Learning About Nonprofit Excellence

Learning for Greater Impact
How We Learn

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The Hawaii Community Foundation strives to be a learning organization not only in our own work but in support of the data, knowledge and learning goals of our donors, grantees, partners and community. Our goal is to share the data and knowledge we obtain from commissioned studies and our work with partners in the hope of contributing to greater community intelligence around the needs, assets and solutions available in Hawaii. This section of our website will change often as we update and include new resources and publications. Please check back and you can also sign up to receive an email when new material is added.

  • We commission special data collection and research studies, like our 2015 Study of Charitable Giving in Hawaii
  • We evaluate our major programs and initiatives and share the findings with the field, like our 2012 final evaluation report of our multifunder supported Hawaii Community Stabilization Initiative
  • We reach out and interview experts and community members to inform how we plan strategies and programs, like our 2014 focus groups with nonprofit leaders across the state
  • We convene and communicate with other funders, nonprofits and experts to learn together especially around shared priorities, like the Hawaii Environmental Funders Group
  • We curate and share information, resources and experts that contribute to effective nonprofits and philanthropy, like our online Knowledge Center and our 2015 Advancing Nonprofit Excellence conference
  • We disseminate relevant and useful research and data from partners in the community, like promoting the research and data compiled by the University of Hawaii’s Center on the Family Data Center
  • We listen to our partners, donors and grantees to gain critical feedback about our work, like our 2016 survey of grantees and applicants (forthcoming in June 2016)