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Great van Damme movie from the good old days
sveknu3 January 2006
This is a splendid movie. It's van Damme exactly as I want to see him, with great martial arts action, a decent plot (even if it's not original at all), cool characters and a great 80's soundtrack. The movie is somewhat different from Bloodsport. Of course there are similarities too, like an evil fighting champion that van Damme is fighting. But this movie hasn't nearly as many fights as Bloodsport. Instead, it's more focus on training here. The training scenes are visually very good, and with really cool background music. Even though I had expected more fighting instead of this, there's no doubt that this is a great movie in it's own way.
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Revenge of the 80's: Jean-Claude Van Damme, Superstar.
Captain_Couth11 October 2004
Kickboxer (1989) was another in a long line of star vehicles for the "Muscles from Brussels". In this picture J.C.V.D. plays the younger brother of a unbeaten American kick boxer who lusts for some real competition. So he decides to go to the home of Muay Thai kick boxing, Thailand. There he realizes that he doesn't know squat about the true art of kick boxing. He learns a painful lesson. His younger brother decides to learn Muay Thai and avenge his brother's honor.

Not a bad movie. Entertaining and a good time waster. But for some reason the producers decided to franchise out this series. The rest of the films are a mixed bag at best. The more they made the least interesting they became until the final results were unwatchable. As always with these films the first film is usually the best of the bunch. Jean-Claude plays his character with a thick euro-accent (I forgot how they explained it). He's physically impressive so it's kind of hard to swallow his naiveté about fighting and what not. Or well. Fun for all.

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pretty good movie
joliet-jake30 December 2004
this is the one of my favorite van dam movies. I think that it is also one of his best films. We watch his character train throughout the movie for a fight at the end. The martial arts throughout are very well done. This is one of those films you can watch every time it is on TV. If you like martial arts movies you will probably enjoy this one. The movie though is all about the final fight. Like many other films of its type. All in all van dam is great and if you want to see a film based on the martial arts that doesn't have Druce Lee or Jackie Chan or Jet Li in it then this movie is one for you. The story is pretty simple but the fight scenes are worth it so go for it. 7 out of 10.
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The only good Kickboxer movie in the series.
martymaster21 January 2002
It has been made a lot of sequels in this series,but this one is the only that is worth watching. It is kind of like Rocky,in the sense that he traines all the movie for a fight in the end. The fight scenes are hardcore and the one at the end is quite cool. This cant be compared to the best movies of Jackie Chan and Jet Li,but it is still a good martial arts movie.

One of Van Dammes best to date.
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A true classic (somehow)
bowmanblue10 May 2017
When it comes to those musclebound heroes who were so popular in the eighties/early nineties, you kind of remember their breakthrough roles. 'The Terminator' is still a classic to this day and you can see how it catapulted Arnold Schwarzenegger into super-stardom. The same can be said for 'Rocky' and 'Die Hard' for Sylvester Stallone and Bruce Willis respectively. It was fair to say that Jean Claude Van Damme hadn't done much before he starred as the lead in 'Kickboxer' (and a brief turn as the Predator before he threw a hissy-fit on set doesn't count – seriously, look that up). In 'Kickboxer' he plays a ballet dancer who turns professional kickboxer to avenge the crippling of his (also kickboxer) brother in the ring at the hands of a psycho. No, really. That's the plot.

Okay, so you can expect a certain amount of training, in-ring fighting and romantic love interest thrown in there for good measure. That's all taken for granted in pretty much any film. However, all these tropes can't hide the fact that Van Damme isn't really that great actor. Okay, so he's hardly improved dramatically over the years, but he's definitely got better to justify his casting as a lead. Here, he can barely look like he understands other characters' lines, let alone form a facial expression that relates to them. I guess what I'm trying to say it that, even if 'Kickboxer' isn't the worst film ever made, it's quite hard to see how this was a springboard for his rise to stardom.

I suppose he was cast simply because of his looks (which my girlfriend tells me are pretty hot back then – not to mention other areas of his anatomy!) and his ability to throw a kick or two. That, he can do for sure. Yes, the film-makers may have felt the need to overlay a sound effect reminiscent of you hitting a sponge sofa really hard over every punch, but you can tell he's really got the moves in the ring.

'Kickboxer' is a classic. Everything about it should make it bad – reading back over this review I can see how scathing I sound. And yet, after watching it, I really don't feel like I've wasted my time and even enjoyed much of it. Yes, it's quite silly in places and the songs played over (alleged dramatic moments) sound like something Trey Parker and Matt Stone would spoof in 'South Park.' Plus the overall story plays out like a slightly more violent 'Karate Kid' movie, but it's still fun. You'll have seen it all before and know exactly where it's going, but if you're a fan of JCVD, or are just happy to sit through martial arts movies or general eighties overblown cheese, you should find some enjoyment here.
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One of Jean-Claude Dammes best movies
monkey-man29 July 2005
This movie is really good and its about a Kickboxer and his brother who go to Thailand to fight the Thai Kick boxing champion and the American Kickboxer loses and ends up being paralyzed and then his brother gos and gets kick boxing training in a remote part of Thailand to revenge his brother.There are heaps of good scenes in this movie like all of the scenes of the city Bangkok and of all of the beautiful temples and the great fight scenes in the end of the movie.This movie stars good actors like the great action star Jean-Claude Van Damme,Dennis Chan,Dennis Alexio,Michel Qissi and Haskell V. Anderson The III.Kickboxer is one of Vam Dammes best movies and so are the movies Blood Sport,Nowhere To Run,TimeCop,The Quest and Hard Target.Over all this movie was good with NEVER a boring scene and my rating is 7 out of 10.
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Quick Reviews!!
malkane3165 May 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Probably the most famous of Van Damme's early work, kick-boxer is another simple story of revenge, and a showcase for his skills as a martial artist. It has some good fights, and some interesting moments showing the difficulty of training and trying to achieve your best while not losing your focus. Although it suffers from some cheesy acting, dialogue, music, and a highly disturbing dance scene, this is a must for Van Damme fans, and those with an interest in martial arts movies who don't want to stray too far from the West.

Van Damme stars as Kurt Sloane, the younger brother of a flashy American Kickboxer. They train together, but his brother Eric seems to be more interested in looking like a good fighter than actually finding the ability and skill to be one. Eric takes part in a fighting competition and is crippled and almost killed by Tong Po, and fearsome Kickboxer with a great rage and discipline. Kurt decides to avenge his brother, but no-one will train him as they believe Tong Po is too popular and strong. Eventually he finds a trainer in the middle of nowhere who teaches him to reach his full potential and push through the barriers which he never though he could surpass. He also meets Winston Tyler who provides some laughs, and Mylee who provides some style. Of course it is the fights that matter, and the revenge plot is safe enough to give the fights reason. Rather than cheap montages, we see the tough training regime Kurt goes through, and see Tong Po kicking a cement wall to build up the strength and invulnerability of his foot. Sounds odd yes, but how else would we know he's a hard lad? Anyway, a good film for fight fans, light-hearted and fast and worth watching.

7.5 out of 10
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Jean-Claude Van Damme goes Muay Thai-style!
dee.reid9 May 2006
Nah, you're not interested in "Kickboxer," the Jean-Claude Van Damme martial arts movie set in the exotic and mysterious Thailand and focuses in on the brutal sport of Muay Thai, are you? You're not going to miss Van Damme's hammy acting, his trademark splits, or his harsh (although according to some sources, inaccurate) training and portrayal in and of the Thai sport of Muay Thai, are you?

Of course you do. The Muscles From Brussels goes Thai in this 1989 adventure, with the Belgian actor exploring the martial arts fundamentals of Muay Thai, the national sport of Thailand, which has gained wider recognition in the West because it's the de facto fighting style for mixed martial arts and Thai-native newcomer Tony Jaa seeks to promote his tiny country's greatest commodity for a worldwide audience. But this is a Van Damme movie, first and foremost. True he's no great actor, but there's something about his work here that makes me want to watch "Kickboxer" again and again.

First things first, what is Muay Thai? As already stated, it's the national sport of Thailand, where the fighter will condition his body so that his arms and legs become weapons capable of delivering blows, kicks in particular, that are three times as powerful as that of any ordinary martial artist. He'll also use his feet, fists, shins, and elbows too. If one wants to go all out, two guys will get in a ring and have themselves a rope-fist fight, where the fighters' wrists are bound in rope and covered with broken glass. Isn't that mean and nasty?

To begin "Kickboxer," Van Damme is Kurt Sloane, brother of Eric (Dennis Alexio), the top kickboxer in the United States. Tiring of the generic competition of his native soil, he travels with brother Kurt to Bangkok, where he hopes to dethrone the current champ Tong Po (Michel Qissi), who has a reputation for fighting dirty. Kurt first sees this towering mountain of flesh and muscle kicking the hell out of a support beam in the locker room; that's the first clue to Kurt that Eric shouldn't get in the ring, but he's not listening.

And Eric fights anyway, against baby brother's warnings.

To make long stories short, Eric takes quite a beating in the ring but a series of illegal blows delivered after Kurt throws in the towel cripple Eric for life. So what went wrong? According to some sources, American Kickboxing is a watered-down form of Muay Thai, so it's no wonder Tong Po got the upper hand so quickly on Eric, who despite his excellent training and peak physical condition, only landed a few lucky punches on the towering fighter. Apparently, Muay Thai is strictly for street fighting, not something for refined martial artists like Kurt and Eric.

To teach Tong Po a lesson in humility, Kurt contacts American Winston Taylor (Haskell V. Anderson III) to seek out a venerated Thai master, Xian Chow (Dennis Chan), to learn the art of Muay Thai, and so the training begins. Kurt first puts aside his already-planted Karate training and strengthens his body, kicks tree stumps until the scar tissue prevents any kind of feeling aside from invincibility, learns a little about Asian spirituality, and even flirts with Chow's niece Mylee (Rochelle Ashana). What it all culminates in, of course, is a no-holds-barred "Rocky IV"-style showdown using the ancient rope-fists between Kurt and Tong Po.

As someone who knows next to nothing about Muay Thai (in fact, much of what I know comes from Wikipedia and the special features section of the "Ong-Bak: The Thai Warrior" DVD), I found "Kickboxer" to still be quite entertaining. It's brutal stuff, really, so it's no wonder Muay Thai is gaining such greater notoriety in the United States. As Kurt Sloane, Van Damme is good (despite his acting limitations in showing emotions), his performance notwithstanding, and none of the other performers are really worth speaking of either, but Tong Po is a nasty villain and his one speaking line "You bleed like Mylee; Mylee good f**k" sends chills down the spine.

The fights are another thing and are what this feature co-directed by Mark DiSalle and David Worth seems to specialize in. The fights are spectacular (as with any martial arts movie that features Van Damme doing his trademark splits and 360-degree flying spin-kick), which does include one sequence where Kurt gets drunk, starts dancing, and takes on the patrons at a bar.

This "Kickboxer" - it's a kick, just don't let it "kick" you in the head too much with its lackadaisical script and lame-brain plotting.

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The best of Van Damme my favorite martial arts classic film of all time
ivo-cobra812 March 2018
Kickboxer (1989) is one of the best martial arts films that Jean-Claude Van Damme ever made. I am a huge fan of Van Damme, I absolutely love this film to death! It is a cult classic film that Jean-Claude Van Damme made in to a star. Hard Target is Jean-Claude Van Damme's favorite number 1 film of mine this is my second favorite film of his. Bloodsport and Kickboxer are Van Damme's best films of the 80's he ever did. Since he edited Bloodsport himself and Cyborg flopped, Van Damme went and make this film that even today it is one of his best films of his career.

After an US Champion Eric Sloane (Dennis Alexio who was a kickboxing champion in real life) and his brother Kurt Sloane (Jean-Claude Van Damme) travel to Thailand, Bangkok to fight the Thailand Champion Tong Po (Michel Qissi). In the ring the fight is different than in America in a Muay Thai style and Eric get's hurt and paralyzed for life by Tong Po. Van Damme is angrier and vows for revenge, so he meets this guy Vietnam vet retired Winston Taylor (Haskell V. Anderson III) who helps Van Damme on his mission. With the help of the Thai master Xian Chow (Dennis Chan) who becomes his teacher, trains him and getting him ready for the fight of his life.

What can I say I love this movie to death, this movie kicks ass. It is great choreographed, it has no wires, just real action. Real fights they were all choreographed from Jean-Claude Van Damme him self. I love that the location was shot in Thailand and not in America. The director Mark DiSalle did a wonderful job directing this beautiful movie. David Worth was good by helping co directing it. Music was made from Paul Hertzog who made the music montage for Bloodsport. Trough inter film we se Van Damme training I love that, I love how Van Damme trains in the Stone City. The whole training montage was inspired from The Karate Kid and Rocky IV. Kickboxer defines my childhood I grew up watching Van Damme as a kid and Kickboxer is still my favorite film. Tong Po (Michel Qissi) is one of the best bad guys of all time.

On the end of the film we se the last fight with Kurt and Tong Po in the "ancient way", with a broken glass which it is a beautiful well choreographed. I love how Van Damme kick's and defats with martial arts Tong Po one of the best fights in the movie I ever seen. Van Damme dances while been drunk and kicks Freddy Li's fighters to the ground. Van Damme kicks a fighter in a tournament and deafets him in a kickbox match. I love the songs played in the film: Never Surrender, Fight for Love and Streets of Siam by Stan Bush. This movie spawned 4 sequels and 2 reboot films but no one of those films come near this movie. Don The Dragon Wilson can suck Van Damme's dick for challenging him Don your movies suck. Steven Seagal get your fat ass out of Van Damme way because Van Damme would have kicked your face with his technique to the ground on the dirt.

10 out of 10 Kickboxer is my all time favorite Jean-Claude Van Damme martial arts film and kicks ass, it is a cult classic film of all time. I love the cast, the direction I love everything about this film. I love this film to death.
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Great martial arts action, crap plot and music, some terrifying dancing.
ian06 January 2006
Somehow, this film ends up being hugely enjoyable, no matter who watches it. There is something for everyone.

If you like martial arts, Jean Claude Van Damme's technique and physique is exceptional; if you like foreign travel, there are plenty of scenes in Thailand; if you like embarrassingly-bad 80s synth-pop, you will cry laughing at the soundtrack; but the stand-out moment in the whole movie has to be the dance scene in the bar. Some issues:

1) what the hell is he wearing?

2) How do you watch this scene without cringing?

JCVD choreographed all the fight scenes, so I guess he must have choreographed the dancing too. Either it's a brilliant piece of acting, or he really does have too high an opinion of his dancing ability! Surely one of the funniest sequences in movie history...
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This is stone city. Where many ancient warriors come. While you train here, listen!
lastliberal29 March 2008
It appears that Bolo Yeung (Bloodsport) wasn't enough of a challenge, so Jean-Claude Van Damme sets a match with Tong Po. Of course, he is there to avenge his brother. Hmmm, wasn't he avenging his parents in Double Impact? He is always avenging someone - I think it was another brother (he must have a lot) in Lionheart.

The movie is really a yawn unless you have a thing for an hour of looking at Van Damme's rippling muscles on a perfectly formed body shiny with oil.

The ring action is so short and predictable that it is a real letdown. I mean, you absolutely knew the match would turn around once his brother appears, didn't you?
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Great Van Damme movie! One of his best!
Movie Nuttball9 October 2003
This is one of Van Damme's best films! I thought his acting was really good especially when he was crying. Michel Qissi and Dennis Chan very good good. There is a lot of action in the film. Tong Po's introduction was cool! The music by Paul Hertzog was good. Kickboxer has three sequels and I think the the second movie is arguably better than the first one and this one is excellent! If like Van Damme's other great movies such as Bloodsport, Cyborg, Hard Target, and Sudden Death then I recommend you watch Kickboxer!
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One of the best Van Damme movies with overwhelming combats and spectacular scenes
ma-cortes12 May 2008
A man named Kurt Sloane(Van Damme) learns in Thailand the ancient Kickboxing style called Muay Thai for fighting the contender who paralyzed his brother named Eric(Dennis Alexio who was actually US Kickboxing heavyweight champion) . During world championship with the Kickboxing heavyweight champion celebrated in Bankok stadium, Eric was crippled by fighter Tong Po. Then, Kurt is seeking vengeance and he's only helped by an American ex-soldier(Haskell Anderson) and an expert trainer named Xian(Dennis Chan). The film contains some biographic note, as Kurt tells his sweet-girl he was born Belgium and lives in Los Angeles.

The picture displays lots of violence, action filled, thrills and fierce combats. This is a colourful, Thailand set and quite budget movie; leave no cliché untouched , though the fighting are well staged . Van Damme performance reveals to be more of the Chuck Norris, Stallone style than the Stanislawski school of acting. Karate expert Van Damme co-wrote the script along with the producer-director Mark DiSalle .The breathtaking fights are magnificently choreographed and directed by Van Damme. Exciting scenes , such as Van Damme training over temple of stone, sympathetic fights in the bar and spectacular combat against tiger champion Tong Po and the crowd shouting, 'great white warrior'. The motion picture is professionally directed by Michael Worth and Mark DiSalle who tried repeat success with Jeff Speakman but he didn't achieve. The result is a strong entry for action buffs, though strictly for Jean Claude Van Damme fans. Followed by numerous unreleted sequels, such as, Kickboxer II, the road back directed by Albert Pyun with Sasha Mitchell; II Art of war directed by Rick King with Michell; IV by Albert Pyun with Mitchell; V by Kristine Petersen with Mark Dacascos.
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Another fond memory ruined
view_and_review17 March 2020
I don't know why I keep rewatching these movies that I had fond memories of thinking that they would be just as good as when I was a teenager. I need to rate these movies based upon my memories instead of rewatching them and nullifying those fond memories.

The fact of the matter is: Van Damme's climactic fight scenes are lousy. That goes for, at least, "Bloodsport" and "Kickboxer." It's no fun watching people stand still as they get pummeled over and over. And I'm realizing the Van Damme trademark is just as lousy.

Van Damme trademark:

No shirt.


Psycho face and yell after a significant strike.

Just switch it up a little.

In "Kickboxer" Van Damme plays Kurt Sloane, brother of Eric Sloane (Dennis Alexio). Eric is a world renowned kickboxer that gets significantly injured by a Thai kickboxer. Kurt must avenge his brother. With the help of a local kickboxing guru Kurt trains to perfection so that he can avenge his big bro. That means training montage, falling in love with a local Thai girl, some intermediate fights, and then the final fight.

These writers are a joke.
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Pure bliss from start to finish.
DonVitoCorleone6 January 2002
This film has it all.

For the martial arts fan: We have the great fight scenes between JC and Tong Po and what's better than a good training sequence.

For the Van Damme: It is the best film ever. Full of what makes a great Van Damme film. We have splits, the spinning kick and some excellent dress sense. But what makes Kickboxer such a great film is 1.) When Van Damme says "I was sent by Mr Xian for his eh grocheries" truly magnificent. 2.) The scene where Van Damme is drunk and is dancing. Utter genius.

I strongly recommend every one goes out and buys this film.
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A Good Addition To JCVD's Filmography
damianphelps28 January 2021
Should never have spawned so many sequels but apart from that this is a really entertaining movie with one of the better villains in cinema.

It has some Rocky elements to it (which work) and has some humour which I wasn't a fan of but many people do like.

This is one of the rarer JCVD movies that has a bit of soul.
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Muay Thai Muy Bien
dauplaisej2 April 2005
Jean-Claude Van Damme turns in a solid performance as Kurt Sloane - the younger brother who seeks revenge against the demoniacally sadistic Bangkok bad guy, Tong Po (Michel Qissi), who paralyzes Kurt's older brother - Eric - implausibly cast and ineptly acted by Dennis Alexio. The simplistic explanation for the siblings' lack of resemblance to one another in terms of class, ethnicity - and language is too hilariously weak to warrant revealing. Although the film is rife - and ripe - with trademark eighties cheese, the Muay Thai fight sequences are adroitly choreographed, shot and edited. This film is a must for Muay Thai buffs and offers plenty of unintentionally, but nonetheless highly comical relief. Without a doubt, the best of the three Kickboxer films --- but also quite possibly the one possessed of the very worst soundtrack.
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Nice takeoff of Karate Kid
Quackle20 February 2003
Warning: Spoilers
[Possible Spoilers] Great film, with the same concept as "Karate Kid". The heros brother gets disabled in a kickboxing fight with a legendary warrior, and of course, our hero must avenge this! I strongly recommend this film. 7/10
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Truly 80's Van Damme
s-cordwell12 July 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This film has all the hallmarks of a classic Van Damme martial arts/art-house movie. The opening credit sequence is pure genius, going along the river in a power boat, Van Damme wearing a sleveless denim jacket, his on screen brother wearing a floral shirt, sleeves rolled up, permed mullet and moustache flowing in the wind. I particularly enjoyed watching van damme put his arm around his brother as they sailed through the river, very homo-erotic. The cheesy 80's song to accompany this scene is like the cherry on the cake, with lyrics like "I Don't Care What You Think, I Could Kill If You Blink", we know we're in for a treat with this movie.

As usual with Van Damme films we are shown in the most subtle of manners how he developed his Belgian accent. We discover that Jean Claude was raised in Europe and learnt Ballet whilst his brother was raised in America by their father. I made the presumption the parents were divorced.

Watching Jean Claude learn Mui Thai with Master Zian was awe inspiring and gave a true insight into the 'old ways' of mastering this martial art. He did not need to visit a Mui Thai school or perhaps indulge in a few evening classes. No, it involved having his legs pulled apart with ropes, kicking down palm trees, coconuts dropped onto him from a great height, raw meat tied to his legs so dogs would chase him, being kept underwater whilst performing various kicks and finally training in the ruined temple where he could hear the noises made by the ancient warriors.

The best scene in the film is set in the waterfront bar, where Zian gets Van Damme drunk. Van Damme shows John Travolta a few moves, whilst wearing black patent boots, trousers pulled up to his waist and a tight vest top, he dances by doing the splits, wiggling his torso and randomly clapping his hands. The soundtrack is superb and the girls he is dancing with look totally lost, which is again, all part of the brilliance. The following fight scene is astounding, with Van Damme kicking 2 guys at once in mid air, kicking a short guy ramming him with a table, into the water and slapping someone with both hands on the side of the head. Bruce Lee, eat your heart out.

I particularly enjoyed the scene with Freddy Lee in his Miami Vice style mansion and pool, full of bikini clad women.

The clothes in this film are pure high fashion, sleveless denim jackets, high waist banded trousers with black vest and skimpy brightly coloured sports shorts.

The final battle is a classic, Van Damme manages to land 5 or even 6 hits per punch onto Tong Po after nearly being shredded to death by his opponents glass clothed hands.

Again, at the end, the credits roll with another fantastic soundtrack with lyrics like "Never surrender, never say die, you've got the heart of a hero".

This film borders on a comedy, and the more seriously it takes itself, the funnier it gets. Ignore the sequels, this is the one to watch.
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Explosive Martial Arts Move!
The__Watcher13 January 2001
This is one of the best martial arts movie ever made. It's got "Damme" good soundtrack , "Damme" good story line and "Damme" good training. The last fight is the best I've ever seen. I've seen 2 different versions and they're both good. This is a must watch Van Damme movie.
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Van Damme has finally arrived!
alexanderdavies-993828 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Along with "Bloodsport" from the previous year, "Kickboxer" sealed it for JCVD. The fight scenes - more graphic than usual - are some of the best I've seen throughout Jean Claude Van Damme's career. We are witness to the martial art of Muai Thai, the Thailand equivalent of kickboxing. It is shown to be a particularly brutal and bloodthirsty style - just as the public like it in this film. Being filmed on location in Thailand certainly benefits the proceedings, because it gives "Kickboxer" a bit of realism. JCVD is the avenging martial artist after his brother is crippled for life whilst defending his title. Van Damme is subjected to about the most gruelling training experience of his life and you have to see it to believe it. The villain of the piece looks a bit of a scary dude. His power behind those kicks is enough to make you wince. The violence is pretty full on as you would expect. However, there is room for some lighthearted moments and these don't intrude or interference with the story. Films like "Kickboxer" highlight JCVD as one of the best martial arts film stars of the 90s.
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Chan's Still the Best Drunken Master
thesar-24 September 2019
30th Anniversary: 1989 - the Best Year in Cinema Marathon Film #67/100: "Kickboxer" (1st Viewing.)

To call this movie, even in the 1989 timeline "predictable" is an insult to single-digit IQ folk. Worse, though, is how boring it was. Mercifully, some of the jokes worked and actually had me laughing and I did enjoy one scene: a drunken Van Damme fighting in a bar. But, aside from those minute positives, I found other ways to occupy my time during this first and only screening of the "legendary" Kickboxer movie.

Such as checking my phone. Playing the Friday the 13th game on said phone. Texting my friend - also phone. And clipping my toenails. I did those manually. Well, with clippers of course. I'm not crazy. Or that agile.

What'd be crazy would be to recommend this dull version of revenge and low action for an action movie. Months earlier, enormously superior action films came out giving this lame "action" film no excuse: License to Kill, Batman, Lethal Weapon 2 and Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.

So, see what I mean about 1989? Even then, even that same summer: No excuses. This was pure amateur filmmaking and low-key for even the most modest martial arts film. Though it didn't exist back then, it almost felt like this script was written via Google Translator. Total skip.
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Kurt Sloane
dk77720 April 2021
One of those films that possess an undeniable charm that captivates with its simplicity and pure emotion.

The plot is simple, Kurt Sloane wants to defeat Tong Po, in order to avenge his brother. He is assisted in this by Xian, a kickboxing coach who will teach him the Muay Thai technique.

Jean-Claude Van Damme is perfect just for roles like this, once again we see his fascinating physical fitness as well as his knowledge of martial arts. Michel Qissi is great as the villain Tong Po, a sinister and truly evil character.

The film is fun, interesting, and the fight scenes are excellent. The choreography is great and it's a real pleasure to watch the fight scenes.

A real martial arts film, which tries to entertain the viewer and provide a sense of inspiration along the way.

The film is truly inspiring and celebrates the triumph of the human spirit and man's desire to improve himself and rise above evil.
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better movie than movie about boxing because in this one they kick too for same price
yayamafiya-552118 March 2023
I think janne cloud von damn is maybe best martial artist plus actor in the world, or at least from 1980s. In this movie you can see him doing usual splits and big muscles and in slow motion he always kissing girls from thailand. But my favorite part about this movie is that it is not about just boxing, like the movie about appollo and rocky. In this movie, you get to see people kicking too and it is same price as boxing movie.

This movie is good but i wonder why they didn't have his brother play his brother like they did in double impact, because i think he is just as good actor as jann cloud got damme is. Maybe he have other work, but you don't see much about him. In this movie, they hire another actor play his brother. He is ok, but if you want see jean claud got damme and his brother together, i recommend very much you watch double impact. This movie is good because you can watch them not just boing but kicking too, and is same price as watching boxing movie where only they box with fists.
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I prefer Blood Sport to this movie.
Aaron13759 October 2009
This little Jean Claude Van Damme movie had its ups and downs, but in the end just was not up to his previous martial arts movie "Bloodsport" released the previous year. The movie has more of a revenge plot to it than anything as this guy who is the American champ of kick boxing goes overseas to fight another champion of some country in Asia I do not remember which. The brother is paralyzed by this champ and the other brother finds a guy to train him so he can defeat this super killer guy who took out the American champ in a few seconds. So the rest of the movie is Jean training to get back at the super kick boxer. The movie is okay, but it has problems too. There is only so much training one can take and this one has those scenes in spades. The super kick boxer in the final fight is a bit weak and that whole fight is a bit anti-climatic. And seriously they just dump the American champ outside after his loss? Why did the American agree to go over there without some sort of backing by the government to take care of him and sanction the fight, just goes to show you never go to an underground like fighting arena to prove yourself. Still, it is a watchable movie just not really my thing, I preferred the tournament of "Bloodsport" where they had rather big array of fighters.
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