The Fiances (1963) Poster


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The separation
jotix10017 November 2006
Warning: Spoilers
We are taken to what appears a neighborhood dance hall, as the film begins. The lights are out, the people are seated, awaiting the start of the music. The musicians arrive and begin playing. Two women of a certain age take to the floor, followed by the other couples. It's at this point that Giovanni and Liliana, who are serious about one another, enter and sit at one of the tables. Hardly a word is spoken, yet, watching Lilliana's face, we realize something is wrong.

We figure the problem lies in the fact that Giovanni has accepted a position in a new industrial complex his company has set up in Sicily. The job means he will be away for a whole year with better pay and a promotion. This doesn't sit well with Lilianna, and her attitude at the dance hall explains the way she feels the separation will take Giovanni away from her forever.

As Giovanni gets settled into the job, we watch him roaming the streets of the little town. He is clearly a loner since he prefers his own company. Giovanni has to struggle with the fact his elderly father has stayed behind and must deal with the idea of living in a nursing home. Toward the end of the story he receives a letter from Lilianna where she gives him news of home. Giovanni, who obviously misses her sees a way for resuming their relationship.

Ermanno Olmi was a documentary maker before his magnificent screen debut with "Il Posto". In a way, "I Fidanzati" feels like a continuation of the other film. The ballroom sequence brings to mind the New Year's ball of the former movie. This idea is arrived at because the bored expressions of the couples at the neighborhood dance hall. No one seems to be having fun. Lilianna, whose face betrays her, shows a woman at the border of despair as she figures that Giovanni's departure means the end of her chances of marrying Giovanni.

The director was wise to employ Lamberto Caimi to photograph this film. The music score of Gianni Ferrio plays well with the action on the screen. Mr. Olmi guided his unknown cast to give excellent performances. Carlo Cabrini and Anna Canzi seem to have been naturals for the screen, yet, neither actor went to have a career in the Italian cinema. Mr. Cabrini, whose presence is deeply felt in the film does an amazing job in his portrayal of Giovanni.

Ermanno Olmi, a director's director, showed that his early promise with "Il Posto" was not a fluke, as he continued to create human comedies about the way he saw his country at this time of his career.
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Good, but I wish I liked it anywhere near as much as I did Il posto
zetes5 May 2013
A nice, small film much in the vein of Olmi's earlier Il posto, which was one of the best films I saw in 2012. The film follows an engaged couple (the title translates to The Fiances). The man (Carlo Cabrini) accepts a post in a far-away factory for an extended period of time, leaving his fiancée (Anna Canzi) home alone. There's not much to it plotwise. It's kind of a mood piece, as the two experience life apart, trying to enjoy it but not really being able to. It's quite lovely, but, I have to say, I didn't really connect to it emotionally anywhere near the level that I did with Il posto. I can see viewers reacting similarly to Il posto, because that, too, was a very small, simple, short film. In some ways, I thought that this felt kind of like Olmi was trying to recapture the mood of Il posto but didn't entirely succeed. Still, it's worthwhile.
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The mysteries of Love !!!
avik-basu18895 June 2016
My first exposure to an Ermanno Olmi film was through 'Il Posto' and I thought that film was a small masterpiece. So clearly I was going to explore more of his films. Being the second Olmi film that I have ever watched, all 'I Fidanzati' did was to give me further evidence of Olmi's prowess in screen writing and directing.

To be honest, in a political sense, both 'Il Posto' and 'I Fidanzati' are in the same ball park. Both films explore the corporate scene of Post WW2 Italy and the varied effects of the economic boom on the lives of the working class people. 'Il Posto' dealt with the need to grow up prematurely and pledge allegiance to the corporate system as early as possible for survival in a cutthroat society. 'I Fidanzati' deals with a man who is older than the protagonist in 'Il Posto', but who is also dealing with the effect that the need and the urge to get ahead in the rat race has on his life, more precisely his love life. Giovanni and his fiancé Liliana's lives get turned upside down when he decides to leave Milan and go to Sicily for a job opportunity with more pay. The first scene of the film is very provocative. We are shown this dance hall where the atmosphere is as dull as ever. People are here just as a habit and their desire to enjoy themselves have probably become a chore now. Then we meet the main couple. Both Giovanni and Liliana's faces and the way that they behave with each other tells us clearly that all is not well between them. Then Olmi gives us some flashbacks to inform us about the reasons behind this tension between the two. We then see Giovanni leave for Sicily and what awaits him there is not something that enthralls him. His life becomes synonymous with his work with absolutely nothing to do during his free time. He just wanders around the streets observing people when he isn't in the factory toiling away. There is a scene in Sicily where we see a big carnival-like celebration which Giovanni visits. This scene beautifully complements the opening scene of the movie in the dance hall. This is because the atmosphere here is very energetic and frantic unlike the atmosphere in that scene. However, Giovanni still leaves this celebration feeling lonely due to the absence of Liliana. Ironically this separation actually helps both of them to understand each other a little better in hindsight. What I really love about 'I Fidanzati' is that although Olmi is clearly making a statement on the dehumanising nature of the rampant industrialisation, but just like Antonioni he does it through subtle storytelling and never allows his political statements to obscure what is the heartbeat of the film which is the romance between Giovanni and Liliana and the realisations that they make about their relationship over the course of the film.

In both 'Il Posto' and 'I Fidanzati', I have noticed the fact that Olmi's style of storytelling has an inherent innocence about it. His camera is non-judgmental. He understands his characters and observes them without forcing the viewer to draw rapid and concrete conclusions about them akin to the humanist filmmakers of the 50s and 60s. Just like 'Il Posto', he revels in just observing his characters observing things without doing much. His style of realism gives you hints of his documentary filmmaking past. There is also some French New Wave- esque use of jump cuts in certain scenes that I wasn't really expecting. He doesn't feel the need to cram a lot of stuff and incidents in his screenplays. However, for a film with very little plot development, he does manage to infuse some ambiguity. The scenes where his screenplay delves into non-linearity can be interpreted in more than one ways as per the desire of the viewer. The ending itself is ambiguous. For me, the film ends on a bittersweet note. However, I have read reviews where the ending has been interpreted in a far more pessimistic sense.

The acting in 'I Fidanzati' is tough to judge. One might say that the actors specially Carlo Cabrini doesn't do much except observe things. But I think Cabrini does bring an understated humanism to the role. You can clearly see the loneliness in his eyes when he is looking at himself in the mirror after coming back to his hotel from the celebrations or the subtle joy in his eyes when he sees the dog causing chaos in the church. Anna Canzi who plays Liliana has a very expressive face and very expressive eyes. She doesn't appear in too many scenes, but whenever she does, she makes you know what she is feeling and thinking just through her eyes. Considering that both of them were amateurs, one has to praise Olmi a lot for having the ability to get these subtle performances out of non- professionals.

'I Fidanzati' has cemented Ermanno Olmi's status as an auteur in my eyes whose work I should keep exploring. Although I love 'Il Posto' slightly more than this film, never the less the skill, artistry and humanism present in 'I Fidanzati' make it a great film.
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tangoviudo17 July 2004
This was Olmi's 3rd feature and was shown briefly in New York (audiences failed to turn out even when they were giving tickets away). It's a step forward in Olmi's artistry, after the straightforward but delightful realism of "Il Posto." Olmi uses temporal devices to elaborate the circumstances of the hero's lonely life - his long engagement, his decision to take a job offer in faraway Sicily, his longing for Liliana - and succeeds brilliantly, achieving a more artful and truly poetic style. And anyone who has spent some time far away from a loved one will feel acutely Giovanni's isolation and how his feelings for Liliana become clearer and sharper as the days that separate them accumulate. I unhesitatingly recommend this beautiful little film.
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I Fidanzati : A good Italian film whose director Ermanno Olmi has a taste for revealing humane values.
FilmCriticLalitRao25 June 2013
In many ways, Italian film "I Fidanzati"/The Fiances can be considered as a stylish extension of Ermanno Olmi's previous film "Il Posto". Both of his films present the preponderance of man over machine as human beings have the ability to reveal their sentiments, crack a joke, dance and sing. Olmi has shot his film with the astute eyes of a documentary filmmaker who is more interested in capturing the daily lives of his protagonists. A scene which elicits widespread sympathy involves the waiter of an industrial hostel who shares the troubled tale of his son's illness with a new employee. The industrial landscape of Sicily has been shown in all its honesty with some casual yet frank shots of industrial plants with workers who toil throughout days and nights. A sensible viewer does not lose much time to discover that this is a film about a man trying to find his rightful place amidst a fast changing industrial scenario where some old men are believed to have collapsed due to loneliness. The film also echoes its Neorealist concerns about the romantic lives of two young people who had to separate due to circumstances beyond their control. Ermanno Olmi creates a balanced position of young lovers by showing how each of them is dealing with the absence of the other partner. Finally,I Fidanzati is a perfect film for those viewers who would like true to life stories unroll before their eyes.
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One of the greatest and most underrated of Italian films.
MOscarbradley21 August 2022
Giovanni is an engineer who leaves his fiancee in the North of Italy for promotion in Sicily but once there finds it very different from what he expected. Like "Il Posto" before it, Ermanno Olmi's masterpiece "I Fidanzati" uses mostly non-professional actors and a documentary-style approach to chronicle the everyday life of ordinary people in, for Giovanni at least, an alien environment. Sicily may as well be the surface of the moon though it does have its own rarefied atmosphere.

Olmi's genius has always been for focusing his gaze on the simple things of life. There are no great dramas going on; some may even find "I Fidanzati" boring and yet there is more truthfulness and beauty here than most films can only dream of. I could watch Giovanni drift through his less than exciting life until the cows come home and Carlo Cabrini's 'non-performance' as Giovanni is quietly magnificent, perfectly in keeping with Olmi's vision of the man. Not as highly thought of as "Il Posto" but just as fine, "I Fidanzati" is one of the greatest of Italian films and, sadly, one of the most underrated.
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Olmi's Straightforward Romanticism
boblipton21 May 2018
Carlo Cabrini gets a chance for a big promotion. The catch is he'll have to move to Sicily for eighteen months. He's worried about his decrepit father, and his fiancee, Anna Canzi is sulky. When he arrives in Sicily, he finds it foreign and oddly noisy and the people strange and greedy and annoying, but as time goes on, he begins to grow accustomed to its rhythms and his strange dreams the lack of a letter from Miss Canzi. Then a letter arrives....

Ermanno Olmi's ultimately very romantic movie is, when you come down to it, standard studio fare. There were hundreds, if not thousands of movies like it made and still being made. Even so, Olmi's script leaves the outcome in doubt through the end and the cinematography by Lamberto Caimi offers us Sicily first as a terrible and alien landscape that grows warm and home-like is a very seductive fashion. It's a well-told tale.
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Absence makes the heart grow fonder?
planktonrules1 December 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This is a film directed by Ermanno Olmi and although well made, I also found it a bit dull.

Giovanni and Liliana are engaged and live in Northern Italy. Despite their engagement, however, they seem very blasé about their relationship--particularly Giovanni. Will they eventually get married or won't they--it's hard to tell. When his company wants to transfer him to a plant in Southern Italy, he accepts--but also finds the new location very lonely. And, for the first time, he seems to need Liliana. Believe it or not, there really is no more to the film than this! There are LOTS of longing looks, quiet moments and little dialog. It's the sort of film artsy folks will probably love but the average person will find dull. I appreciated the film...but also found it too slow and dull. Perhaps this was deliberate--to make the viewers also feel pained, bored and alienated.
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Beautiful, elegant modernism, but too short on story and character.
eyeseehot10 February 2006
This is elegant sixties modernism with a subtle socialist thrust. With a bit too much technique, concentration on beautiful, striking shots and fragmented narration studded with flashbacks, the story and characters, though interesting, don't have quite enough weight to involve the viewer. The modernist love of the cryptic goes a little overboard, though in an intriguing way, as for example in the long opening sequence in a dance hall as people gather for the dance and you take a while to figure out what's going on. The man takes a career opportunity to move up from welding by going to work at a distant, isolated plant. The plant and its environs represent industrial capitalism and the city overspreading the countryside. Arresting moments, like the dog straying into the church, or the young boy working very fast in the restaurant, as well as the individuality of a variety of people glimpsed in passing, give the movie a mysterious and moving charm. Yet telling so much of the story without dialog weakens our sense of the characters. It draws you in slowly but a bit too much is withheld. Il Posto stays closer to the characters and feels warmer, though the ending of Fidanzati has magic.
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The perfect couple
lionel.willoquet16 April 2001
The love of a worker for his fiancée is rekindled after a long separation. The poor state of the economy in Sicily and the upheaval of its industry provides the backdrop to this touching love story. Somewhat drawn out and clumsy, however.
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