Snouts in trough time as MPs plot to bag themselves four-day working week

MPs are secretly plotting to award themselves a permanent four-day week so they can take every Friday off, the Daily Express can reveal.

House of CommonsGETTY

MPs are plotting to take Fridays off

The move - which saw MPs labelled "bone idle" and "parasitic" - comes despite MPs enjoying around three to four times as much holiday as most Britons with 16 weeks away from Parliament over the year.

MPs also recently enjoyed an inflation busting 10% pay hike to £74,000 a year along with their lavish expenses, while other public sector employees got one per cent.

Despite this they are said to be fed up of having to turn up on a Friday if they want to debate private member's bills, which are attempts to create new laws by individual MPs rather than the government.

Instead they want to move the business to late night sittings on a Tuesday when more of them are around and the Commons bars are open.

Houses of ParliamentGETTY

MPs also recently enjoyed an inflation busting 10% pay hike

And the powerful procedures committee is intending to draw up plans to end Friday sittings altogether.

The committee's Tory chairman Charles Walker confirmed that the plan to end Friday sittings would be put to MPs.

He pointed out that his committee had also suggested it in a report in the last parliament but had never pressed the matter.

"We were never offered time by the government to debate the report but this time we will try to force the issue," he said.

"Of course in the end it is up to MPs to decide and we can't force them to agree with us but there is a lot of dissatisfaction about the current procedures."

One of the excuses for the change is because Tory Shipley MP Philip Davies has used a lack of attendance on Friday to "talk out" bills which means they run out of time to be debated and cannot proceed.

But Mr Davies accused his fellow MPs of being "bone idle" and not doing their jobs.

He said: "If enough of them bothered to turn up and take an interest instead of just saying they take an interest then they could have the 100 MPs needed to force a vote.


Tory Shipley MP Philip Davies accused fellow MPs of being 'bone idle'

"I am doing my job and talking on bills I agree and disagree with. It's not supposed to be easy to pass a new law."

He warned that a four-day week in the Commons would "send the wrong signal".

He said: "I know a lot of us want to be in our constituencies on Fridays but in the end we are legislators and it is our job to scrutinise bills in parliament."

Ukip MP Douglas Carswell said that the controversy highlights that there "needs to be a complete change of culture" in Westminster.

"We have got to end the idea of full time professional career politicians," he said.

"This cast of parasitic politicians cost the taxpayer tens of millions of pounds in a year in handouts.

"We need to substantially reduce their salaries and expect them to be available for three days a week and then be expected to have another job for the other two days a week."

He went on: "The system we have now just allows them to sit around at the taxpayer's expense to pad out their press releases."

He pointed out that Tory MPs Sarah Wollaston and Phillip Lee both find time to be GPs as well as MPs while being a government minister is recognised as being a second job.

Ukip MP Douglas CarswellGETTY

Ukip MP Douglas Carswell called for 'a complete change of culture' in Westminster

The system we have now just allows them to sit around at the taxpayer's expense to pad out their press releases

Ukip MP Douglas Carswell

He added: "So why can't backbench MPs find time for a second job? Things need to change."

The Taxpayers Alliance said that a cut in the working week of MPs should mean a cut in their lengthy holidays away from parliament.

Jonathan Isaby, Chief Executive of the TaxPayers' Alliance, said: "If Friday sittings are stopped, most MPs will obviously use that time to get on with important work back in their constituencies. However, it's crucial that any proposals to reform the Commons timetable do not mean reducing the overall amount of time MPs spend each year scrutinising legislation and holding ministers to account, which are important elements of their job representing their constituents' interests.

"If all Fridays are to become constituency days, MPs should certainly be looking at cutting the length of their recesses, which currently allow the Government far too often to go unscrutinised for weeks at a time."

A lot of the pressure for change has come from the new band of 56 Scottish Nationalist MPs who want to take their first class flights home to Scotland earlier.

Pete Wishart, the SNP spokesman on Commons procedures, said: "We would welcome this proposal. It is hard for us to stay on a Friday if we have an interest in a private member's bill so Tuesday would be much more sensible."

He added: "Fridays should be sacrosanct as constituency days."

10 things you didn't know about Douglas Carswell

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