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Powerful political thriller
jhaggardjr13 August 2000
"Missing" is a strong, powerful political thriller about the real life story of a man and woman who search for their missing son/husband during the 1973 coup in a volatile South American country. Jack Lemmon and Sissy Spacek give brilliant, Oscar-nominated performances as Ed and Beth Horman, the father and wife of their beloved one who has disappeared without a trace. The film follows their frustrating search in a country (which is Chile even though the movie never reveals) that I would not dare live in. Things get more frustrating for the Hormans when they start to believe that the American representatives there are not telling them everything. Directed by Costa-Gavras ("Z"), "Missing" is an emotional film that keep me interested for its entire two hours. Lemmon and Spacek are great as usual, and there are supporting roles for Melanie Mayron and Joe Regalbuto, a couple of years before they turned up on TV's "Thirtysomething" and "Murphy Brown", respectably. "Missing" is one of the best, strongest political thrillers ever made.

***1/2 (out of four)
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Still a powerful film, and still, depressingly, very relevant
davetex14 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I caught this film on television recently and was pulled in and had to watch to the end again. I have probably seen it twice before.

"Missing" is a powerful, fascinating movie that captures the hypocrisy and hubris of certain elements of US foreign policy and the reaction of the innocent public who get run over by such policies with searing clarity.

Jack Lemmon was never better in a dramatic role than in this film, to my mind. The neurotic tics and flip outs that he typically used in a dramatic role are restrained or non existent and his performance is perfect as the upstanding citizen who slowly comes to the realization that his own country, which he loves profoundly, likely had a hand in the death of his only son. Very, very impressive performance from an old pro.

Sissy Spacek as his daughter in law is also very good. I find her utterly believable in her role. She exudes a complex blend of strength, kindness, love and cynicism without ever having a false note. Very good as well.

The two leads are important, well casted and well acted, but the movie wouldn't work without the assorted cast members who play the US embassy officials. Exuding exactly the right amount of bureaucratic indifference disguised with polite helpfulness, shady sleaze wrapped in procedural rituals and ultimately, blatant ruthless expediency, all while making casual jokes, this collection of good old boys do a perfect job and are a chilling bunch.

I note as well that the film has aged very well. The styles are 70s but the film has taken on more of a documentary feel with the passage of time instead of that 70s flashback feel you get from other thrillers set in that period.

In addition, the direction is more focused and the story telling better than in some other films of a similar nature (I am thinking in particular of Syriana).

Bravo. A great film. Watch it. And then wonder if anyone has learned anything in the 35 years since the events documented went down.
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Propulsive, Real-Life Political Thriller Shows Costa-Gavras and Lemmon at Their Peak
EUyeshima19 October 2006
Accomplished Greek-French filmmaker Costa-Gavras has a compelling way of bringing the emotional resonance out of stories with overtly political themes. He hits the mail on the head with this searing indictment of American involvement in the 1973 military coup that ejected Allende from power in Chile. Facts are not discretely presented, even the country in which the story takes place is not disclosed (except for specific references to the cities of Santiago and Vina Del Mar). Yet, Costa-Gavras creates an atmosphere of palpable tension that doesn't let up in this 1982 film, and the unraveling mystery at the heart of the movie echoes the unsettling political situation surrounding the characters.

Adapted by Costa-Gavras and Donald Stewart from Thomas Hauser's non-fiction book documenting the true case, the plot focuses on American expatriate Charles Horman whose sudden disappearance in the days after the Pinochet coup brings together two familial adversaries, his wife Beth and his father Ed, who has flown in from New York. Charles and Beth had been leading a vagabond existence with his work in children's animation and their relatively passive support of Allende's reform measures. Charles' back story is revealed in carefully constructed flashback episodes that show him to be curious about the presence of U.S. military personnel in the area. Once he disappears, Ed and Beth seek help from the U.S. Consulate but face a seemingly insurmountable wall of bureaucracy. Frustrated, Ed, a highly conservative Christian Scientist, lashes out at Beth for what he considers her undesirable influence over his son. However, as they absorb the scope of the violence and the culpability of the U.S. government, they bond intractably toward their objective of finding Charles.

For once, Jack Lemmon, unafraid to convey his character's prejudices, is able to use his neurotically coiled energy in a suitable dramatic role as Ed. The result is a startlingly raw performance that ranks among his best. Sissy Spacek is terrific as Beth, though her character does not experience as big an arc of self-revelation. In the elliptical flashback role of Charles, John Shea provides solid support, as do Janice Rule as a political activist and a number of familiar TV faces - Melanie Mayron as friend Terry and David Clennon as U.S. consul Phil Putnam, both from "thirtysomething", and Joe Regalbuto, Frank from "Murphy Brown", playing another Frank, a possible victim of the coup. There are unfortunately no extras with the 2004 DVD.
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The Earlier 9/11
oyason12 September 2006
Costa Govras' political thriller MISSING remains one of the strongest and least preachy works done about the Chilean Coup d'etat of 1973. The coup, which occurred on the 11th of September of that year, was widely endorsed by the political elite of Chile, with some quiet infrastructural support from the U.S. State Department. The Secretary of State at that time, one Henry Kissinger, asserted to the Nixon cabinet that "he saw no reason to allow any country to go communist due to the ignorance of its people", and that the Chilean economy should be "made to scream". Hence, every support was given to the supporters of General Augusto Pinochet, and the democratically elected government of Salvador Allende was deposed and defeated within days.

Govras chose as background for his film the actual diaries of Charles Horman, a lefty artist type who was living with his wife Beth in Chile. Horman had apparently picked up the unfortunate habit of inquiring into some dangerous affairs in a rather loud way. Isolated in every sense from any "live" political current, his disappearance and murder were relatively easy to accomplish, even though he was a United States citizen. The actor John Shea portrays Charles Horman as a naive sort, and there is no reason to assume this was an inaccurate depiction. Most citizens of the United States overseas are sheltered from the skulduggery of realpolitik, and most cling to some rather dangerous illusions about how far their rights as citizens actually extend. U.S. citizens in Lebanon who had to pay for their removal from that combat front last summer have learned this the hard way recently.

Jack Lemmon is stellar as Charles' father Ed Horman, who made the trip to Chile under the impression that he had rights his government felt bound to respect, and who discovered otherwise. And Cissy Spacek is never anything less than full marks as Beth Horman.

MISSING accomplishes what few political dramas do. It asks its viewer to consider the human dimensions and costs of an imperial political reality, and it portrays with a deadly earnestness what these ideas do to people caught up in the sway of such notions. There are no monsters in MISSING, just people who are doing their jobs and following orders. And therein lies the horror, one which all too many of our fellow citizens have yet to come to grips with. It is a rare feat among political films, an actual work of art. But don't be surprised if you need a stiff drink after viewing it. That's how I felt when I first saw this work after its release in 1982, and it still has that effect upon me today.
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best example ever of a character making a change
drystyx26 December 2006
Jack Lemmon portrays a father searching for his son, whom he think has fallen in with a group of naive liberal thinkers. By the end of the movie, Lemmon's character realizes he had fallen in with a group of naive conservative thinkers. This movie portrays the odyssey of the father searching for a missing son in an unstable foreign country. He believes in the powers of the American embassy to protect all Americans. He believes everyone who keeps his nose clean is left alone. He believes in the power of the American people. The movie allows us to feel with him with its careful directing, and to feel for the other characters close to him and his son. We don't choose sides in the movie. We just hold back the tears, knowing that sadness looms, and obviously the father knows sadness looms, too. The religious beliefs, occupation, and history of the father are played down and unimportant. We are left to realize how unimportant it all is when looking for a loved one whom we feel is not in good fortune. A lot of movies claim to change a character in their film, but they're always left to resort to extreme exposition, usually even making the character proclaim that he or she has changed, and more often than not it isn't believable. This movie makes you believe. It is the best example ever of a character making a change throughout a movie.
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Eye-opening and depressing
jjj52200223 December 2003
Though I was 30 yrs old when the film came out in 1982 I didn't see it at the time although I was aware of its content. And, as is true of a lot of people my age (tho not all, of course), I toyed with liberal political beliefs when I was younger (1960's and 1970's), then gradually became more moderate bordering on conservative as I got older, onto where now I personally am not too sure where to stand. Well, I just saw 'Missing' for the 1st time. It brings back all my previous leftist 'paranoia' about capitalism and national interests. And causes me to wonder why I ever abandoned them. After the movie, I cruised certain sites on the Internet, one being a series of articles referenced in the misc. section under this movie on IMDb. They chillingly re-enforced the truth (?) that at the highest levels of our government there was complicity, even outright orders, to kill thousands, including American citizens, in the interest of capitalism, national interests and (so-called) 'national security'. I am sorry to say (sorry in the sense that with my limited personal intelligence, I am never completely sure if I am right and sorry to doubt my own government) that I am starting agree with some others, that our foreign policy has, is and probably will be be based, to the detriment of our national security, on the almighty dollar. I'm also sorry for the political comments on a movie site but, of course, the nature of "Missing" brought this on, and its very well directed, written and acted scenes. Please don't question things I have said unless you have seen the movie and read some of the articles. 10/10 ***new addition*** And I completely, of course, agree with lev_lafayette. Read the book, it is much better. I have read the book, 'Missing'. And as with most movies based on books, especially 'non-fiction' books, the content in the book is more detailed and hits you closer to the bone, heart, mind and conscience in many ways than the movie. And that is hard to believe in this case because Constantin Costa-Gavras (director) managed to create a movie experience that is nearly as moving as the work it was based upon. It was/is a great movie experience....sir. Thank you, CC-G. For those of you out there who have an easy criticism (one I agree with) now of the US (MY country and I care about it) because of Iraq, you need to watch this film or read the book. What can go wrong is deep seated (human instincts) and hard to root out. It can happen to you and your country and government. We are all human and capable of desire, greed and religious beliefs overruling true morality and an open mind and heart. Please, all of you, keep things in perspective. Fight for the right of anyone to truly express their opinion without fear of repercussions and fight for the rights of all peoples. Especially against government repression and government crimes against humanity. Bless your soul, Charles Horman, and Thomas Hauser, the author of The Execution of Charles Horman: An American Sacrifice (1978). Curse your souls, all those who contributed toward Mr. Horman's death. Including my president and his advisers. nuffsaid newest revision: I humbly present that I am surprised and encouraged by the attention to this review, both in favor and not. Thanks...Jeff Johns, now 63 yrs old. (502)600-6111, [email protected], 130 Canterbury Street, Lawrenceburg, KY. This newest revision was added in spirit with Paris, France, Nov. 2015 (and in some understanding of the conflict)
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Good atmosphere in the midst of panic and fear
khatcher-21 May 2001
The unlikely pairing up of Sissy Spacek and Jack Lemmon as lead players in this based-on-fact film as they endeavour to trace John Shea, husband and son respectively, who has disappeared in the turmoil of the Pinochet takeover in Chile, is surprisingly successful. Without overdramatizing muchly the film succeeds in showing up the confusion and panic reigning during the overthrow of the Allende government as well as the rather ambivalent official stance adopted by US ambassador dignitaries as they intervene in helping US citizens but without risking stepping on anybody's Chilean toes: the US has lots of lovely, juicy investments to look after…….

Costa-Gavras pulled off quite a good job directing this film, giving it a rather good authentic feel, despite the fact that it was not made anywhere near Chile!

Rather surprisingly the music of Vangelis did not play a very prominent part, as we are used to in such films as `Chariots of Fire', `Blade Runner' (also 1982) and `1492: Conquest of Paradise', not to mention his excellent works in various French TV series.

I can thoroughly recommend Isabel Allende's novel `La Casa de los Espíritus' (The House of the Spirits) published coincidentally in 1982. I have not seen the film directed by Bille August and starring Meryl Streep, Jeremy Irons, Glenn Close, Winona Ryder, Antonio Banderas and Vanessa Redgrave and made eleven years later.
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This film changed my life
Ucurian10 June 2002
I was 17 when I first saw the film in 1982 and I can say, that it changed my life. Up to that I believe in my own government an I believe in the US, as a strong friend of all democratic countries. After this film I'd never take the things for real. I questioned everything and this is good. Use your mind, try to get informations from all sides. I think Chile is one reason, that the US doesn't sign the treaty for the international court, because guys like Kissinger had to be scared, that he has to take responsability for Chile and Vietnam. Everything was said of the great performance of the actors in this film. This is the best political thriller ever made.
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"You play with fire, you get burned"
ackstasis20 December 2008
Of all the frustrating story devices, red tape is among the worst of them. You can't see it, but 'Missing (1982)' is absolutely swathed in red tape, invisible twines of lies and empty promises that may keep you momentarily satisfied, but ultimately get you nowhere. Costa-Gavras' 1982 political drama is based on a true story, and so, as in real life, there are no easy answers. Exactly how and why did Charles Horman die? Were United States officials somehow responsible for his death? Ed Horman (Jack Lemmon) wanders dutifully from hospital to hospital, to every prison and asylum centre, in search of his missing son, gradually becoming disenchanted with the government bureaucrats in whom he'd placed his trust and hope. If the film's conclusion feels somewhat unsatisfying, then Costa-Gavras has succeeded in communicating Horman's confusion, anger and exasperation at the immobility of the political machine. Just as the missing man's father and wife were left without closure, so, too, are we. There can be no resolution as long as governments are set upon protecting their own interests.

Jack Lemmon was no stranger to frustrating film experiences. 'The Out-of-Towners (1970)' is among the most exasperating movies you'll ever see, for it demonstrates a perfect (comedic) incarnation of Murphy's Law, in which nothing goes right, and there's nobody you can blame for it. 'Missing' notably differs in that Costa-Gavras singles out a target for our frustration – the corrupt, self-serving government officials - and so our annoyance swiftly turns to anger. Lemmon gives one of his finest dramatic performances as Ed Horman, continually haunted by the incomprehensible disappearance of a son he could never understand. Sissy Spacek isn't quite as strong, but her Beth Horman is quiet and vulnerable, a woman of fierce convictions that she's too small to carry out. Any filmmaker should utilise a soundtrack by Greek composer Vangelis with caution, for nothing screams "1980s" quite so loudly. However, it isn't all bad news for 'Missing,' as the electronic musical score does actually add a sad, nostalgic element of surrealism to the scenes of violence and bloodshed.

I liked how Costa-Gavras cut directly to flashbacks without exposition or explanation, leaving the viewer disorientated, and wondering if we are, indeed, watching the past or the present. This technique recreates the confusion of the characters involved, and emphasises that our narrator is not omnipotent, but merely, like Ed, trying to piece together the facts as best as he can. The scenes of military violence, with the contribution of Vangelis' soundtrack, are oddly and eerily surreal – particularly the striking image of a galloping white stallion being pursued by a volley of bullets. The visitors to Santiago (though the name Chile is never uttered) are all strangely sedate in response to the bloodshed, their schedules unfazed by the nearby murder of local citizens, as though their status as "Americans" somehow places them above all this. At the film's end, Ed Horman dejectedly states "I just thank God we live in a country where we can still put people like you in jail." There's a deliberate hollowness behind these words; as we've just seen, America's policies aren't quite as righteous as they'd have us believe.
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One of the Most Powerful and Sharp Films of the Cinema History
claudio_carvalho30 October 2012
In September1973, in Chile, the American journalist Charles Horman (John Shea) arrives in Santiago with his friend Terry Simon (Melanie Mayron) to meet his wife Beth (Sissy Spacek) and bring her back to New York with him. However, they are surprised by the military coup d'état sponsored by the US Government to replace President Salvador Allende and Charles is arrested by the military force.

His father Ed Horman (Jack Lemmon), a conservative businessman from New York, arrives in Chile to seek out his missing son with Beth. He goes to the American Consulate to meet the Consul that promises the best efforts to find Charles while the skeptical Beth does not trust on the word of the American authorities. The nationalism and confidence of Ed in his government changes when he finds the truth about what happened with his beloved son.

"Missing" is one of the most powerful and sharp films of the cinema history and a must-see for people of my generation, raised in military dictatorships in South America sponsored and trained by the US Government. After more than thirty years from the first time I saw it, "Missing" is still impressive, with top-notch performance of Jack Lemmon. The first work by Costa Gravas in the American cinema could not be better, exposing the hidden wounds about the participation of the American government in Chile bloodshed.

Unfortunately and surprisingly this film has only been released on VHS many years ago in Brazil and I had to buy an imported DVD to change the media. My vote is ten.

Title (Brazil): "Desaparecido" ("Missing")
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Flawed but still fascinating (and quite grim)...
GrigoryGirl4 October 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this film when I was younger and loved it. Seeing it again after many years, it's still riveting, but it has flaws in it, mainly the motivations of Charles, the man who goes missing. Why was he killed so indiscriminately? It was a pretty well known fact that the CIA and the US were behind the 9/11/73 (yes, the Chilean coup happened on Sept. 11th), and as far as the movie goes, Charles was never threatening to expose what was happening. There's even a NY Times reporter in the movie covering the coup, and she's never messed with. Plus there was a coup attempt a few months prior to the September one, and it (obviously) failed. The country was also in turmoil during the Allende years (lots of strikes, some local, some manufactured by the Americans), so the portrayal of Charles as a naive idealist strikes as false. Plus 2 other men who write for a left wing publication that Charles does are arrested, one is executed, the other is set free. So why was Charles considered such a threat? The movie never really explains.

Lemmon's character naivete works well (and it's one of his best performances). He's just a man who is looking for his son, and is outraged not only about his son and his son's fate, but of the sheer brutality (very well depicted in the movie) carried about by the coup leaders with backing from the US. Lemmon is a very proud American, so his beliefs are pretty much shot to hell by the end of the film, which shows the ugly side of US foreign policy. The official run around is in full swing and Lemmon's gets more and more infuriated at the lies and obfuscation of the US officials, and then it turns to fury as he discovers his son's fate.

A flawed but still great movie. As a man looking for his son, the film works wonders thanks to Lemmon and Spacek. As a political thriller, it works less well.
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Still has the power.....
Nolf_2 August 2003
A terrific and brutal political thriller. It's supposed to shake you up and it really succeeds. It's a shame that they don't make films like this anymore. Costa-Gavras's "Missing" is emotionally riveting and thought provoking. For it's time, it still has the power to change the views of todays movie viewers. A must see. 5/5.
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Spend a month in a repressive authoritarian dictatorship!
Criticalstaff28 August 2020
I liked the movie, yet I did not enjoy watching it. The movie starts in the middle of the story and a lot of stuff is presented in form of flashbacks. The movie starts with Jack Lemmon arriving in Chile to look for his son, and he is the vehicle through which we discover what happened to the son and how the Coup d'état took place. It is an interesting concept on paper and you feel at times that the movie relies on a literary source. Unfortunately, in movie format it does not translate as well. In other words, the movie is a jumbled mess. The story structure is too disjointed. It is not unfollowable, but it is complicated. There are a lot of jumps in time, too many characters, you don't know what is going on and who is doing what most of the time. In a book those are not issue because you can spend time explaining these things.

It is not to say that the movie is bad, because it is not. Ultimately, those flaws does not affect the story. The movie is the story of the father. It is the story of a law-abiding citizen that realizes that government officials are deceiving him, that in some countries the law enforcement apparatus is not used to regulate violence or crime but to control and subdue its citizenry. In a nutshell it is the story of an American discovering that exceptionalism is a sham. That is what the movie is about.

The movie unfolds this concept slowly, but it allows to appreciate the extent of institutional violence. There are many poignant scenes in this film, but what struck me is that they were never over the top, or manipulative. Instead the violence and the "action" scenes are very descriptive. It feels counterintuitive but it gives the movie more heft. It's a technique Costa-Gavras employs in his other works too. The greatest violence is not displayed in the shootings or beatings but in the offices and during phone calls. The violence is not in the acts, but in the absence of justice.

Here, one of those is when they go through room of victims of the putsch, where it is just endless rooms filled with dead corpses. It does not matter if it real or not, but what matters is that we are shown the consequences of these events. Another gut-wrenching one is the visit to the stadium, where prisoners are held. Yet, the worst/most impactful sequence for me was when Sissy Spacek is breaking curfew. That sequence is more terrifying than any horror movie.

Of course, you could argue that the movie is anti-American. That would be a very shallow interpretation, and furthermore a disingenuous one. If anything, the movie is pro-America, pro-people, and pro-democracy. Certainly, it is against government tyranny and arbitrary justice. The real victim are American ideals, the movie embraces them. The main victim in this story is an American citizen, and the whole movie shows how certain people view themselves outside the rules set for the rest of us.
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The Good and The Bad . . . .
rmax30482316 January 2011
Warning: Spoilers
The photography is striking and the performances uniformly okay. There is a stunning shot in which a search is being made of a vast morgue and the camera tilts upward to show us the shadows of dozens of dead bodies sprawled on the glass skylight. Jack Lemon does "anxiety" pretty well and Sissy Spacek is a competent actress. It's the story of Lemon as an American businessman whose son goes missing during a coup in Chile. So, unable to get any information or cooperation over the phone, he flies to Chile and questions Charlie's wife, Spacek, the Americans at the embassy, and anyone else who will talk to him.

Lemon is at first irritated and treats Spacek as an irresponsible adolescent because she and Charlie were mixed up with some political group in a foreign country instead of building a business and living a bourgeois life back home. Oh, maybe "well meaning," sure, but not very realistic and it was none of their business. Gradually he learns that the group of young American idealists were considered dangerous by the military junta that assassinated the constitutionally elected head of government. The military were backed by the CIA, it is broadly hinted.

I didn't like the movie. It could only reach three types of people. (1) Those who never heard of a CIA-backed coup in Chile. (2) Those who know all about it and will applaud the condemnation of most of the American values on display. And (3) those who, like me, have a general understanding of what happened, who find the actions of the CIA despicable, and who resent being talked down to as if we were a gaggle of chimpanzees.

Really. Costa-Gavras is going to enlighten me about an American coup of a South American democracy for the advantage of American business interests? Hell, I owned a few shares of Anaconda Copper at the time, whose mines the constitutionally elected government of Chile had just nationalized -- and I wasn't particularly devastated by the loss of a few dollars in order to see democracy at work in one of the most civilized nations of the continent. The tragedy was seeing it turned into just another routine military dictatorship, making sure that pro-American business was carried on as usual.

What the director has done is produce a kind of training film for American jackasses. "See? This is how it really works." Jack Lemon is the proxy for the audience. He represents us. The perfervid but innocent kids that Charlie worked with were putting out a raggedy paper. Lemon is surprised to find that they were spending eighteen hours a day working on it. He thought they were sitting around smoking "pot" or lazing around on the beach, balling each other's girls. And the kids uncover dangerous information, like the US is sending a NAVAL ENGINEER to Bolivia, "a landlocked country." It's presented to us as shocking, but any of us can think of a dozen reasons why an engineer of any sort might be valuable in Bolivia or anyplace else. If Lemon represents us, the director (and writer) must believe our veins run with the blood of Neanderthals.

This is Costa-Gavras' least anti-American film but I don't like it. The script considers us all idiots and materialists. But mainly I dislike it because I don't like being preached to. Costa-Gavras can still reach me, but he's got to do better than dividing the world into simple good (them) and simple evil (us) before it happens. If he's going to propagandize us, let him do a better job.
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Missing Will Stay With You Forever
climbingivy28 October 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This movie Missing will stay with you forever.I saw this movie for the very first time years and years ago on cable television.I just watched it again on the Sundance channel a few nights ago.I love the soundtrack in this film.It has a beauty and an edge to it,that adds to the atmosphere of the story.Jack Lemmon was powerful as the distraught father of his missing son. Sissy Spacek was perfect as the wife Beth,and the daughter in law of Jack Lemmon's character.The entire cast was excellent.The locations and the scenery of this film was done very well.When you watch Missing,your heart just breaks for the father and the wife,and you just can't stop watching.I cannot imagine going through what these people had to go through.I highly recommend this film.
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Shooting people is wrong - even for governments
Philby-320 July 2001
Warning: Spoilers
During the Cold War (1945-1990) it was the policy of successive US governments to maintain authoritarian right –wing governments in power all around the world if there was a possibility that they might be replaced by one from the left, democratic or otherwise. As the US ambassador in this film reminds us `we act in the interests of the United States', not in the interests of the country which happens to be suffering under a fascist dictatorship. We can accept this on an intellectual level – how else can the US government establishment act - but in this movie Costa-Gavras uses his very considerable skills as a film-maker to rouse even diehard conservatives to anger over the methods used to ensure Pax Americana.

He does this by dramatising the real-life story of one of their number, Ed Holman (Jack Lemmon), a businessman from New York and a crusty Christian Scientist with faith in Truth, into the aftermath of a military coup in an un-named South American country the capital of which is called Santiago. (I think we can safely assume the country is Chile, though the locations appear to be Mexican.) His son Charles (John Shea), a vaguely left-wing journalist and writer, living in the city with his wife Beth (Sissy Spacek), has disappeared after being arrested a few days after the coup and carted off to a makeshift concentration camp in the National Stadium. Initially, Ed believes the people at the American consulate and embassy really are there to help him, but it soon turns out they have an agenda of their own. Ed and his son's wife start out on bad terms but Ed comes to appreciate her bravery in the face of a very unstable situation. He also comes to realise the moral worth of his son, who he had previously regarded as a bit of a playboy, much as he had loved him,.

An almost surreal feature of the movie is that people behave almost normally despite the obvious signs of murder and mayhem going on in the background. In fact the only time the `comfortable classes' are disturbed is when there is an earthquake affecting Ed's Santiago hotel. Otherwise, the guests are happy to watch from the upstairs terrace the military killing people in the streets. Of course General Pinochet still has considerable support in Chile, and in August 2000 your reviewer witnessed a large demonstration outside the Supreme Court in Santiago against a decision lifting the Life Senator's immunity from prosecution. It was a very well-dressed crowd.

Ed's odyssey through hospitals, morgues, police stations and the National Stadium is intercut with flashbacks which make it plain enough what has happened. Yet in classic thriller fashion we are kept on the edge of our seats with what will happen next. Politics aside, this film succeeds as a thriller involving believable people rather than stereotypes. Jack Lemmon gives the dramatic performance of a lifetime as Ed, the fuddy-duddy who really does care and leaves no stone unturned to find the truth.

Nearly 30 years later, Chile has a democratic government, Pinochet is too infirm to stand trial, Nixon is dead and his Secretary of State Henry Kissinger is an elder statesman on the celebrity circuit. The only communist regime in Latin America, Castro's Cuba, is still there. This film reminds us that immoral policy, whether or not it achieves its objectives, remains immoral. The fact that US foreign policy is regarded as being in the interests of the United States does not make it more moral, even if you happen to be a citizen of that country, where as Ed reminds us at the end, remains one in which you can at least sue for justice. Sadly, Ed did not succeed.
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Costa-Gavras' first Hollywood film, bravely examined the US role in Chile's fascist anti-Allende coup of 1973
Nazi_Fighter_David11 December 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Praised as a Political director, Costa-Gavras is of interest less for his finally unsophisticated analyzes of government intrigue than for the way he manages to frame his impassioned polemics within a popular and entertaining format…

Inspired by the disappearance of a young American during the coup, the film lacks moral complexity, but finds an admirable audience surrogate in the boy's Republican father, who is slowly educated in the imperialist hypocrisy of American foreign policy when he repeatedly encounters ambassadorial lies concerning his son's death… Most affecting is the evocation of a country under martial law falling apart at the seams: shots ring in the night, a white stallion gallops through the curfew pursued by a truck full of trigger-happy soldiers…

Not surprisingly, Costa-Gavras' "conjectural" film provoked the wrath of the US State Department
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harrowing story
SnoopyStyle27 December 2015
Terry Simon (Melanie Mayron) is trying to go home after the Chilean coup of 1973 but the airport is shut down. She and her writer friend Charlie Horman (John Shea) may have stumbled upon secret American involvement. Charlie goes missing. His wife Beth (Sissy Spacek) comes home to find it trashed. His father Ed (Jack Lemmon) is given the runaround in Washington and goes down to find his only son himself. Ed trusts his government implicitly, dislike his son's choices and dismisses Beth constantly.

The ending is never really in doubt and that takes away from the drama. Ed could have been written slightly differently. He has issues with Charlie and Beth. His blind faith in the embassy feels wrong even in relations with his experience in Washington. His mantra should be anything to get his son home. Instead he concentrates more on fighting with Beth. It makes him naive at best but also different from his start. Beth can get a bit preachy too. This is a harrowing story and there are compelling scenes.
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Jack Lemmon proves that he can knock the wind out of those who like stellar performances.
Pelrad13 March 1999
Jack Lemmon, renowned up until this movie, for his comedic roles takes a very serious dramatic turn and proves that he can knock the wind out of those who like stellar performances. This political thriller involves a young American writer who goes missing in a Latin American country that is headed by a military-style government who like to execute people for the simplest things. His wife (Sissy Spacek) is joined by his father (Lemmon) who flies down from the States and they begin looking for him only to find that the American consulate is being very uncooperative and has its hands tied in politics and red tape. An excellent score by the master of New Age electronica - Vangelis ("Blade Runner", "Chariots of Fire") accents this historical film based on actual shattering events. (10 out of 10)
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The unreserved sound of gun.
Aoi_kdr31 July 2019
Costa-Gavras is famous of the political movie in Greece. One of my friends who lives there recommended some Greek movies. But I couldn't find most of them, and this's just one.

It was based on a true story about missing American guy because of a military coup d'état in Chile. As the searching him, I found the sloppy response from the embassy and a cruel darkside of coup.

I was suprised everytime the sound of gun cut into without caring how scenes were. There were some piles of dead bodies. Looking up, there were the shadows of them on the obscured glass of the ceiling. I had no words in such a cruel situation. But I felt inspite of such a serious theme, it was easy to watch. A quote of his father said at leaving meant all of this movie : "I never want to keep the money of this country."
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JasparLamarCrabb6 May 2006
Warning: Spoilers
MISSING is an excellent movie telling the story of American businessman Ed Horman and his struggle to recover his son, who vanished during a coup in Chile in the 1970s. Jack Lemmon is Horman and he's brilliant...he's mannered yes, but his "acting" is perfect for this role...you feel his frustration with both the US and the Chilean governments. He encounters endless bureaucracy in his search. He's helped a lot by daughter-in-law Beth, played by Sissy Spacek in a performance of remarkable restraint. The great supporting cast includes Janice Rule, Melanie Mayron and David Clennon as a less than helpful government man. John Shea plays the missing son and he's terrific.

MISSING is sad, scary and heartbreaking...directed, with his usual gravitas, by Costa-Gavras
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Where Is He?
AaronCapenBanner3 December 2013
Costa-Gavras directed this interesting account of Charles Harmon(played by John Shea) who, while trying to meet his wife Beth(played by Sissy Spacek) goes missing(along with a friend) in 1973 Chile after a local military coup. His father Ed(played by Jack Lemmon) is a conservative businessman who arrives in Chile to find him, though despite assurances from the American consulate that they will look into the matter, isn't convinced, and with Beth's help, discovers the awful truth about his son's fate and the complicity of his own government in the matter... Well acted and directed film about one father's determined quest to find the truth may be obvious to a point, but is still convincingly put across.
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Those unofficials
bkoganbing15 November 2015
Growing up in the Fifties as the USA hunkered down in the Cold War it was a nostrum repeated to us time and again that no country ever chose Communism by a democratic election. When the people of Chile elected Marxist Salvador Allende with a plurality of the vote that could no longer be said. But for the USA Allende maybe because he was elected and not part of a coup he was like an aberration that had to be expunged one way or another.

In the world of geopolitics Chile would be quite a prize for the other side. It's one of the leading suppliers of copper and probably the leading supplier to the world of nitrates. Can't let that country go red.

So with this in mind our Central Intelligence Agency directed a military coup against Allende who either committed suicide or was murdered by those who rose against him. A very brutal dictator named Augusto Pinochet took over and his reprisals were long and bloody. Sometimes they extended to foreigners as they did in Missing.

The story of Missing concerns the father and the wife of the missing John Shea who was a free lance journalist who like so many simply vanished when it was known he was an opponent of the regime. John Shea is seen at the beginning of Missing and he's a guy who hasn't quite settled down and thinking maybe this free lance journalism is what I'm meant for, finally. He fails to listen to the advice a few friends to be more discreet and not so obviously noting down the answers people give him.

When he goes missing his father played by Jack Lemmon comes down from America and joins Sissy Spacek who is Shea's wife. Father and daughter-in-law search everywhere and are given nothing but stonewalling answers from the Chileans and the American officials on the scene.

What Shea's cardinal sin was the discovery of those unofficial Americans on the scene, mostly of military background which contrasts the official line that America had not a thing to do with Allende's overthrow.

Lemmon and Spacek got Oscar nominations for Best Actor and Best Actress for Missing. Lemmon who most people identify with as a comic actor kept surprising us his entire life with dramatic performances that were special. The politics of Missing are diverted when Lemmon is on and we concentrate on a father's overwhelming grief and confusion over the fate of his son. He knows the worst has happened, that's confirmed by all he sees. Yet Lemmon's expressions tell all and the same could be said for Sissy Spacek.

Missing was also up for Best Picture and did win an Oscar for Best Adapted Screenplay. It was up that year against the grand pageantry of Gandhi as were a few other worthwhile films.

Missing is one unsavory story that should be told and retold.
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A good political thriller, but a bit "arid"
BeneCumb23 November 2012
In comparison with recent Argo, for example... Jack Lemmon and Sissy Spacek, however, give a magnificent performance helping to bring the movie beyond blunt anti-U.S. attitudes. In the event of coups, dictatorships etc. there are - sadly enough - there are victims on all sides and even a holding of a citizenship of a friendly country does not automatically grant extra privileges.

As the plot is based on true story and if you know the background, you know the course of events and the ending as well. I did not and so everything was thrilling to monitor as there were no indications if/when someone gets hurt or killed, or not. There are plenty of moments where the options are 50:50 - as during military-related situations, soldiers may act as they please without fearing to be punished.

Nevertheless, Missing can be considered as a gifted political movie - Costa-Cavras has always been a sign of quality.
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OK, But It Lacked The Necessary Context
sddavis6314 July 2009
Surprisingly, for a movie that claims to be based on actual events, I found that in many ways there was a surprising lack of connection with reality. For one thing, we are never explicitly told what country the events depicted are taking place in. Yes, if you know your history well enough, you can figure it out. It's set during the Nixon administration, it's in a Spanish speaking country, there's been a coup that has brought an extreme right wing military junta to power, and those suspected of being on the left of the spectrum are either being killed or "disappearing" by the thousands. So it's Chile. But if you don't have a good grasp of that era of history you wouldn't know that. There's also no political context to the movie. It begins just as the coup has taken place, but there's no real discussion of the issues that led to the coup or the personalities involved (neither Allende or Pinochet are ever mentioned.) I found those things to be a major weakness.

Compensating for that was a pretty good performance by Jack Lemmon as the father of a young American man who worked for a leftist publication and has gone missing. He caught the proper emotional balance of the father, and showed a good evolution of the man who at first completely trusted the American Embassy and its officials to find his son and who gradually came to realize that they were not only screwing him around, but were probably even complicit in whatever happened. Sissy Spacek was less convincing, I thought, as the missing man's wife.

Where the movie did connect well with reality was in its depiction of everyday life under the junta. Everyone lives in fear, there's gunfire at all hours of the day and night, strict curfews that people are terrified of breaking, bodies in the street and arbitrary arrests. That was well portrayed, and yet, still, somehow this movie didn't connect fully with me. 5/10
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