Courage the Cowardly Dog (TV Series 1999–2002) Poster


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One of the great Cartoon Network shows...
RabGuy131 October 2006
Along with Dexter's Laboratory, this is the show that has kept me watching Cartoon Network, even when they put dribble like "Totally Spies" on.

This series, although having a few 'flat' episodes, is a great example of a well made cartoon. Rarely do you hear the same music twice (which has, on numerous occasions destroyed other series where you hear the same stuff over again over numerous seasons), the voice acting is always great (from the main characters to Mr. Katz and the Goose God), the animation is great (the varied reactions they give Courage is worth watching for alone) and the stories are always unique, even when they're not up to the series standard bar (which is pretty darn high, IMO).

Ultimately, the series is a culmination of so many excellent factors, with the most important being the way that it can be scary but not so much that you can't let kids watch it. It's the perfect black humor cartoon for kids and adults that I wish was out on DVD, as I'd buy it in an instant.

My personal favorite episodes are "The Chicken From Outer Space", "Revenge of the Chicken From Outer Space", "King Ramses' Curse" and "The Gods Must Be Goosey". I am very glad that they're currently re-showing this on Cartoon Network, because if you haven't seen it, you deserve to.
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Extraordinary psychology film
martin199711421 January 2013
So this cartoon is about a dog called Courage "saving" his 2 owners (forgot their names) in every episode. At first I thought this was just a "good" cartoon, shouldn't be rated 9 (coz I rated 9) bt then there are a few remarks about this film which makes it so extraordinary... In courage the cowardly dog, Courage is just a normal dog, he sees everything in a dog's eyes, in which the villains are just normal people, but to a little dog, they seem scary. And they don't actually live in nowhere, it's just that his owners are too old to bring him for a walk, he only knows everything around his immediate property, and everything beyond it is nothing because he's never seen it.This show is by far one of the shows that has such great significance behind it, and because the whole plot is written in a dog's eyes, everything looks so hideous and immense.
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A show that won my heart.
jaslinemenezes7 October 2013
It was a really good show. It was my favorite childhood show.I don't know why they had to cancel it. Nowadays the cartoons have no meaning in them. It's just the same version of the other cartoons. But Courage The Cowardly Dog was a show which didn't lack anything for me. It had comedy, horror, and everything i would want in a good cartoon. The show sometimes used to make me cry. There were crazy episodes every time. It was never the same type of episodes, which was an impressive thing for me.I used to wait for this show to come on T.V everyday... it was a golden show for me... It was an AWESOME show... and i want it to come back on air again.
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Adult Appeal
RamblerRandy21 September 2006
This series has adult appeal as the plots are sophisticated and intelligent and relaxing for the overworked adult and not very childish.

The stories are dark oriented but poke fun at all sorts of sources and subjects.

Generally the series ranks close to the Fox Network lineup of cartoon based shows but lacks nudity (I think!) and vulgarity so it has a universal "PG" rating like appeal. More like the Shrek movies.

There is good consistency amongst the writings and design that keeps it interesting and a long of tongue in cheek humor that adults would enjoy without any significant childish components typical in "children only" cartoons.

I'm sure everyone of every age would enjoy this series.
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I think that courage cowardly dog should be continued
monetgraves28 March 2008
I may only be 13 years old but i love courage the cowardly dog! I think it SHOULD continue because it is very entertaining and fun to watch.

i have plenty of friends who say they miss it. even though it stopped making new shows in 2002 doesn't mean it couldn't come back on, also even though it comes on about 3 to 4 times a day i think it should make a new show it is very important to me and all of the other fans. John r. DIlworth to me is a very creative guy who should continue.

Now a days we have these non- entertaining shows like chowder, George of the jungle, out of jimmy's head, squirrel boy, my gym partners a monkey,and fosters. i think its outrageous and i can't stand it (also this is my opinion so you can't get mad if you agree). ( no offense and i don't mean to offend or insult these shows but they are pathetic?. its very irritating it makes me want to cry cartoon network used to be vicious about 3,4,5 years ago but now its gotten worse. i still love it and all of its old shows like boomerang too i want a channel like that but not that old about 5 years ago i miss those things dearly please hear me and try to make an effort to change. my number is 202-423-9487 (cell) or 202-545-8885 (home) any one who agrees with me please call and we can try to work things out.

Thank You, Monet Graves
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Great show.
m0rpher20 July 2003
As someone stated earlier, it can be disturbing in a way at times, but the episodes are always entertaining, clever and super-original. I haven't yet seen a single boring episode.

I love this show. I recommend it to anyone. Little kids might find a few episodes disturbing, but I think they'd like the show anyway. Adults will enjoy this show too.

Oh, and the music is great! I was watching an episode a few hours ago, and the music was worthy of any good horror movie. Thumbs up for whoever made the music. ;)

I give it 5 stars, definately!
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Wonderful show
TheLittleSongbird12 February 2010
This is a perfect example of a show that was part of my childhood. I loved this show and I still have a soft spot for it now. The animation is excellent quite colourful and sophisticated, the music is great and memorable, the story lines are fun and engaging and the characters are endearing. Who cannot love Courage, if you thought Scooby Doo was cowardly, Courage is even more so. Eustace and Muriel are great supporting characters, and are very funny at times. This was one of my favourite shows on Cartoon Network along with Dexter's Laboratory.

Overall, I love this show. It is just creative and funny, and holds a certain nostalgic value. 10/10 Bethany Cox
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My Favorite Cartoon Network Show
kdnor201111 January 2012
I love Courage the Cowardly Dog, I have loved it ever since I was a kid, and I still love it to this day. Why? Because it is the perfect blend of humor and horror.

This show is ridicuously funny, there are several times an episode where I can't help but laugh. The plots are creative and ridiculous. Eustace and Muriel provide most of the laughs, I know this may sound mean but I think Muriel being fat adds a lot to her humor. Courage can sometimes get a laugh, but the computer in the attic is better.

Now for horror, oh God, this show is traumatizing. There are several episodes that scared me as a kid and still creep me out to this day. Freaky Fred was scary because that could actually happen. The puppet man was disturbing. But the one everyone remembers is King Ramses, if you watch that episode you will probably scream.

And the show is also dramatic, the last episode shows what happened to Courage's parents and I actually cried. And the other half of that episode, Pefect, was also sad. This is a great show, that still hold up really well today.
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Remember when CN had GOOD TV shows? Yeah, this is one of them
joe_henson37 October 2010
Remember when cartoon network used to be all cartoons? Yeah, me too, and it was awesome. This show is one of the best cartoons ever made. The show was hilarious, well thought out, the jokes would make you burst out in laughter. The way courage described things in a charades-like manner was great. How courage had a minimal amount of dialogue made him a great character as well. Not to mention how he would pull off one the the funniest horror-ish screams, with the giant holes in his mouth, the overall increase in size of the mouth, and the noise as well. I'll admit, there were a few drab episodes but that is only a small percentage of the overall show. If anything, it is way, and I mean WAY better than the complete trash cartoon network has now.
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Terror In The Land Of Innocence.
Piccolo_King13 October 2014
I look back on Courage the Cowardly Dog and it's hard to question its uniqueness and boldness. In terms of content and presentation some shows simply have no equal and "Courage" is one of them. Horror comedy per se is a slightly tricky genre; it can be trickier still when catered primarily to a juvenile audience. But all this didn't stifle its creators as they stealthily ventured into thematic territories few of their contemporaries would dare, intermixing horror with comedy, comedy with horror, and every once in a while producing something that's nerve-jangling horror by any standard.

The opening intro sums up the premise quite well so I needn't go too much into the details. Courage is a timid, petrified canine who finds a home in the middle of Nowhere when he's adopted by Muriel to the dismay of her grouchy farmer-husband, Eustace. What follows is a chain of horrifying misadventures as Nowhere is anything but an ordinary town: it's a stygian barren land. Fortitude isn't the absence of fear but taking action despite its presence and Courage demonstrates that time and again in every episode by coming to the rescue of his new owners (even though Eustace abhors him).

Eustace's bumbling personality does allow for moments of comic relief but be warned, this is still a dark, dark show. Infidelity, prostitution, exorcisms, satanic curses etc. hardly qualify as the kind of stuff you'd expect to notice in children's television programming but it's all there -- well disguised, covert, hidden behind opaque curtains but still there. The effective technique of integrating CGI with traditional animation adds considerably to the show's dreamlike, disorientating aura. You, the viewer, become one with CtCD's supernatural landscape which makes for an impossibly engaging viewing experience. The soundtrack does a wonderful job augmenting the tonal sensibility of the story, mirroring the characters' momentary thoughts, (panic, peace, disbelief, awe, horror) and transplanting energy to the ambient scenery. The soundtracks of the episodes "The Great Fusilli", "King Ramses' Curse", and "Windmill Vandals" sound like the sort of music devotees would play while performing macabre rituals before the devil himself. Perhaps the technical adroitness and the mature subtext are the reasons John Dilworth's magnum opus still lingers in my memory deep into adulthood when so many other cartoons have faded into oblivion or simply don't hold up.

On a concluding note, I'd say Courage the Cowardly Dog is a timeless gem. Instructive but never overbearing; chilling but always heart-warming. :)
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Courage the Cowardly Dog
jboothmillard24 May 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Courage the Cowardly Dog was an interesting cartoon about a dog with a good name but a bad life. He lives with his owners the nice friendly (sometimes stupid) Muriel Bagg and her mean, grumpy, lazy and uncooperative husband Eustace. Throughout the show Courage is treated nicely by Muriel and helping around the house, and Eustace is being lazy and mean to Courage. Also, every episode something creepy, scary or nasty is stopping them from living their life normally on the ranch house. These things include schemes from the regularly shown and creepy Katz, alien turkeys, walking angry Eggplants, evil ducks, water spirits and many other horrible things happening to them. This was quite good, not sure if kids would like it too much. Good!
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Purely Genius!
w_powell6920 December 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Courage the Cowardly Dog is one of my childhood's fondest memories. Most of the episodes are dark, creepy, yet brilliant and makes you think. I rarely see shows like Courage nowadays. The voice actors are talented and perfect for the roles of Courage, Muriel, Eustace, the smart aleck computer, etc. There's also hidden meanings and morals in most of the episodes. In 'Mask,' there are references to feminism and domestic violence. In the episode where Courage discovers that one of the library books he borrowed from the local library are overdue (I forgot the name of the episode), the moral is "return what you owe." There are also some creepy, and sometimes downright disturbing episodes. There was an episode that haunted me for years, but yet, I love it; it's called 'King Ramses' Curse.' 'King Ramses' Curse' is one of the many episodes of Courage that would scar you for life. The antagonist of the episode (or should I say "victim of Eustace's greed," considering Eustace stole what isn't his) is the undead King Ramses, whose slab was stolen by Eustace, and he told them to "return the slab or suffer my curse" (one of the most memorable quotes from the show). Despite its scary episodes, it's a very good show overall. Both kids and adults can watch it and love it because it lacks childish humor, all of the characters are lovable, makes you think, etc. Too bad Cartoon Network cancelled this show so they could make room for their stupid, new shows. If you have never watched this show before and you find a DVD of it or it just happens to be on the air, I highly recommend you watch it; you won't regret it.
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A great premise and quite funny....but also very, very repetitive.
planktonrules15 November 2010
I guess I have an excuse to watch cartoons like "Courage", as I have least that's what I tell myself. Years ago, I used to watch this show with my girls but recently my youngest said she wanted to see the DVDs of Season One (the only one now available for Region 1), so we sat down to watch them together.

My first reaction was to laugh--after all, Eustace (Courage's owner) was hilariously mean. I am sure some parents would be turned off by him since he is cruel, greedy and just plain nasty--but I liked this about the show. I also loved the crazy animation and ridiculously bizarre characters. However, after watching all the episodes, I also noticed that the show was essentially the same each and every time (with very, very few exceptions). Courage readily recognizes some supernatural danger and his idiot owners are oblivious. After a few shows, I just began to get a bit bored--and don't really mind that there is only one season available. On the other hand, my 16 year-old adored walking down memory lane and sure would like to see more--and she thinks kids will look past this sameness.
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God I hated this show as a kid!
mitsubishizero21 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
There were only a few episodes I could get through such as 'Hot Head', as for the rest they were crazy and not in a good way. I never liked the animation or the character designs. In all fairness Courage and Muriel are likable but almost everyone or everything else looks hideous. I hated this show and i'm glad it got cancelled. With that being said stay away from this show! It's awful!
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The best Cartoon Network show!
Ericho7 March 2003
Oh, man, this show rocks!!! Who could forget the crazy antics of Courage, and how he'd always scream in a different way each time (i.e. his guts fly apart, his eyes grow, he's cut in half) They would have like a different villian for every episode, and there were all kinds of crazy things like snowmen, the Sandman, Eustace as a pickle pirate(!) and such. I must say even Eustace has become likeable to me! He does show redeeming qualities in a few episodes ("Serphent Of Evil River", "The Mask"). I've liked some episodes so much I've even written down stories of them!

And Dootuss...If Scooby Doo is scarier than Courage, how come Scooby Doo is BRIBED into doing his bravery (by getting scooby snacks) and Courage does it because he loves his owners?! He's a LOT braver than Scooby-Doo! I also doubt SD could handle a giant fungus foot, or a little mind-controlling alien, or a crazed, emotionally disturbed goat.

Pure genius! I must say, when Arthur Anderson had to voice Eustace and Lionel Wilson quit, Eustace really lost his pizazz. But that doesn't stop me from liking everything else about the series!! My favorite episodes are "Human Habitrail" "Mission To The Sun" "King Ramses' Curse" "The Transplant" "The Tower Of Dr. Zhalost" "Mondo Magic" "Dome Of Doom" "Farmer-Hunter Farmer-Hunted", the list goes on! I rank this with "Pokemon" as one of my favorite cartoons!

Lint Lady: It's my lint!
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Disturbing at times, but that is what makes it great.
Animany941 October 2017
I think the first season was the best of this show. It starts of with the forceful "A Night at the Katz Motel" and later with masterful creepiness in "Heads of Beef", "The Demon in the Mattress" and "King Ramses' Curse.

There are many other great episodes, but the ones listed above are the ones with the greatest impact on me.

The disturbing aspect of the show is both the macabre plots and an interesting use of both slapstick animation and frequent use of contrasting CG animated objects/characters.

The soundtrack by Andy Ezrin and Jody Gray provides another dimension to the individual episodes. The music is essential to the horror genre, and this time the duo hit bulls-eye with their score.

I can not rate the show lower than 10/10 because in spite of seeming surrealistic and weird, the show took up real life issues here and there which added to the disturbing nature I loved. It is still more than worth watching to this day if you like TV-series with a generally weird nature and inventive villains.
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A Masterpiece!
kiilakasmartin30 November 2006
Perfect animation! Perfect music! I could go on for days...

I've loved it since I first saw it - and to this day worship it!

Anyone who doesn't like it Seriously (I really mean it) should consider seeing someone about their sense of humor.

Greatest show on Earth!!!

It just amazes me in about every aspect (and I'm not easily amazed).

It's one of those classics like my No.1 Favorite - "Freakazoid"

Worship The Classics Of CartoonNetwork!!!

Completion line 1... Completion line 2... Completion line 3... Completion line 4... I don't really like this 10 line minimum...
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Smart, Creepy and Funny!
jessicagarnergirl31 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This is a very well-made cartoon! All of the characters are very interesting.

First of all, it is a very smart cartoon. By smart, I mostly mean mature, because it is better at handling adult subjects than many adult cartoons I've seen. For example, there is an episode titled "The Mask", and it handles domestic abuse and lesbianism well.

Second of all, it is a very creepy and disturbing cartoon. The villains and imagery always sent chills down my spine as a kid. It works as a good show to watch during Halloween.

Lastly, it is a very funny cartoon! It also always made me laugh!

If you love horror and comedy, this is a lovable show. :)
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Courage is the best!
roztocze17 November 2003
Courage is one of the best toons ever! I don't really good speak english, but please - look here. Characters are super! Courage looking very good, Eustace too. I like Muriel, Pig, Little Girl, Fussili... He have great voices - especially Courage (Marty Grabstein is best voice) "Something smells fishy..." is fun. Everything what Eustace say is very fun, Courage is Super-Funny! Music is great (Courage in big stinkin city, hothead, 1000 years of courage, great fussili) Animation and all things are perfect. Why John Dilworth have not Oscar for "Chicken from outer Space?" I see this episode with my cousin 20 times. Best episodes: Great Fussili, Night at Katz Motel, Courage in big stinkin city, 1000 years of Courage. The House, the Doctor - every elements perfect!!! Lukas the Hawk from Poland
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hgwqhge0318 August 2013
my favorite cartoon network show is courage the cowardly dog, it is about courage, a puppy who lives with his owners Muriel and Eustace Bash in the middle of nowhere i am a fan of dark humor and this show is great, i could watch it day and night

Even though a lot of weird stuff happens in this show it is never pointless and always has a meaning

The characters are very likable, even Eustace, who is meant to be a jerk and most knowing for saying: "Stupid Dog, you make me look bad, OOOGAH BOOGA BOOGA"

It is very sad that this show only lasted for four seasons
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A another great Cartoon Cartoon.
Hello again Today I'm going to review another great Cartoon Network show that I watch as a kid called Courage the Cowardly Dog. This show is about a dog named Courage who lives in the middle of nowhere with his owners Muriel and Eustace Bagge. My Favorite Character is Eustace who is a mean old man who calls Courage a Stupid Dog all the time. My Favorite episode is The Mask wear a masked person comes to the farm and Courage has to find out about her. My favorite villain is Katz who is a cat who is always trying harm Courage. Anyway Cartoon Network may not air Courage the Cowardly Dog anymore but it's still on Netflix. Anyway I'm giving this show a 10 out of 10 stars. See you later. Updated on May 7th, 2016
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A show that aired during the days when cartoon network was more original.
Aaron137526 July 2009
During this time period cartoon network had many television shows that were more for kids, but adults could enjoy them too. These days the most original programming comes on during adult swim and most of those shows are not for the entire family. This show was a rather interesting one in the group a dog along with his two owners (granted the old man did not really care for the dog at all) living in what is essentially the middle of nowhere keep encountering many scary situations from the supernatural to the just plain insane. The dog usually has to get these two out of trouble (though his main concern is the old lady). This despite the fact he is a rather cowardly dog as the title implies. The show has its good and bad episodes, some of them being really interesting as they remind me of the old Ghostbusters cartoon. However, the dog gets annoying at times with his cowardice and the old woman getting into all types of trouble gets old too. However, the old man is rather funny in his non caring for the dog and sometimes for his wife. In the end a good show with some good horror elements, but at times Courage's cowardice gets to be a bit to much.
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A Cartoon Network classic
wwe796113 August 2010
Courage the Cowardly Dog is a classic cartoon. The animation is great, it is very funny, and it has a very strong atmosphere. The story is about a dog named Courage who has to save his owners from supernatural events pretty much everyday. Just from the premise it sounds cool, but there is so much more. This really is one of Cartoon Networks finest shows. One the best things about it is its use of music. It adds so much atmosphere to the already very atmospheric moment. Just watch one episode. You'll understand that the music is really good stuff. The jokes are very funny. You have no soul if you don't smile even once watching an episode. The show is also well animated. Courage the Cowardly Dog is a great show.
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Unique Cartoon
slimshady562313 March 2012
This is my favorite childhood cartoon,its about a purple dog named courage who must regularly defend his owners from monsters,criminals,ghost,curses etc.this cartoon has a spooky atmosphere thats what i really liked about it his owners names are Muriel and Eustace bagge.Muriel is a plump elderly Scottish lady very kindhearted and slightly stupid.Eustace is a grumpy,anti social,selfish,uncaring elderly man who really hates courage always calling him a stupid dog although courage saves him,but in a lot of episodes something bad always happens to Eustace at the end. the characters in this show get stranger each episode. i wouldn't recommend this cartoon for kids under 11 years old. i wish this cartoon didn't end so early.
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Do not want
scorzine9 March 2014
I know a lot of people love this show. But then I decided to watch an episode of it and I thought it was just horrible (I'm so sorry to all the fans reading that). I can't believe this was on Cartoon Network and aimed towards children. It is painfully scary for a kid's show--full of monsters, yet getting away with a TV-Y7 rating. I wouldn't recommend ever watching this show, but there's one episode I do like, "Mission to the Sun." It's probably the least scary of the other ones that aired. Also, I never did see the series finale, "Perfect," but I read somewhere that it was one of the worst, so I wouldn't watch it. I would have voted 1 but I gave it a 3 because of the one episode I liked.
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