WATCH: Boris Johnson called a 'p****' on his last day as mayor

BORIS JOHNSON was called a "p****" by a cyclist as he carried out one of his final acts as Mayor of London.

Cyclist swears at Boris Johnson on his last day as Mayor of London

The Tory MP, whose eight-year spell in charge of the capital comes to end on Friday, was shouted at as he opened the latest cycle superhighway in London.

Speaking on LBC Radio during his final Ask Boris show the 51-year-old said: "I've just come from opening the latest cycle superhighway. There were hundreds of cyclists who were really enthusiastic and going 'Three cheers' and all this sort of stuff and the cameras were running.

"Then this cyclist came up, I was doing final bit to camera about how proud I was, and this cyclist came past and went 'P****'."

"You might have to cut that," Mr Johnson quickly added.

Boris Johnson riding his bikeGETTY

Boris Johnson has described some of the abuse that is shouted at him as Mayor of London

This cyclist came past and went 'P****'

Boris Johnson

"But it is absolutely true, that is the job of Mayor of London."

During the show, Mr Johnson was also left slightly red-faced after struggling to recall what .

On Friday afternoon, it appeared increasingly likely that  in the battle to succeed Mr Johnson at City Hall.

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