UK Hospitals to grind to a halt as 53,000 Junior Doctors plan TWO-DAY mass walk-out

HOSPITALS will grind to halt and patients will be left untreated after Britain’s Junior Doctors voted overwhelmingly for a mass walk-out in protest against the Tory Government's controversial contract changes.

Junior Doctors will take strike action at the start of December PA

Junior Doctors will take strike action at the start of December

The massive show of support, with 98 percent of doctors voting for the extraordinary action, shows the fierce determination of Britain’s medics to overturn legislation they see as dangerous for patients and unfair for staff.

The proposed strike action puts under-seige Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt under even more pressure to re-think the proposals the medics claim is ill-conceived and amateurish.

And as the results of the ballot were announced, NHS trusts were calling emergency planning meetings across the country as strike action caught them flat-footed. 

A staggering 98 per cent voted in favour of full strike action and 99 per cent in favour of action when the results of the ballot were unveiled today. 

The 53,000 junior medics - any doctor below consultant level - finished voting on industrial action at 5pm on Wednesday over proposed changes to their contracts which they say will leave patients’ safety at risk across England.

Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt now faces the biggest challenge of his career yet as the British Medical Association (BMA) plan three days of action in December including two full walkouts by junior doctors. 

Reacting to the news BMA council chair, Dr Mark Porter said it was "inevitable" disruption would be caused to patients. 

He said: "We regret the inevitable disruption that this will cause but it is the Government's adamant insistence on imposing a contract that is unsafe for patients in the future, and unfair for doctors now and in the future, that has brought us to this point."

The British Medical Asssociation has planned three days of action in December PA

The British Medical Asssociation has planned three days of action in December

A staggering 98 per cent voted in favour of full strike action and 99 per cent in favour of action

Hospitals will have to brace themselves as they are forced to cancel thousands of planned operations and outpatient clinics when Junior Doctors only provide emergency care for 24 hours on Tuesday, December 1, before staging two all-out walkouts on Tuesday, December 8 and Wednesday, December 16. 

It is expected that other medics, including 44,000 consultants, locums, and staff doctors, will attempt to plug the gaps where possible. 

The BMA balloted just over 37,700 members - over two-thirds of the workforce - and 76 per cent took part in the ballot.

Junior doctors last took action 40 years ago, in November 1975, over a new contract which they claimed would see them working dangerously long hours. 

Heidi Alexander MP, Labour’s Shadow Health Secretary, said it was "imperative" that in the next 10 days Mr Hunt and Mr Cameron found a way to avoid a strike. 

She said:"Jeremy Hunt needs to take responsibility for the fact that this is the first time in 40 years that junior doctors have voted to take such significant industrial action.

"There is clearly huge anger about the way in which these negotiations have been handled by the Government.

"It is imperative that in the next 10 days Jeremy Hunt and David Cameron find a way to avoid a strike. 

"There has been a fundamental breakdown in trust between the Health Secretary and junior doctors, which is bad for the NHS and bad for patients. 

"I have written to the Prime Minister suggesting that an independent mediator is brought in to break the current stand-off. If he dismisses this suggestion, he will be risking patient safety in both the short and long term."

Junior Doctors will strike on three occasionsALIX CULBERTSON

Junior Doctors will strike on three occasions

More than 13,000 members of the public, doctors and consultants have signed an petition urging the Government to scrap the contract and go back to the negotiation table.

Doctors fear they will be working more hours - endangering patients’ lives - under the new contract which aims to make the NHS a “seven-day” service, although doctors say it already is.

The contract plans mean their standard pay working hours will be extended from the current 7am to 7pm to end at 10pm instead - and will include Saturdays until 7pm.

They say their unsocial hours pay will therefore be cut so their overall pay will be slashed.

Such changes will put the NHS - which treats one million patients every 36 hours - under considerable strain. 

Earlier this month, Mr Hunt attempted to placate their fears the day before the ballot started on Bonfire Night by saying he would give them an 11 per cent increase on basic pay, but doctors say they will still be worse off and it does not address the main issue of patient safety.

He told strikes were “unwarranted” and would “harm vulnerable patients”.

Today he described the decision as "regrettable". 

He added: “It is regrettable that junior doctors have voted for industrial action which will put patients at risk and see operations cancelled or delayed. We want to ensure patients have the same quality of care across the week, and have put forward a generous offer that increases basic pay by 11 per cent and reduces doctors’ hours.

"We hope junior doctors will consider the impact of this action – especially the withdrawal of emergency care – will have on patients and reconsider.”

Mr Cameron told MPs on November 18 doctors “should look very carefully at what the Government are offering” saying the contract was “good for the NHS, good for doctors and good for patients”. 

He added: “Even at this late hour, I hope that the BMA will call off its damaging strike.”

We are your Junior Doctors - 6 minutes to save the NHS

Responding to the strike vote, David Cameron's official spokeswoman said: "Clearly it is regrettable that the BMA have decided to go ahead with this action, putting patient safety at risk.

"We want to sit round the table and negotiate and we would urge the BMA, rather than striking, to return to negotiations.

"And let's be absolutely clear: we value the hard work junior doctors do. That's why we want to secure a fair deal for them."

Asked if the ballot was effectively a vote of no confidence in Jeremy Hunt, she insisted: "Jeremy Hunt is doing an excellent job with the Health Service and he has been clear on the work he wants to do with the BMA to sit round the table and negotiate."

She rejected suggestions the Health Secretary should not take part in the talks since the doctors’ vote appeared to show they had so badly to have lost faith in him, saying: "He has been leading on the negotiations and he should continue with that."

On suggestions that Acas should be brought into the process, she said: "We've said we want to sit round the tale and negotiate. We want to find a way through on this so I don't think we would rule things out at this stage."

Individual NHS trusts will decide arrangements for hospitals over the two days of strikes. They are said to have recieved the strike dates from the BMA beforehand in order to make rota arrangements to attemept to cover the gaps. 

Junior doctors will take action next month ALAMY

Junior doctors will take action next month

Tory MP Stewart Jackson: "I am very sorry to hear of the junior doctors' decision to go on strike, as it will have huge consequences for patient care and safety in Peterborough and across the UK."

Labour MP Gavin Shuker: "The decision to withdraw your labour is never taken lightly and should be respected. They have my full support."

Green MP Caroline Lucas said: “I support the junior doctors’ action because a rested and fairly paid NHS workforce, is essential to sustain high clinical standards and patient safety.

“This strike has come about because Jeremy Hunt is refusing to drop his threat to impose his new contract on junior doctors.

“I know from the doctors in my constituency that they take the Hippocratic Oath extremely seriously.  They have, reluctantly, been forced to strike because they are not being heard. They have been telling the Health Secretary that this contract change is not just unfair on them but potentially unsafe for patients too. That’s why many consultants are backing the junior doctors too.

“If this unfair contract is imposed, I fear even more NHS trained doctors are likely to leave for places like Australia where they feel more valued.

"Today’s junior doctors are tomorrow’s leaders of the NHS, yet this Government’s intransigence has left junior doctors at the end of their tether. I hope that the Government now drops the threat of imposing these contracts and sits down with the BMA to find a solution that delivers the fairness vital to patient safety.”

We are your Junior Doctors - 6 minutes to save the NHS

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