Labour conference LIVE: Keir Starmer's green energy plan slammed as 'wishful thinking'

Sir Keir Starmer is giving his keynote speech at the annual Labour conference in Livepool this afternoon.

Starmer pledges state-owned energy firm in conference speech

Sir Keir Starmer's plans to solve the cost of living crisis by creating a state-owned clean energy company have been slammed as "wishful thinking". In a keynote speech at the Labour Party's conference in Liverpool on Tuesday said the company would be like French-owned EDF, and produce green energy, create new jobs to boost the economy and lower household bills. However, the plans have been called "disastrous" by Andy Mayer, Chief Operating Officer and Energy Analyst at the Institute for Economic Affairs. Reacting to Sir Keir's announcement, he said: "Only the Labour party could look at the current energy mess and think ‘what this needs is more politicians’.

“Great British Energy might involve nationalising current suppliers or creating a new British Leyland for wind farms.

“Either way it will be a disaster, with Ministers picking winners, and civil servants making an expensive mess of deployment.”


Labour conference LIVE: Starmer rages against Tories and declares victory is coming

Labour conference LIVE: Starmer rages against Tories and declares victory is coming (Image: Sky News)

MP apologises for 'ill-judged' comments on Kwarteng

MP Rupa Huq has apologised for calling Kwasi Kwarteng "superficially black". 

Following the comments, which were made at the Labour conference on Monday, Ms Huq had the whip suspended. 

Tweeting an apology, she said: "I have today contacted Kwasi Kwarteng to offer my sincere and heartfelt apologies for the comments I made at yesterday’s Labour conference fringe meeting. My comments were ill-judged and I wholeheartedly apologise to anyone affected."

Labour says it will ensure trade negotiators deliver opportunities across the UK

Labour has said that if it is in power it will ensure that trade negotiators deliver opportunities across the UK. 

Nick Thomas-Symonds, the shadow international trade secretary said: "We can't go on with a situation where only 1.4% of exporters are from the North East and less than 5% from the East Midlands.

"So, I can pledge today the next Labour government will establish firm rules to ensure that trade negotiators have binding responsibilities to help deliver economic opportunities across all of the United Kingdom.

"For every new trade deal Labour negotiates, we will do everything possible to ensure that it will work for communities, livelihoods and businesses nationwide."

Labour delegate booed at conference for saying supporting Ukraine is imperialism

A Labour delegate was booed at the conference on Tuesday for saying that supporting Ukraine is "supporting imperialism" and being "complicit in war crimes". 

The comments were made in the main hall as the party debated a motion that included calls for Labour to continue to support Ukraine in its fight against Russian invaders. 

Although the statement was booed, a small number of people also applauded it. 

On the prospect of the motion being approved, Angelo Sanchez, from Leicester South Constituency Labour Party, said: "It means that the future Labour government would be sending money to a government, the Ukrainian government, that is repressing the left in their own country, a government that is criminalising socialist parties and imprisoning Ukrainian activists.

"If you support this motion, motion 13 on Ukraine, you are not supporting the Ukrainian people, you are supporting only the United States, you are supporting neoliberalism, you are supporting imperialism."

Belarus opposition leader to speak at conference tomorrow

Belarus's opposition leader will be a guest speaker at the Labour Party conference tomorrow. 

Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya will use her address to say that the fate of her country and of Ukraine is connected in the fight against Vladimir Putin's "Russian imperialism".

Belarusian leader Alexander Lukashenko is an ally of Putin and and allowed the Russian leader to use his country as a launch pad for his invasion of Ukraine. 

A Labour spokesman said: "In 2020 Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya bravely stood for election as president of Belarus against Putin-backed dictator Alexander Lukashenko, inspiring people to take to the streets after election victory was taken away by the armed forces.

"Since then she has been forced to flee her home country but has remained a leader of the peaceful resistance against the Putin-backed oppressive regime in Belarus and a prominent advocate of political and civil freedom.

"Her legacy and her work continue to inspire pro-democratic movements in Belarus and in Russia, making her of the biggest external enemies to the Kremlin outside of Belarus and Russia.

"Her message at conference will be the fate of Belarus and Ukraine are interconnected and both countries are fighting against Russian imperialism and fighting for a future of independence and sovereignty from Vladimir Putin."

Miliband calls Huq's comments 'appalling'

Former Labour leader Ed Miliband has called the comments made by Labour MP Rupa Huq on Monday about the Chancellor "appalling". 

Ms Huq was recorded at the Labour Party conference in Liverpool stating that Kwasi Kwarteng is "superficially black" because he is privately educated and is a Conservative. 

Ms Huq subsequently had the Labour whip removed. 

Asked whether Ms Huq would get the whip reinstated after he apology, Mr Miliband, who is now shadow secretary for climate change and net zero, told Radio 4's PM programme: "Well, that's a matter for Keir Starmer, but look, let me just say these are appalling comments that Rupa Huq made.

"There is absolutely no place for these kind of comments in our politics and the party will have to decide what it does in terms of her future, but I mean these comments are reprehensible and awful."

Keir Starmer's green energy plan slammed as 'wishful thinking'

 Keir Starmer's plans to solve the cost of living crisis by creating a state-owned clean energy company have been slammed as "wishful thinking".

In a keynote speech at the Labour Party's conference in Liverpool on Tuesday said the company would be like French-owned EDF, and produce green energy, create new jobs to boost the economy and lower household bills.

However, the plans have been called "disastrous" by Andy Mayer, Chief Operating Officer and Energy Analyst at the Institute for Economic Affairs.

Reacting to Sir Keir's announcement, he said: "Only the Labour party could look at the current energy mess and think ‘what this needs is more politicians’.

“Great British Energy might involve nationalising current suppliers or creating a new British Leyland for wind farms.

“Either way it will be a disaster, with Ministers picking winners, and civil servants making an expensive mess of deployment.”

Lammy calls for special tribunal to prosecute Putin

David Lammy has called for a special tribunal to prosecute Vladimir Putin for his "crime of aggression".

The shadow foreign secretary told the Labour Party conference in Liverpool: "No act of imperialism is ever the same.

"But Vladimir Putin's barbaric invasion of Ukraine this year was just the latest front in an age-old war between democracy and dictatorship. Freedom and subjugation. Empire and independence.

"As Vladimir Putin continues to wage his barbaric war, let us send a message directly to him: we will create a special tribunal to prosecute you for your crime of aggression."

Lammy says Labour's foreign policy will be 'green'

Shadow Foreign Secretary David Lammy has said that labour's foreign policy will be "green" with a "new green dimension". 

Speaking at the Labour Party conference in Liverpool, he said: "Never again will we be dependent on fossil fuel dictators.

"We will push for climate action to become a fourth pillar of the United Nations as recommended by my colleague Lord Collins' Review.

"We will seek to work with allies and partners to create a new international law of ecocide to criminalise the wanton and widespread destruction of the environment."

Labour MP has whip suspended after comments on Kwarteng

Labour MP Rupa Huq has had the whip suspended after comments she made at the Labour Party conference yesterday about Chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng being "superficially black". 

The move by Labour's leadership came after the chairman of the Conservative Party Jake Berry wrote to Sir Keir Starmer to express his concerns about Ms Huq's comments. 

Starmer says Labour will 'make Brexit work'

Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer has insisted that his party will "make Brexit work".

In his speech at the Labour Party conference in Liverpool he accused Liz Truss of "changing the meaning of Brexit before your eyes".

He said: "it is no secret I voted Remain - as the Prime Minister did", which stirred a few chuckles.

He went on: "But what I heard, around the country, was people who thought we'd got our priorities wrong; who wanted democratic control over their lives but who also wanted opportunities for the next generation, communities they felt proud of, public services they could rely on."

"I didn't hear that Brexit was about slashing workers' rights.

"I didn't hear people wanting to lower standards on food, animal welfare or the environment.

"I didn't hear them wanting to end redistribution."

Addressing Labour's lost voters, he said: "So I want to speak directly to the people who left Labour on this issue. Whether you voted Leave or Remain, you've been let down.

"And with Liz Truss, the Tories are changing the meaning of Brexit before your eyes."

He added: "If you voted for a government to step in on your side, for better work, higher wages, more opportunities in your community, for an NHS that is modern and reliable.

"If you voted to take control of your life and for the next generation to have control of theirs, then I say to you: that is what I will deliver.

"I will make work pay for the people who create this country's wealth.

"I will make sure we buy, make and sell more in Britain.

"I will revitalise public services and control immigration using a points-based system.

"I will spread power and opportunity to all."

Labour MP heard calling Kwarteng 'superficially black'

A Labour MP has been overheard calling Chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng "superficially black". 

In audio published online, Rupa Huq can be heard stating that "you wouldn't know he's black" when listening to him on the radio. 

In the audio, which is thought to have been recorded during a firnge event at the Labour conference in Monday, Ms Huq could be heard saying: "Superficially he is a black man.

"He went to Eton, I think, he went to a very expensive prep school, all the way through, the top schools in the country.

"If you hear him on the Today programme, you wouldn't know he is black."

Good afternoon

Good afternoon, I'm Olivia Stringer and I’ll be bringing you all the latest developments on the Labour Party conference for the next eight hours. Please feel free to get in touch with me as I work if you have a story or tips to share! Your thoughts are always welcome.

Email: [email protected] 

Twitter: @Livstringer_

'We can't work with them'- Starmer on SNP

Scotland needs a Labour government and Labour will not make a deal with the SNP "under any circumstances", Sir Keir said.

He said problems facing the country are "common across our four nations".

Sir Keir continued: "Scotland needs a Labour government that can deliver change. But it also needs the power and resources to shape its own future, whoever's in power in Westminster. And the SNP are not interested in this.

"For them, Scotland's success in the UK is met with gritted teeth, seen as a roadblock to independence, and so, they stand in the way. We can't work with them. We won't work with them. No deal under any circumstances."

Target of 70% home ownership

Labour will set a target of 70 percent home ownership and will help "real first-time buyers" onto the ladder with a "new mortgage guarantee scheme".

Sir Keir told the Labour conference the dream of owning your own home is "slipping away for too many" under the Tory Government. 

He outlined Labour's target saying: "No more buy-to-let landlords or second homeowners getting in first.

We will back working people's aspiration. Help real first-time buyers onto the ladder with a new mortgage guarantee scheme. Reform planning so speculators can't stop communities getting shovels in the ground.

"My message is this: if you are grafting every hour to buy your own home, Labour is on your side. Labour is the party of home ownership in Britain today."

Labour will set a target of 70 percent home ownership

Labour will set a target of 70 percent home ownership (Image: Getty)

Labour will end 'blight of low pay'

Sir Keir has said Labour will end "the blight of low pay and insecure work" with a New Deal for Working People.

He said: "The real problem is we create too many jobs that are low paid and insecure. We lock too many communities out of the wealth we create. And public services aren't strong enough to help working people succeed.

"That's why we struggle to grow - our economic foundations are weak. And the Tory argument is: that's fine. If the City of London races ahead and the rest of the country stagnates - they think that's okay."

Labour fighting for Britain to 'thrive not just survive'

Labour is fighting for a Britain where people are "thriving", not just "surviving", says Sir Keir. 

He continued to tell the story of a woman he met in Grimbsy who had an impact on him. 

"In Grimsby a few months ago I was really struck by a woman I met. She said something which was really simple: 'I don't just want to survive; I want to live'. As I got back on the train, that phrase went round and round in my head. 'I don't just want to survive; I want to live'.

He added that he wants to "look her in the eyes after five years" of a Labour Government and know she is thriving. 

"That's the difference a Labour government (will) make. That's the Britain we're fighting for," Sir Keir added.

Starmer announced 'Great British Energy

Sir Keir announced he will create 'Great British Energy', a publicly owned company that will cut energy bills. 

The announcement was met with a large applause from the conference in Liverpool. 

He added that "none of this will be easy" with "tough battles ahead".

He said a Labour government would commit to 100 percent clean power by 2030.

War in Ukraine was 'immediate spark' of cost-of-living

The Labour leader has moved onto the war in Ukraine now, shouting "Slava Ukraini!"

He went on to say he will never accept that the war in Ukraine is "an excuse for how unprepared Britain was to tackle the fallout".

Sir Keir recognised that the war was the "immediate spark" of the cost-of-living crisis. 

He went on: "But I will never accept that the war is an excuse for how unprepared Britain was to tackle the fallout.

"The war didn't ban offshore wind. The war didn't scrap home insulation. The war didn't stall British nuclear energy. The Tories did that."

'Country first, party second'

Sir Keir said it must be "country first, party second" for Labour members.

He was applauded after saying the party had had to "rip antisemitism out by its roots".

Sir Keir said he knew he had to deliver "change with a purpose" when he became party leader, adding: "To make our Labour Party fit to serve our country.

"That's why we had to rip antisemitism out by its roots, why we had to show our support for Nato is non-negotiable, show we want business to prosper, shed unworkable policies.

"Country first, party second."

Support for NHS met with standing ovation

The Labour leader has moved onto the NHS now, saying he is "worries about how many lives are at risk this winter". 

He highlighted that his mum, his sister and his wife worked in the NHS saying it "runs through his family like a stick of rock".

Talking about his local hospital he said he had been told it is "face down on the floor". 

He went on to confirm Labour would recruit more healthcare workers every year to deal with increasing demand. 

Starmer is met with a standing ovation

Starmer is met with a standing ovation (Image: EXPRESS)

'They have ripped out the foundations of Britiain'- Starmer slams Tory Government

Sir Keir has slammed the Tory Government saying: "They used to lecture us about fixing the roof when the sun was shining.

"But take a look around Britain, they haven't just failed to fix the roof, they've ripped out the foundations, smashed through the windows and now they've blown the doors off for good measure."

Government has 'lost control'

The Labour leader said the UK has seen two side in the past few weeks, referring to the passing of Queen Elizabeth II. 

He said the country "found a unique way to capture the British spirit." 

On the other side a "cloud of anxiety hand over working people," Sir Keir added. 

He said the Government has "lost control of the British economy" adding that the "only way to stop this is with a Labour Government". 

Starmer promises to 'get justice' for Liverpool.

Sir Keir Starmer has begun his speech by highlighting what he would do for Liverpool if Labour win the next election. 

The Labour leader said he has "spent a lifetime helping those who have been failed by the system" before promising to "get justice" for the city of Liverpool.

Starmer address the Labour conference

Starmer address the Labour conference (Image: Sky News)

Strikes march ahead of Starmers speech

Ahead of Sir Keir Starmer's speech, striking Labour dockers have marched to the conference centre.

They're demanding the Labour leader show solidarity with those taking industrial action.

They are joined by Momentum activists carrying placards reading: "Labour4Labour"

Striking Labour dockers have marched to the conference centre

Striking Labour dockers have marched to the conference centre. (Image: EXPRESS)

Starmer to address conference shortly

Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer is about to give his keynote address at this year's Labour Conference in Liverpool. 

We will be bringing you live updates throughout. 

Starmer to address conference shortly

Starmer to address conference shortly (Image: EXPRESS)

'Dysfunctional' economy is crushing 'entrepreneurial spirit', says Rayner

Angela Rayner has warned the "disjointed" and "dysfunctional" economy is crushing Britain's "entrepreneurial spirit" as she pledged Labour would "unleash" the UK's potential.

The deputy Labour leader made the case for rewarding employers who want to do "the right thing", so they can help promote "sustainable" growth.

Ms Rayner said Labour would ensure "all levers of the public sector are looking outwards" to "support our social values" and help businesses get a "fair crack at the whip".

She added: "At the moment it's disjointed, dysfunctional and prohibiting that inspiring entrepreneurial nature that I think is quite unique to the UK and has always set us apart, and why we've always been one of the world leaders is because we do have great entrepreneurial spirit in the UK. And we want to unleash that potential."

Corbyn seen on picket line in Liverpool

Former Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn has joined a picket line of trade workers in Liverpool. 

Earlier today shadow health secretary Wes Streeting said Mr Cobyrn should never get the whip back. 

David Lammy cozies up to Macron as Labour touts 'partnership' with 'closest ally'

Shadow Foreign Secretary David Lammy has described France as being one of the UK's "closest allies".

Speaking at an event on the fringes of the Labour party conference in Liverpool, the MP for Tottenham called on the UK to "work in partnership" with the EU country, saying: "We would not describe Macron as a foe."

Mr Lammy accused the UK Government of "undermining international agreements", referring to Prime Minister Liz Truss's plans to suspend parts of the Northern Ireland Protocol.

He said: "There remain very significant security issues that have arisen as a result of leaving the European Union.

"We cannot do this while we are tearing up the rule of law and undermining international agreements that we have signed."


David Lammy cozies up to Macron

David Lammy cozies up to Macron (Image: Getty)

Labour not ruling out restrictions on junk food

Labour is not ruling out tougher regulation of unhealthy food once the cost-of-living crisis has eased, shadow health secretary Wes Streeting said.

Mr Streeting said it would be "tin-eared" to oppose the Government's plans to scrap a ban on buy one get one free deals for junk food, given the strains on family finances.

But speaking at a Fabian Society event Mr Streeting said he had heard the "heartbreak" from public health campaigners "through my inbox and on the fringe (of the Labour Party conference)".

He said: "I've not said not ever, I've been very clear in saying not now."

Mr Streeting added that he was "open to persuasion" that regulation was not needed if the junk food industry could demonstrate it would take action on its own.

Real reason for decline in polls revealed

Further analysis of the YouGov poll for The Times reveals a drop in the number of Tory voters switching to Labour.

Instead, most voters move to 'don't know'.

It comes after the poll revealed Labour to have a 17 point lead over the Tories.

Head of political polling at Opinium Research Chris Curtin said Labour "still needs to convert more" if they want to win the next election.

He added: "It's not as bad for the Tories as the headline number suggests."

Emily Thornberry pokes fun at Boris and Truss

Emily Thornberry jokingly apologised to the Labour conference for having shadowed both Boris Johnson and Liz Truss before they went on to become prime ministers.

The shadow attorney general told delegates in Liverpool: "Conference, it's a pleasure to be back in Liverpool. But I must start with an apology. The last time I stood here in 2018, I was shadowing Boris Johnson. When our conference was cancelled in 2020, I was shadowing Liz Truss.

"So, I don't know what this curse is, but let me apologise in advance for the catastrophic period in our national history when the premiership of Suella Braverman begins.

"It could get worse though. We may need an emergency motion stating that Keir cannot under any circumstances make me shadow Jacob Rees-Mogg."

Ms Thornberry argued "we will only start to repair our justice system when we succeed in changing our government", adding: "That is why this week, this year and for as long as it takes, our only priority must be winning the next general election."

Emily Thornberry pokes fun at Boris and Truss

Emily Thornberry pokes fun at Boris and Truss (Image: Getty)

Scotland will not be 'drag on Labour ticket' at next election, says Sarwar

Scottish Labour leader Anas Sarwar has said Labour in Scotland will not be a "drag" on the party's ticket at the next election.

Labour has been in decline in Scotland over the past decade, falling to third place in Holyrood and in local authorities before their fortunes were reversed at this year's council elections.

Speaking from the party conference Mr Sarwar said he wanted the party to make "significant gains" in Scotland. 

He added: "I think in the context of a UK Government where we're not just going to oppose the Tories, we're going to replace them, I genuinely believe we can make significant gains.

"I think Scotland is not going to be the drag on the ticket - Scotland's not going to be what stop us from having a UK Labour government.

"Scotland's going to help us deliver that UK Labour government."

Chancellor to meet to discuss financial plans

Kwasi Kwarteng will meet asset managers, pension funds and insurers on Tuesday to discuss his plans for financial services deregulation.

The meeting, expected to take place mid-morning, will be attended by Aviva, BlackRock and JP Morgan among others.

It comes a day after the pound plunged to historic lows in response to the Chancellor's tax-cutting mini-budget last Friday, forcing Mr Kwarteng and the Bank of England to move to reassure markets.

What to expect from Keir Stamer's speech

Sir Keir Starmer will outline his ambition for the country in his speech at around 2pm this afternoon. 

The Labour leader will quote Sir Tony Blair to dub Labour the "political wing of the British people".

He will argue Labour is the party of financial responsibility after the pound plummeted in response to the Tories' plans to borrow billions to pay for massive tax cuts.

Sir Keir will also accuse the Tories of losing control of the economy and vows to get the UK "out of this endless cycle of crisis".

Keir Starmer prepares his keynote speech

Keir Starmer prepares his keynote speech (Image: Getty)

Labour Party accused of 'lawlessness' in explosive new documentary

A new documentary claims that the Labour party worked to "undermine members supportive of Jeremy Corbyn".

The program, a series titled 'The Labour Files', focuses on the evolution of the party since the fall of former leader Jeremy Corbyn and introduction of Sir Keir Starmer. 

It has accused Sir Keir Starmer of leading a "lawless party", claiming to have found evidence that "unelected officials undermined democracy within the Labour Party."

Released by Al Jazeera, it is described by the broadcaster as the "largest leak in British political history".

The “leak” includes data obtained like documents, email correspondence and video files from the party spanning 1998 to 2021


Starmer needs to turn 'anger' into 'positive appetite'

The shadow health secretary said Sir Keir Starmer needs to turn the "anger" with the Tories into a "positive appetite" for Labour in order to win the next election.

Wes Streeting said on Sky News that his party leader needs to "turn the anger and frankly disgust with the Conservatives into a positive appetite for Labour".

He added: "We're not relying on the Conservatives to fail to be in Government. We've got a positive, serious alternative to offer the country.

"At the next election I don't want people to vote for Labour as the least-worst option.

"I want people to go to the ballot box voting to give change a chance with Labour, with the hope, belief and conviction we can deliver real change for people across the country."

Shadow health secretary Wes Streeting

Shadow health secretary Wes Streeting (Image: Sky News)

Labour records biggest lead over Tories in two decades

Labour has risen to its largest poll lead in over two decades over the Conservative party.

A YouGov poll for The Times showed a 17-point lead, a level of support not seen since Tony Blair's victory in 2001.

The survey found huge public opposition, even among Conservatives, to the tax cuts announced by Kwarteng in the mini-budget last week, said The Times.

Good morning

Good morning I'm Francesca Edwards, I’ll be bringing you all the latest developments on the Labour Party conference. Please feel free to get in touch with me as I work if you have a story or tips to share! Your thoughts are always welcome.

Email: [email protected]

Twitter: @FrankieLEdwards

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