Assault on Death Mountain (TV Movie 1999) Poster

(1999 TV Movie)

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Action, action, action
berw4 June 2002
Warning: Spoilers
In this film, there is a lot of action. But, that's almost all. Poor acting, Hogan can only play with his eyes, even when he close them, and Shannon Tweed is never naked... Sigh... (For the aficionados, a little catfight between Tweed and an european nurse could be the best moment of this movie.) By the way, Shadow Warriors I is very much better, same team, same director, same action, but much more entertainment.
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If you're willing to accept "The B-Team", you could do a lot worse than Shadow Warriors.
tarbosh2200026 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Mike McBride (Hulk), Roy Brown (Weathers), Hunter Wiley (Tweed), and possibly some other guy are the SHADOW WARRIORS. They're a team of mercenaries, but they're good mercenaries who rescue kidnapped children and fight terrorists. But that's only, in true A-Team fashion, "if you can find them". Tasked with fighting some baddies with chemical weapons and ballistic missiles, our Shadow Warrior team snaps into action. They even enlist the help of their buddy Andy Powers (Kove), sort of an auxiliary Shadow Warrior. The only problem is McBride was injected with some sort of poison and is slowly dying. Can he get an antidote in time? Will they stop the launch of the missile? Will they save the children? WHAT'S GONNA HAPPEN?!?!

Shadow Warriors is a made-for-TV (TNT to be exact) outing, and you can really feel it. It feels like a pilot for a show that was never picked up, and it would have been (and should have been) a syndicated series that would air after Xena or Hercules or Relic Hunter on channel 9 on Saturday afternoon. That's not to say there isn't action - there are plenty of shootouts, fights, chases, blow-ups and the like. But it feels sanitized, and the whole outing is very paint-by-numbers.

That being said, there are plenty of funny moments to be had. Hulk Hogan attempting to act "troubled" is worth the price of admission alone. The Hulkster mows down middle-Eastern terrorists holding two large machine guns, and later gets the old Prerequisite Torture treatment. Carl Weathers brings his trademark charisma, and Shannon Tweed practically salvages the whole thing just by being there. Of course, you do get some classic Tweed-Fu. Martin Kove seems to be going for the David Letterman look of the day. They all walk in slow motion away from an explosion, and Hulk Hogan punches people on a hovercraft. So it's not a total loss.

The whole thing is rife with stereotypes and stupidity, as you might expect from another pairing of director Cassar with Hulk Hogan around the same time as The Ultimate Weapon (1998). But you shouldn't go in expecting more than that, and there is fun to be had with what's there.

So, if you're willing to accept "The B-Team", you could do a lot worse than Shadow Warriors.
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virlyn221 January 2008
This is the first movie I saw starring Hulk Hogan. This guy really can't act at all. Add up the utterly stupid plot, conversations and action scenes and you get a helluva movie.

This piece of crap starts with a kidnapping of a girl. Hulk Hogan, here his name is Mike McBride (haha), and his moron friends are assigned to save the day. And in what manner: they go to the house of the kidnapper, who is the father of the girl, and shoot everyone and everything. Once they accomplished this mission something completely different happens. Hulk Hogan is captured by some villain who injects him with a poison that will slowly kill him within 24hours. Look at Hogan's face as he tries to act like he's really going to die. It's painfully funny. After he gets injected with the poison his friends pop up completely out of nowhere shooting all the bad guys, which of course are not American. Shannon Tweed, the "femme fatale" jumps over a sand dune on a motorcycle while killing the baddies. And so it goes on and on. Amazingly brainless and cliché action scenes followed by amazingly brainless and cliché conversations. At one point Hulk is even trying to be emotional, thinking of his "pals" who died in earlier operations. You get to see some idiotic flashbacks of dying soldiers. Then Shannon Tweed comes in to comfort him...hahahaha...this is some really bad acting.

The bad guy is so tremendously evil it becomes a joke. Everything he says, does and thinks is pure evil. And of course he's Russian, what else... His sidekick is even worse. Some kinda gorilla-a-like monster who does everything 'the boss' says. Of course, further on in the movie Hulkie and this mean machine get in a nasty fight with each other.

In the end, after a lot of dim-witted, extremely unbelievable action scenes and other crap, you see Hulk Hogan and his moron crew (one character is called Andy Powers btw, djeezes), walking side by side, way too cool, with in the background a big explosion. Hellooo....... Oh, I almost forgot the hilarious scene with the brainsick madman in the helicopter going completely nuts throwing grenates at the 'bad people'like he's Santa handing out candy to children. Luckely, every grenate takes out a couple of baddies, thrown away in a real old-school McGyverisch style.

Everything about this movie is so crappy and pointless...You can't do otherwise than laugh about it. I hope to see other rubbish starring Hulkie, coz he's so incredibly funny. They should make a movie just with Hogan's face and a spin-off starring his mustache.
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This is the Video Shadow Warriors
TEXICAN-24 August 2000
This is the movie that's out as "Shadow Warriors" on video (Blockbuster carries it as: "Shadow Warriors - 1997 - Hulk Hogan"). Apparently this is the second adventure with this group.

A former adversary who tried to kill Hogan and his men with biological warfare isn't dead, and has re-surfaced. Hogan goes out alone to fight him, and get injected with a deadly virus that gives him only 72 hours to live. The team goes into action to hunt the madman down, stop his evil plan, and save the Hulkster's life.

Not a bad movie, except with Hogan "dying", he isn't his usual kick-butt self. He still takes 'em down, just not as energetically. Tweed and Weathers help keep the action going, and Kove is a trip. It's not award winning material, just good old action fun. Enjoy.
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Sandcooler24 August 2007
To sum everything up: the inexplicably popular Hulk Hogan, washed-up can't-believe-it's-not-porno star Shannon Tweed, Apollo Creed, the cop from "Last House" (who was cool before I saw this) and some other guy who is cleaning up vomit at Wal-Mart while you read this shoot for hours and hours and hours from open spaces without getting a scratch. Usually writers try to make it remotely believable by having one guy shot in the arm or something like that but no, none of that for the indestructible Hulk Hogan. There's just something bothering me about Hulk Hogan being surrounded by twenty guys and just shooting them one by one with his painfully slow moves. It's a way-too-common trend in action flicks that villains with machine guns who are off-screen immediately stop existing. At least Seagal hides behind a crate or something. It's also pretty hilarious how none of the people who get shot appear to bleed, they just fall down. It looks like a bunch of kids playing cowboy and Indian. For people who think wrestling(which in Hogan's case, is not a lot more than soft punching) is real.
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Hoo boy, this is bad
saugoof14 January 2002
Hulk saves the world, yet again. Like all of Hulk Hogans movies this is in the so bad it's good category. Naturally I wouldn't say that to his face. The one thing that stops this movie from excelling in that category though is that it has quite a few really revolting bits in it. For example, the fact that every single baddie of the two unconnected plots is a foreigner and every one of the morally good people is American.

There's little point in pointing out odd behaviour by the characters or plot inconsistencies in a movie like this, but I will anyway. In the first plot, which really is just a filler because they didn't manage to pad out the 2nd plot to last for more than an hour, the good guys need to rescue a little girl who's been kidnapped by her Austrian dad from his American wife. The Austrian turns out to be majorly wealthy, but a foreigner so he deserves all that he gets, like having about 15 of his life guards shot while Hulk and the team rescue the little girl. A bit over the top or what? This plot also serves the film makers with an excellent opportunity to show as much cleavage as possible. This is achieved by having Shannon Tweed, disguised as a guest, sneak into the exclusive party the little girl's dad is holding at his estate. She gets to wear a necklace with a camera hidden inside so her necklace and of course her cleavage are shown in close up's a number of times. Pure genius.

A common trait for really bad movies like this is the way Mister Evil's henchmen are disposed off. Naturally they're positioned all over the building but one single punch ALWAYS knocks them out cold, never to return to action for the rest of the movie. Unless of course there's a fight scene needed, then the baddies get hit over and over again before they finally get knocked out. Similarly, the baddies can fire machine gun rounds after rounds at the good guys without a single hit while the good guys need one single shot to dispose of entire armies. Unless the baddie has had a bit of screen time, then he'll be much harder to kill. Also, like in all bad action movies, either the number one or number two baddie will be totally cruel and evil when he's got the good guy tied up but will become a shivering coward once the roles are reversed.

I don't know, I'm probably not who this movie is marketed at (I shudder to think of the target audience) but I'd find it much more interesting if the baddies actually had a reason to be evil. They're always evil for no reason which makes them cartoon characters. But then, every single character in this movie is a cartoon character.

So, in conclusion. Good for a chuckle but not really a truly good, bad film.
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Stupid action film that only Shannon Tweed makes bearable
gridoon3 October 2006
The only point of interest in this film, for me at least, was the presence of Shannon Tweed. Aging like fine wine and kicking a$$ with grace, she proves once again that she had definite "action heroine" potential that could have taken her career in a totally different path, if she had chosen to go that way. Carl Weathers also emerges with his dignity intact. But what else is there for us to see? Hulk Hogan "haunted" by flashbacks of his traumatic past, in a role way beyond his reach? The heroes never getting shot in the gunfights despite the fact that they rarely bother to take cover? The all-American nut Martin Kove yelling "Yi-Ha!" while mowing down dozens of evil Arabs? Um, no thank you, I'll take Tweed. Too bad she's too old now to make another action movie. (**)
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worst, yet the best movie ever
elessar350212 October 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is the worst thing ever filmed. I wouldn't really call it a movie. Yet it had me laughing for hours, so I must give it some credit. The beginning is classic. SPOILER ALERT!! It depicts a few members of the team doing there thing. We have Shannon Tweed punching and kicking a punching bag with absolutely no skill at all. We have Appolo sculpting something out of what appears to be a big block of sheet-rock with awful drawings hanging in the back ground. And of course Hogan having some kind of fit due to shell shock from the gulf war. So lets recap. Shannon is a kick boxing chick and Appolo is an artist, kind of. With Hogan being crazy. Suddenly a woman appears and says "I saw your add, it said you help people." Can you picture the add people? Mike Mcbride with a huge gun in the back of Guns and Ammo magazine with the add saying something like "Guns for hire"

So basically the lady wants them to rescue her daughter who has been taken from her by her evil ex-husband. The fact is that, this lady might be crazy, and could have lost the child in court. The Shadow Warriors don't ask any questions, they take the case, probonoe no less. So in short they go to this house where a party of some sort is taking place. The team runs in shooting up the place, and rescuing the damn kid.

Should I continue, well OK. I can tell you this about shadow warriors. You should watch it, go to you nearest departmental store and look in the 5.88 rack. Both 1 and 2 are there One isn't that funny. But 2, Oh my god. Its the funniest thing of a movie ever.
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Fun, cheesy B-move, nothing more
Leofwine_draca3 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This entertainingly cheesy adventure yarn which should be rightly named "attack of the ageing action heroes". Taking three 40-something "stars" and dropping them into a lightweight story which is an excuse for almost constant action sounds like good fun to me and the movie doesn't disappoint. My only complaint is that, as this is a television movie, there is no blood to be found anywhere in the film. Lots of people die, sure, but with no blood. Even a few broken bones but no blood to be seen anywhere which helps to destroy the little realism this movie had in the first place.

The film opens with a "mini-mission" lasting half an hour which is kind of like a short film in itself. The team members (wittily calling themselves "S.O.S.") launch a stealth mission on a mountain in Austria to rescue a girl kidnapped by her own father. Lots of shoot-outs with guards and gun battles ensue, as well as a few cheap stunts. After this the plot begins afresh, quite incredibly, with good ol' Hulk tracking down a villain from his past and invading his mountain-top fortress too. The plot element is that Hulk has been injected in his neck with a poison that will kill him within 72 hours if he doesn't get the antidote. Cue lots of strenuous acting from Hulk and desperate races against time for the others.

The movie is packed with lots of explosions, funny moments like a guy firing a rocket launcher at a fully-size rocket coming out of the ground, about a zillion bad guys getting gunned down at the finale and more over-the-top antics than you can shake a stick at. It's all great fun if not exactly brilliant film-making in action. My favourite scene is the COMMANDO rip-off when Hogan travels to some Far Eastern desert place and wastes a small army with a couple of Gatling guns. Speaking of Hulk, the wrestler-turned-actor isn't that bad in a serious role, and just as good as the Van Dammes and Lundgrens of today's straight-to-video flicks.

The supporting cast is made up of Carl Weathers who enjoys himself as a tough mercenary-type warrior, climbing up vertical slopes and sweating frequently as he attempts to destroy deadly poison. Amusingly he doesn't seem to have aged in the decade since his earlier action antics. Shannon Tweed (a star of countless "late night" erotic films) is the female member of the team and Cassar takes ample opportunity to let his camera gaze at her body at every turn, and it's also amazing that she never seems to age much either. The supporting cast are about as good as to be expected for a film of this type, although Gerard Plunkett is a little too subdued as the evil bad guy. He definitely needs to be more villainous. Apart from that minor flaw, this is all you could want from a fun, cheesy B-movie.
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Hilariously bad – how many more of this series are there??!!
bob the moo14 January 2002
Mike and his team of shadow warriors are working freelance on military operations. When Mike thinks he recognises a biochemical terrorist from his past they uncover a plot to attack Seattle. With Mike drugged with a slow poison that only terrorist Sarkisian can stop the team go out to stop the attack.

This is the second of the Shadow Warrior films and it's much worse that the first (I didn't think it was possible!). The plot is lazy - the first third about a kidnapped girl almost feels like it's just filling in the time until they get to the terrorists bit. The attempts to give Mike a past to create new action is stupid - he recognises the terrorist despite the complete plastic surgery! However the plot doesn't matter in this type of thing right? It's all about the action yeah? Face/Off had a really stretched plot but the action was amazing. Here the action is terrible - really terrible. The Shadow Warriors attack camps with typical American macho-isms - riding round on bikes and cars firing wildly. The final battle is the worst, baddies fire automatics constantly without hitting anyone but are easily taken out with one shot from the warriors. The most laughable bit is seeing Andy flying a helicopter above the action, picking people off with weapons including pistols, grenades, automatics and a rocket launcher - yes you read it right - he looks to all the world like someone leaning out the side of his friends parked car. When we watched it we were roaring with laughter all the way through it.

The acting barely matters but suffice to say it's terrible. All the Shadow Warriors are macho with a real buddy sense of humour. Hulk Hogan is terrible - the worst bit (and there's plenty) is the second half when he is poisoned and has to `look in pain' for the rest of the film - he does it by furrowing his brow and staring into the distance, it's really funny. Shannon Tweed is OK, Carl Weathers is OK but neither can do anything with the material. The only good role is Kove as Andy because his manic stuff is funny - but even his stuff gets boring and eventually you realise that he ISN'T playing it with his tongue in his cheek! The main problem with the cast is that the Shadow unit are all American caricatures who are almost invincible. However the main terrorist is English and the majority of the bad guys are foreign - even the terrorist attack is launched from Canada! This feel-good flag waving is quite tasteless to watch. I know that things like Die Hard had European terrorists etc but the way that this shows the US force as invincible moral men & women but shows the rest as stupid, cowardly and weak is insulting and lazy writing.

Overall - cheap and nasty - only enteraining because it's so stupid.
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I'm impressed
lonewolf1051 May 2001
I wasn't sure what to exspect from this movie, but I like Navy SEALs. Hogan impressed me with this role. All this movie needed was a little tweeking to make it a kick ass flick. Some of the scenes were a little much. Example: Hogan attacking a terrorist camp alone with a gun in each hand. They needed to get Richard Marcinko the "Rogue Warrior" to be tech adviser. Hogan's character seems to want to be like Marcinko but just can't make it. However I did like this flick and would like to find the first movie to compare them. It was a worth while rental.
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One of the best movies to watch with friends!
ExtraTrstl26 August 2000
My friends and I just love to rent "bad" movies (good "bad" movies mind you) and watch them a'la MST3K. This is by far one of the best ones on Earth. If you rent this for anything other than a laugh you are a complete idiot. It has crappy plot, the action is just stupid (it's a chuck norris type of running in with a gun and killing a million people) and the acting...well let me just say "Hulk" and "good acting" should never be in the same sentence, nay the same PARAGRAPH.

If you have some quick witted friends and want to make fun of a movie you can not go wrong with this movie. I loved how it started out for pure BEATING (a word we used quite often to refer to mr. Hulk) value. They were on a mission to get a girl, Hulk beat some stuff, some guys shot at them, Shannon Tweed (we used the word "softcore" a lot when referring to her) got in a badly choreographed cat fight (note: I loved the scene where she was choking and she had no expression on her face...I'm sure they got her for her acting ability really).

This movie ranks up there with Ninja Vs. Mafia (although Ninja Vs. Mafia is still THE BEST.
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