing' to huge EU threat over hated deal

Former MEP Ben Habib has criticised Boris Johnson for failing to deal with post-Brexit issues in Northern Ireland and for not triggering Article 16.

Mr Habib told Express.co.uk: “Article 16 is not, as it is so often described, a nuclear button.

"It is a legitimate safeguarding measure within the Northern Ireland Protocol entitling the UK to suspend part or all of the Protocol if it is doing societal, environmental, or economic damage and/ or there is a diversion of trade. The grounds to invoke it exist.

"This is accepted by the Government. That it does not invoke is an act of gross negligence and constitutional self-harm.

"The Government and our PM are cowed by the EU’s (illegal) threat of sanctions if Article 16 is invoked.

"Our government and our PM lack backbone and an understanding of how properly to deal with this situation. It is a tragedy."

Impact of Northern Ireland Protocol ‘breathtaking’

The Northern Ireland Protocol “assaults” democracy, according to former DUP Deputy Leader Nigel Dodds.

In a comment shared by pro-Brexit businessman Ben Habib, Mr Dodds wrote: “The Protocol’s assault on basic principles of democracy is so breath-taking as to be scarcely believable in a 21st century society.”

Negotiations over the post-Brexit Protocol appear to have come to a standstill since Russia began its invasion of Ukraine.

Talks to date have been amicable yet inconclusive.

Brexiteers vindicated by Macron's push for a 'Federalised EU'

Brexiteer have been vindicated by Emmanuel Macron’s push for an evermore “Federalised EU”, a Tory backbencher has claimed.

Mark Francois of the European Research Group (ERG) said the actions of the French President proved Brexiteers had been “right all along”.

Responding to questions from Express.co.uk readers, he said: “If the EU really does try to become a Federal state, in which individual nations are completely subsumed, that would only serve to underline that the ERG and the wider Brexiteer movement were right all along.”

Read more here.

'Brexit Britain will pull ahead' Economist forecasts UK GDP will overtake Eurozone in 2022

Brexit Britain will see its economy overtake the Eurozone in 2022, an expert believes.

The forecast by economist Julian Jessop follows two years of damage to the global economy during the Covid pandemic. The expected growth comes in part as nations recover from the fall caused by various factors, as supply once again begins to meet demands.

Sharing new data on Twitter, Mr Jessop wrote: “After a bigger fall in 2020 and initially a weaker recovery (due to Brexit), the UK caught up with the Eurozone in the last quarter of 2021.

“I expect the UK to pull ahead in 2022.”

The self-declared Brexit optimist went on to compare the UK with other EU nations.

He added: “Comparing GDP in Q4 2021 with the pre-Covid level (Q4 201), France is still ahead, chapeau!

“But on this basis at least, the UK has done better than Italy, Germany and Spain.”

UK delayed planning for pandemic due to Brexit, claims expert

The UK delayed planning for the coronavirus pandemic due to Brexit, a top disasters expert has said. 

Professor Lucy Easthorpe said that the government acted too late in its response to the pandemic, adding that disaster experts were told "we couldn't plan for Brexit and a pandemic at the same time, it was too ridiculous to think of both happening at the same time".

Prof Easthorpe said that a number of meetings in January 2020, following reports of the virus in Wuhan, were postponed. 

Prof Easthope said disaster planners knew a pandemic was the UK's "highest and most likely National Risk" but failed to convince the government of this as their priorities were elsewhere. 

Vets warn delay to post-Brexit checks could open door to African swine fever

Vets have warned that a fresh delay to post-Brexit checks on EU goods could open the door to African Swine Fever and other diseases. 

No 10 has revealed that they are exploring a delay to the July checks on EU products of animal and plant origin, due to the rising cost of living. 

The British Veterinary Association warned: “It will be the fourth delay and open the door even further to the potential incursion of African Swine Fever, which is spreading rapidly"

James Russell, the BVA’s senior vice president told ministers: “It would be deeply misguided to push back the need for these vital checks even further and in so doing weaken this layer of protection for both animal and public health."

African Swine Fever affects all pigs and is common in many African countries. 

It does not affect humans but is spread by them. 

Mr Russel described the disease as "devastating".

He added: “If this extension is allowed to go ahead it will be the fourth delay.

“Official veterinarians working at the border act as the country’s first line of defence of biosecurity, and we feel it would be deeply misguided to push back the need for these vital checks.”

New Brexit checks could cause 'collapse' in trade

The government has been warned that some forms of UK trade will "collapse" if additional post-Brexit checks are introduced on July 1.  

The Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) checks will see inspections on imported agri-food and plant products. 

The new checks will add up to £1bn to the cost of trade. 

Shane Brennan, chief executive of the Cold Chain Federation, said the checks would be a “nightmare” for small businesses and called on the government to delay their implementation due to the cost of living crisis. 

The food industry chief warned there could be a “collapse” in trade among “small volume” British businesses if the new checks are imposed.

Truss handed key to 'eliminate friction' in Sefcovic negotiation deadlock

Liz Truss has been handed the key to "eliminate friction" in negotiations over the Northern Ireland protocol.

The Ulster Unionist Party have dedicated several pages of their Stormont manifesto to the protocol.

One of the proposals mentioned in the manifesto is a bespoke SPS Treaty between the UK and EU, which they say could "virtually eliminate much of the friction currently being experienced."

This comes as Northern Ireland secretary Brandon Lewis played down the prospect of triggering Article 16 of the protocol and acknowledged that Britain is legally obliged to do goods checks on products crossing the Irish Sea.

Good morning

Good afternoon, I'm Olivia Stringer and I’ll be bringing you all the latest developments on Brexit for the next eight hours. Please feel free to get in touch with me as I work if you have a story or tips to share! Your thoughts are always welcome.

Email: [email protected] 

Twitter: @Livstringer_

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