In an effort to reduce tobacco use in Franklin County, we connect tobacco prevention and quit partners with schools and community organizations. Together we work to address access to tobacco products, establish tobacco free worksites and campuses and reduce exposure to secondhand smoke. We are a resource for information on tobacco- and smoke-free initiatives, tobacco surveillance and research and youth prevention programming. We provide schools, health care providers and community coalitions with resources to support quitting smoking. We also support WIC participants with opportunities to quit smoking.

We provide support and assistance to coalitions, municipalities, worksites and campuses as they develop tobacco-free policies and ordinances. We also address the impact of tobacco advertising in our community.

We work with the Franklin Grand Isle Tobacco Prevention Coalition.

Coalition Local Success Stories
  • Supported Our Voices eXposed (OVX), a tobacco prevention youth group at Enosburg Falls High School, to create and display banners that show the risks of e-cigarette use.

  • Supported OVX to present to the Enosburg Village Trustees, where they pushed for the addition of tobacco substitutes to existing smoke-free policies in local parks. This addition was approved by the village in May 2016.

  • Helped the Fairfield Community Center establish a smoke-free policy.

  • Made cessation classes available to Fairfield community members.

  • Shared materials that addressed the impact of in-store tobacco advertising at the St. Albans Healthy Hearts event and the Swanton Month of the Young Child event.

  • Provided 802Quits “lunch and learn” opportunities in dental offices. These sessions educate dental staff on how to utilize 802Quits, including how to discuss smoking cessation with patients.

Smoking rates in Vermont are declining, but they remain higher in some groups. Learn more about how we provide services and supports to those with the highest rates of smoking and tobacco use.

CounterBalance is a campaign directed towards the tobacco industry’s influence on youth and the damaging impact tobacco use has on community health.


Resources for Quitting

1-800-Quit-Now or 1-800-784-8669



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