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Balancing physical, emotional, spiritual and community health.

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Wellness at Feinberg

At Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, we believe that wellness and self-care are essential to academic success and a rewarding career. Helping our students cultivate physical, emotional, spiritual and interpersonal/community wellness also helps them develop the skills they need to approach their education and future careers with resilience, balance and satisfaction. The resources here are intended to help our students thrive throughout their medical school experience. Contact our Wellness Committee with any questions, suggestions or concerns.

MD Wellness at Feinberg

Student Voices

Feinberg supports me through yoga in the library, coffee in AWOME and fall break. Most importantly, Feinberg supports me through the people who ask how my day was or share a laugh with me.”

Arianna Yanes, Wellness Committee Member, MD Class of 2019

For me, wellness means being able to find meaning in what I do by connecting with my community, as well as finding time to spend with those I love and doing the things I enjoy. While it is hard to incorporate these, I find it necessary to my wellbeing.”

Jimena Collado, Wellness Committee Member, MD Class of 2026

Medical school is filled with good and bad stressors. The wellness curriculum helps students manage these stressors and also sustain a healthy balance in their daily lives. Feinberg's support of a wellness program shows me they value the physical, mental and emotional health of all students.”

Matt Mosquera, Wellness Committee Member, MD Class of 2017

My go-to social activity is to get friends together to make food and sing loudly (no complaints from neighbors yet), but I will also occasionally burst into one-person karaoke parties after a good study session. A healthy mind, body and spirit make a happy me.”

Radhika Rawat, Wellness Committee Member, MD Class of 2025

For me, wellness is intimately linked with confidence. When I take care of myself by exercising regularly, eating healthfully, prioritizing sleep and engaging in thoughtful reflection, I feel both physically and emotionally stronger and more confident. This translates into better care for my patients.”

Audrey Young, Wellness Committee Member, MD Class of 2017

Work-life balance has come from realizing that my work is better when my life is better. Instead of making the two mutually exclusive and feeling like I can only be improving "work" or "life" at once, I see the two as intertwined and affecting one another.”

Arianna Yanes, Wellness Committee Member, MD Class of 2019

Like most worthwhile things in life, achieving a healthy work-life balance takes hard work and sacrifice. It is a delicate process of making sure to not stretch yourself too thin while also striving for your personal best. And no matter what, it's always a work in progress.”

Matt Mosquera, Wellness Committee Member, MD Class of 2017

I make sure I'm investing in my own health by eating well, working out by running, climbing, lifting, biking and seeing my friends as much as possible and spending quality time with the pup. I try to have at least an hour every day that is explicitly for something that is not work.”

Lukas Streich, Wellness Committee Member, MD Class of 2018

Daily meditation and mindfulness-based stress reduction have propelled me through medical school. Not sure how I would have made it without them.”

Matt Mosquera, Wellness Committee Member, MD Class of 2017

I have check boxes to make sure I'm doing everything I need to feel good. How long has it been since I hung out with my friends? When was the last time I spent a whole day outside? It's pretty nerdy to have an accounting for these things, but nobody got to doctor school by not being a nerd first.”

Lukas Streich, Wellness Committee Member, MD Class of 2018

Wellness Tip

Winter Wellness

Go for a walk even when the weather is really cold — your body has to work overtime to get warm and you may burn up to 50 percent more calories than you would on the same walk in summer. The benefits of taking an outdoor winter walk are huge, both mentally and physically. Fresh air, sunshine and movement will improve your overall health and disposition.