HuffPost Personal

"At that time, the band had broken up, and I was told they would never reunite. But that’s not what happened."
"My sex education had consisted of a variety of lessons at church ... I had learned that losing my virginity before marriage was akin to murder."
"Most of my foster parent trainings were filled with older married straight couples. It didn’t necessarily feel like my community, but I was undeterred."
"I wish I could say that I hated the return to a problem I thought I’d left behind 30 years earlier. But I didn’t hate it. I loved it."
"I know my husband is devastated — he’s broken down a few times — but he’s trying to keep himself together because he knows that is what I want."
"Her blindness to Trump’s white nationalist tendencies was an affront to my wife, who is a proud Latina, and angered my biracial, high-school-aged children."
"I had more respect for my husband in that moment than I did 20 years prior when he demanded that I take his name."
"Every day seemed to offer new surprises and things were said to me — often in the guise of 'help' — that I never thought I’d hear come out of people’s mouths."
"It started with us hanging out as roommates, then as friends, and then in a way I couldn’t quite name. It felt completely different than any crush I’d suffered through with a boy."
"It’s not as if we said to each other, 'Let’s save our letters.' ... The years simply added up, as did the piles of paper, made even more precious by the passage of time and loss."