Jessica Simpson Shares A Photo Of Her Leg-Shaving Struggles

Mario Anzuoni / Reuters

Shaving your legs is no easy task.

And there’s nothing more disappointing than spending 20 minutes getting shaving cream everywhere and trying not to nick yourself, only to step out of the shower and realize you missed a spot.

Jessica Simpson recently experienced this all-too-relatable disappointment. The singer even posted a picture on Instagram of the leg hairs she forgot to shave.

“Missed a spot,” the businesswoman captioned her photo, which showed her leg hair glowing in the light.

Simpson is no stranger to getting refreshingly real (or poking a little fun at herself) on social media. A few weeks ago, she joked about the time on “Newlyweds” when she couldn’t figure out if tuna was chicken or fish:

Last month, the singer joked about her dentist spelling her name wrong and the state of her wisdom teeth:

With her leg hair photo, Simpson joins the ranks of Chrissy Teigen, who often shares things like photos of her “period skin” and stretch marks, which make us all feel better about the photoshopped pictures of stars and models that are all-too-common these days.

More of this realness, please.


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