'We live in beautiful UK seaside town but it's being ruined by one thing'

Locals living in Welsh seaside towns have expressed their frustration at some of the beaches as tourists leave litter and sewage is dumped in the sea.

By Christopher Sharp, News Reporter, Bryana Francis

Residents of Barry Island have expressed their frustration over littering in their town (Image: Getty)


Residents of Barry, Wales, have said they want action to be taken over the quality of the water and quantities of litter in the area.

Locals have complained that the issue has become so acute they are picking up other people’s litter as they go about their daily business.

Their warnings come weeks after one local council told people not to swim in Watch Tower Bay or Ogmore-by-Sea because of problems with the water quality.

Water companies around England and Wales are under pressure to act as the nation’s coastal swimming waters become unsuitable for swimmers due to high levels of sewage in the water.

Visitor to Llandudno have also expressed their frustrations with local littering (Image: Getty)

Speaking to WalesOnline resident of Barry for 19 years Ron Powell said he worried about the number of people littering on the town's beaches. He commented: “We spend a lot of time walking and picking up litter as we go.”

Barry isn’t the only Welsh seaside town struggling with litter.  People in Llandudno have also started to complain about the impact of rubbish on their local beach.

Penny Colegate, 68, who used to work in the town told North Wales Live about the state she found the town in when she returned for a visit.

She said: “Seeing the town like this really upset me. The whole place was filthy. Everywhere there were Coke cans, plastic bottles, serviettes and fast food wrappers. Cigarette butts too.”

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Penny added: “Litter had accumulated in shop doorways and under public benches and it looked to have been there for a goodly period. I moved a glass left in the road so that it didn't hurt anyone, and picked a glass jar from a drain and put it in a bin.

"Most of those responsible were visitors, I imagine, and it's left the town looking dirty bordering on filthy.”

Penny’s opinions were echoed by other former residents of and regular visitors to Llandudno. One, a yearly visitor from Yorkshire, complained: “I just don't understand why people travel a couple of hours each way to a lovely seaside town and then spoil it.

"The cost of cleaning this mess up is funded by a council that visitors don't pay a penny towards. And whilst tourists are good for the local economy, it's just a shame so many don't respect your beautiful town like we do.”

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