Are you sure?! Argentina's largest newspaper claims Falklands voted in country's election

ARGENTINA's most popular newspaper has bizarrely claimed the Falkland Islands took part in the South American country's presidential election.

Mauricio Macri and FalklandsGETTY

The Falklands were claimed to have voted in Mauricio Macri's election as Argentina's new president

According to Clarin, which is the biggest-selling daily newspaper in Argentina, residents of the British overseas territory voted for runner-up Daniel Scioli in the nationwide vote.

In a map on the tabloid's website, the Falkland Islands are clearly shaded as having voted for the defeated candidate.

This is despite residents of the Falklands having voted almost unanimously (99.8 per cent) to remain under British rule in a referendum little more than two years ago.

The UK has administered the South Atlantic islands since 1833, excluding the Argentinian invasion in 1982 that sparked a short two-month conflict between the two countries.

A Falklands-based Twitter account branded the newspaper's gaffe "hilarious", adding: "Pretty sure the only thing we voted for was to stay British".

Mauricio Macri was the eventual winner of Sunday's vote, with his election as president welcomed by Falklands officials.

His predecessor, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, had often stirred up tensions over the Falklands' sovereignty by making populist statements about Argentina's claim to the islands - often as a means of a distraction from the troubles of her ailing regime.

Mr Macri has ended 12 years of populist Kirchnerism under Cristina and her husband Nestor, who was her predecessor as president, in Argentina.

Falklanders hope his election will now allow a more mature relationship between the South American country and themselves.

We hope this change in leadership will see a more constructive approach from the Government of Argentina towards the Falkland Islands

Jan Cheek, chair of the Legislative Assembly of the Falkland Islands

Jan Cheek, chair of the Legislative Assembly of the Falkland Islands, said: "The Falkland Islands Government notes the result of the election run-offs held in Argentina yesterday and would like to congratulate Mr Macri on his Presidency.

"We hope this change in leadership will see a more constructive approach from the Government of Argentina towards the Falkland Islands and its people.

"The Falkland Islands Government has long stated our wish to see greater dialogue with Argentina on issues of mutual interest, such as fisheries stock assessments and environmental data sharing.

"Whilst the issue of sovereignty of the Islands has been clearly decided by the people of the Falkland Islands, there are areas where we can work together regionally to the benefit of all parties."

Clarin election results pageIG

The newspaper claimed the Falklands voted for Daniel Scioli

Daniel Scioli with Cristina Fernandez de KirchnerGETTY

Daniel Scioli failed to replace ally Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner as president

The history of the Falkland Islands

Mr Macri is faced with turning around Argentina's near-bankrupt economy after more than a decade of free-spending leftist populism.

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