Half Baked (1998) Poster


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You don't have to be under 25 nor a pothead to enjoy this movie. Maybe having familiarity with drug culture would help though.
slate_7710 May 2005
I had never heard of this movie 'Half Baked' until I was channel surfing cable this afternoon and came across it. While I had heard the name Dave Chapelle because of the television show recently airing, I was not familiar with two of the other three main characters. The guy playing the character in jail I have seen before. In other words, I am not up on who these people are/were. I am of the Chech and Chong 'Up in Smoke' generation of drug themed flicks. Saw them all back in the day. However, I found this movie much funnier than those ever were. Much funnier. The Scarface character was hilarious, but I found the Brian and Thurgood parts funnier and quite believable in an over-abundant way. I have read here many stating the cameo parts were the film's highlight. Not in my opinion. The main characters owned this one. As an aside from a 40 something, it is nice to see that this country(USA)has come along the road far enough whereby having a couple white guys, a black dude and a Cuban sharing a habitat together doesn't come across as contrived. The stoner parts all looked familiar to me. Funny movie.
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The Essential Stoner Comedy
gavin69429 November 2015
The story of three not so bright men who come up with a series of crazy schemes to get a friend out of jail.

With all due respect to Cheech and Chong, this is probably the greatest marijuana-themed comedy ever made. I am not a smoker, but I still find the antics here funny and there are just so many clever and original lines that you cannot help but love it. Dave Chappelle is the perfect leading man, and it would be great if he had stayed in show business.

You also have to love the cameos. This film more or less gave a second wind to Bob Saget's career. We get Jon Stewart before he was culturally relevant, and both Willie Nelson and Snoop Dogg, the two modern icons of marijuana culture.
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Ya don't have to be a stoner to enjoy this film
marimbadaddy6 August 2006
Very funny movie. Of the recent 'stoner' flicks, this is probably one of the best. (Probably second in my book to Dude Where's My car?) Ejoyable, entertaining, and weird characters. Dave Chappell is hilarious as always. There are a ton of cameos by great and well known comedians throughout the piece, all paying their homage to the great herb.

I myself am not a pot smoker but laughed my rear off anyways, even if I didn't get all of the 'inside' stuff that others may refer too. Chappell is great playing several outlandish characters in the movie. The situations they get themselves into are great and even better how they get out of them.

There is ample potty humor as well as pot humor to boot. Well worth the rental fee and your time.
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Lighten Up, Will Ya!
OldeSkool20 November 2006
After reading several negative reviews analyzing this and other stoner movies as being stupid, mindless and lacking in plot. HELLO!!! This is a stoner movie about stoners getting stoned. Who cares about plot or social messages or that other deep crap. You want depth go see a Bergman or a Fellini film, lighten up and smoke a joint. I'm glad to see stoner comedies back in fashion after suffering through pretentious, preachy, boring 80s anti-drug dramas that are never truly grounded in reality and where the characters always either predictably OD or just simplistically kick their addiction. So rent this movie (or watch it currently on cable), fire up one and enjoy
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Features the funniest cameos ever
Derek2375 February 2005
Warning: Spoilers
The highlight of Half Baked is clearly the hilarious cameos, in particular the cameo by Bob Saget. It was a while since Full House went off the air, and people started to wonder, 'where's Bob?' Well, we found him, and in the unlikeliest of places, too. His all-American, wholesome, great dad image is completely torn apart in just a matter of seconds. His line, "I used to suck d**k for coke" echoes in eternity for great moments in contemporary comedy.

As for the movie itself, I thought it was awesome. Dave Chapelle, who co-wrote the script, obviously knows his subject very well. The details of the marijuana culture are rich and extremely humorous. We're shown different types of marijuana users ("I'm 40 and still cool smoker", "I can't be creative without pot smoker," "enhancement smoker," "scavenger smoker"), the different ways of buying it, and surprisingly enough, it teaches that life can be good without it. Just listen to Thurgood's wise final words at the end of the movie when he gives up weed and gets the girl:

"Now, I know what you're thinking: old Thrugood sold out, right? Well, let me tell you something. I love weed, I LOVE it. But not as much as I love p***y. The End."

Half Baked is a very good comedy which I've enjoyed over and over. It obviously won't rank up as one the greatest films of all time but it's a funny movie with memorable characters and lines. Dave Chappelle is more popular now than he was when this came out but I hope that people go back and revisit it (especially now with a new "Fully Baked Edition" DVD!). Half Baked is a gem of a comedy.

My rating: 6.5/10
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I don't even know nobody named Ol' James!
tenthousandtattoos22 November 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Tamra Davis is a g*damned genius, i swear. She manages to get a pumping little message across while delivering the laughs by the bucketload. And Dave Chapelle, gangly, weird but extremely funny in that unpredictable, zany way, easily delivers the funniest line when he says "Do I look like someone that would smoke...*whispers* mari-juana?" Trust me, when u see him say that line the irony is nothing short of hilarious.

The message is, quite simply, that weed's got a bad rap over the years for being a "gateway drug" and that it's not a "soft" drug or whatever, and nowhere in the film is this rammed home more than in the "Rehab" scene. No, I don't know anyone that's ever "sucked d*ck for marijuana", either...haha. This is all despite the fact that many people use weed all the time and never become junkies or "flip out" and go nuts.

This will especially strike a chord with smokers, but anyone can enjoy the zaniness of this movie, although i will say the target audience has been well catered for :) The last scene is particularly good in its appeal to smokers and non smokers. For everyone who thinks Thurgood gave up weed for good, go back and watch the end again. As he's ditchin the spliff she (the spliff) yells "You'll be baaaaack!" and does he contradict her? Nup.

It's one of those endlessly quotable movies that you can stick on whenever and enjoy.

"Will u guys shutup about weed for one second? I don't want this girl to know I smoke!" "Yeah it's bad enough you're a janitor, yo!" "Custodian!"

"Why u gotta make me feel inferior coz I'm on the grill, B?"

And a zillion other gems :) Whoops, forgot to actually include a plot summary...(*ding* Marijuana affects the memory *ding*) Roll a big fat one and enjoy!
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A great comedy, Chapelle is hilarious
PersianPlaya4085 January 2006
Half baked is hilarious movie to me. Its a pothead manifestation film that doesn't take it self seriously and is pretty hilarious throughout. Dave Chapelle is very funny in the lead and to me is a better lead comedy actor than the likes of Martin Lawrence and even Chris Rock. Guillermo Diaz is also very good as Scarface. Rachel True provides good eye candy and decent performance as the female lead. This is not an Oscar film, but hilarious to watch with buddies and after watching it 3 times it doesn't get old. Its a funny screenplay, decent comedic direction and good performances, worth a look for any fan of comedy, pot or cinema.. 9/10
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One of the top stoner movies ever
eebsta12 August 2021
Gotta love Dave chapelle, and the white guy from Half Baked. Oh yeah, this is a review of the movie, duh. Where was I again? Great movie. Horrible ending tho 😂
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The Funniest Film on Marijuana since Up in Smoke
Quinoa198429 December 1999
Half Baked is funny for all the wrong reasons. We laugh at the antics of pot smoking dumb asses because they are doing all the wrong things. But, it is hilarious nevertheless. Especially with the funny acting of Jim Breuer, Dave Chappelle and Harland Williams. Even the cameos are humorous- including Jon Stewart, Snoop Doggy Dogg, Willie Nelson, and Tommy Chong (Chong is perfect as a small role in the movie). The plot seems kind of basic, but its spiced up for laughs and for people who know what being a dope head is like. Hilarious all around. A+
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pay no heed to the haters
Nostrama6 April 2021
I watched this movie back when it came out and it was good even to someone critical of drug use like myself, and now 2 decades on i agree its dated as older movies are, but the pro-offended people giving it 1-star ratings are overreacting

ive seen this across plenty of movies over imbd, people who think "theyre so cultured" by applying 2020's movie standards to decades old movies, ignoring that standards were different then.
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With Dave Chappelle involved, you will laugh...no matter how ludicrous the plot.
dmcfry30 December 2015
In a nutshell, Half Baked tells the story of three pot-smoking friends who go to incredible lengths to get their hapless friend, Kenny, out of prison. Their solution? Sell pot, of course! You don't watch something like this expecting to see a good movie. You look at the cover of the movie, you see who's in it, you read the plot summary, and you prepare to laugh. And with Half Baked, that's just what you'll do.

This is certainly one of the most lighthearted movies about drug addiction that you'll ever see (please spare me the whole "weed is just a plant" argument). Despite it being a goofy comedy, the filmmakers do a decent job of making you care about the characters, making seeing the film through to the end an imperative. You won't see anything remarkable, but you will re-stock your supply of dumb movie quotes to throw around with your friends for years to come. I recommend a watch, with plenty of junk food to tide you over in the meantime.
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"First of all, to understand Killer, you gotta understand who Killer the Dog was."
gigan-9218 January 2011
This film is one of my all time favorites. It's a real stand out comedy with damn good performances for what it is. most comedy today is pathetically predictable and just un-funny. From dismal family comedy flicks to the terrible ill amusing escapades of the date comedy. For me, their just way too formulaic. Is this story whole-heartedly original,no, not by far, but it's treatment is gloriously funny and pure escapist fun. The performances are better than you'd expect, giving off the feeling these guys are real close. Dave Chappelle is a riot,a real comedic genius. Guillermo Díaz is Scarface, Harland Willaims was terrific but the the performance I enjoyed almost even more than Chappelle's was that of Jim Breuer as Brian. If you've seen this movie then you know why I say this. Rachel True does as well as needed, but I found the tragic story of Killer by far more memorable (lol).

And before i forget there are some very memorable cameos from Jon Stewart, Snoop Dogg, and Tommy Chong naturally. Each is just funny as hell. I don't believe you have to be a stoner to get all the jokes, but being a user will make it all the more hilarious. Overall, my rain reason for loving this film is that it casually, repeatedly and openly points out that marijuana isn't really something to fear, disgust or be ridiculously conservative of. A 'pothead' myself, I really don't recall ever feeling the urge to "suck a d*ck" for some marijuana, so that's saying some thing right?

Take a hit, and Live life.
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A classic stoner movie.
deloudelouvain14 June 2019
You don't have to be a stoner to appreciate this comedy but it helps. You don't have to appreciate the wacky tabacky to understand all jokes but it sure does help. Some scenes are so so recognizable if you're or once were a stoner. Everybody got the munchies, or had short term memory loss, or had hilarious laughs, if you lived like a stoner. So most of the jokes in Half Baked are Ganja related and it does help to fully appreciate the humor in this movie if you ever abused of the green herb. And it's even better to watch while getting stoned, that's what I did, and will do again when I'll watch it again as this humor doesn't get old.
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Makes you forget about the world around you for a while
moviemaniac00821 March 2010
Viewed this movie on: January 13, 2010 Half Baked is a movie that really entertains you. Of course it's a dumb movie, and I think that to enjoy it, you need to switch your brain to off for the time this movie lasts. I viewed this film during a time when I had many problems: School-like and relationship problems, but let me tell you that one school night I watched this movie because my friend had lent it to me and I literally forgot all about these problems. Thankfully all those problems are solved now, but that is not the point. I read on an IMDb board that someone compared Half Baked to Pineapple Express, but that's something I don't understand because Half Baked is a much different movie than PE who has a bigger budget, thus better cinematography, leads, etc...

The story is fairly original: Talks about Thurgood (Dave Chappelle), Brian (Jim Breuer) and Scarface (Guillermo Diaz) who are trying to sell Marijuana to bail their friend Kenny (Harland Davis) out of jail after ''Killing a cop'' (those who have seen the movie will understand). What follows is of course exaggerated situations, but these situations are utterly hilarious. The leads are all very likable, Dave Chappelle is the friendly guy, Jim Breuer as the man who is always high and Guillermo Diaz, as the guy who has a much different personality. Personally, Scarface was my favourite but I felt that Brian inherited most of the best lines. Anyways in a nutshell, you won't see time pass as you laugh yourself retarded while watching this movie (PS: That last part was inspired by a quote from the movie) :-)
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THE 90's stoner flick
sick_boy420xxx20 June 2001
Hilarious...or is it?...flick concerning an apartment full of pot-smokers who get themselves in trouble with the law and end up going on a series of the most funny adventures ever put to celluloid. This is a gas for the "in" crowd. Others probably won't get all the jokes, but it is still damn entertaining. I know people who worship this movie...of course, they've more than "smoked themselves retarded." If you're "feelin it," then you'll laugh your @ss off, I guarantee.
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Four Stoner Friends Stay Half Baked
tbills211 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Thank you Dave Chappelle. Half Baked is one of the all-time classic comedies! It's definitely, definitely the best stoner comedy ever! I love Half Baked the whole thing is really funny. Plus also, Half Baked is actually a really good movie too it really is! Creative premise, hilarious writing, and epic storytelling! What's not too love? Dave Chappelle should do more movies now that's it's 2019 and weed is legal everywhere! I love Rachel True. Rachel is too cute for words. She is one of my favorite lesser known about actresses, period. She is so gorgeous. She one of the most beautiful women I've ever seen in real life on t.v. I love Rachel as Mary Jane! I'd totally change my life around for her! In a heartbeat! Rachel True is so hot in Half Baked when Thurgood is on his date with Mary. Jim Breuer's stoner character, Brian, is so original and very classic plus so hilarious and Guillermo Diaz's stoner character, Scarace, is funny too as well as highly cool in this fun one of a kind unforgettable movie and even Harland Williams as Kenny too! Half Baked is a must watch! I wanna talk to Samson! Anyone who argues with this movie being a 7 has no life.
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Awesome party movie and awesome movie altogether!
mattymatt4ever22 May 2001
All those who've gotten high in their lives--and don't lie!--can definitely relate to the characters in this movie in one way or the other. And the results are hilarious! Naturally, the majority of those who've seen the film remember it for Jim Breuer's hilarious character. He sooooo stole the show!! There are so many original, low-brow touches that put this in the Guilty Pleasure Comedy Hall of Fame. Get your buds together--no pun intended--and you'll have a blast! A comedy like this cannot be explained. You'll love it! And look for great cameos, including one surprising appearance by former "Full House" star Bob Saget.

My score: 7 (out of 10)
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This Movie Is Da Bomb
shannasman98 October 2007
I saw this movie when it was on Comedy Central and thought it was the best movie of the 90's. I loved watching Dave Chappelle's role as Thurgood Jenkins and compared to when he did the comedian on The Nutty Professor in 1996. I was surprised to see Willie Nelson and Bob Saget and Snoop Dogg and Jon Stewart in this movie. Also I was curious about that guy on the couch. What was his name if he did have one? I think Tamra Davis did a wonderful job directing and writing the script. So if anyone hasn't seen this movie yet, I'd highly recommend it to those of you curious about it. Go out and buy it. Enjoy and thank you very much. I would again recommend this movie to any and everyone who hasn't seen it.
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Dope is For Dopes?
thewillt0820 December 2013
I really wish Dave Chappelle still did comedy and did a few more movies. The man is talented but it's fair to say he did enough. At least he left a movie left a movie like Half Baked behind. Half-Baked is about a group of guys who never grew up from their marijuana smoking days. They live together with decent jobs and smoke pot on their free time. One of the group gets arrested in one of the strangest ways possible so the other three try to deal pot to raise enough money to pay bail. Hey, what did you expect?

Despite the plot holes and silliness this is a decent comedy. Chappelle is a damn good comedian and he isn't over the top. The other two guys are extreme pot smokers and are extremely exaggerated. They are a bit annoying but they serve their purpose. Chappelle is a janitor in a science lab and the lab is doing tests of marijuana and naturally that is where Thurgood, Chappelle, gets the weed to sell. I guess you have to suspend your belief in reality. A janitor would never get away with stealing weed, but it's a movie about weed so I can let it pass.

Let's take a second to talk about how the guy got arrested. He got one million dollar bail set because he accidentally killed a police horse. The sequence was very funny. A very high man feeding and interacting with a horse. It was funny but when the horse drops dead because it's a diabetic, I lost interest. I was personally not a fan of the reason because it was way to unrealistic. A comedy can be crazy and weird but it has to be believable, to a certain point.

The scenes in prison were funny. I honestly did not expect the movie to show much time inside the prison. I expected it to resemble Doug from The Hangover where his character is completely forgotten but I'm glad he had some camera time. The standard prison stereotypes are there and it works well. The character himself was a little boring and dumb but I'm glad he was the one in prison.

The other two are a bit obnoxious but they played their roles well. Thurgood is the obvious leader and at least he is relatable. He falls for a girl who is naturally against pot smoking. It creates a secondary story and its funny to a point. Predictable, but who cares. The big star of the movie was Killer. Killer was a dog one of them bought and this dog is a beast. I fell in love with this dog. Once I saw him I was afraid of the dog being a dumb addition, but I was wrong. The dog was hysterical and it even got high. Who wouldn't enjoy a high dog?

Watching this movie high as a kite would probably be best, needless to say I did not but I should have. A movie like this is sure to have a sequence or three of them high as hell, and it did, and it was awesome. The movie opens with the four of them as kids being the first time they smoked. It was a great way to kick off the movie. High kids in a convenient store were funny, being they were 14. When they get the pot from the lab it's supposed to be the best weed ever and it sure looked like it. It made them fly. I didn't even care it was on the poorest green screen, it way hysterical.

Overall, Half-Baked a movie about stoners and it made for stoners. I loved the humor and silly antics in this movie. Sure it was hard to believe and would never ever happen in real life but this is Hollywood. Even better, this is Dave Chappelle's movie. He is one of my favorite comedians of all time and he brought his A game to this movie. Was it a good movie? Not really but it was entertaining and I've seen worse comedies. I would call this a bad movie I liked so it's a guilty pleasure. I will give it an honest Sir Laughs A lot Award and a solid WillyT Recommendation. Watch this movie high. I can't because I would not in turn produce a quality review, but you can.
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dfrank-1213 November 2020
This movie never gets old. Anyone who doesn't like this movie doesn't understand the humor of the 90s. I just watched this again after not watching it for at least 10 years, I still laugh out loud.
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Good, but not great stoner comedy
kirk-24618 July 2009
'Half Baked' is certainly no 'Harold and Kumer Go to White Castle' or 'Harold and Kumar Escape From Guantamano Bay', and it's definitely no 'Knocked Up', but 'Half Baked' is actually a pretty decent stoner comedy with some funny and interesting moments.Dave Chappelle also does a good job as the main character.The movie is basically about a bunch of stoners who must try to get enough money to get their friend out of jail.You're probably wondering why their friend got in jail.He killed a police officer's horse by feeding it to death.Typical stoner comedy, right? But besides from some dumb moments, 'Half Baked' is a pretty good stoner comedy that actually teaches a valuable lesson: if you see a horse and you want to feed it, don't feed it too much.Also make sure that it isn't a police officer's horse.You'll be thanking me when you don't end up in jail.
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mmthos11 October 2020
You know those stupid movies that are only funny if you're stoned?

This isn't even one of them

you already know you're in trouble when they've hired SNL's unfunny Goat Boy

was so looking forward to comic genius Dave Chapelle's first "big" movie

what a disappointment

I know he's famous for getting stupid-stoned, but i never expected this stupid

even he admits this is his greatest career regret, so bring on the haters with your "unhelpfuls," even Dave himself agrees with me on this

waste of time, unless you actually do get THAT stupid when you're stoned.
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All I have to say that it's the best comedy of the late 90's
smithdean-2209216 June 2019
The movie of my generation! It's absolutely hilarious! I'm watching it for the 300th time tonight on HBO!
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I have to admit I did laugh a lot... however
Cablebot300019 August 2008
OK, to state the obvious: yes, this movie is funny, it will make you laugh a lot. However as funny as it may be is it is extremely crude and crass, and makes pot look like a everyday normal activity. I find Dave Chappelle to be funny, but usually just offensive. Thats how it is with this movie. I did laugh, but I found it to promote a lot of shallow wants and make light of serious subjects. Of course, a lot of movies do that, but this seemed to have the message that "its OK, and its fun". I am someone who stays away from drugs (and obviously it is individual as to whether or not someone does drugs), and therefore I found the movie to be negative towards any redeeming scenes. If fact, there really are no redeeming factors in it. But, each their own. I recommend if you like stoner comedies or dave chappelle (and if you do this movie is right up your alley). I rate this 6/10. Rated R for pervasive drug content, language, nudity and sexual material
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Half Baked
aidanratesmovies22 February 2021
It's a very weird comedy and there are almost no stressors throughout, which seems incredibly by design, but this slower stoner comedy does rve to be mostly enjoyable- despite it being too silly at times to take seriously. Dave Chappelle described this film as a Stoner Comedy for Kids, and I absolutely agree with him, and wish the studio would have gone with his original ideas and script. The result is a mish mash of childish humor and pot references, which can be rather entertaining, even funny at times, but you can't help but feel leaving the film that it was all rather lazy. The acting can be rather overdone at times, although it can also be quite amusing. I feel the film is largely a parody that doesn't know it is a parody all at once- an amusing time for sure, but one that in the long run doesn't totally make sense. In the end, Half Baked is a stoner comedy film that isn't by any means horrible, nor by any means great. In the end, its enjoyable, but you can't help but feel it's been half baked.

My Rating: 4.8/10.
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