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After issues during the 2024-25 cycle of Free Application for Federal Student Aid applications, the U.S. Department of Education will test the 2025-26 edition of the form. Community-based organizations can apply to help.
The General Services Administration wants to sign up more state and local agencies to its authentication program, used to access benefits, transit discounts and more. New pricing could help with that effort.
Answer: So people will talk about it.
CivStart, a nonprofit accelerator, has named the nine startups that made it through a two-year program designed to boost the marketplace profile of those companies, and give executives vital expertise. A new program focused on AI will launch soon.
Answer: More than three years ago.
The Iowa Department of Education invested $3 million to bring the EPS Reading Assistant to elementary schools statewide. The tool uses speech recognition technology to correct students as they read out loud.
The airport said the incident also affects some Port of Seattle systems, and that there’s no estimated time by which systems will be restored. Flights can continue, but some associated services are down.
Emergency dispatch workers face a flood of calls that don’t require immediate assistance, or don’t even seem serious. Versaterm’s newest product aims to reduce that problem — and the stress on call takers — via software and AI.