The Fairly OddParents (TV Series 2001–2017) Poster


Daran Norris: Cosmo, Dad, Jorgen, Announcer, Mr. Turner, Anti-Cosmo, Bear, Bouncer, Crash Nebula, Jorgen Von Strangle, April Fool, Cop #1, General, George Washington, Mr. Buxaplenty, Nana Boom Boom, Pirate, Screaming Man, TV Announcer, The April Fool, Agent, Alien, Alien #2, Anti-Fairy Council Member #3, Archeologist, Audience Member #3, Basketball Player #2, Basketball Player #5, Bobo, Bomb Timer, Bruce, Carlsbad, Cat, Chancellor of Doom, Choir, Cleaning Guy, Comet, Comic Announcer, Cop, Cosmorella, Crash Nebula Doll, Crash Nebula Narrator, Crimson Chin, Crimson Chin Doll, Crimson Chin Singer, Cuddles, Dad Mirror, Dad Turner, Dark Lazer's Advisor #3, Dark Mark, Delivery Man, Depravular, Designer, Dyno Dad, Ebenzer, Eliminator #8, Evil Poof, Extra Dads, Fireman #2, Football Player #1, Frankie, Future Cosmo, Gnome Dad, Grandpa Pappy, Great Potato, Greeny, Grouchy, Guard, Guard #2, Hippo Head, Igor, Janitor, Jorgan, Jorgen von Strangle, Kid #2, Launch Voice, Loud Speaker, Man from NASA, Man with Eyepatch, Mange, Masseuse, Milk Costume Guy, Monkey, Moose, Mr. Dad Turner, Nyle, Older Doctor, P.A. Announcer, Papa Cosmo, Paparazzi, Pizza Delivery Boy, Policeman, Poof as Arnold Schwartzengger, Poof as Charles Nelson Reilly, Principal, Protozoa #2, Radio Announcer, Radio Voice #1, Radio Voice #2, Reporter...



  • Dad Turner : Timmy... I'm respecting your privacy by knocking, but asserting my authority as your father by coming in anyway.

  • Cosmo : I married the smart one.

    Wanda : I married the... well he's cute, right?

  • [angrily] 

    Dad Turner : Dinkleburgs!

  • Timmy Turner : Dogs have great sense of smell, they can see in black and white, and they can go to the bathroom any where they want.

    Cosmo : So can I, I'm just polite.

  • Timmy Turner : I'm big, I'm hurting people, and I'm misunderstood!

    Cosmo : Just like The IRS.

  • Cosmo : [after fairy world blows up]  I regret nothing!

  • Wanda : [to Timmy, who has wished that he lived at the circus]  You can't stay a carny forever, Timmy.

    Cosmo : Yeah, you don't have the experience! You've never even been to prison.

  • Cosmo : [Cosmo as gelatin]  Gaze into my jiggly goodness and see the artificial falsehood of your words.

  • Timmy Turner : This is great! A world without girls. I can do whatever I want!

    Timmy Turner : [farts]  I'm free!

    Cosmo : [Cosmo sniffs the air]  Wow, freedom stinks.

  • Dad Turner : [to Mom Turner getting her vegetables ready]  Hurry, honey! The judges are judging and the Dinkelburgs are Dinkelburging!

  • Dad Turner : It's deserted and lonely, just like my childhood!

  • Timmy Turner : I wish I could leave this room inconspicuously.

    [Cosmo turns his desk legs into rockets. Timmy blasts through the ceiling] 

    Timmy Turner : Aaaagggghhh!

    Wanda : [to Cosmo]  It means without being noticed.

    Cosmo : Well, if he wasn't screaming, he wouldn've been noticed.

  • Cosmo : [to Timmy]  What did New Zealand ever do to you?

  • Wanda : Two wrongs don't make a right.

    Cosmo : But three rights make a left, and now it's time for the show!

  • Wanda : You made your dad cry.

    Cosmo : Yeah. Usually it takes a monkey or a bowl of pudding to do that.

  • Cosmo : If Wanda sees this, she's gonna think I'm an idiot.

    Timmy Turner : And this would be news to her *how*?

  • Wanda : [chasing Vicky through space]  The force is strong with this one.

    Cosmo : Luke, I am your father. I always wanted to say that.

  • [after going back in time] 

    Timmy : Cool! We're in the Middle Ages!

    Cosmo : Look! I'm middle aged!

    [Poofs into a middle aged man] 


  • Wanda : Awwwww, Goat Love!

    Cosmo : They say it's the most honest love around.

  • Cosmo : Oh, relax, Timmy. She'll probably stop laughing when that alien flower you gave her eats her heart out at midnight.

  • Cosmo : Don't forget the rabies! Everything tastes better with rabies!

  • Cosmo : Not Vicky.

    Wanda : Icky with a V.

  • Dad : [sees Timmy looking at Mr. Crocker in a dress on his computer] 

    Dad : Egad! You know you're not supposed to be on those kinds of websites!

    Timmy Turner : But that's my teacher.

    Dad : Well it does make him look pretty...

  • Vicky : All right twerp, time for bed!

    Timmy Turner : But it's only six-o-four!

    Vicky : Well, it's nine-o-four on the East Coast. BED!

    [one moment later, in Timmy's bedroom, Timmy's clock changes to six-o-five] 

    Cosmo : Now it's nine-o-five on the East Coast!

  • Jorgen von Strangle : For failing to distract the dragon, the handsome fairy loses! However, he is still very sexy.

    Wandisimo : This I can live with.

  • Cosmo : I don't get it. If you're not married to her, why is she trying to kill you?

  • Mom Turner : [Timmy is eating ceral like a dog]  He sure is hungry.

    Dad Turner : No, no, that's just the way all kids eat cereal now; face first. I'm hip!

    [Starts to eat his cereal like Timmy] 

    Timmy Turner : [School bus arrives]  School bus! School bus! Chase! Chase! Chase! Chase!

    Dad Turner : Wow, does Timmy love school or what?

    [Sticks face into cup of hot coffee] 

    Dad Turner : Oww, hot! It doesn't work with hot!

  • Cosmo : [because Wanda is dressed as a pancreas] 


    Cosmo : You can be removed?

  • Wanda : Look at our chart. 99.9% Timmy. 0.01% Other.

    Timmy Turner : What's the other?

    Wanda , Cosmo : Timmy!

  • [Cosmo has gotten breast implants] 

    Cosmo : I'm keeping them.

  • Cosmo : Apparently, another thing I'm chock-full of is not knowing stuff.

  • Jorgen von Strangle : It's time for some fairy-oke!

  • Cosmo : The good news is I found my spleen!

    Timmy Turner : That's a rare steak.

    Cosmo : In that case, I'm taking it back. I ordered my spleen medium rare.

  • Dad : Good thing I landed on this nice, soft mom!

  • Dad : And this is where I'd put a trophy... IF I HAD ONE!

  • Cosmo : That's what got me on probation.

  • Wanda : He thinks everything is funny. Watch.

    [turns to Cosmo] 

    Wanda : Pudding.

    Cosmo : HAHAHAHA. She said pud and then she said ding.

  • Dad Turner : [Mr. Turner is being eaten by a dragon]  It looks and feels like I'm getting real third degree burns! Ow! I mean, neat!

  • Jorgen von Strangle : What in the name of my bulging tripceps is going on?

  • Wanda : Timmy, you can't have both brains and brawn. You have to pick just one.

    Cosmo : Or do what I did. Pick neither.

  • Mom Turner : Losing our son was the best thing to ever happen to us!

    Dad Turner : We have a son?

  • Cosmo : What's wrong with being naked in public?

  • [theme song] 

    Chorus : Timmy is an average kid that no one understands / Mom and Dad and Vicky always giving him commands!

    Vicky : BED, TWERP!

    Chorus : The doom and gloom, up in his room / is broken instantly / by his magic little fish, who grant his every wish / Cause in reality, they are his... OddParents, Fairly OddParents!

    Wanda : Wands and wings!

    Cosmo : Floaty crowny things!

    Chorus : OddParents, Fairly OddParents! Really mod, pea pod, buff bod, hot rod!

    Timmy Turner : Obtuse, rubber goose, green moose, guava juice! Giant snake, birthday cake, large fries, chocolate shake!

    Chorus : OddParents, Fairy OddParents! It flips your lid, when you are the kid with Fairly OddParents!

    Vicky : Yeah, right!

    [Vicky gets zapped] 

  • Mr. Dinkleburg : Hey Turner, I just received half a million dollars for saving a cat from a burning building and I thought it would be neighborly to give half of it to you!

    Dad : YOU MONSTER!

  • Cosmo : Now will you hold me?

  • Dad Turner : Yay, I'm unemployed!

  • [Mr.Crocker gives Cosmo and Wanda coffee. The two of them start acting hyper and jump up and down] 

    Cosmo : This coffee is great!


    Cosmo : Coffee! Coffee! Coffee! Where do they get this stuff?

    Denzel Crocker : Columbia.

    Wanda : Oh! We should go there!

  • Cosmo : We're two halves of a whole idiot!

  • Dad : My dreams were shattered many years ago.

    Timmy Turner : How many years ago?

    Dad : How old are you?

  • Wanda : Won't your parents worry about where you are?

    Timmy Turner : We've only been gone 15 seconds.

    Dad : Where were you! There was a 15 second period where I had no idea where you were!

    Timmy Turner : Geez dad, chill out! Would mom get this upset?

    Dad : Eh, I don't know. Let's ask her while I'm drinking a glass of water.

    [pulls out a puppet of Timmy's mom] 

    Mom puppet : I think you're being too hard on Timmy.

    Dad : [spits out water]  Oh sure, take his side!

    Timmy Turner : No amount of therapy will ever make this moment ok.

  • [flying in a space ship and getting ready to crash] 

    Dad : We need to let off some weight!

    [looks around in panic] 

    Dad : hmm, bowling balls, barbells, a suit of armor... Timmy's fish!

    [throws Timmy's fish out the airlock] 

    Timmy Turner : Ahhh! You couldn't of thrown out the barbells?

    Dad : Eh, they're your mothers. I can't lift them!

  • Dad : And that's where babies come from.

    Timmy Turner : But what's the machine for?

    Dad : I'll tell you when you're older.

  • [after traveling 10 years into the past] 

    Wanda : Look Timmy you're still inside your moms tummy.

    Cosmo : I thought she loved Timmy, why did she eat him?

  • [the people of Atlantis have summoned a kraken to eat Cosmo for sinking their city] 

    Timmy Turner : Woah, that's pretty harsh for sinking Atlantis one time.

    Cosmo : Uh, actually I sank it nine times...

    Wanda : You sank Atlantis nine times! Where was I when this happened?

    Cosmo : Oh, please! I have a whole secret life you know nothing about!

  • Cosmo : Jorgen is not made of metal but he may or may not have an extension cord sticking out of his butt, I don't usually think to look back there.

  • Dr. Bill : Is your child despondent a lot? Well don't blame them, blame yourselves! Take the bad parent test!

    Dad Turner : Oh, I love Dr. Bill's parenting tests! They help us realize what great parents we are!

    Dr. Bill : Does your child say I'm busy a lot?

    Mom Turner : [Timmy runs by]  Hey, Timmy, we're watching Dr. Bill...

    Timmy Turner : [interrupts and runs off]  I'm busy!

    Dr. Bill : Do they use a lot of paper towels, spend too much time in their rooms and say don't bother me?

    Timmy Turner : [Timmy runs by again]  I'm just gonna take these paper towels up to my room so don't bother me!

    Mom Turner : Oh no! We're bad parents!

    Dr. Bill : But it's not too late to be great parents! Rebuild and reconnect your family with a family play date! Get the whole family together and bake brownies, get crazy and jump on the couch or go outside and play croquet.

See also

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