Parking Leases

A Member/Member-elect may lease a Parking space for official use within the Congressional District.

The lease for the 118th Congress must commence no earlier than January 3, 2023 and terminate by no later than January 2, 2025.

Parking Lease Approval Process

The House does not have a standard Parking lease but instead uses the Landlord’s lease.

Prior to either party signing a lease, the Member/Member-elect must submit the proposed lease to the Office of Administrative Counsel (“Administrative Counsel”) via e-mail in PDF form ([email protected]) or fax (202-226-0357) for review to ensure the lease complies with Federal law and House rules. If the Member/Member-elect executes a lease prior to Administrative Counsel review and the lease is subsequently determined to be non-compliant, payments cannot be charged against the MRA.

If changes are necessary, Administrative Counsel will contact the office of the Member/Member-elect to explain the changes that must be made to comply with Federal law and House rules.

If Administrative Counsel determines that the proposed terms and conditions of the lease comply with appliable law and House Rules and Regulations, Administrative Counsel will notify the Member/Member-elect to proceed with the signing of the lease.

After the lease is executed by both parties, the Lease must be sent to Administrative Counsel via e-mail in PDF form ([email protected]) or fax (202-226-0357) for final approval. The Administrative Counsel will notify the Office of Finance that automatic monthly payments can begin.

Frequently Asked Questions

Leasing a Parking Space

How long does it take to review a lease?
We attempt to review all leases within 24 hours of receipt.

Does the Member/Member-elect need to personally sign the lease?
Yes. Only the Member/Member-elect may sign.

Should the Landlord complete the W9/ACH Vendor Form?

Can the rent payments be due on the first?
No. The Federal government pays rent in arrears by the last day of the month.

Can the Parking lease include state sales/use tax?
It depends on the state. Contact the Office of the General Counsel for a tax-exempt letter (202-225-9700).

Lease Termination

Can the Member terminate the lease before the expiration date?
Generally no, but contact Administrative Counsel at 202-225-6969 because the answer depends on the terms of a lease. If a lease is improperly terminated, the Member could still be financially responsible for the monthly payments.