Gimme Gimme Gimme (TV Series 1999–2001) Poster


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Mixed bag.
Danniboi21 November 2012
This is a good show for people who like crude comedy and just want to unwind and watch some mindless fun after a hard day. It has some great lines and dialogue and isn't so crude that it made feel physically sick, like some shows I've seen.

However, having said that, this show is a bit of a mixed bag. There are some episodes that are absolutely hilarious, and others that are just stupid and pointless. Kathy Burke and James Dreyfus are entertaining to watch and there are some really funny one-off characters (such as Tom's suicidal home help guy). Some of the reoccurring characters got on my nerves though. I know Jez and Suze are supposed to be obnoxious, but it stopped being funny quickly and they simply became annoying as the series continued.

I re-watched it recently and found myself becoming less entertained by it as it progressed. Whilst the third series had a few decent moments, it was mostly stupid rather than funny. (I did like the ending though).

I think the best episodes are definitely in the first and second series.

By the way, after reading some of the other reviews here, I don't appreciate being called stupid, drunk or stoned for liking a show. Calling into question someone's intelligence just because they like something is pointless. This show isn't for everyone. If you don't like it, at least write a review that says why, instead of insulting other people because they don't agree with you.
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First two series were the best
carterkev27 December 2021
Both leads were brilliant, the first two series were the best, I felt the third series was lacking somehow. It did have some laughs and good episodes but in my opinion was the weaker of the bunch. Over all it was very good and could never be made now with all the snowflakes about so great to own for that reason.
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Inspired and hilarious
redefined245 August 2003
One of the funniest and most original situation comedies ever to come out of Britain. It's coarse and over-the-top, and in the finest tradition of British saucy postcard humor. Replete with broad characterizations (straight female nymphomaniac living with mincing gay man, competing for the affections of straight and happily married black guy living downstairs), over-the-top situations, double entendres, and delicious one-liners, 'Gimme Gimme Gimme' is the inevitable next step for those who loved 'Are You Being Served', the 'Carry On' films, 'Girls On Top' and 'Absolutely Fabulous'.

Pity that other commitments prevented the writer and leads from pursuing the show beyond three seasons of 6 episodes.

Not for the twee, or Cliff Richard wannabes or those who think that it's shot on film and not on videotape, 'Gimme Gimme Gimme' is a must-have for the collection of any lover of camp or no-holds-barred comedy.
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RIP Beryl
sarahgee-2074120 December 2020
Great actress will be greatly missed Loved her in Gimme Gimme Gimme
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Hysterical Fruit Cakes
ygwerin112 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Brilliantly gross and over the top with a perfect comedy duo, certainly an odd couple in more ways than one. Add to that the pervy landlady Beryl and the kinky couple Suze and Jez neighbours in their digs.

These way out characters inhabit a somewhat bizarre world, living cheek by jowl in close proximity. Their lives interact on a regular basis seeing them popping into each others apartments, on what appears to be every conceivable opportunity.

Linda is played to perfection by the magnificent Cathy Burke, a particular favourite comedy actress of mine, she totally inhabits every part she plays such that she is the character. She is the loud mouthed gross out, man mad sex maniac Linda La Hughes.

James Dreyfus is excellent as Tom Farrell Linda's flat mate, you really believe he is that vane and supercilious a character. This is amply demonstrated in his manner and demeanour in general, and specifically towards Linda and just about everyone he meets.

Rosalind Knight is wonderful as landlady Beryl, it's a pity that her character was not made much more of, as it could have been developed and expanded to be a more important aspect of the show.

Beth Goddard as Suze and Brian Bovell as Jez fit their respective characters well and you do believe that they are those people. They flit into Linda and Tom's lives as neighbours and are constantly treated by them as irritants and general nuisances.

Gimme Gimme Gimme is a brilliant raucous comedy with a fabulous ensemble cast of characters, who are frankly each in their own way fruit cakes. Especially Linda and Tom who while we know that they are their own worst enemies, are really made for each other.

If you haven't seen it give it a try don't worry about any ropey reviews, just watch it and make up your own minds.
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Gimme Gimme Gimme Another Bad Review??? NO!!!
du044 July 2006
Oh my god!! It never fails to amaze me the complete lack of a sense of humour people who comment on this show have if they hate it! This is one of the best sitcoms of all time i don't care what anyone says! Yes it's vulgar, yes, it's trashy but my god we're in need of good, fantastic acting and hilariously crude jokes with the amount of crap spouted by TV big wigs, and I do apologise America because i love you dearly but almost every American sitcom always has the same sugar-coated, happily ever after endings which is completely ridiculous as that would never happen in life all the time.

What Gimme Gimme Gimme brings to it's audience is a good belly laugh, and a great way to pass the time, Kathy Burke is amazing and i've loved her in everything she has ever done. It's a shame this series has ended but i think James Dreyfuss new what he was doing pulling out before it went stale and now we can all enjoy the series on DVD, long live the memory of Tom & Linda!!!
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10 stars - a comedy that makes you lol
ronbell-239841 May 2021
Definitely going to use the word underrated for this, it's very funny, deserves a higher rating on IMdb.. Do yourself a favour and try this.
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a phenomenal show that was not given its due credit
Pratchettfan7830 May 2006
wow what a winning combination of actors to give one of the best series to date (counting Blackadder and Coupling as my other fav's) this series pushed back boundaries and pushed the envelope on so many levels i have favourite episodes i could pull out of a the box and watch again and again. Glad to be Gay has to be my all time favourite!!! Putting well known actors in was genius too i was in tears watching the Millennium episode the first time around in series 2. other series have tried and failed where this has triumphed to bring me back again and again to watch it...i may have to buy another copy soon if i keep watching it but its the only series to really cheer me up when i'm blue. If you love Kathy Burke i suggest you watch this as you will love her she is at her best in this show but then she is a class actress anyway...all hail Kathy Burke!
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''There's no such thing as gay, it's just laziness!''
Rabical-9131 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
'Gimmie Gimmie Gimmie' is all about two flatmates - obese, loudmouthed harridan Linda La Hughes ( Kathy Burke ) and effeminate, out-of-work actor Tom Farrell ( James Dreyfus ). Linda is convinced that she is a raving beauty who makes men's heads turn in the streets while Tom believes he is a well loved thespian ( his main claim to fame was appearing briefly in 'Eastenders' where he purchased a cagoule from Bianca Jackson's market stall ) whereas in reality Linda is a pig in knickers and Tom is nothing more than a talentless has been. As Tom and Linda, Burke and Dreyfus were not likable, but then they were not supposed to be. Rosalind Knight played their elderly landlady Beryl whilst Brian Bovell and sexy Beth Goddard played their constantly horny neighbours Jez and Suze. Both Linda and Tom despise Suze, mainly because she stands in the way of their pursuit of Jez.

Jonathan Harvey wrote every episode. I liked it at the time but must admit it didn't rock my boat when I revisited it again recently. Both Kathy Burke and James Dreyfus hammed it up though Brian Bovell got some laughs as Jez. Unsurprisingly, there was quite an array of celebrity guests such as Simon Shepard, Dale Winton, Su Pollard and Patsy Palmer. Elaine Lordan made two appearances as Linda's celebrity sister Sugar.

'Gimmie Gimmie Gimmie' lasted for three series before the BBC decided they'd had enough. It is still popular however in reruns.
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I just love this show
stacy_g_ie26 May 2002
Gimme Gimme Gimme is a show about a gay man and a straight woman who live together in Kentish Town in London. While it doesn't sound like much on paper, it really works because it is, as Linda would say, VILE! But it's the kind of vile that works. The funny kind of vile.

Kathy Burke plays Linda LaHughes, a heavy-set tart with frizzy red hair and glasses. To put it in the words of a character in the 2nd series, she looks like 'a cross between Chris Evans and Olive from On the Buses.' She is sex-obsessed, vulgar and probably the most disgusting British character ever created, excepting maybe Fat B****** in Austin Powers 2. She gets the best lines, though most of them make you cringe. An example would be 'He can stick his hand up my skirt and make my lips move...if you know what I mean!' about a ventroloquist. She is always talking about her days in borstal and her oddball family, such as 'My auntie Vi was a cyclops...or auntie eye as we used to call her.'

James Dreyfus plays Tom Farrell, an extremely camp self-obsessed gay actor who *suprisingly* can't get work anywhere. He's had his fair share of bad luck, attracts horrible men, such as Rick who hated everyone and sold sofas on cheesy ads, the man who slept with Tom once and wouldn't leave him alone...then of course was one of my favourite episodes when Tom met his idol, Peak Practice star Simon Shepherd. But he firmly believes in people being honest in their sexuality. My favourite Gimme Gimme Gimme quote was when he said 'I like my men to be stong, assertive...not so far back in the closet they're in f*****g Narnia!'

This show is so much better than most American comedies such as Seinfeld, Friends, Frasier and so on. Why? Good acting, funny script, and absolutely no limitations. A genius created this. An absolute f*****g genius.
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I'm a good girl I am!
last-picture-show3 August 2007
Warning: Spoilers
There are so many funny moments to enjoy in this series. Despite being written by a gay man it's not just about being gay but about being a certain type of man of a certain age. There are so many '70s and early '80s kitsch cultural references here it's frightening: Eurovision, ABBA, That's Life, Olive from On The Buses, Pam Ayres, Su Pollard in Hi-De_Hi, Dolly from Widows, Wincey Willis - Johnatahan Harvey and I obviously share so much more than just a sexual interest in men.

Then there's the witty dialogue. My favourite parts are where Tom tries out his terrible acting skills which seems to waver between spoofing Audrey Hepburn in My Fair Lady ('I'm a good girl, I am'!) to something akin to gangsters in fifties British B-movies and villains wives in The Bill. I recently saw a 1951 British film called The Scarlet Thread. It's worth watching because near the end Laurence Harvey - an East End gangster posing as an American - suddenly drops his phony Yankee accent and goes into something straight out of the Tom Farrell School of Acting. It's not just the terrible Cockney accent but the ham acting as well.
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More please!
patlee20007 July 2023
I must agree with the majority of the reviews on here in that "Gimme, Gimme, Gimme" is absolutely over the top in its vulgarity, foul language and general crudeness ............. but it is SO funny! Both leads are just perfect - Kathy Burke in particular. I am especially fond of her numerous references to "Mummy". The very accomplished actress who plays Beryl adds much to every episode she appears in, quite unlike her marvellous Contessa de Faraglione in Mapp and Lucia.

However, I found the supposedly funny neighbours, Jez and Suze, to be stupidly irritating and an unnecessary addition to an otherwise excellent cast.
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Very Funny and, at Times, Shocking
PretoriaDZ25 October 2018
I saw an episode of this series years ago on one of our American PBS channels but I thought it was hilarious and never forgot it. Just recently, it occurred to me to check out YouTube for it and found the lot! I am now watching and laughing through it all. As has been said repeatedly, it is crude at times but 'true crude' if you know what I mean. And I love the character of Tom (James Dreyfus). He is so much like a couple of my friends at university, swish but hilarious and kind, to boot. And the character of Linda is true to me also. I had a friend who, although she was fat, always fell in love with these cute skinny guys and always thought she had a chance with them (she didn't). My one negative would be the secondary characters in the show. Several of them are annoying but I put up with them to see 'Tom & Linda' ripping through with great one liners!
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rocknrelics4 October 2020
Just a wonderful comedy all round. Superbly written and acted, and completely and utterly hilarious.

I'm sure it wouldn't get made today, but that just goes to show that we have less freedoms today than when this was made.

A shame James Dreyfus didn't carry on doing comedy, as he's a natural, as is Kathy Burke of course, and the supporting cast are superb too.
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Energy is not the word to use.
Fi5hism12 May 2001
From the first episode right to the last New Year episode i have loved it. Althought Tom Farrell and Linda La Hughes are some of the most disgusting people you could come across they are adorable.

Gimme Gimme Gimme is sent in Kentish Town in London. They are flat mates, Tom being the sissy gay one and Linda being the butch straight one. The series also features three other main characters... Beryl (landlady) and Sues and Jez (The sickeningly in love neighbours. Linda and Tom are constantly hitting on Jez). The is one reoccuring character... Sugar walls, (you now see the actess in Eastenders... so don't hope to see her in this again).

My favourite episode has to be the Millenium night episode. So filled with laughter... the episode ends with both characters passing out... after singing a small rendition of 'Tomorrow' from Annie. Then a large choir bursts in and finishes the episode.

I don't see how people could not enjoy this programme. It is one of the few good comedies that the BBC has come up with in the last 5 years.

If you love crudeness... and God do i... watch this you shall love it. It is a very addictive show.
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Vulger, Trashy and Crude, You'll Love It
CELLIOTT108 December 2001
This is one of the best english television series ever to have been released. It's basically about Linda (Kathy Burke) and Tom (James Drefus) who are roomates. Linda is backwards, sex mad, disgusting and unemployed. Tom is an out of work actor who's gay, self obsessed and he like to think of himself as middle class. Each week is a different story about what happens to them. But this really is hillarious any one will like it apart from snotty prudes. Watch It.
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Endlessly hilarious show!
hesketh2717 November 2003
One of my favourite comedies of all time, GGG is lewd, rude and exceptionally crude! The funniest episode for me is when Tom gets off with the sofa salesman and Linda gets the job in the factory, which introduces us to Daisy, one of her workmates (who made me cry with laughter). No matter how many times I watch this show repeated, it always makes me laugh - thanks for this BBC, youv'e cheered me up on numerous occasions with it!.
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Funny funny funny!
oogy_boogy5 December 2001
This is just funny as the summary sez! I dare you not to like this!

It is however, pure trash at its best, i can't believe these people sometimes and the things that they say, Linda makes me cringe with alot of the things that she says quite constantly and tom... Well, lets not go into tom until we have a few hours spare!

This is fun, it is corse and its just plain fulla gags and laughs at everyones expense, some of the scenes in this series is so funny and i've had to rewind it to watch it again! You will love this if you like British humour and slap stick comedy at its best, i know i did..
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Gimme More Episodes!
David, Film Freak26 January 2002
Kathy Burke is completely mental in her role as the wise-cracking, bed-hopping loud-mouth and she's one of the funniest women on TV right now!

'Gimme, Gimme, Gimme' is a hilariously funny British TV show about a guy and girl, worlds apart who live together.

Strong performances by both the lead stars with good jokes that never fall flat. Unfortunately Richard Dreyfuss wants out. So it won't be Gimme Gimme Gimme for much longer, huh?!
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gimme gimme gimme crap? I don't think so.
wereallmadhere17 January 2005
Well I think the person that left the comment saying gimme gimme gimme is crap needs their heads read. I hardly would put the cast in the same category as Johnny Depp and Tom Hanks. While the two are amazing, it's like comparing chalk and cheese.

Kathy Burke is a hugely talented comedy actress. She's awesome at what she does and I don't think this Australian bozo has any right to slag her and her co-stars off.

I would like to see the comment-leaver do better.

It's obvious that he/she couldn't, otherwise they would find something better to do than sit on their a r s e at the computer complaining.
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markcraig200327 December 2002
gimme gimme gimme is one of the best comedy programmes on tv

the writing is brilliant and the performances are great

but i must confess some of lindas comments make you want to cringe
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flight_1809 December 2001
This programme is soooooo funny!! I laugh all the way through all the episodes. The best one ever has got to be the New Year's Eve one when Tom and Linda play Cherades and.....FUNNY!! Ahhhhhh!! It's too funny! And Linda gets that babies computer thing off her dad, and she knocks over the Christmas tree and- well, better stop there I think. But let me just say this is one hell of a funny programme!
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Great side-splitting humour!!
nix-131 November 1999
What can I say? A great script with comical lines and superb acting. Although I only caught the last three episodes I quickly found myself hooked on this show. Kathy Burke does a great job as an overweight, sex-obsessed dimwit while James Dreyfus shines in his role as her gay flatmate. While I have not seen either of these actors in other roles previously, I will be keen to catch up on some of their other roles in the future. If you are the type of person who can be offended by the use of coarse language, or adult themes, then I suggest perhaps you give this show a miss but for those with a thick skin, I guarantee this show will give you plenty of laughs. I hope there will be more to come.
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You've just got to love it
MeMyselfOnline11 October 1999
When I first watched this series I thought it was funny, but crude. Then I got hooked on it and religiously watched every episode. It's just so fresh and so funny. Kathy Burke has always been wonderful but this just shows off her many talents :)Excellent.
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Vulgar, Crude, Smutty.......but HILARIOUS!
pj30413 April 2006
Gimme Gimme Gimme is one of my favourite comedies simply because of Kathy Burke - the woman is fantastic. Her comedy timing and facial expressions are just fantastic. This show might not be to everyone's taste and many viewers might find it too offensive and vulgar - eg. when Kathy's character Linda exclaims "I've got something in my eye" then proceeds to put her hand up her skirt and 'fix' herself - but I for one find it utterly hilarious. Watching the banter between Linda and her flatmate Tom is side-splittingly funny. The supporting characters are also great - Beryl, their landlord who just happens to be an ex-prostitute, and the sex-mad neighbours from hell Suze and Jez. My only complaint about the show is that they made Linda's character out to be a bit too thick in series 3 compared to what she was like in series 1. But still, the laughs keep on coming. If you ate easily offended then do not watch this show but if you have an open-mind and don't mind a bit of smut/vulgarity then watch this - but be careful because you may just break a rib laughing so much!
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