The Last Grenade (1970) Poster

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Smolders and Fizzles
rcoates-661-2224927 April 2011
The problem with The Last Grenade isn't so much that it's bad, but that it disregards audience expectations. It isn't unreasonable, after all, to expect a movie about mercenaries to contain a fair amount of action. The Last Grenade, however, devotes at least as much attention to a none-too-convincing romantic subplot as to the central rivalry between the characters played by Baker and Cord.

Cord's slightly mad villain is more charismatic than the decidedly unheroic hero, but receives too little screen time to keep the tension going. Even his demise is somewhat of a letdown, with the viewer unaccountably robbed of any explosive, bullet-riddled showdown between the rival groups of mercenaries, so that instead we're given an almost mannered climax that's more of a joke than a catharsis, dramatic music cue notwithstanding.

In less British hands - say, Don Siegel's or Sam Peckinpah's - or maybe John Boorman's or David Lean's, this might have been an unqualified winner; as is, however, it's only a minor, watchable, but ultimately disappointing and mostly actionless actioner.
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Harry In Search Of Kip
ShadeGrenade15 September 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Sometimes the past is best left undisturbed. This picture was a favourite of mine and used to play often on 70's television, usually in a late-night slot. I had thought of it as a tense, gritty movie full of exciting action and superb performances. Then it mysteriously disappeared from our screens, so when the opportunity arose recently to view it once again, I jumped at the chance.

Oh dear.

Based on the novel 'The Ordeal Of Major Grigsby' by John Sherlock, 'The Last Grenade' begins in the Congo. A mercenary unit, headed by Major Harry Grigsby ( Stanley Baker ), is waiting to be picked up by a helicopter by one of their number, Kip Thompson ( Alex Cord ). Instead he has changed sides and wipes them out en masse - laughing like a maniac as he does so - before blowing up their camp for good measure. Only Grigsby survives, swearing revenge.

Some time later, he is back in England and recovering from tuberculosis in a sanitarium when the British Government ( naturally bothered by an American mercenary's activities in a foreign land ) asks him to kill Thompson who has been making a nuisance of himself in China by making cross border raids. You would think they would prefer to use someone in better health, but that's politicians for you.

Taking along other mercenaries - including Julian Glover and John Thaw ( criminally wasted in such a small role ), he sets about hunting for his hated adversary. They eventually meet, but instead of killing Grigsby where he stands, Thompson puts him in solitary confinement, from which he is able to escape easily. This lapse in logic is not isolated; as the film progresses, other opportunities crop up for Thompson to remove Grigsby, but for reasons unexplained, he chooses not to do so. We know of course why - the story would have ended there and then.

Harry then begins an affair with Katherine ( Honor Blackman ), the good-looking wife of General Whiteley ( Richard Attenborough - also wasted in this movie ), and considers calling off the search for Thompson ( forgetting of course that he has been paid to do the job by British tax-payers ) and settle down to a life of domestic bliss.

Thompson has other ideas and kills Katherine ( he was really after her husband, but never mind ). So now Harry is full of fury once more, and storms off into the rainy forests to look for Kip. You think a big fight is coming, but no, it does not and suddenly the credits are rolling up the screen.

Watching this the other night I wondered how on earth the writers - one of whom was James Mitchell, creator of 'Callan' - thought that they could get away with such blatantly obvious plot holes, some of which are big enough for Thompson to fly his helicopter through. Even my wife ( a confirmed soap opera addict ) spotted them, which tells you all you need to know.

Baker makes a convincing mercenary - all moustache and muscles, upper lip trembling in anticipation of the final kill - more so than the cast of 'The Wild Geese' combined. Harry using a corpse as a trap for Thompson is in character, but his decision to stop hunting for Thompson to move in with Katherine is not. As the giggling psycho, Alex Cord's performance surely must have been a big influence on Christopher Walken when he played 'Max Zorin' in the Bond movie 'A View To A Kill' fifteen years later. Ray Brooks is around too, but got better dialogue when he did 'Mr.Benn'.

On the plus side, there is impressive location filming in Spain ( doubling for the Congo ) and China. The opening massacre gets the film off to a thundering start. But from then on, it is all downhill, as the plot wanders around in circles. We do not even get to see Grigsby and Thompson engage in hand-to-hand combat. Gordon Flemyng, the director, was also responsible for the two 'Dr.Who' movies of the '60's starring Peter Cushing, and you will find more excitement in those than this.

If you enjoyed 'The Last Grenade' in 1970, then to preserve your happy memories do not watch it now. Believe me, 'The Wild Geese' is 'Apocalypse Now' by comparison.
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Noisy action , pursuits , explosions and thrills in this jungle warfare film
ma-cortes20 August 2013
Lame mercenary movie which depends on its name stars . There are thrills , a love story , revenge , chases , emotion and explosions galore . This is a story of vendetta played by familiar faces against the background of the adventures of a bunch of mercenaries led by Major Grigsby . As two soldiers of fortune , Harry Grigsby (Stanley Baker of Zulu) and Kip Thompson (Alex Cord of Mafia) , used to be the best of friends when they battle side by side in Africa . Their mission meets an unexpected turn when Harry is betrayed by their backers . As Thompson double-crosses Grigsby and this one seeks vengeance . While he is London healing from illness , Harry falls in love for gorgeous wife (Honor Blackman of Goldfinger) of a British General (Richard Attenborough of The great escape). Then Harry and his group (Andrew Keir , John Thaw , Julian Glover , Rafer Johnson) are assigned a new mission that they happily accept : to kill Thompson , now in Hong Kong causing disputes with neighboring China by creating frontier tensions . As Harry and his team breaking into Red China someone has to end the madness .

This warlike film packs adventures, large-scale blow-up , routine plot , and lots of action for the most part , but packs also too much dialogue . It's an average mix of action-packed , adventure , romance , thriller and wartime genre . Middling screenplay by Kenneth Ware based on the novel titled "The Ordeal of Major Grigsby" by John Sherlock . Other chief excitements about the movie, will be in the intervention of famous British secondaries who realize professionally competent interpretations , some of them with no more than a line or two to say such as Andrew Keir of ¨Quatermass and pit¨ , John Thaw of ¨The Sweeney¨ and ¨Julian Glover of ¨Game of thrones¨ . Cinematography by Alan Hume is quite nicely , capturing the atmosphere of everywhere , as it was filmed on location in Hong Kong, China , Shepperton Studios, Shepperton, Surrey, England and Spain ; however being necessary a right remastering. Atmospheric as well as evocative musical score by John Dankworth . The motion picture was regularly directed by Gordon Flemyng , father of actor, Jason Flemyng .Gordon directed several episodes of famous series such as ¨The Saint¨ , ¨The Bill¨, ¨Taggart¨ , ¨Avengers¨ and occasionally for cinema such as ¨Doctor Who and the Daleks¨ , ¨Daleks' Invasion Earth: 2150 A.D.¨ , ¨Just for fun¨, ¨Catherine the great¨ and ¨The Split¨ .
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ridleyr119 August 2005
I saw this movie when it first came out, and it made a BIG impression on me -- because it was so BAD. I remember the ride home listening to my parents in the front seat absolutely trash this thing. There were holes in the plot big enough for a herd of elephants to trample through. My father (normally one of the sweetest men you'll ever meet) worked himself up to the point where he was criticizing the costumes.

As I remember (and it has been 35 years), a platoon is shown heading off into the jungle on a secret mission, and they are all in camouflage, "Except for that idiot," my father exclaims through bursts of laughter, "you know, the guy wearing RED on a secret mission!" And even though I was kind of young, I do remember how wooden the acting was, especially Alex Cord, who had to be one of the worst actors ever.

Bottom line: Good for a few laughs, but there is a reason this one is obscure.
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Lots Of Action, Little Sense
boblipton27 October 2021
Stanley Baker and Alex Cord used to be buddies until the Congo. Now Baker, in London to deal with his tuberculosis, is hired by Whitehall. Cord is making trouble on the border between China and Hong Kong. The local commanding general, Richard Attenborough, can't do anything, since that might raise tensions with China, so Baker and his mercenaries are supposed to deal with the situation.

It's one of those movies in which the action is far more important than the events, like Baker's affair with Attenborough's wife, Honor Blackman. It's never clear why Cord is causing trouble. What is clear is that the two are in a life-and-death struggle, and who will survive is the end the movie is pointing to. There's some good location shooting by DP Alan Hume, but director Gordon Flemyng is more interested in entertainment and striking images than story.
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A lot of talented actors wasted on a really awful movie
wpglory22 December 2005
Warning: Spoilers
A truly awful adaptation of the book, "The Ordeal of Major Grigsby." The amazing thing about this film is the huge amount of talent in the cast that simply cannot save the hopeless muddle of implausible story and bad film-making.

The story revolves around two mercenary soldiers, played by veteran Stanley Baker and relative newcomer Alex Cord. In the first scene, set in Africa, Cord changes sides and wipes out Baker's mercenary unit. Baker is later hired by the British Government (yeah, they did this a lot) to go over the border from Hong Kong to deal with a Chinese guerrilla outfit headed by, of course, Alex Cord. On his first excursion into "Injun Territory", Baker is ambushed and captured by Cord, and his entire unit is again massacred. From there things just get worse. Baker escapes so he can have a fling with Honor Blackman, who is married to Richard Attenborough, the local military commander. This part of the movie drags on seemingly forever, but eventually Baker gets back into the bush for the inevitable final showdown with Cord. Rarely is the end of a film so welcome. I haven't seen this movie anywhere for about 30 years. Wonder why.
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Honor Among Mercenaries
zardoz-136 May 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Stanley Baker and Alex Cord are at each other's throats in "Dr. Who" director Gordon Flemying's "The Last Grenade," a gritty but anti-climatic actioneer about honor among mercenaries. Mind you, this film has the distinction of living up to its title. You may like it more than I or you may like it less than I, but you'll have to agree that "The Last Grenade" lives up to its title. The problem here is that the narrative wanders off course for an improbable as well as unconvincing romantic affair. Freshman scenarist Michael Ware could have given our hero a romantic interest with more connection to the plot. Honor Blackman is the lady in question. Baker plays Major Harry Grigsby as somebody afflicted with tuberculosis. He makes a sympathetic as well as believable character, but he suffers the most damnable ill luck. Basically, he is the kind of hero who takes a beating right up to the end before he surprises the villain with fatal consequences. Meantime, Flemying has assembled an distinguished cast, orchestrated the action against colorful scenery, and derived the benefits of Alan Hume's first-rate cinematography. Unfortunately, as mercenary movies go, "The Last Grenade" isn't half as good as either "Dark of the Sun" or "The Wild Geese." "The Last Grenade" cannot even compare with the Stallone & Statham "Expendables" epics. Indeed, despite strong performances, this 94-minute melodrama qualifies as second-rate fare. The film never recovers from a spectacular opening aerial massacre. Flemying stages several fights, but the arena and the size of those scenes shrinks rather than enlarges. The two leads cultivate a blood feud between themselves that infuses "The Last Grenade" with its primary source of energy. We want to see our hero finally outwit the villain. Indeed, he does but at an extreme cost.

At 42, Major Harry Grigsby (Stanley Baker of "The Guns of Navarone") has survived the best and the worst. Grigsby is waiting his friend, Kip Thompson (Alex Cord of "Stagecoach"), to fly his army of mercenaries out of the Congo. Ostensibly, Harry believes Kip will save the day when he swoops in on a helicopter to pick up his men. Imagine Grigsby's horror when Kip opens fire with a machine gun on Grigsby's men. Grigsby realizes he has been sold out by the greedy Thompson. Kip wipes out all but a handful of Grigsby's men. Suffering as he does from tuberculosis, Grigsby manages to get back to London when he recuperates. Nevertheless, rage smolders within him about Kip's treachery. Later, Grigsby learns from a government bureaucrat that the Red Chinese have Kip on their payroll. Whitehall is willing to foot the bill to send Grigsby to Hong Kong, but the elusive Kip kills one of his men in cold blood and captures Grigsby. Resourceful to a fault, Grigsby manages to escape. Grigsby's escape is cool. You don't see what he does in every adventure movie. Nevertheless, the Major feels like the deck is stacked against him. While Grigsby recovers in the hospital from his injuries,. Katherine Whitely (Honor Blackman), the wife of Grigsby's Hong Kong liaison, invites herself to visit him. This is a romance of convenience as you'll soon come to learn. Nothing about it seems credible given the circumstances. She comes to see him enough that she decides to divorce her husband, General Charles Whiteley (Richard Attenborough of "The Great Escape"), to live with Harry. You know that a romance between a mercenary and a woman with a relentless villain lurking in the background is not going to end well.

Ultimately, "The Last Grenade" isn't a fun movie, but it is well-made.
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An incomprehensible mess
malcolmgsw3 December 2021
It is almost impossible to understand what is going on in this film and why certain characters are behaving the way they do. Alex Cord is acting in a very bizarre manner.

In the middle of the film there is a romantic interlude between Baker and Blackman which brings the film to a grinding halt. The ending is absurd.
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Terrible, apart from the locations
Marlburian5 January 2022
Surely the worst film that any of the three British stars ever made? Any two of them together would normally be enough to suggest a good film, the trio surely a guarantee? And there are several very dependable supporting actors. But all that is commendable about TLG are the locations.

Other reviewers have already expressed various criticisms. Additionally one might mention Baker's team finding Thompson's village deserted and awaiting his gang's return - wandering around in the open and so highly vulnerable.

I suppose that the frustrated Blackman was attracted to Baker because of the combination of his machismo and his vulnerability as a hospital patient? If he had TB, surely it was unwise for her to become intimate with him because the bacteria can be spread through close contact. The romantic interlude halfway through the film was disruptive to the main plot, such as it was.

A very big disappointment.
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Old timers gem
searchanddestroy-117 July 2020
I have always loved this kind of films made in late sixties and early seventies, downbeat and pessimist topics, speaking of anti heroes battling in combats lost in advance. This is not a masterpiece, but I crave for the charm of those movies. Honor Blackman's awesome character's name is Cathy...I guess a tribute to Cathy Gale, the famous TV show THE AVENGERS that made her a star. To summarize, nothing new, compared to other features of this era, speaking of mercenaries but I will never get tired of them. And there were plenty of those, batches, mostly grade B movies. But who cares?
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The 47 Year Old Richard Attenborough
Single-Black-Male18 November 2003
Having appeared in films such as 'The Great Escape', 'Guns at Batasi', 'Flight of the Phoenix' and 'Dr. Dolittle', as well as making his directorial debut in 'Oh! What a Lovely War', Dickie Attenborough continued to act in films like this one in between directing his own. This was made just before he directed 'Young Winston'.
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Romantic subplots have no place in a film about mercenaries.
mark.waltz8 August 2024
Warning: Spoilers
White Honor Blackman certainly is a beautiful woman and has an interesting character to portray, she is a major distraction to the main plot which is much more exciting and deserved more attention. There should have been more exposition as to what happened before the mercenaries were picked up in the Congo and attacked by someone they thought was on their side, the American Alex Cord. Not getting the details of what caused Cord to betray them (outside being offered more money of course, which basically he can't use because he stays in the jungle) hinders the plot and sets is one time close friend Stanley Baker out to get revenge.

Back in London, Baker has an affair with Blackman, the wife of General Richard Attenborough. This plot takes up about three quarters of the film and only ties in with the mercenary plot because Attenborough is the one who sent Baker out to get Cord, which causes him to seek revenge on both men. There's plenty of action and explosions, although the idea of leaving a dead man out in the rain as a booby trap made no sense because that would have alerted Cord to possible danger. Other poorly constructed plot elements adds to the deficiencies of the film. I enjoyed the photography however and some of the beautiful locations, but the film itself is less than mediocre.
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Stanley Baker deserved better
TheFearmakers29 January 2022
While THE LAST GRENADE is perhaps the longest 90-minutes you'll ever spend on an action film, it actually needed to be twenty-minutes longer, right up front, since once-good-mercenary-turned-double-crossing Alex Cord is so deadly right off the bat, there's nothing to base things on when former partner Stanley Baker feels so betrayed...

Directed by Gordon Flemyng, the beautiful jungles of Hong Kong China are shown in revealing wide shots, not only to establish the location (when not in the busy city) but to show it off...

Meanwhile Baker and his men, including muscular Andrew Keir, token black Rafer Johnson along with Julian Glover and John Thaw, randomly traipse the jungle where Cord -- like Kurtz from HEART OF DARKNESS made famous later in APOCALYPSE NOW -- has become an eccentric kingpin surrounded by trained Asian foot soldiers...

So while there are some decent action sequences with Baker not only against Cord but the jungle itself, his third-act romance with British general's wife Honor Blackman (married to Richard Attenborough) kills the pace...

Leaving only a miscast Cord... speaking in a bad southern drawl and adorned in ironically mundane attire.. to be killed simply because, well, he's the villain. And Baker isn't.
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