POLL: Should Suella Braverman be sacked? Have your say

Suella Braverman is under fire after violence erupted at a protest days after she penned an article accusing the police of bias. Should the Home Secretary be sacked? Vote in our poll.

By Georgina Laud, Engagement Editor, Charles Harrison, News Reporter

Suella Braverman

POLL: Should Suella Braverman be sacked? Have your say (Image: GETTY)

has sparked controversy after an op-ed stirred up hatred that some say led to far-right protesters clashing with police at the Cenotaph yesterday.

In her article, written ahead of the march demanding a Gaza ceasefire on Armistice Day, the Home Secretary said there is a "perception that senior police officers play favourites when it comes to protesters".

She wrote in The Times: "Right-wing and nationalist protesters who engage in aggression are rightly met with a stern response yet pro-Palestinian mobs displaying almost identical behaviour are largely ignored, even when clearly breaking the law?

"I have spoken to serving and former police officers who have noted this double standard.

"Football fans are even more vocal about the tough way they are policed as compared to politically connected minority groups favoured by the left.

"It may be that senior officers are more concerned with how much flak they are likely to get than whether this perceived unfairness alienates the majority. The Government has a duty to take a broader view."

The article was submitted to Downing Street, but did not get signed off as significant alterations were requested, it was understood. The piece was published nonetheless.

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak is now facing calls from Labour and the Liberal Democrats to sack Mrs Braverman. This morning, Sadiq Khan added to the demands for her to step down.

“Sadly, these scenes were predictable after a week of efforts from some to stoke tension,” Mr Khan wrote in the Sunday Mirror.

“They were a direct result of the Home Secretary’s words and behaviour.”

“If Suella Braverman had any honour she would resign – and if not, Rishi Sunak should sack her.”

While Sir Keir Starmer said her and the Prime Minister’s treatment of the police and protesters showed a “lack of respect for this country’s values and its principles”.

Shadow Home Secretary Yvette Cooper said in the Commons: "Does this Government still believe in the operational independence of the police, and how can it do so while this Home Secretary is in post?”

saying: "The Home Secretary is only saying what most people are thinking.

"She is allowed to comment on and criticise the Met Police. Anyone who thinks her comments are outrageous needs to get out more."

Former Brexit minister also defended Ms Braverman tweeting: "She is in my view correct to call out a lack of even-handedness in the way some demonstrations, and indeed some opinions, are policed. Saying anything else invites people to disbelieve their eyes."

What do you think? Should Suella Braverman be sacked? Vote in our poll and have your say in the comments.

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