Khashoggi death: Trump brands the killing a ‘plot gone awry’ as new claims emerge

JAMAL Khashoggi spoke to Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman less than one hour before the journalist was tortured and murdered by a 15-man squad, a Turkish news outlet claimed as Donald Trump branded the killing a "plot gone awry”.

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

Trump: Certainly looks like Jamal Khashoggi is dead

The head of the alleged hit squad, Maher Abdulaziz Mutreb, made four calls from the Saudi consulate in to the Crown Prince’s office in Riyadh, Turkish news website Yeni Safak wrote.

During one of these phone calls, Mr Khashoggi is said to have spoken directly to the 33-year-old Crown Prince, who allegedly asked him to return to Saudi Arabia, after he moved to the United States in 2017.

This new claim would undermine the latest Saudi position on the disappearance of the Washington Post journalist.

Foreign minister Adel al-Jubeir said on Sunday that while he did not know exactly how Mr Khashoggi had died, his killing was the result of a "rogue operation" in which Saudi individuals had exceeded their authority. 

He said: "They made the mistake when they killed Jamal Khashoggi in the consulate and they tried to cover up for it.”

However, the claim made by Yeni Safak, the same news outlet who also said the journalist was tortured and cut into pieces by Saudi officials, draws a direct link between the 15 Saudi officials and the kingdom’s leadership.

The Saudi kingdom had previously declared it didn’t know what happened to the journalist after he disappeared on October 2 after entering the consulate in Turkey to get the paperwork for his planned marriage.

It then branded Turkish claims

Jamal Khashoggi saudi news death donald trump news turkey journalist Crown Prince Salman

Jamal Khashoggi death: Donald Trump branded the killing of the journalist a 'plot gone awry' (Image: GETTY)

But Riyadh later conceded the former editor-in-chief of Saudi Al-Aran News Channel did die inside the consulate, after he got into a fight.

Hours later, a Saudi source told Reuters a team of 15 people was involved in the killing.

The death of the journalist sparked a major probe led by Turkish forces.

On Monday CIA Director Gina Haspel headed to Turkey to work on the investigation, two sources familiar with the matter told Reuters.

And US President spoke on the phone with the Crown Prince on Sunday to know more about the case, a call that didn’t “satisfy” him. 

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Jamal Khashoggi death: The Saudi Crown Prince allegedly spoke to the journalist before he died (Image: GETTY)

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Jamal Khashoggi death: CCTV showing the journalist entering the consulate on October 2 (Image: REUTERS)

Speaking to reporters at the White House, Mr Trump said on Monday: ”I am not satisfied with what I've heard.

"I don't want to lose all that investment that's been made in our country.

“But we're going to get to the bottom of it."

And he later told USA Today that he believed the death was a "plot gone awry".

Mr Trump had previously expressed reluctance to issue economic sanctions against the Saudis, citing the kingdom's multibillion-dollar purchases of US military equipment and investments in American companies. 

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Jamal Khashoggi death: The journalist and his fiancee leaving their home, according to A News (Image: REUTERS)

But the death of Mr Khashoggi has sparked a major international backlash that is further and further isolating the kingdom.

Last week, Britain’s International Trade Secretary Liam Fox and US treasury secretary Steven Mnuchin boycotted the Future Investment Initiative (FII) conference in Riyadh.

And Saudi Arabia’s stock market dropped by four percent in less than 20 days.

During his career, Mr Khashoggi, 59, became a fierce opponent of the theocratic regime, openly speaking against many moves made by the kingdom, including the arrest of activist Loujain al-Hathloul, an activist who in May defied the ban on women to drive in Saudi Arabia.  

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