Remainers in 36 HOUR protest in desperate bid to scrap Brexit ahead of Bill vote

ANTI-BREXIT campaigners are holding a 36-hour protest in London in a desperate bid to “stop Brexit” ahead of this week’s parliamentary vote on the EU Withdrawal Bill.

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

Brexit news remainers protest stop brexit march may rees mogg

Brexit news: Remainers are protesting outside parliament in a bid to 'stop Brexit' (Image: GETTY)

Four Remainer grassroots groups joined their forces to create a super group of protesters who will carry out non-stop demonstrations until 6pm tomorrow.

A torch-lit procession will take place and those dedicated enough will sleep rough outside the Royal Courts in what is being described as a ‘Remainathon’.

SODEM, No10Vigil, EU Flag Mafia and Stop Brexit are behind the demonstrations. Writing online they said: “Hand-held torches will light an evening march and enthusiastic supporters will sleep overnight on the streets with flags and lanterns outside the Royal Courts.

“The protests have been devised to provide visually compelling scenes of pro-EU support and fresh images to the media.” 

They are also rallying outside parliament, in response to the government rejecting a petition they backed.

About 113,000 Remainers demanded the Government includes an option to remain in the EU as part of the Brexit deal.

But the Department for Exiting the European Union dismissed their application, saying: “The British people voted to leave and the Government will implement their decision.

“The vote on the final deal will give Parliament the choice to accept the agreement or leave the EU with no agreement.”

Remainers will later head to Downing Street to protest outside No10 and march during the night from Whitehall to the Royal Court of Justice. 

Brexit news remainers protest stop brexit march may rees mogg

Brexit news: Organisers have dubbed the 36-hour long protest ‘Remainathon’ (Image: GETTY)

There another group, called Article 50 Challenge, will present a proposal to the High Court arguing Article 50 should be cancelled on the basis it is not legal because it doesn’t explicitly say that parliament, and not the government, is making the decision to leave the bloc.

The march will later return to parliament on Tuesday, the same day MPs are set to start voting on amendments to the EU Withdrawal Bill put forward by the House of Lords.

Today Prime Minister Theresa May is set to call for unity within her party at a meeting of Conservative members, the 1922 Committee.

She is expected to say: "The message we send to the country through our votes this week is important. 

“We must be clear that we are united as a party in our determination to deliver on the decision made by the British people. 

"They want us to deliver on Brexit and build a brighter future for Britain as we take back control of our money, our laws and our borders."

The PM expects some pro-EU Tories to rebel against her and back measures voted by the unelected peers that would thwart Brexit.

The two amendments most feared by Brexiteers include keeping the UK in the customs union after March 2019 and giving Parliament a decisive say over what happens next a final Brexit deal is rejected. 

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Brexit news: Theresa May will call for unity within her party later today (Image: GETTY)

Jacob Rees Mogg: British Gov will not be BULLIED by Brussels

But senior backbencher Jacob Rees-Mogg said he is confident there would be enough unity in Conservative ranks to see the Bill through.

The Brexit supporter told LBC radio on Monday that he would not expect people like pro-Remain MP Ken Clarke, who have "strong principles", to change their minds.

Mr Rees-Mogg said: "I think there will be some unity this week, it won't be perfect but it ought to be enough to get the Bill through and to reinforce the strength of Theresa May's position." 

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