Rwanda bill vote: Lords back down as Rishi Sunak's Rwanda bill passes Parliament

The Rwanda bill passed through Parliament in the early hours of Tuesday morning.

By Christian Calgie, Senior Political Correspondent, Matt Jackson, Content Editor

Express reporter Steph Spyro asks Sunak about Rwanda

The Conservatives crucial Rwanda Bill passed through Parliament after a showdown between the House of Commons and the Lords.

Speaking at a surprise press conference from Downing Street yesterday morning (April 22), Prime Minister Rishi Sunak put the blocking House of Lords on notice.

He told the country: "Enough is enough. No more prevarication, no more delay. Parliament will sit there tonight and vote no matter how late it goes".

It's though voting could continue until around 1am, with the Commons set to reject the Lords' frustrating amendments as many times as is necessary to finally force the crucial legislation through.

Mr Sunak added: "No ifs, no buts. These flights are going to Rwanda."

The House of Lords had blocked the legislation by repeatedly amending the Bill, costing the Government three weeks of delay.

However, in the early hours of Tuesday morning, the Bill was voted through Parliament.

Thank you for following this live feed. For a recap, see below.

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'Profoundly moral and patriotic' to protect lives on the Channel

Responding to critics of the legislation, Home Office minister Lord Sharpe of Epsom said: “This Bill does comply with international law, it is profoundly moral and patriotic to defend the integrity of our borders, it’s profoundly moral and patriotic to prevent needless loss of life in the Channel and to put the criminal gangs out of business.”

'Landmark moment in our plan to stop the boats'

Home Secretary James Cleverly has said the Government’s Rwanda Bill passing through parliament is a “landmark moment in our plan to stop the boats”.

In a video posted to social media, he said: “The Safety of Rwanda Bill has passed in Parliament and it will become law within days.

“The Act will prevent people from abusing the law by using false human rights claims to block removals. And it makes clear that the UK Parliament is sovereign, giving Government the power to reject interim blocking measures imposed by European courts.

“I promised to do what was necessary to clear the path for the first flight. That’s what we have done.

“Now we’re working day in and day out to get flights off the ground.”

Could the Rwanda flights be delayed?

Yes, campaigners opposing the plan could take legal action, reports the PA news agency.

Whether these challenges would be successful in light of the new laws remains to be seen.

Flights will also rely on aircraft being available.

When will Rwanda flights take off?

The first plane carrying asylum seekers could depart in July, after Mr Sunak acknowledged it could still take 10 to 12 weeks to get flights off the ground.

This would be more than two years after the first plane was due to take off. It was grounded due to last-minute legal challenges.

Scheduling flights is also likely to take time as officials would have to serve notice on migrants they intend to remove from the UK.

How your MP voted in the final ever Rwanda vote - full list

After weeks of parliamentary wrangling between the House of Commons and House of Lords, MPs finally forced the upper chamber to back down.

After defeating the Lords’s remaining two amendments yesterday afternoon, Peers insisted on forcing one of the two remaining amendments around the safety of Rwanda.

The Bill then returned to the Commons one last time, where MPs rejected the amendment yet again by a majority of 75.

The legislation was then sent back to the House of Lords a final time, where peers caved in and allowed the flagship immigration to pass.

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MPs discussing the Rwanda Bill (Image: House of Commons/UK Parliament/PA Wire)

Lords reportedly accepts rejection of amendment

The House of Lords has reportedly accepted the Commons' rejection of the amendment. The Rwanda bill will now await Royal Assent.

House of Lords and Commons both sitting

The House of Lords is sitting to discuss the Bill. Reports suggest the Lords could concede on the amendment.

MPs reject final Lords amendment

MPs have just rejected the final Lords amendment by a majority of 75.

Ayes: 312

Noes: 237

It will now go back to the Lords yet again.

MPs are voting on Lords' amendment

MPs are voting yet again on whether to reject the remaining single Lords amendment. Result will be through shortly.

House of Lords loses power

The House of Lords has lost power, amid its ongoing power struggle with the Commons.

During a debate taking place while MPs discuss rejecting the Lords' Rwanda changes yet again, the lights abruptly turned off while one peer was speaking from the dispatch box.

Jacob Rees-Mogg warns the House of Lords it has 'no place' to stop Rwanda

Sir Jacob Rees-Mogg has delivered an 11th hour warning to the unelected House of Lords shortly after it inflicted yet another defeat on the Government.

Speaking on GB News, Sir Jacob warned the upper chamber has no place to stop the flagship bill's progression.

"The House of Lords has a clear constitutional role. It is a revising chamber. It's there to say to the House of Commons think again. It is not a political chamber. It is not a political chamber for very good reason. It's because it has no democratic mandate. You don't vote for it. I don't vote for it.

“In this instance, it's pushing things beyond the normal limits. Normally, the House of Lords will ask the House of Commons to think again once - very rarely twice, but three or possibly even four times is not what is supposed to happen. And the Lords should be wary of behaving in this way."

Peers inflict defeat on the Commons - but back down on other amendment

Peers have defeated the Commons yet again on the amendment calling for the Home Secretary to declare Rwanda a safe third country based on an independent panel.

Peers defeated the Government with a majority of 29.

However they backed down on a second amendment around Afghan interpreters.

The Bill will now return yet again for the Commons, where MPs will likely vote once again to reject the remaining Lords amendment.

Anti-Rwanda peer says it's time for the Government to 'stop the boasts'

Lord Carlile of Berriew has blasted the Government for saying crossings are down, despite them being 24% up this year compared to last.

He added it's time for the Government to “stop the boasts, because this is not stopping the boats”.

“If you tried to book a holiday and the travel agent said to you it is a beautiful island but there is no property for you to stay in and we’re not sure you can get there, you can think that travel agent was mad.

“But that is a fair metaphor for the Government’s behaviour on this Bill.”

Crossbench peer predicts Labour Lords will fold this evening

A crossbench peer who objects to the Rwanda Bill has predicted it will pass because Labour Lords will cave in and 'go home'.

Speaking on Andrew Marr's show, Lord Ricketts said he wouldn't give in as it's a point of principle.

"We think this is a point of principle, and I'm certainly willing to stay as long as it takes until the very last train or the one after. I think that probably there'll be one round, where the Lords will vote on these two amendments and send it back to the Commons. The Commons will then kick them out by then it will be quite late in the evening. And I suspect at that point that the Labour Party will fold, and some others will begin to go home. So probably, that's the point at which people will say, we retain our point of principle, but we're not going to fight any further."

Peer accuses Rwanda Bill of being 'post-truth'

Crossbench peer Lord Anderson of Ipswich has torn into the Rwanda Bill, accusing it of being a "post-truth" Bill.

Sticking up for the amendment that would require and independent panel to deem Rwanda a safe country, he said that the Government's Bill: "Takes hopes and rebadges them as facts.

"It uses the sovereign status of this parliament as a shield from scrutiny, and it makes a mockery of this Bill."

House of Lords begins debating Commons' rejections

The House of Lords has begun its debate on the Rwanda Bill and will discuss the Commons' reasons for rejecting its remaining two amendments.

Vietnam becomes 'new Albania' with 1,323 migrants flocking to UK

Vietnam has reportedly become the 'new Albania', as more from the Asian country reached the UK last year than any other country.

Speaking at this morning's press conference, Rishi Sunak said: "Vietnamese arrivals have increased ten-fold and now account for almost all of the increase in small boat numbers we have seen this year".

The number of Vietnamese making the journey , and continued to rise this year, making Vietnamese citizens the biggest cohort of Channel migrants.

Last year the title was held by Afghans.

Commons completes votes, now over to the Lords

MPs have finished rejected the Lords' amendments.

Deputy Speaker Eleanor Laing warns MPs that they "may be called upon to consider a further Lords' message later today if necessary".

Peers will begin debating and voting on the Bill around 7/7.30pm.

SNP force unnecessary division to waste time

The SNP appears to have forced a vote on what should be a procedural technicality.

As the Commons has rejected the Lords' two amendments without offering up any alternative compromises, the chamber must convene a 'reasons committee' to explain why it has rejected the Lords' proposals.

This is usually nodded through without a vote, however opposition MPs have forced one, costing MPs another 10 minutes in the division lobbies.

Earlier this evening The SNP denounced the Rwanda bill as 'state-sponsored people trafficking'.

MP Alison Thewlis fumed: "This legislation is utterly despicable. It is state-sponsored people trafficking, it is against our obligations and international law and Scotland wants no part of it. We will oppose it every step of the way."

Government wins second vote

The Government inflicts its second defeat on the House of Lords, voting to reject amendment 10F by 305 votes to 234 – a majority of 71.

Government wins first vote

The Government has inflicted its first defeat on the House of Lords, rejecting amendment 3G by 306 votes to 229 – a majority of 77.

However it is just the first of many votes expected in Parliament this evening.

MPs begin voting down House of Lords amendments

MPs are already voting on whether to once again reject the House of Lords' blocking amendments to the Rwanda Bill.

Speaking from the dispatch box just over an hour ago, immigration minister Michael Tomlinson opened the debate, admitting he had been optimistic last week when he predicted an imminent end to the back-and-forth 'ping pong' process between the two Chambers.

MPs and Lords remain stuck at an impasse over two amendments - 3G and 10F.

Amendment 3G would see Rwanda not treated as a safe third country until an independent monitoring committee says it is safe.

Amendment 10F would exempt Afghans who helped British troops from deportation to Rwanda.

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