Bounce (2000) Poster


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I'm tired of this routine
jimv1130 October 2001
I did like this movie, but I must say I'm tired of the old "I've got a secret" device used in this movie. In this movie Buddy has a secret he knows will cause major problems for their relationship, yet he doesn't tell her. And just as everyone in the world predicts - she finds out just before he can tell her. I guess movie writers feel this formula is tried and true, but I'm hoping to see some original thinking someday and maybe something more true to life.
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Two leads keep it bouncing
mattymatt4ever27 April 2001
"Bounce" has the familiar elements of a romance-drama. The premise is quite original and engaging, but as the relationship between Ben and Gwyneth blossoms, we're given the Hollywood treatment. However, Ben and Gwyneth give spirited performances and keep everything afloat. Both of them are extremely charming, have terrific charisma and there are some nice interactions between the two of them. I wasn't touched after I finished viewing this formulaic romance, since I pretty much saw what was coming--but it's a likeable, feel-good movie thanks to the charming performances. It's a good date movie, though I assume the woman will be shedding most of the tears.

My score: 7 (out of 10)
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Mechanical and fraudulent
moonspinner5525 August 2007
Warning: Spoilers
While at the airport bar waiting for their planes, ad exec Ben Affleck gives his ticket to a family man anxious to get home to his wife and kids; after the plane crashes, Affleck checks up on the man's widow, even helps get her work, before falling in love with her--and also before disclosing he has something to tell her, something important...but it can wait until tomorrow. As written and directed by Don Roos, "Bounce" follows such a formulaic pattern that everything in it is fraudulent. Gwyneth Paltrow plays the bereaved with a certain amount of sophisticated grace, but her character is always on the verge of making a hasty exit and her dialogue smacks of too-smart little observations thick with script-writer's ink. Affleck is always on the verge of finding a character--and failing (even when he has tears welling up in his eyes, nothing Affleck says or does quite rings true). The picture doesn't exist in any kind of reality--nothing in it appears natural--with decorative city and beach settings that may very well be stock shots. The character conflicts don't balance out for us emotionally, and when Paltrow kicks Affleck out of her house in front of her two kids, she's suddenly so embittered and vindictive that we can't recover from it in time for the finale. There's also the proverbial gal-pal for Paltrow and gay assistant for Affleck who both dish out that kind of 'it-hurts-but-it's-good-for-you' advice prone to romance weepies. It's an assembly-line chick flick for viewers who bounce unceremoniously from one of these movies to the next. ** from ****
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excellent romantic drama
Buddy-517 August 2001
`Bounce' is an utterly winning romantic drama, replete with an intriguing storyline, believable characters and honest emotions.

Ben Affleck stars as Buddy Amaral, an arrogant hotshot advertising exec, who, in a rare moment of kindness, offers his seat on an airplane to a young writer desperate to get home to his wife and kids for the holidays. When the man dies in a plane crash, Buddy is suddenly sent on a mission of soul-searching, trying to sort out the complex emotions he is now forced to deal with. When drinking provides no solution, he feels himself compelled to seek out the man's widow, Abby, played by Gwyneth Paltrow, and their two young boys. Buddy keeps his connection with them a secret as he begins to fall in love with Abby and to become a part of their wounded family.

In its bare-boned detailing, the plot may smack a bit of incredibility and contrivance. But thanks to expert writing and directing by Don Ross, every detail in the film feels just right. Take the opening scene, for instance. Ross gives the chance encounter between the two strangers who will be forever tied together by fate the loose, casual, and offhanded quality one finds in real life. Nothing in this film ever seems forced, least of all the romantic feelings these two hurt, vulnerable and attractive people feel for one another. In fact, it is the complexity of the characters that helps `Bounce' to rise above the superficiality of most films in this genre. In addition to Buddy's character-building, we see Abby trying desperately to overcome the bewildering tragedy that has befallen her, unsure of how to deal with her own feelings of loss, guilt and anger that inevitable arise from such a situation.

Affleck and Paltrow bring such an air of thoughtfulness and maturity to their roles that we find ourselves genuinely caught up in their predicament and rooting them on all the way. It's nice for a change to see a romantic film truly centered on a pair of likable grownups as opposed to the superannuated adolescents we usually find in films of this type. Here are flawed, often weak, individuals who nevertheless contain cores of genuine goodness and innate warmheartedness.

The movie also achieves additional depth and weight in its exploration of the vagaries of fate as many of the characters examine the `what if' scenarios that haunt anyone caught up in a situation like this one.

`Bounce' is well written, directed and acted. Even those who don't normally go for love stories should definitely check it out.
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Clever romantic comedy.
insomniac_rod16 September 2008
I didn't have the intention to watch this movie even though I'm a fan of Mrs. Paltrow.

So I watched this unintentionally on a cold Tuesday morning. specifically at 9:00. I didn't regret.

The movie deals with a huge natural tragedy that nobody could prevent from happening, and many events will focus around it including a love story, parenting, alcoholism, rehab, difficult job decisions, etc.

"Bound" is overall a great romantic comedy with a dramatic plot center so in my opinion this is a very clever romantic film.

The performances are very good. I'm surprised with Affleck's performance; he does it very well as the depressed but successful young man. His facial expressions when talking about Greg's death are really convincing and help the movie's tone.

Gwyneth Paltrow is as beautiful as ever and delivers a tender performance. I dug her dramatic moments, specially when she had to explain her sons about their dad's demise.

I highly recommend this intelligent movie for those who like romantic drams.
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Was that really Jennifer Grey?
imdb_joe24 August 2007
Why, why, why did Jennifer Grey have to go and get a nose job? I hardly recognized her in this movie. IMHO, she looked rather attractive just the way she was.

OK, having got that off my chest, I am one of those who like Bounce, despite Affleck's limitations as an actor and the somewhat predictable plot. A bittersweet, tender romance movie is not really meant to move mountains artistically, nor should it be expected to. But this one does draw you in, emotionally, for better or for worse. Case in point: Look at all the IMDb comments posted on it! And as for those who would have liked more sizzle in the romance between Affleck and Paltrow, remember, this is a film that also has the death of Abby's husband as its constant backdrop, hence, the film's rather understated treatment of their romance, I think.
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The Cure for your Afflecktion.
chets80813 August 2001
Warning: Spoilers
I'll admit Gwen Paltrow could make a hunting safety video interesting, but there are many problems with Bounce that cannot simply be ignored. Caution, spoilers ahead, drive carefully.

First of all, Affleck and Gwen have no chemistry on screen. Affleck has more chemistry with his 2 fingers of scotch. In fact, its nice to see stock footage of Ben exiting the rehab center worked into a major motion picture, but I digress. Charlie Sheen has been pitching that one around Hollywood for years without success.

Essentially, a formula story with a predictable ending and nothing you'll be too interested in. Affleck's character is not someone you root for. He's the take-no-prisoners-life-is-too-short-to-drink-cheap-vodka hot shot ad exec who "graciously" gives up his airplane ticket so he can bed some broad he has known for all of 5 minutes; how noble. He'd be better off with Sandy Bullock's character from 28 days, now there's a $500 Charles Nelson Riley match for you. Tell us what she's won Gene Rayburn...

Gwen is the life boat that prevents this sinking ship from going under mostly due to Ben's unlikable Buddy and a vapid script. Buddy shows up to "make amends" with Gwen and within 5 minutes starts making a play for her. What is that ? Is that a sub section of the ninth step in the AA codec: make amends with those you have made suffer, and if possible, try to get them into the sack ????

Consider it star training. Someday Ben will make the big blockbuster (Pearl Harbor notwithstanding) but it ain't this dog.
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Paltrow & Affleck were Great
whpratt127 August 2007
Enjoy the acting of Gwyneth Paltrow, (Abby Janello) who plays the role of a woman who lost her husband in a plane crash and is struggling with her love for him and the big hole it has left in her heart. She tries to establish herself in a business with the help of her mother in order to support her two young children. In a very mysterious way this has effected the live of Buddy Amaral, (Ben Afflick) who met Abby's husband at O'Hare Airport in Chicago and had a few drinks with him and offered him his tickets on the plane he was scheduled to fly out on. Buddy Amaral has had a drinking problem and went into rehabilitation, however he was haunted by a horrible thing he caused Abby Janello and followed his 12 Step Program in AA to make amends to any person you hurt while you had been drinking. It is from this part in the story that makes it very interesting with dramatic and heartbreaking events. Excellent film and great entertainment. Enjoy
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The wrong actor got on the plane.
=G=19 April 2001
Old premise, new film. A reasonable attempt at film making, "Bounce" is fraught with problems not the least of which is casting Affleck opposite a fine actress. This light drama starts okay but fizzles. The chemistry between Affleck and Paltrow is predictably nonexistent. Affleck and Bullock, maybe. Affleck and Paltrow, no way. The drama in all corners of the film, from alcoholism to the Kodak moments to the "can I love the guy who killed my husband" paradox doesn't work because the film builds a weak foundation, develops characters poorly, and just plain unravels in the denouement. Wait for broadcast on this one.
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Above average romance
danielll_rs7 June 2003
What makes BOUNCE rise above the average of romantic films is the direction of Don Roos, who also made the eccentric THE OPPOSITE OF SEX. Here he avoids sappiness but every now and then the film gets quite melodramatic. However, Gwyneth Paltrow and Ben Affleck are surprisingly good and have a nice chemistry, in a good and warm date movie.

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TSTF - Too Stupid To Finish
leftbanker-13 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
First of all, Ben Affleck's character didn't kill the girl's husband, he didn't shoot the plane out of the sky or force the douche bag to take his ticket. So why is he all broken up over it? They don't even touch on that in the movie. He got super lucky, that's all. Woohoo!

This is yet further evidence to back up my contention that all bad acting in movies is the director's fault. Always. If you don't like something, then shoot it again until you get what you want-or cut it out. In Bounce, actors simply can't win when faced with a scene direction like "you just learn that your husband is part of a smoking hole in the ground in Kansas. Now get out there and act!"

Maudlin doesn't even begin to convey how awful some of these scenes are, at least for me, both Paltrow's grief and Affleck's pain. They are hard to watch. I'm sure even their proud parents can't watch these scenes without wincing.

And then there is the story itself, which is mind-numbingly stupid and precipitated on the most bizarre coincidence: the guy who gave away his ticket in the unlucky death flight, just happens to work at the company which handles the crashed airline's PR. What if the wife of the dead guy had been a fat, ugly cow? How would his guilt have played out in that un-cinematic scenario?
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Reflections On Life And love
jhclues22 November 2000
A tragic brush with fate sets a man on a road to self awareness and discovery that drastically alters his perception of himself and the world in which he lives, in `Bounce,' directed by Don Roos and starring Ben Affleck and Gwyneth Paltrow. In Chicago on business, waiting at the airport for a flight back to L.A. just before Christmas, Advertising Exec/salesman Buddy Amaral (Affleck) gives his ticket to a man he's met that evening in the lounge, Greg Janello (Tony Goldwyn), who's just been bumped from his flight. A writer, in Chicago for the opening (and sadly, the closing) of one of his plays, Janello has a wife, Abby (Gwyneth Paltrow), and two kids waiting for him at home, and is grateful for Buddy's apparent random act of kindness. Far from being a benevolent gesture, however, Buddy's motives are purely self-serving, and have to do with another passenger, Mimi (Natasha Henstridge), who's also been bumped and who has been given accommodations for the night by the airline. It seems that everything has worked out well for all concerned, until later that night, when the news breaks that the plane carrying Janello has crashed somewhere in Kansas, and that there are no survivors. For Buddy, who should have been on that plane, it's an awakening; and for probably the first time in his life he is forced to look inward. And he doesn't like what he finds. His confrontation with the demons within ultimately leads him to Abby Janello, and another unexpected turn in his life. Director Roos has created a richly textured drama that is both captivating and credible; the story is well written (by Roos), developed with precision and expertly paced, which makes it all entirely believable. Much more than a simple love story, it's about a man forced to confront what he sees in the mirror, and how he must cope with what he finds there; and about a young woman with two children, suddenly widowed, who must come to grips with an unsure future while dealing with such a devastating loss. What follows is an examination of a relationship forged by fate and born of need; a fragile, precarious situation at best. And what makes this film so good is the gradual way the relationship between Buddy and Abby is formed, neither hurried nor forced, with a couple of truly poignant moments along the way. And it all rings true, courtesy of a great script, Roos directing and the engaging performances of the stars. Affleck brings real depth to his character, and most importantly, a sense of true sincerity that makes him real; he illuminates Buddy's imperfections to perfection. And Paltrow is absolutely disarming as Abby; gentle and vulnerable to a fault, winsomely charming, and beautifully played. Also, there is a definite chemistry between Paltrow and Affleck that cannot be denied. The supporting cast includes Jennifer Grey (Mrs. Guererro), Joe Morton (Jim), David Paymer (Prosecution Lawyer), Alex D. Linz (Scott) and Johnny Galecki. A touching, memorable movie, `Bounce' is a reflection on the journey of life we all must take; and it makes you realize that it's something you have to work at. It's a film that makes you stop to reconsider choices made in the past, while recognizing that in the end, perhaps love and happiness is the bonus for doing it right. I rate this one 9/10.
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charming tale
aussieukangel6 January 2006
A charming romantic tale of two people brought together, both with emotional baggage issues. I thought the performances were great from both superb actors, they really worked well together and made a nice couple. I was a bit sorry to see it end so soon, was expecting an update, like a few years on down the track would have been nice to see them work out their issues together. It was well worth the effort to watch this movie, a good girls night in movie. Was especially glad to realize it wasn't a tear jerker but a good solid, easy watching movie. I rated it 7 out of 10 and fans of these two actors are in for a real treat.
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Whatever the tagline says, it's not fate!
Gore_Won19 July 2008
Many people will see this movie portray what is often described as fate, but it is ironic that the protagonist is an atheist. That's right: he does not believe in any god.

I am glad to have caught the film on TV, even if I missed another program because I couldn't tune away from the channel. Yes, the acting of the two main characters was so strong, and they had so much chemistry together, that the sometimes predictable plot was more than made up for.

We are here to drink beer. We are here to kill war. We are here to laugh at the odds and live our lives so well that Death will tremble to take us. - Henry Charles Bukowski (another atheist)
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famousgir115 May 2001
Don Roos directs and writes this enjoyable romantic comedy which stars Ben Affleck and Gwyneth Paltrow who meet up by fate in this film. They are both great as Buddy Amaral and Abby Janello and have some good chemistry in the film. (Well, they did used to be couple.) Tony Goldwyn is also puts in a small but good performance as Abby's husband Greg Janello. Bounce is an enjoyable film. Don't expect anything to extravagant but you will be satisfied. I give Bounce a 7/10
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Easy to watch and maybe a bit boring
Naughtia_Nah28 August 2011
This movie is easy going and maybe a little bit boring. The plot was good and so were the actors. I like Ben Affleck and Gwyneth Paltrow but this movie does not reflect their greatest performances.

This is a story about two men who switch plane tickets and when the one plane crashes and kills the passengers on board, the other man feels horrified and guilty, so he decides to find the deceased man's wife to tell her what happened to her husband. When he meets with the widow he starts falling in love with her which was not what he intended.

If you want something easy to watch for a Sunday afternoon, this one would be a good choice.
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Like most of it except the romance
SnoopyStyle17 May 2014
Buddy Amaral (Ben Affleck) has just signed a big ad deal. He's flying out of Chicago back to LA, but gets delayed. He meets fellow passengers Greg Janello (Tony Goldwyn) and Mimi Prager (Natasha Henstridge). Greg is a failing writer and he opts to be bumped for a couple of tickets and $200. Buddy tries to do him a favor by switching tickets while staying the night with Mimi. The plane crashes killing everybody on board. The airline gets Buddy to run feel-good ads and it wins a Clio. It crushes him and a drunken Buddy creates a fiasco at the awards. After rehab, he goes to check on Greg's widow Abby (Gwyneth Paltrow) as one of the 12 steps.

First of all, this is hamstrung by a bad title. There is a really heart breaking story in this and it starts off well. However the romance just breaks the movie down to a lesser level. It tries very hard to romanticize this tragedy that it comes off as awkward. The two leads try to do a good job but they are off by a little bit. I'm not sure what most people think about the flirting. It mostly made me feel sad. And the awkward attempts at humor don't help either. This could have been a much better movie if it could have maintained its darker edge.
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rmax30482328 August 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Ben Affleck is a drunk who, out of a spirit of inebriated generosity, switches tickets with another passenger on a crowded flight, allowing the man to get home and visit his child. The airplane falls down, as airplanes are wont to do, and the man is killed. A dried-out Affleck feels compelled to look up the man's widow, Gwyneth Paltrow, and tell her the story. Instead, he falls for her and holds back his secret. It's understandable that he finds her desirable. She's Gwyneth Paltrow as a brunette. When the big reveal finally rolls around there is heartbreak to spare.

I almost feel I ought to apologize for not liking the movie. It's like not liking a child's finger painting. See that dendritic structure? That's Junior's tree. The long part at the bottom is the trunk. You can tell because it's brown. And that green ball at the top? The leaves.

What sex is to pornography, what blood is to action movies, emotional highs followed by crashes followed by highs are to this higher-budget afternoon domestic drama.

Here's some dialog. "You can either say good-bye and leave now, or you can leave without saying good-bye," sobs Paltrow through her tears.

The fact that Affleck gave the other fellow his own ticket is treated as a shameful act. Affleck is made to keep it a secret as long as is consistent with a full-length feature movie. When he vomits out the terrible truth, he hems and haws and acts as if he, Affleck, had personally strangled the guy in order to get at the wife he hasn't yet met.

It's not insulting in that it doesn't propagate some fantastic notion like wiping out everyone we dislike or having unprotected sex with a Nigerian prostitute. It's just ultimately boring, like pornography and action movies. However, it must be said that movies about sex or gore have their fans, and this one probably will find an audience too, but I wouldn't be among them. I have this tendency to drift off.
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Simple, sweet, lukewarm
juneebuggy12 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This was okay; simple sweet, sad, a bit mindless actually which is why it worked for me. I just wanted to watch something I didn't have to think too hard about.

I did find the story idea interesting; about a man who gives up his seat on a plane to another man (basically so he can get it on with fellow stranded passenger Natasha Henstridge) Minutes after takeoff the plane crashes. A year later 'Buddy' is fresh out of rehab and still suffering survivors guilt. Feeling responsible he tracks down the man's widow and tries to help her, falling in love during the process.

Lots of familiar faces in this (except for Jennifer Grey who I still have trouble recognizing). Ben Affleck's character is a bit of a dick initially but as things progress he has several crying scenes. The one where 'Cleo' makes him say goodbye to her kids was heart wrenching but 3 may have been too many.

I enjoyed Gweneth Paltrow as the widow. Her character is goofy, sweet and struggling. Tony Goldwyn of 'Scandal' presidency has a small role as her doomed husband and Joe Morton also from 'Scandal' is Buddy's business partner. I enjoyed Johnny Galecki,(Big Bang Theory) he's in the gay BFF role.

On the downside the romance was kinda lukewarm and while I can put up with a bit of product placement in a movie, the cans of diet coke littered throughout this became a bit of a joke, very distracting. There was also a silly scene with Cleo's giant dog attacking Buddy which felt sitcom-ish. 8/3/15
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Pretty Bad movie for some good actors
superfly_tnt112 February 2001
I'll make this a very quick comment, since I have to go. This movie was a mix between the typical "Crash of Flight blah blah blah" and Man and woman meet but one has important secret he/she keeps secret only to ruin relationship for a short time till secret is told and pain and suffering is over and relationship lives happily ever after... We have all seen these two movies over and over again. Both movie plots suck on their own, the combination is a disaster. The movie is very over dramatic and just a terrible script for the two great actor(ress)s. There is very little time spent on character development other than the two main characters, and it doesn't even go very deep there. All the time is told preparing and telling the overused combo of a story, and trying to make the audience feel, feel , feel. It only makes every guy go "ohhhh mannnn, come onnnn" and makes his spouse/girlfriend cry and yell at the cold hearted guy for dissing such a lovely heart whelming movie. TRY YOUR BEST NOT TO SEE THIS MOVIE. Tell her Ben Affleck dies early in the movie or something, just keep away!
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Fate. It's all fate.
helpless_dancer11 April 2003
Not being a big fan of Affleck, I figured I would not care a lot for this film. Wrong. It wasn't the greatest movie I've ever seen, but can't say it was boring like many of my fellow IMDB commentators. The performances were well done and the story moved right along. I had a good time with it....maybe I should watch some more of Ben's pictures, eh?
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Do Not See This Movie!!!
shiblon23 November 2000
I am sadly disappointed in Ben Affleck. This scored an awful in just about every category of movies. The movie was very slow and predictable. The acting was poor but only because the script was so unbelievable. I found myself not caring about the characters and checking my watch to see how much more I would have to suffer. Save yourself the time and money, don't see this movie!!
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Sweet melancholy story, really sweet
imseeg23 May 2018
What a great story. Wonder if this has actually happened in real life: man decides NOT to board a plane, gives a free ticket to a dad who desperatedly wants to go home on christmas eve and the plane crashes.

Guilt. That is what drives Ben Affleck in this movie, being the guy who gave away his ticket to this dad at christmas eve, unknowingly signing his death ticket. Ben Affleck lives, the dad dies. Out of sheer guilt Ben Affleck tries to do good and secretly finds out who the widow is(Gwyneth Paltrow). He wants to ease his guilt by giving the widow a job that will give her a big salary, so she can provide for herself and her kids. Gwyneth Paltrow doesnt know that Ben Affleck was indirectly the cause of her husband's death. With the best intentions Ben Affleck is now secretly interferring in her life. Can Ben Affleck ease his guilt? Will the widow find out the real reason behinds Ben's help?

This story could have easily become very sentimental, but it didnt. This story could easily have become unbelievable, but the dialogues and the script are true to life. Acting is magnificent. One of Affleck's and Paltrow's best roles in their entire carreer. Seen this gem many times now and it is here to stay. Sweet tragedy, really sweet. But as I said earlier what makes this movie so attractive and endearing is the true to life approachment of the story. It really COULD have happened the way it is portrayed here. And credibility is paramount when I truly wanna enjoy a movie. Ideal movie for anybody (family, date, loners) who just wants to get romantically swept away of their feet...
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"Thud" Would Be More Appropriate
Bob-4526 June 2001
Buddy (Ben Affleck), Mimi (Nathasha Henstridge) and Greg (Tony Goldwyn) meet by chance at Ohare Airport in the middle of a winter storm. Greg has let himself be `bumped' for the monetary compensation, since his latest play has flopped. Buddy, a successful advertising executive, gives Greg his ticket in order to have a `one night stand' with Mimi. Buddy coerces the gate ticket agent and `old flame' (Jennifer Grey) into letting Greg use his ticket. The plane goes down and Greg is killed. After a year of guilt-induced alcoholism, Buddy faces Greg's wife, Abby (Gwenynth Paltrow) and falls in love.

`Bounce' bares comparison with another 1999 film about a romance between two people linked by the death of a spouse, `Return to Me.' However, where `Return to Me' was sweet and frothy, `Bounce' is fairly cold and heavy, at least as released by Miramax. This is unfortunate, because the deleted scenes are generally MUCH better than what made it into the final cut. Certainly, `Bounce' is a much more REALISTIC film than `Return to Me'. However, here `realistic' doesn't equate to `better'. Much of the time the movie just lays there, despite exceptionally fine performances by Gwenyth Paltrow and Johnny Galecki (Buddy's gay assistant). Maybe someday, Criterion will release a `director's cut' with all the `good' stuff edited back in. Until that time, `Thud' would be a more appropriate title.
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Hardly a romance
HotToastyRag27 September 2020
Bounce features one of those 'what if' plots that sound good on paper but would never happen in real life. Ben Affleck exchanges plane tickets with Tony Goldwyn, trying to do a good deed. Ben's merely on the flight for business, but Tony's going home to his wife and two kids. When the plane crashes and Tony dies, Ben feels terribly guilty. Of course! But when, in trying to make amends for what he's done, he starts to fall in love with Tony's widow Gwyneth Paltrow, the story joins Fantasyland.

Naturally, for added tension, Ben doesn't tell Gwyneth who he is or why he's suddenly appeared in her life. His entire relationship with her is based on a gigantic mistake and an even bigger lie. How could she ever forgive him? I wouldn't really recommend this movie unless you love Ben Affleck and like seeing all his movies. It's much more a vehicle for him than for Gwyneth, and it can hardly be classified as a romance.
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