Republican debate 2016: Donald Trump REFUSES to back down on call to ban Muslims from US

DONALD Trump has refused to back down on his controversial call for every Muslim to be banned from entering the United States.

Donald TrumpGETTY

Donald Trump stood by his call to ban Muslims from entering the US

The Presidential hopeful unveiled his proposal last month – just days after a Muslim couple shot 14 people dead in San Bernardino, California.

His comments sparked widespread condemnation, with David Cameron branding them "divisive, unhelpful and quite simply wrong".

And a White House spokesman said the plan "disqualifies him from serving as President" because it violates the US Constitution.

I have many great Muslim friends

Donald Trump

But Trump stood by his comments during the first Republican Party debate of the year, saying: "I have many great Muslim friends.

"And some of them, I will say, not all, have called me and said, 'Donald, thank you very much.

"'You're exposing an unbelievable problem and we have to get to the bottom of it'."

He went on to reference the attacks in San Bernadino, saying: "I want security for this country. I'm tired of seeing what's going on."

San BernardinoGETTY

A Muslim couple killed 14 people in San Bernardino last month

Fellow White House candidate Jeb Bush, the son of former President George W Bush, urged him to back down.

He added: "I hope you reconsider this because this is a policy that makes it impossible to build a policy that takes out ISIS.

"Sending that makes it impossible for us to be serious about taking out ISIS and restoring democracy in Syria. I hope you'll reconsider."

Trump, who has led the Republican field for months, clashed with Texas senator Ted Cruz throughout the debate.

The billionaire suggested Cruz would not be eligible to become President, saying his birth in Canada to an American mother leaves a "big question mark on your head".

He added: "You can't do that to the party. The Democrats are going to bring a lawsuit. And you have to have certainty."

Donald Trump and Ted CruzGETTY

The billionaire clashed with Texas senator Ted Cruz

Cruz claimed Trump had only raised the issue in the televised debate – held in North Charleston – because he is challenging the tycoon’s lead.

He said: "Back in September, my friend Donald said he had his lawyer look at this from every which way and there was no issue there.

"There was nothing to this 'birther' issue. Since September, the Constitution hasn't changed. But the poll numbers have."


Trump recalled New York's response to the 9/11 attacks

Cruz also renewed his criticism of Trump's "New York values" – a coded questioning of his rival's conservatism.

But the barb dramatically backfired when an emotional Trump recalled his hometown's response to the September 11 terror attacks.

Trump said: "No place on Earth could have handled that more beautifully, more humanely than New York. That was a very insulting statement that Ted made."

Republican Debate Highlights: Donald Trump

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