'You're an appalling bigot' Labour MP blasts Corbyn ally in furious on-air bust-up

FORMER London mayor Ken Livingstone has been branded an "appalling bigot" by a Labour MP during a furious row.

John Mann and Ken LivingstoneGETTY•BBC

John Mann clashed with Ken Livingstone on LBC yesteday

Backbencher John Mann clashed with the veteran socialist – an ally of controversial leader Jeremy Corbyn – live on radio yesterday.

He slammed Mr Livingstone's recent claim that shadow defence minister Kevan Jones – who once suffered from depression – needed "psychiatric help".

Speaking on LBC's David and Ken Show, said the "absolutely shocking" remarks were "unfit in any political party".

He also asked the left-winger to campaign in Oldham, where Labour is fighting to retain the seat of the late Michael Meacher.

Mr Livingstone hit back by condemning right-leaning Labour MPs for "doing more to undermine the newly elected leaders... than I have ever seen in the past".

But Mr Mann, the MP for Bassetlaw, went on to call the 70-year-old an "appalling bigot". 

He added: "What you should do is give an absolute apology to everyone and stop justifying your bigoted remarks against Kevan Jones."

Kevan JonesGETTY

Shadow minister Kevan Jones once suffered from depression

The row was triggered on Wednesday with the news that Mr Livingstone had been appointed as co-head of the party's defence review.

Mr Jones – who backed the renewal of Trident – said a known opponent of nuclear weapons overseeing the review would undermine its credibility.

Mr Livingstone then told a newspaper Mr Jones – who has spoken publicly about his past struggle with mental illness – is "obviously very depressed and disturbed".

He added: "He should pop off and see his GP before he makes these offensive comments."

Jeremy CorbynGETTY

Jeremy Corbyn replaced Ed Miliband as Labour leader in September

Mr Livingstone initially refused to apologise but after a telephone call from Mr Corbyn, he put out a tweet saying that he "unreservedly" apologised to Mr Jones for his remarks.

He declined to visit Oldham, telling Mr Mann: "I'm looking after my kids because my wife is at work from 7am to 7pm.

"I need to get them off to school, I need to be there to feed them when they get back. And frankly that is my priority. I am the house husband."

Mr Mann, 55, responded: "You are all mouth, you're all mouth, you come out and attack Kevan Jones and you are not prepared to go to Oldham."

Mr Livingstone interrupted him, saying: "Kevan Jones attacked me and I responded.

"Why don't you say something critical about an MP who comes out and attacks someone he has never spoken to [and] smears them, saying they are not fit to do the job?"

Mr Mann replied: "The only smear is you using mental health in the most disgusting way. You're a bigot and your bigotry is absolutely shocking."

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