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Artificial Intelligence

Cybersecurity chiefs are often viewed as inhibitors of innovation who are likely to veto new ideas in the interest of keeping systems safe. But as agencies increasingly lean on AI, CISOs must find a way to get to "yes."
CIO Khaled Tawfik on starting and leading the GovAI Coalition, testing AI in real-world applications, and his upcoming plans for the Bay Area's most populous city.
A top concern among educators remains that when students use AI to write essays or come up with ideas for projects, they miss out on the hard and focused thinking that builds creative reasoning skills.
The Internet is full of doom-laden stories proclaiming that AI-generated deepfakes will mislead and influence voters, as well as enabling new forms of personalized and targeted political advertising.
Due to questions about what the software ultimately does with the information that’s inputted, Maryland officials say they are approaching the emerging technology with extreme caution.
The agency is testing technology from ZeroEyes to identify guns in its “L” stations. It will send images to a company operations center for review before alerting law enforcement and public officials. Testing will run through summer 2025.
The bill would compel AI companies to take measures to protect the public from cyber attacks on critical infrastructure, and prevent AI from developing weapons or enabling automated crime.
Educators at both the county and the college level are rapidly getting up to speed on AI issues such as legal disclaimers, parental permissions, policies, precautions and potential uses.
San Francisco Mayor London Breed sent a letter opposing state Sen. Scott Wiener's landmark artificial intelligence regulation bill, the same day tech billionaire Elon Musk came out in support of it.
As governments increasingly put end users at the forefront of how they're developing digital services, we checked in with state CIOs to see where that effort intersects with the rise of artificial intelligence.