Barack Obama honours Paris terror victims two weeks after sickening ISIS massacre

BARACK Obama has paid tribute to the 130 people killed by Islamic State savages in Paris two weeks ago.

Barack Obama and Francois HollandeGETTY

Barack Obama and Francois Hollande outside the Bataclan theatre

The US president's motorcade went straight from Orly Airport to the Bataclan concert hall after he flew into the French capital this morning.

French leader Francois Hollande and the mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo, joined Mr Obama for the unexpected visit to the concert hall.

Each placed a single flower at a makeshift memorial outside the theatre – where the militants killed 89 music fans on November 13.

Mr Obama jetted to Paris for the opening two days of an international conference on combating climate change.

The summit – dubbed COP21 – will be be attended by hundreds of other world leaders including David Cameron and Mr Hollande.

Security is thought to have been tightened in the wake of the vile shootings and bombings across the capital.

Obama and HollandeGETTY

Paris mayor Anne Hidalgo also paid her respects this morning

American rock band Eagles of Death Metal were performing when gunmen wearing suicide belts stormed the Bataclan.

Briton Nick Alexander – who was selling merchandise for the band at the historic venue – was among the victims.

His family described him as "generous, funny and fiercely loyal" in an emotional statement after his tragic death was confirmed.

They added: "Nick died doing the job he loved and we take great comfort in knowing how much he was cherished by his friends around the world.

"Thank you for your thoughts and respect for our family at this difficult time. Peace and light."


Obama put his hands around Hollande and Hidalgo

Frontman Jesse Hughes recently broke down in tears as recalled the death of the 36-year-old, from Colchester, Essex.

The band's co-founder Josh Homme said: "I think about Nick who protected a friend of his.

Mr Hughes added: "He stayed quiet and never called for help until he bled out, because he didn't want anyone else to get hurt."

Obama and Hollande vow unity in fight against IS group

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