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Bank & association oversight

The Farm Credit Administration regulates, examines, and supervises the 4 banks and 69 associations of the Farm Credit System. We ensure that the institutions remain financially sound, fulfill their mission, and comply with all laws and regulations that apply to them.

At least once every 18 months, we examine every institution, and we continuously monitor risks that may affect an individual institution or the System as a whole. We also issue policies and regulations governing how institutions conduct their business and interact with borrowers.

This section of our website contains resources for the following:

  • Employees and board members of the banks and associations we regulate
  • Current or prospective borrowers of System institutions
  • Anyone who would like to learn more about the Farm Credit System

Consolidated reporting system

The reports provided through the CRS provide information about the financial operations of the institutions composing the Farm Credit System.

Individual institution reports

Institution comparison reports

Systemwide reports

FCS directory and map

Search for FCS Institutions

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