by Linda Casey | 2009-05-29 Print Button


Home to the second largest coal reserves in the United States, Illinois is in a position to be the nation's leader in developing coal gasification projects. 1

The Illinois Clean Coal Portfolio Standard Act, signed into law January 2009, sets the stage for Illinois to usher in one of the first state-backed efforts to develop these kinds of coal power facilities. The legislation was supported by the state's coal association, utility boards, organized labor, health-care issue advocates and a number of major Illinois newspapers. Phil Gonet, president of the Illinois Coal Association, said the more than 100 billion tons of recoverable coal in Illinois amounts to more energy "than all the oil in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait." 2

More than 100 billion tons of recoverable coal in Illinois amounts to more energy "than all the oil in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait

Not surprising, the groups, companies and associations that stand to benefit from the Act are attempting to ensure that they have a say in how it is implemented. Most have donated heavily to legislators, especially those in leadership and powerful committee positions. In fact, lawmakers received $5 million of the $7.2 million given by these donors to candidates and party committees in 2008.

On the heels of that landmark legislation a number of energy-related companies, members of industry groups and associations (some of whom have voiced strong opposition to carbon caps and other climate-change policy) have taken an interest in the fate of six pieces of legislation making their way through the 2009 Illinois legislative process.

The legislation being considered this session – the Illinois Clean Car Act, The Illinois Energy to Jobs Act, and the Climate Action and Clean Energy Investment Act for 2009 – are aimed at establishing carbon standards, reducing emissions, setting the stage for more energy-related jobs, and revitalizing the state's economy. 3

The National Institute on Money in State Politics looked at campaign contributions made during the 2008 election cycle by two groups interested in climate-change policy. The first group includes members of 13 industry groups and associations identified as opponents to carbon caps and certain climate-change policy. The second group consists of other associations, organizations or individual companies that had either a position on the bills or a stake in their outcomes.

An analysis of the campaign finance contributions given by these two groups during the 2008 elections to Illinois state-level candidates and political party committees reveals:

  • Contributors interested in climate-change policy gave $7.2 million, which accounted for 7 percent of the total contributions given to candidate and party committees in 2008.

All 53 lawmakers on relevant committees or serving in key leadership positions received money from the interested parties

  • Members of the 13 industry groups and associations opposed to carbon regulation gave nearly $4.3 million, or 60 percent of the $7.2 million.

  • All 53 lawmakers either sitting on the relevant committees hearing the bills or serving in key leadership positions received money from the interested parties.4

  • On average, the four people in leadership received eight times as much as the 49 members of the pertinent committees, and almost ten times the amount received by other lawmakers.

  • Leadership received $573,550 from members of the 13 industry groups and associations, and an additional $312,881 from other associations, organizations and individual companies.

  • 51 committee members received nearly $1.5 million, or 20 percent of the total. $875,586 came from members of the 13 industry groups and associations, and $595,401 from other identified climate-change policy opponents.

  • Associations and businesses in favor of stronger climate-change policies gave $21,450; $17,500 of that came from the Illinois Corn Growers Association.


The National Institute on Money in State Politics analyzed campaign contributions to candidate committees and political party committees for the 2008 election cycle in Illinois.

The study looked at two groups of contributors. The first group, comprised of members of 13 industry groups and associations who were identified as opponents of carbon caps and certain climate-change policy, includes the Alliance for Energy and Economic Growth (AEEG), the American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity, and the Edison Electric Institute, along with 10 others detailed in the table titled Contributions and Number of Members by Industry Group or Association, 2008.

The second group includes a number of other associations, organizations and individual companies interested in the outcome of legislation related to climate change. Those groups include opponents of limits on carbon emissions such as automobile dealers, car and truck rental agencies, and energy and chemical companies. Other interested parties include the Chamber of Commerce, the Illinois Farm Bureau, the Illinois AFL-CIO and Auto Workers Region 4 (Illinois UAW). The second group also contains contributors from businesses and associations that favor stronger climate-change laws.

The status of the six pieces of legislation discussed here are current as of the publication date of this study.

Contributions from individuals employed by the industry groups, businesses or associations are not included in the totals. In some cases individuals are cited in the text; a separate discussion of individual donors appears later in this report.

Contributions from Industry Groups and Associations

During the 2008 election cycle in Illinois, 87 contributors who were members of one or more of the 13 industry groups and associations opposed to carbon regulation gave $4.3 million, which is 60 percent of the $7.2 million from all parties interested in climate-change policy.

Heading the list were 29 members of the Alliance for Energy and Economic Growth (AEEG), who collectively gave more than $2 million. Nine members of the American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity (ACCCE) gave $1.6 million, while eight from the Edison Electric Institute gave nearly $1.5 million.

TABLE 1: Contributions and Number of Members by Industry Group or Association, 2008
Industry Group or Association Number of Members Total Contributions *
Alliance for Energy and Economic Growth (AEEG) 29 $2,137,105
American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity (ACCCE) 9 $1,608,603
Edison Electric Institute 8 $1,461,178
National Mining Association 14 $731,207
Air Transport Association 9 $300,834
National Association of Manufacturers 8 $277,525
American Petroleum Institute 11 $271,560
National Petrochemical and Refiners Association 17 $254,450
Aluminum Association 3 $83,352
Consumer Energy Alliance 4 $49,680
Alliance of Auto Manufacturers 3 $40,042
National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA) 4 $36,920
American Forest and Paper Association 2 $8,600

* Because a member may belong to more than one of the groups or associations, dollar amounts may be attributed to more than one industry group or association.

Top Contributors

The top 20 energy-industry contributors accounted for 73 percent of the $7.2 million. Ten of the top contributors, which collectively gave almost $1.7 million, were not members of one of the 13 industry groups but were identified as opponents of carbon emissions limits. The ten include state-level labor organizations, automobile dealer associations, and energy and chemical companies.

TABLE 2: Top 20 Energy-Industry Contributors in 2008
Contributor Industry Type Industry Group or Association Member Amount
Ameren Gas and Electric Utilities AEEG, ACCCE and Edison Electric Institute $677,604
ComEd Electric Power Utilities Edison Electric Institute $592,363
Illinois Chamber of Commerce Chambers of Commerce * $414,300
Caterpillar Construction Equipment AEEG, ACCCE and National Mining Assoc. $366,186
MidWest Generation EME Electric Power Utilities ACCCE $291,606
Dynegy Inc. Electric Power Utilities AEEG $286,150
Chicago Automobile Trade Assoc. Auto Dealers * $243,774
Auto Workers Region 4 Labor Organization * $241,525
Illinois Manufacturer's Assoc. Fertigungsindustrie National Assoc. of Manufacturers $210,925
Exelon Gas and Electric Utilities Edison Electric Institute $136,350
Illinois Automobile Dealers Assoc. Auto Dealers * $215,050
Nicor Gas Natural Gas Transmission and Distribution * $207,770
MidAmerican Energy Gas and Electric Utilities AEEG $201,750
UPS Express Delivery Services Air Transport Assoc. $141,274
Bluestar Energy Services Electric Power Utilities * $137,411
People's Energy Natural Gas Transmission and Distribution * $131,739
Chicagoland Chamber of Commerce Chambers of Commerce * $101,900
Enterprise Rent-A-Car Car and Truck Rental Agencies * $95,425
Chemical Industry Council of Illinois chemicals * $90,650
Total $4,892,362

* Not a member of one of the 13 industry groups or associations

2009 Legislation

The six pieces of legislation introduced to address Illinois' climate-change policy are being heard in five committees. The 16-member Senate Energy Committee is hearing HB 3854, SB 1823 and SB 1941. The 13-member Senate Executive Committee and the 9-member Senate Environment Committee is hearing SB 856. The 14-member House Environmental Health Committee is hearing HB 422. The 11-member House Executive Committee is hearing HB 3854 and HB 3668.

Of the $7.2 million given by the two groups, lawmakers received $5 million. On average, the four members of leadership received eight times as much as the 49 members of the pertinent committees, and almost ten times the amount received by other lawmakers. 5

TABLE 3: Contributions to Lawmakers, 2008
Legislative Position (number of recipients) Democrats Republicans Total Average
Members (123) $1,295,985 $1,473,482 $2,769,467 $22,516
Committee Members (49) $889,401 $455,847 $1,345,248 $27,454
Leadership (2) $369,259 $391,482 $760,741 $380,371
Leadership who also serve on Committee (2) $65,100 $60,590 $125,690 $62,845
Total $2,619,745 $2,381,401 $5,001,146 $28,416

Interested Party Contibutions to Lawmakers, 2008

The Illinois Clean Car Act (SB 1941 and HB 422)

SB 1941, and its duplicate HB 422, are modeled after California's Pavley Law that calls for the reduction in the amount of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions produced by vehicles beginning with the 2012 model year.

Powerful industry groups claim the Illinois Clean Car Act would allow Illinois' fuel standards to be determined by California policymakers. A coalition strongly opposed to SB1941/HB422 includes the Auto Dealers Association, the Illinois AFL-CIO, Illinois UAW, the Illinois Farm Bureau and the Illinois Chamber of Commerce.

The coalition includes the Illinois Manufacturer's Association (IMA) that gave $210,925. Of that, $10,990 went to committee members hearing the legislation and $21,000 to leadership. The IMA, a member of the National Association of Manufacturers (one of the 13 industry groups and associations), claimed the bill "would increase the price of vehicles, limit choice, reduce the use of ethanol and tie Illinois' emission laws to another state."6

The Illinois Automobile Dealers' Association (IADA) gave $215,050. Members of the committees hearing the legislation received $36,950. The IADA said that adopting these standards would put Illinois in the position of "ceding its authority to a state that is vastly different and tying itself to all future regulatory changes that California makes." 7

Other groups echoed that sentiment, claiming this law would bind Illinois to California standards. The Illinois Chamber of Commerce gave $414,300 – $23,250 of which went to committee members – and called the legislation "California Emissions Standards." 8 The Chamber also gave $35,500 to legislative leaders.

The Illinois AFL-CIO opposed SB 1941. Together with the UAW, the Illinois state federation opposed HB 422, its sister version in the House. 9 The Illinois AFL-CIO gave $204,035, of which $22,684 went to committee members. The Auto Workers Region 4 (Illinois UAW) gave $241,525, with $14,025 of it going to committee members.

The Illinois Farm Bureau (IFB) gave $49,651, of which $2,000 went to Speaker of the House Michael Madigan, a Democrat. The IFB did not contribute to committee members. The organization told its members the bill would negatively impact the "availability and sale of Flexible Fuel Vehicles that run on E85."10 The Illinois Farm Bureau belongs to the American Farm Bureau Federation, which is a member of AEEG.

A number of opponents gave more to the four legislative leaders than they gave to members of the committees hearing the bill. The Illinois AFL-CIO and the Illinois Automobile Dealers' Association gave more to committee members than they gave to leadership.

TABLE 4: Contributions From Opponents of SB 1941/HB 422, 2008
Contributor To Committee Members To Leadership All Contributions Percent of All Contributions to Committee Members
Illinois Chamber of Commerce $23,250 $35,500 $414,300 6%
Auto Workers Region 4 (UAW) $14,025 $27,750 $241,525 6%
Illinois AFL-CIO $22,684 $11,609 $204,035 11%
Illinois Automobile Dealers' Association (IADA) $36,950 $13,750 $215,050 17%
Illinois Manufacturers Association (IMA)* $10,990 $21,000 $210,925 5%
Illinois Farm Bureau * $0 $2,000 $49,651 0%
Total $107,899 $111,609 $1,335,486 8%

* Member of one of the 13 industry groups or associations identified as opponents to carbon regulation. The Illinois Farm Bureau's parent organization is a member of the AEEG. The IMA is a member of the National Manufacturers Association.

Spotlight on Transportation Industry Contributors

Excluding the $215,050 from the Illinois Automobile Dealers Association discussed above, other transportation industry contributors (excluding the air transport industry) with a stake in the outcome of the Clean Car Act were auto dealers, trucking companies and associations, car rental businesses, and express delivery companies.

Transportation industry contributors gave $741,483, the bulk of which ($638,109) went to legislative candidate committees. Members of the Senate Energy Committee and the House Environmental Health Committee – the two committees hearing SB 1941 and HB 422 – received 21 percent ($157,205) of the $741,483.

The Chicago Automobile Trade Association (CATA) is not a member of one of the 13 industry groups or associations. CATA gave $243,774 to candidate committees, with $223,200 going to legislative candidates. Senate Energy Committee members received $18,000, but the CATA did not contribute to House Environmental Health Committee members. Legislative leaders got $42,000.

Other new and used car and truck dealers and associations gave $80,214. Nearly all of that ($69,840) went to candidate committees. Members of the Senate Energy Committee and the House Environmental Health Committee received $7,188.

Trucking companies and associations gave $121,967. Of that, $16,875 went to members of the Senate Energy Committee and the House Environmental Health Committee, and $9,750 went to legislative leaders. The top contributor in the trucking industry was the Mid-West Truckers' Association that gave $83,415.

TABLE 5: Top Transportation Sector Contributions To Committee Members, 2008
Contributor To Committee Members Hearing SB 1941 and HB 422 To Leadership Total Given to Legislative Candidate Committees Overall Total Contributions
Chicago Automobile Trades Assoc. $18,000 $42,000 $223,200 $243,774
UPS * $25,200 $17,500 $113,200 $141,274
Enterprise Rent-A-Car $12,050 $20,882 $84,032 $95,425
Mid-West Truckers Assoc. $9,725 $9,500 $65,765 $83,415
Ford Motor Co. * $6,742 $9,000 $28,842 $33,842
* Member of one of the 13 industry groups or associations identified as opponents to carbon regulation.

Top Transportation Sector Contributions to Committee Members, 2008

The Illinois Energy to Jobs Act - SB 1823 and HB 3854

The Illinois Energy to Jobs Act, introduced in the Senate as SB 1823 and in the House as HB 3854, is an Illinois Chamber of Commerce initiative, which calls for business regulations, tax credits and environmental regulations that would attract new energy projects and energy industry to the state. The Chamber believes those changes would lead to job creation and economic growth.11

The Illinois Chamber of Commerce gave $414,300, $19,750 of which went to members of the House Executive Committee and the Senate Energy Committee – the two committees hearing the bills.

The Illinois AFL-CIO supports the chamber's initiative SB 1823 and gave $204,035. Of that, $18,604 went to members of the House Executive Committee and the Senate Energy Committee. 12

The environmental policy group, Sierra Club, opposed HB 3854 13 The environmental policy organization gave $14,471 to 14 candidate committees, with only $501 going to one member of the House Executive Committee, Democrat Arthur L. Turner.

The Climate Action and Clean Energy Investment Act of 2009 – SB 856 and HB 3668

HB3668 would establish a cap on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from large sources

HB 3668 would create the Climate Action and Clean Energy Investment Act for 2009. This bill would establish a cap on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from large sources. A so-called "cap and trade" policy that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency defines as "a market-based policy tool … A cap and trade program first sets an aggressive cap … on emissions. Sources covered by the program then receive authorizations to emit in the form of emissions allowances, with the total amount of allowances limited by the cap." 14

The Illinois Manufacturer's Association (IMA) voiced strong opposition to HB 3668, saying the measure would result in lost jobs and industry for Illinois, and declaring their position is backed by a large coalition of opponents "ranging from business groups, labor unions, and electric generating companies…" 15

The IMA and seven other members of the National Association of Manufacturers (one of the 13 industry groups and associations) gave $277,525, with the lion's share ($210,925) coming from the IMA. Members of the three committees hearing these bills – the Senate Energy Committee, the Senate Environment Committee and the House Executive Committee – received $22,045.

Three legislative leaders received a combined $27,000, with $19,500 going to House Republican Leader Tom Cross.

Contributions to Legislative Leadership

Industry groups and association members, along with other interested parties, made significant contributions to members of leadership. House leadership in both parties accounted for 86 percent of the funds industry groups gave the leadership. Republicans in the two minority leadership positions received $452,072. The two Democratic leaders, who enjoy a majority in both chambers, received $434,359.

Former Senate President Emil Jones, Jr., who announced in August 2008 that he intended to retire, received $159,350 from contributors interested in climate-change issues. $100,400 of that came from members of the 13 industry groups and associations. Interestingly, Jones' son, Emil Jones III, who went on to win his father's seat, received no money from the industry group or association members. He did get $500 from the Illinois AFL-CIO and $250 from the Illinois Automobile Dealers Association.

TABLE 6: Contributions to Legislative Leadership, 2008
Leader Position From Industry Group and Association Members From Other Interested Contributors Total Energy Industry Contributions Percent of Total Campaign Contributions
Cross, Tom House Republican Leader $269,150 $122,332 $391,482 13%
Madigan, Michael J. House Speaker (Democrat) $219,300 $149,959 $369,259 9%
Cullerton, John J. Senate President (Democrat) $46,100 $19,000 $65,100 6%
Radogno, Christine Senate Republican Leader $39,000 $21,590 $60,590 12%
Total $573,550 $312,881 $886,431

Statewide Constitutional Officials

With the exception of ten candidates running in judicial elections, none of Illinois' statewide-elected officials were up for election in 2008. Four of the judicial candidates received money from contributors in one or both groups. Six incumbent statewide officials not up for election raised money, and they all received contributions from both groups. At the top of the list was then-Gov. Rod Blagojevich. Another recipient of donations from both groups was Attorney General Lisa Madigan, who was instrumental in the passage of the Clean Coal Act 16 .

TABLE 7: Energy Industry Contributions to Statewide Elected Officials, 2008
Statewide Official Office From Industry Group and Association Members From Other Interested Contributors Total Energy Industry Contributions Percent of Total Campaign Contributions
Blagojevich, Rod Governor $145,608 $84,950 $230,558 5%
White, Jesse Secretary of State $11,800 $56,425 $68,225 7%
Hynes, Daniel W. Comptroller $9,750 $49,000 $58,750 2%
Madigan, Lisa Attorney General $9,000 $26,631 $35,631 1%
Giannoulias, Alexander Treasurer $4,700 $24,000 $28,700 2%
Burke, Anne M. * Supreme Court Justice $21,625 $6,605 $28,230 2%
Quinn, Pat Lt. Governor $2,750 $8,600 $11,350 3%
Wexstten, James M. * Appellate Court Judge $3,000 $1,500 $4,500 1%
Steele, John O. * Appellate Court Judge $1,500 $0 $1,500 2%
Goldenhersh, Richard P. * Appellate Court Judge $0 $1,000 $1,000 2%
Total $209,733 $258,711 $468,444 3%
With the exception of non-partisan Judge Richard P. Goldenhersh, all officials are Democrats.

* won judicial retention

Contributions to Political Party Committees

Contributions from both groups to political party committees totaled $1.1 million. The members of the 13 industry groups and associations gave 71 percent ($809,722) and favored Republican committees.

TABLE 8: Contributions to Political Party Committees, 2008
Party Committee From Industry Group and Association Members From Other Interested Contributors Total Energy Industry Contributions
Republican State Senate Campaign Cmte $230,672 $81,400 $312,072
House Republican Organization $189,150 $43,700 $232,850
Illinois Republican Party $63,600 $50,375 $113,975
Republican Total $483,422 $175,475 $658,897
Senate Democratic Fund $159,700 81,900 $241,600
Illinois Democratic Party $166,600 71,500 $238,100
Democratic Total $326,300 $153,400 $479,700
Grand Total $809,722 $328,875 $1,138,597

The top two contributors to party committees were utility companies and members of one or more of the 13 industry groups and associations. Ameren, a utility company, gave $187,220 — $86,000 to Democratic party committees and $101,220 to Republican party committees. ComEd, the next biggest contributor, gave $101,800, with $55,000 going to Democratic committees and $46,800 to Republican. Ameren is a member of Alliance for Energy and Economic Growth (AEEG), the American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity (ACCCE) and the Edison Electric Institute. ComEd is a member of the Edison Electric Institute.

Contributions From Individual Donors

Individual contributors identified as employees of the energy industry businesses or associations gave more than $402,000: $335,000 to candidate committees and $67,000 to political party committees. Employees of one of the 13 industry groups or associations account for $169,000 of the $427,000. Individuals opposed to certain climate-change legislation gave $168,000. Another $65,550 came from individuals in favor of stronger climate-change policies.

Eight of the top-10 individual donors gave exclusively to candidates. But the top contributing individual, Recycled Paper Greetings founder Michael L. Keiser, gave to candidate committees and state party committees.He gave $3,000 to candidate committees, $1,000 of which went to House Republican Leader Tom Cross. He also gave $50,000 to the Illinois Republican Party and $1,000 to the House Republican Organization.

Nearly one-third of the money given by individual donors went to legislative leaders and members of the committees included in this study.

TABLE 9: Top 10 Contributing Individuals, 2008
Contributor Employer Industry Type Total
Keiser, Michael L. Recycled Paper Greetings Recycling $54,000
Bergman, Jay D. Petco Petroleum Corp. Independent Oil and Gas Producers $24,000
Rowe, John W. Exelon * Gas and Electric Utilities $23,170
Forsythe, Gerald Indeck Energy Services Electric Power Utilities $22,500
Oelze, Jeffrey, Kimberly & William OZ Oil Company Petroleum Refining and Marketing $15,690
Crane Jr., Thomas G. Auto Auction Estate Partnership Auto Dealers $15,363
Oelze, Elmer & Marion OZ Oil Company Petroleum Refining and Marketing $12,450
White, Scott L. & Michele Interstate Gas Supply Gas and Electric Utilities $12,000
Heisley, Michael Heico Acquisitions ** Finance, Insurance and Real Estate $10,000
Krupa, Thadd Morton Auto Auction Auto Dealers $10,000
Total $199,173

* Member of Edison Electric Institute

** Member of Air Tranport Association

Additional Interested Parties

Two groups interested in climate-change policies – the Illinois Corn Growers Association, which maintains a strong position for the need for renewable fuels and the Illinois League of Conservation Voters – contributed $17,500 and $2,766 respectively. Neither have taken a public position on the six bills reviewed here.

The Illinois Corn Growers Association are proponents of alternative fuel sources. Their $17,500 went to either successful legislative candidates or lawmakers who were raising money but not up for re-election. $2,500 of it went to House Republican Leader Tom Cross.17

Appendix A: Industry Group and Association Member Contributions, 2008

TABLE 10: Industry Group and Association Member Contributions, 2008
Contributor Member of Total
Ameren Alliance For Energy & Economic Growth, American Coalition For Clean Coal Electricity and Edison Electric Institute $677,704
ComEd Edison Electric Institute $592,363
Caterpillar Alliance For Energy & Economic Growth, American Coalition For Clean Coal Electricity and National Mining Assoc. $366,186
Midwest Generation Eme American Coalition For Clean Coal Electricity $291,606
Dynegy Inc. Alliance For Energy & Economic Growth $286,150
Illinois Manufacturers Assoc. National Assoc. of Manufacturers $210,925
Midamerican Energy Alliance For Energy & Economic Growth $201,750
UPS Air Transport Assoc. $141,274
Exelon Edison Electric Institute $136,350
PhRMA Alliance For Energy & Economic Growth $86,750
ExxonMobil American Petroleum Institute and National Petrochemical & Refiners Assoc. $86,200
Associated General Contractors of Illinois Alliance For Energy & Economic Growth $81,000
Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway Alliance For Energy & Economic Growth, American Coalition For Clean Coal Electricity, Aluminum Assoc. and National Mining Assoc. $76,302
Illinois Consulting Engineers Parent Company Is Member of Alliance For Energy & Economic Growth $76,104
Monsanto National Mining Assoc. $66,299
Union Pacific Railroad Alliance For Energy & Economic Growth and American Coalition For Clean Coal Electricity $65,374
Norfolk Southern Alliance For Energy & Economic Growth, American Coalition For Clean Coal Electricity and National Mining Assoc. $65,000
Tooling & Manufacturing Assoc. National Assoc. of Manufacturers $52,050
Illinois Farm Bureau Parent Company Is Member of Alliance For Energy & Economic Growth $49,651
Liberty Mutual Insurance Air Transport Assoc. $48,500
United Airlines Air Transport Assoc. $46,735
US Steel Corp. American Petroleum Institute $46,350
ConocoPhillips American Petroleum Institute, National Petrochemical & Refiners Assoc. and National Mining Assoc. $41,400
General Electric American Coalition For Clean Coal Electricity and American Petroleum Institute $40,500
Ford Motor Co. Alliance of Auto Manufacturers $33,842
Assoc. of Illinois Electric Cooperatives National Rural Electric Cooperative Assoc. $32,070
CSX Transportation National Mining Assoc. $30,325
Boeing Co. Air Transport Assoc. $30,000
Associated Builders & Contractors Alliance For Energy & Economic Growth $29,780
Peabody Investments Corp. Alliance For Energy & Economic Growth, American Coalition For Clean Coal Electricity, Consumer Energy Alliance and National Mining Assoc. $25,780
Ch2M Hill American Petroleum Institute and National Petrochemical & Refiners Assoc. $21,250
Burns & McDonnell National Petrochemical & Refiners Assoc. $20,750
Dominion Edison Electric Institute $20,500
Illinois Coal Assoc. National Mining Assoc. $20,215
Wells Fargo & Co. National Mining Assoc. $18,700
Federal Express Air Transport Assoc. $18,500
Marathon Petroleum American Petroleum Institute, Consumer Energy Alliance and National Petrochemical & Refiners Assoc. $18,500
BP America Alliance For Energy & Economic Growth and National Petrochemical & Refiners Assoc. $16,150
Veolia ES Technical Solutions National Petrochemical & Refiners Assoc. $15,850
Integrys Energy Services Edison Electric Institute $12,000
American Airlines Air Transport Assoc. $11,825
Constellation Energy Edison Electric Institute $11,361
Southern California Edison Edison Electric Institute $10,000
Nalco Co. American Petroleum Institute, National Mining Assoc. and National Petrochemical & Refiners Assoc. $9,500
3M National Mining Assoc. $8,250
Olin Corp. Alliance For Energy & Economic Growth $8,246
General Motors Alliance of Auto Manufacturers $5,850
Dupont National Petrochemical & Refiners Assoc. $5,850
Logan County Farm Bureau Parent Company Is Member of Alliance For Energy & Economic Growth $5,550
Dow Chemical Alliance For Energy & Economic Growth, American Petroleum Institute and National Petrochemical & Refiners Assoc. $4,500
Perkins Coie American Forest & Paper Assoc. $4,500
Chemtura Corp. National Petrochemical & Refiners Assoc. $4,250
Albemarle Corp. National Petrochemical & Refiners Assoc. and Aluminum Assoc. $4,250
Smurfit-Stone Container Corp. American Forest & Paper Assoc. $4,100
American Chemistry Council Alliance For Energy & Economic Growth, Consumer Energy Alliance and National Assoc. of Manufacturers $3,500
National Paint & Coatings Assoc. National Assoc. of Manufacturers $3,500
Canadian National Railway Alliance For Energy & Economic Growth $3,400
Southwestern Electric Coop National Rural Electric Cooperative Assoc. $3,100
Aramark Corp. Aluminum Assoc. $2,800
Printing Industries of America Alliance For Energy & Economic Growth and National Assoc. of Manufacturers $2,500
Kress Corp. National Mining Assoc. $2,500
National Shooting Sports Foundation National Assoc. of Manufacturers $2,300
Honeywell International American Petroleum Institute, National Petrochemical & Refiners Assoc. and Air Transport Assoc. $2,000
Illinois Trucking Assoc. Parent Company Is Member of Consumer Energy Alliance $1,900
Distilled Spirits Council of US National Assoc. of Manufacturers $1,750
American Council of Engineering Companies of Illinois Alliance For Energy & Economic Growth $1,653
Jacobs Engineering Group National Petrochemical & Refiners Assoc. $1,500
Midwest Energy Inc. National Rural Electric Cooperative Assoc. $1,500
Boeing Company/Boeing Realty Corp. Air Transport Assoc. $1,000
Southwest Airlines Air Transport Assoc. $1,000
Drummond Co. Alliance For Energy & Economic Growth, American Petroleum Institute and National Petrochemical & Refiners Assoc. $1,000
CenterPoint Energy Edison Electric Institute $1,000
American Beverage Assoc. National Assoc. of Manufacturers $1,000
LyondellBasell National Petrochemical & Refiners Assoc. $1,000
Pike County Farm Bureau Parent Company Is Member of Alliance For Energy & Economic Growth $825
Macon County Farm Bureau Parent Company Is Member of Alliance For Energy & Economic Growth $800
United Mine Workers of America Alliance For Energy & Economic Growth $500
Philippi-Hagenbuch Inc. National Mining Assoc. $500
West Chicago Citgo National Petrochemical & Refiners Assoc. $500
Mclean County Farm Bureau Parent Company Is Member of Alliance For Energy & Economic Growth $500
Woodward Governor American Petroleum Institute $360
Daimler Chrysler Alliance of Auto Manufacturers $350
Spoon River Electric Cooperative National Rural Electric Cooperative Assoc. $250
Lake County Farm Bureau Parent Company Is Member of Alliance For Energy & Economic Growth $200
Schuler County Farm Bureau Parent Company Is Member of Alliance For Energy & Economic Growth $200
Sangamon County Farm Bureau Parent Company Is Member of Alliance For Energy & Economic Growth $150
Total $4,339,805

Appendix B: Contributions to Senate Energy Committee Members, 2008

TABLE 11: Contributions to Senate Energy Committee Members, 2008
Member Party From Industry Group & Association Members From Other Interested Contributors Total Interested Party Contributions Percent of Total Campaign Contributions
Clayborne, Jr., James F. Democrat $138,909 $54,910 $193,819 18%
Hendon, Rickey R. Democrat $27,516 $60,500 $88,016 20%
Risinger, Dale E. (Minority Spokesperson) * Republican $39,419 $15,200 $54,619 21%
Trotter, Donne E. Democrat $33,500 $16,725 $50,225 15%
Jacobs, Mike (Chairperson) Democrat $35,650 $11,800 $47,450 12%
Dillard, Kirk W. Republican $30,242 $13,500 $43,742 12%
Pankau, Carole Republican $27,500 $15,727 $43,227 18%
Munoz, Antonio (Tony) * Democrat $23,750 $19,400 $43,150 18%
Brady, Bill Republican $25,850 $17,100 $42,950 7%
Syverson, Dave * Republican $7,360 $33,400 $40,760 14%
Sandoval, Martin A. Democrat $20,100 $17,025 $37,125 13%
Koehler, David (Vice-Chairperson) * Democrat $7,950 $11,850 $19,800 17%
Martinez, Iris Y. Democrat $9,600 $9,850 $19,450 3%
Jones, John O. Republican $12,500 $5,000 $17,500 8%
Noland, Michael * Democrat $7,700 $4,750 $12,450 9%
Jones III, Emil Democrat $0 $750 $750 2%
Total $447,546 $307,486 $755,033 13%

* Not up for election in 2008

Appendix C:Contributions to Senate Environment Committee Members, 2008

TABLE 12: Contributions to Senate Environment Committee Members, 2008
Member Party From Industry Group & Association Members From Other Interested Contributors Total Interested Party Contributions Percent of Total Campaign Contributions
Harmon, Don Democrat $30,500 $30,450 $60,950 11%
Risinger, Dale E. (Minority Spokesperson) * Republican $39,419 $15,200 $54,619 21%
Pankau, Carole Republican $27,500 $15,727 $43,227 18%
Brady, Bill Republican $25,850 $17,100 $42,950 7%
Jones, John O. Republican $12,500 $5,000 $17,500 8%
Hunter, Mattie Democrat $7,000 $5,250 $12,250 9%
Collins, Jacqueline Y. (Jacqui) * Democrat $4,450 $1,000 $5,450 9%
Garrett, Susan (Chairperson) Democrat $4,000 $500 $4,500 3%
Steans, Heather (Vice-Chairperson) Democrat $500 $3,589 $4,089 1%
Total $151,719 $93,816 $245,535 10%

* Not up for election in 2008

Appendix D:Contributions to Senate Executive Committee Members, 2008

TABLE 13: Contributions to Senate Executive Committee Members, 2008
Member Party From Industry Group & Association Members From Other Interested Contributors Total Interested Party Contributions Percent of Total Campaign Contributions
Clayborne, Jr., James F. Democrat $138,909 $54,910 $193,819 18%
Hendon, Rickey R. (Vice-Chairperson) Democrat $27,516 $60,500 $88,016 20%
Cullerton, John J. (Senate President) Democrat $46,100 $19,000 $65,100 6%
Harmon, Don Democrat $30,500 $30,450 $60,950 11%
Radogno, Christine (Senate Republican Leader) Republican $39,000 $21,590 $60,590 11%
Pankau, Carole Republican $27,500 $15,727 $43,227 18%
Munoz, Antonio (Tony) * Democrat $23,750 $19,400 $43,150 18%
DeLeo, James A. * Democrat $9,550 $29,650 $39,200 7%
Righter, Dale A. (Minority Spokesperson) * Republican $15,650 $15,547 $31,197 10%
Burzynski, J. Bradley Republican $17,015 $5,405 $22,420 9%
Jones, John O. Republican $12,500 $5,000 $17,500 8%
Lightford, Kimberly A. * Democrat $11,000 $2,790 $13,790 11%
Silverstein, Ira I. (Chairperson) Democrat $2,500 $9,400 $11,900 4%
Total $401,490 $289,369 $690,859 12%

* Not up for election in 2008

Appendix E: Contributions to House Environmental Health Committee Members, 2008

TABLE 14: Contributions to House Environmental Health Committee Members, 2008
Member Party From Industry Group & Association Members From Other Interested Contributors Total Energy Industry Contributions Percent of Total Campaign Contributions
McCarthy, Kevin A. (Vice-Chairperson) Democrat $17,250 $9,650 $26,900 22%
Winters, Dave Republican $14,050 $9,767 $23,817 16%
Stephens, Ron Republican $14,300 $8,450 $22,750 11%
Hamos, Julie Democrat $16,250 $5,000 $21,250 5%
Schmitz, Timothy L. Republican $10,895 $10,250 $21,145 8%
Rita, Robert Democrat $11,995 $6,900 $18,895 8%
Rose, Chapin Republican $12,600 $4,300 $16,900 10%
Nekritz, Elaine Democrat $9,350 $7,425 $16,775 8%
Tryon, Michael W. Republican $7,900 $3,550 $11,450 9%
Yarbrough, Karen A. Democrat $7,350 $3,600 $10,950 6%
Tracy, Jil (Republican Spokesperson) Republican $6,250 $3,700 $9,950 8%
Froehlich, Paul D. Democrat $4,500 $5,338 $9,838 1%
May, Karen (Chairperson) Democrat $2,100 $2,100 $4,200 3%
Jakobsson, Naomi D. Democrat $300 $750 $1,050 2%
Total $135,090 $80,780 $215,870 7%

Appendix F: Contributions to House Executive Committee Members, 2008

TABLE 15: Contributions to House Executive Committee Members, 2008
Member Party From Industry Group & Association Members From Other Interested Contributors Total Energy Industry Contributions Percent of Total Campaign Contributions
Turner, Arthur L. Democrat $30,500 $19,038 $49,538 13%
Acevedo, Edward J. Democrat $26,800 $9,350 $36,150 12%
Rita, Robert (Bob) Democrat $11,995 $6,900 $18,895 8%
Brady, Dan (Republican Spokesperson) Republican $10,970 $7,875 $18,845 8%
Sullivan Jr., Ed Republican $10,150 $7,700 $17,850 15%
Biggins, Robert A. (Bob) Republican $8,575 $8,150 $16,725 14%
Tryon, Michael W. Republican $7,900 $3,550 $11,450 9%
Lyons, Joseph M. (Vice-Chairperson) Democrat $5,400 $5,300 $10,700 9%
Arroyo, Luis Democrat $7,885 $1,750 $9,635 5%
Burke, Daniel J. (Chairperson) Democrat $4,500 $3,050 $7,550 7%
Berrios, Maria Antonio (Toni) Democrat $855 $750 $1,605 1%
Total $125,530 $73,413 $198,943 10%

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