We won Channel 4's Our Dream Farm - but then our luck took a grim turn

When Adam and Jenny Grieve were announced as the winners of a 10-year tenancy for a 340-acre National Trust farm following a reality TV show, they really were on cloud nine. But the weather had other ideas.

Adam and Jenny Grieve after settling into Wallington Estate (Image: Andy Commins)

Last May, the young couple had barely settled into the four-bed farmhouse on the Wallington Estate in Northumberland when the skies opened.


The start of their tenancy just happened to coincide with one of the UK’s wettest years ever, with the Met Office recording 1,695.9mm of rainfall from October 2022 to March 2024 – the most for any 18-month period since records began in 1836.

TV viewers – five million of whom had tuned into Channel 4’s eight-part Apprentice-style Our Dream Farm this spring to see seven applicants vying for the tenancy – were blissfully unaware of the challenging circumstances the winners, yet to be revealed, were already experiencing. By the time of transmission, due to the necessity of filming in advance, livestock auctioneer Adam and education worker Jenny’s adventure was already well under way.

I’m speaking to the couple in their first interview since winning the Matt Baker-presented reality show. Jenny, 36, shakes her head at the memory of the torrential rain that never seemed to end, smiling: “We’re well and truly ready for some sunshine.”

Yet despite the challenges, it’s clear the pair, who are parents to Alfie, five, and Jacob, two, remain utterly overjoyed at their win and hugely optimistic for the future.

“It’s been hard work but we’re very happy,” says Adam, 31. “Farming is more a way of life than a job. We thoroughly enjoy it and like going outside and doing the jobs together as a family. We have a good relationship with the National Trust and it’s been a pleasure working alongside them in our first year.”

The Grieve family (Image: Andy Commins / Daily Mirror)

The show was conceived after the incumbent tenant retired from the farm.

The National Trust wanted new custodians to run the expanse of grasslands, woods and wetlands profitably – but sustainably.

Tenancy farming is notoriously competitive in the UK, with applicants outweighing opportunities. Without a generational tenancy or large amounts of capital, entry routes have become almost impossible and many of the show’s hopefuls burst into tears following their exit. Farming is a small community and several of the applicants knew each other.

“We all got on well, but no one wanted to give too much away because there was a lot at stake at the end of the day,” Adam admits.

Applicants were assessed on agricultural tasks and the strength of their business plans. Some were more radical than others – one couple wanted to introduce beaver tours and wildlife experiences and keep livestock to a minimum. Adam and Jenny wanted to boost their cattle numbers and existing smallhold of sheep to 300, while repurposing an dilapidated farm building for rural educational classes. Raised on farms, Adam competed alone for the majority of the three weeks while Geordie-born “townie” Jenny worked and looked after the boys.


She attended the final business pitches delivered to Wallington Estate’s general manager Sally Richards and National Trust land and estates director Giles Hunt.

By that stage of the contest, only two other applicants remained. “The waiting on the last day was brutal,” admits Adam. “We had our final interviews in the morning and had to wait until after lunch for the decision. That hour-and-a-bit felt longer than the entire three weeks.”

Both were visibly lost for words when they were announced as the winners.

“I didn’t know what to say,” admits Adam. “I was expecting a different outcome so I was very relieved and pleased but shocked. It’s not very often that I’m speechless.”

In truth, they were strong contenders from the start.

Raising the baa: Adam shears sheep (Image: @onthefarmwithadamandjenny Instagram with permission)

Adam glided through the tasks, from setting up a lambing pen to selling produce at a farmers’ market and taking soil samples. Did he find anything difficult?

“Getting used to having a camera following us,” he chuckles.

He had one blunder when his figures were out by several thousands of pounds, but they were corrected by the final interviews.

The couple, still in their day jobs, have spent the first year gaining an understanding of the land. They’ve helped the National Trust seed wildflower meadows and lay hedgerows to create wildlife corridors and haven’t looked at their business plan too meticulously yet.

The growing livestock is the couple’s “bread and butter” and, nurtured by the National Trust, they are establishing environmental schemes.

“In a few years’ time, the hedges will give good shelter to the livestock,” says Adam. “We’ve laid the groundwork to increase the wetlands and encourage bird activity so they can flourish.”

They lambed 120 ewes in the first two weeks of April to coincide with the school holidays. But the heavens opened – and the rain never stopped pouring.

“It’s pretty horrific weather-wise for lambing for all farmers, so it’s not been the most successful year we’ve ever had,” says Jenny. “It’s not been abysmal but it was pretty hard work. This is the first year we chose to do some of the lambing outside.

“We’re bringing in everything next year so you can guarantee it’ll probably be glorious sunshine the whole time.”

She adds: “Adam did get a few phone calls with me saying, ‘I can’t do this another day! We need to get the lambs inside.’ But there was nothing major enough for us to think that we’re not doing this any more.”

How many lambs did they lose? “Oh God, I lost count by the end. I don’t know if you were counting, Adam?” He reckons it was 15 to 20. But he’s keen to stress that other farms would have faced a similar if not higher number of deaths.

The South West corner of Wallington, Northumberland. (Image: National Trust Images/Andrew Butler)
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“It was lambs that were freshly born and not getting a chance to get themselves full [through milking] and keeping warm.

“Some of our continental lambs are bare-skinned so aren’t as well covered as other lambs for the cold and rain,” he explains. “You expect losses, that’s the reality of it, unfortunately. Not everything does survive. But it was the weather that did the damage to us this time rather than anything else. Hopefully, the worst one is out of the way and the next nine will be glorious.”

A chairman of his local Young Farmers’ federation, Adam had wanted to run his own farm since childhood. Jenny didn’t become involved with rural life until meeting Adam through her previous job at a children’s centre.

“His mum was my boss!” she laughs. Together, they built up their sheep and cattle numbers before learning about the estate’s tenancy. Jenny admits her parents were “a bit more reserved” about the opportunity initially.

“It was probably their lack of understanding of farm life,” she explains. “They grew up with the thinking that you buy your house and have that to fall back on. But if you’re renting a farm, your money is invested in machinery and animals.

“It was perhaps their worry about the future and where we would go with that, but now they understand more, they’re fully on board and probably want to live here themselves.”

Both sets of grandparents help out regularly with babysitting and farm chores. And the boys love the freedom to roam the fields.

“Jacob was only 15 months old when we arrived so he didn’t really understand what was going on, whereas now you can’t keep him inside,” Jenny smiles. “He just wants to be outside helping all the time. He’ll do anything.”

Jacob and Alfie with first season’s silage (Image: @onthefarmwithadamandjenny Instagram with permission)

Alfie, who turns six on Monday, has responsibility for feeding the family’s three pygmy goats and chickens.

“It gives him that bit of independence and understanding how to look after animals so when he is a bit older he can start to look after the sheep and, one day, the cattle,” says Jenny.

There was a slight mishap recently when a fox took six hens and a cockerel after the pen door was left open overnight. The family plans to buy more at an upcoming farmers’ market.

“Alfie learned that if you don’t shut the hens in then there is a consequence to it so that was a good learning curve for him. Now he likes to make sure that they’re done,” says Jenny. “He understands that some things live and some things die.”

The couple hope to rear 170 lambs next year and increase cattle numbers. Meanwhile, they are in a stewardship scheme with Natural England alongside the National Trust. The purpose is to deliver healthy soils and thriving wildlife – while creating sustainable food production and helping tackle and adapt to the changing climate.

“We’re not using fertilisers to help the ground,” says Adam. “Things are tough in all different sectors, in particular agriculture, but it’s key that within the UK we have the highest standards and levels of animal husbandry by a mile. Keep backing British and make sure farmers get the support they need and deserve.”

What happens once their decade is over?

“The National Trust can say if they’re happy with how we’re farming the land and the tenancy can be renewed if we’re both in agreement with that. It’s not just a case of ten-and-a-half years, that’s it, it’s over and you’re out,” says Jenny.

Adam adds: “It’s about feeling we’ve got to the end of that period and we’ve been successful in what we’ve done – but the main aim for us is to be there as long as possible.”