
See how HBF uses, manages, stores and discloses your personal information.

How we protect your information:

We respect the privacy of your personal information.

  • We process personal details on a daily basis and are committed to ensuring that the privacy and security of personal information remains protected.
  • We are bound by the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) set out in the Privacy Act.

Privacy at HBF 

The HBF Privacy Policy is a document which provides a comprehensive overview of how HBF handles the personal information it collects from those it interacts with, including HBF members, providers and the general public who may use the HBF website, participate in HBF events or obtain quotes.

The HBF Privacy Policy also includes information about how you can access and/or seek the correction of your personal information that we hold and make a complaint about the way your information is being handled by HBF and how HBF will deal with your complaint. You can view the HBF Privacy Policy here.

A Collection Statement (also sometimes referred to as a Privacy Statement or Privacy Information) is directed specifically to the relationship you are entering into with HBF. For example when you purchase a health insurance product from HBF, we will provide you with a Private Health Insurance Collection Statement; if you are a participant in the HBF Run for a Reason you will have been provided with a Privacy Statement within the Terms of Entry that relates to how HBF manages your personal information for that event.

If you want to understand in detail how HBF will handle your personal information as a result of the purchase of health cover from HBF, as a result of entering an event that is run by HBF or where you have formed another relationship with HBF this page contains links to the Collection Statements that will have been provided to you on that purchase or on entering that relationship for your reference.

Please note that more than one Collection Statement may be relevant to you if you have entered into a variety of interactions with HBF. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.

As noted in HBF’s Privacy Policy and if applicable the Collection Statements, the countries where personal information about you may be disclosed to or accessed from in the course of HBF’s functions and activities are listed below. This list does not include countries where you may have specifically instructed HBF to send your information or expressly consented to HBF sending your information. HBF may also disclose or provide access to personal information about you to recipients in other countries from time to time that are not on this list, where HBF’s service providers or other third parties hold data or where their IT operations may be located.

  • Vereinigte Staaten
  • Vereinigtes Königreich
  • Kanada
  • Indien
  • Singapur
  • Deutschland
  • Irland
  • Philippinen

This list is updated from time to time. You can visit the HBF website at any time to view the latest version.

Please feel free to contact us if you have any further questions.