​​Unclaimed property reporting can be overwhelming and complicated due to numerous state and jurisdictional requirements.​

Your organization can stay compliant with all state requirements, from identifying escheatable property through due diligence to preparing state unclaimed property reports, using our suite of unclaimed property reporting services.

We help you determine the accounts that are eligible for escheatment, mail the required  due-diligence letters, and file the required reports with all 55 reporting jurisdictions.


Locate and activate your dormant owners and their beneficiaries with our owner location program​

  • home-address-icon

    Step 1

    Locate, validate and update addresses

  • team-icon

    Step 2

    Create outreach opportunities

  • transfer-icon

    Step 3

    Provide a beneficiary outreach solution

Unclaimed property analysis

With ever-changing state laws and requirements, it can be quite burdensome to track unclaimed property, perform the required due diligence processes and ultimately escheat any unclaimed property to the state. 

  • Policy and procedures review

    We work with you to review and ensure your procedures are consistent with all state and territorial laws.

  • Unclaimed property reports review

    We review your previous unclaimed property reports to identify errors and gaps, and provide guidance to better protect the assets of your customers or members.

  • Dormant bank accounts analysis

    We review your dormant accounts where the date of last contact is more than two years old.

Review unclaimed property policies and procedures

If you don’t have unclaimed property policies and procedures, Georgeson will provide templates that can be customized for your needs, as well as bi-annual updates to ensure compliance with changing industry standards.

We’ll prepare and mail due diligence letters to owners


Leave it UP to the experts

Keeping things running smoothly at an enterprise is challenging, and you've got a myriad of different compliance issues to tackle. When it comes to unclaimed property compliance, with the ever-changing state requirements and the growing risk of audits, fines and penalties, you need a way to make sure you can Keep UP with Confidence with a partner that knows the industry and state requirements for everything from due diligence to reporting inside out.