Service Voting Action Officers

Service Voting Action Officers

Each Military Service and the Department of State has assigned a Service Voting Action Officer (SVAO) who is the voting program manager for that Service or Department. He or she provides Installation, Unit, and Embassy or Consulate Voting Assistance Officers with assistance concerning unique questions or problems for citizens covered by the <em="">Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act</em>. Please contact your local installation or post Voting Assistance Officer. If you are unable to obtain information locally, contact the Voting Action Office below.


United States Army

Ms. Rachel Gilman


<a class="phone" href="tel:312-983-8475"="">312-983-8475</a> (DSN)


USA Voting Website

US Army Resources Command <br="">ATTN: HRC-PDP (2-1-021)91 <br="">TAG-D, SPSD Soldiers Programs Branch <br="">Human Resources Center of Excellence <br="">1600 Spearhead Division Ave. <br="">Ft. Knox, KY 40122

United States Navy

Ciara Johnson


<a class="phone" href="tel:288-3892"="">288-3892</a> (DSN)


USN Voting Website

ATTN: Navy Voting Program <br="">Commander, Navy Installations Command <br="">716 Sicard Street SE Suite 1000 <br="">Washington Navy Yard, DC 20374

United States Marine Corps

Mr. Brian Mitchell


<a class="phone" href="tel:278-9511"="">278-9511</a> (DSN)


USMC Voting Website

Headquarters U.S. Marine Corps; (MFP) 4 <br="">ATTN: Service Voting Action Officer <br="">2008 Elliott Road Suite 149 <br="">Quantico, VA 22134-5103

United States Air Force

Mr. Carl Buchanan


<a class="phone" href="/wg_a52b03be97db00a8b00fb8f33a293d141/en/de/"="">227-5107/665-2034</a> (DSN)


USAF Voting Website

HQ AFPC/DPSIMF <br="">Attn: USAF Voting Action Office <br="">550 C Street West, Suite 37 <br="">Randolph AFB, TX 78150-4739

United States Coast Guard

Ms. Keirsten Current



USCG Voting Website

CG Personnel Service Center <br="">2703 Martin Luther King Jr. Ave SE <br="">Washington, DC 20593-7200

Department of State

Mr. Jason Gettel



DOS Voting Website

Office of Overseas Citizens Services <br="">U.S. Department of State <br="">CA/OCS/ACS/EUR <br="">SA-17 10th Floor <br="">Washington, DC 20522