The Fairly OddParents (TV Series 2001–2017) Poster


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A used-to-be memorable childhood classic... until the birth of Poof
I used to watch this show everyday after school when I was a little kid back at the early 2000s and I loved it as much as anyone else. The animation is beautiful, the characters are likable especially Timmy and his godparents, Cosmo and Wanda. The humor is witty and funny at the same time and the story lines for the first few seasons are creative. Even the voice acting for the characters is pretty solid and entertained me throughout the show.

Why did I give this an 8/10? Well, let's just say that the show later went downhill where the new episodes are mediocre and the humor isn't as hilarious as I remembered it to be. What I really hated the most is the character Poof, the baby of Cosmo and Wanda because she was the most uninteresting character and the show would've ended without her. But nope, the writers decided to give up and wrote more of the same instead of something new and original.

Overall, the new seasons that started from 2008 has destroyed a once great show. I understand lots of people hated this show, but I think that it's a good one at that. My advice: Watch the first six seasons instead of the new ones because they sucked and ruined a once great show.
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I like most episodes and some...
Mightyzebra8 April 2007
This is a funny, pleasant TV series and easy to find on TV. Some episodes bother me a lot yet I REALLY like others. One of my favourite episodes is one with a goat called Chompy. One of my least favourites is an episode straight after about being exactly the same.

The basic plot of each episode is that a boy named Timmy Turner has a wish granted from his "fairy godparents". In each episode, he discovers why the wish doesn't work...

I recommend this TV series for people who like funny things, kid's TV series, boys and fantasy. Enjoy!

P.S I agree with you WWF Deadman Undertaker that this show is pretty nasty. Vicky, Timmy's babysitter is very mean to Timmy. Also there are a lot of mean jokes to particular different people (people who aren't normal).

P.P.S Lunatroid, I too am annoyed that Wanda is now considered boring because she cares for others.
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The masterpiece that could've been
bari_chapyboy4 September 2020
It is pretty easy to divide this show in two parts: The first production run (2001-2006) and the second (2008ish-2017). The first run is as wonderful as a cartoon kids series can be. Funny, witty, and very well produced with interesting plot lines. The characters complement each other and the show was on the path of becoming one of Tv's best cartoon shows EVER. Yes. Ever. But after the small hiatus in 06-07, and the birth of unnecessary characters, the show declined considerably, leaving viewers with a very bad taste and the never ending desire of knowing what the true Fairly OddParents could've been. Still worth watching? Just the first 5 seasons.
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A Rare Nick Masterpiece for the Ages
blizshadow113 November 2004
I must say, I'm shocked at how much bashing this show tends to get on this site. Personally, I love it! (Sure, a few of the new episodes are Aside from Spongebob, this show is the pure definition of comedy and one the only one that keeps me, and a lot of other people, tuned in to the Nick channel in the first place.

The basic plot is that Timmy Turner is a lonely, misunderstood ten-year-old boy who must deal with more than any boy his age should handle.... Ever. So out of sympathy, he is given Cosmo and Wanda, two bumbling fairies for personal servitude and company from Fairy World. But even with the two fairies at his side to help him 24/7, he quickly learns life is full of complications that even magic can't fix.

One of the reasons this show does so well is the large cast of characters. Everyone on the show gets a good laugh from me and that's what's important. Timmy's father, for example, is a clumsy, dense man and always undertaking some stupid task to get back at the... Dinklebergs.... Look up the word "evil" in the dictionary and you'll see a mug shot of Vicky, Timmy's babysitter, who cares only about money, the pain of a child, and... well, money.

Another reason of this show's success are the plots themselves. To get through life's challenges, Timmy uses his fairies' magic to the advantage. But, of course, nothing ever works out right. One reason is because of the rules added to the power of magic. After all, without restrictions on what Timmy could do, this show would be over in a snap. Also, each episode constantly throws in joke after joke after joke and, coupled with the quick animation and scene switching, it rarely slows down on its humor.

Now onto the heart of this wonderful show: the fairies. A regular comic pair. Wanda is sensible and smart, totally opposite of the purile idiot known as Cosmo. Their interactions with each other are often rib-cracking, especially since Cosmo is constantly getting on her nerves to no end. Adding to the fact that they are wed can ensure worse punishment for Cosmo in the end. They're always trying to work together as a team (a horribly dysfunctional one) and help Timmy, but you can always be sure Cosmo will add some "fun" along the way.

For real people, I can see nothing wrong with this show. Some of the reasons stated on here for its atrocity are total non-sense, such as the animation is bad or the characters all act dumb. Hello, it's a comedy. The characters act like that for a reason. As for the animation, there is worse, such as some of the things on Cartoon Network. (Dexter's Lab, PPG) It, and other shows like it, is actually a revival and tribute of an old style in the 30s and 40s that relied on an abstract look for uniqueness, so it had few details and the characters looked flat. And besides, so what if there's little detail and such? Is that really important in an animated comedy?

Alright, enough personal ranting for one day. Back to business. This show is absolutely wonderful. Good, quick humor, a huge and colorful cast of characters coupled with the premise of a boy with (nearly) infinite magical powers make this a must-see show for all. If you've barred this show from your schedule of "Must-Watches," at least give it a good chance. You may be extremely happy with the result.
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The show falls off
dabeluoki26 January 2021
Around a time a dog appears which they later get rid of because he wasn't well received the show gets bad.

Also these this new blond girl character and she is terrible.
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One of the best Nickelodeon Cartoons still in production
jwtrox087065 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
The Fairly OddParents is a very funny cartoon. It contains satirical and sometimes educational material for people of all ages. People at my age (19) can find it funny and get a lot of the jokes that are in this show. How can anyone think that this show is just for kids.

"Fun Box, oh Fun Box, so small and square and dark. Fun Box, oh Fun Box, check out these cool, fun locks. YAY!" "WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" Sorry, got a little carried away there for a second. In one episode where Timmy goes back in time to see what Crocker's worst day ever was, the instant you see Timmy go back to the 1980s you see a DeLorian time machine hit 88mph instantly and travel back in time or forward in time, whatever. Since I am a fan of "Back to the Future" I found that funny. Then Timmy gets new clothes that help him fit in. He winds up in a suit that is a nod to Don Johnson's character "Miami Vice". Seeing stuff like that in cartoons is funny and refreshing. This cartoon falls along similar lines that SpongeBob Squarepants falls on. I hope Nickelodeon doesn't stop playing these shows even after they're out of production like they did with so many other good shows. Now, if we want to watch GUTS or Legends of the Hidden Temple or Wild and Crazy Kids we have to get digital cable or something like that. Why can't there be a channel like that on standard cable? Oh well, I'll settle for this.

"Evil redheads make boybands go, 'EEEEWWWW'!"
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I'm close to 50 and this show makes me laugh my guts out!
djdekok-231 July 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I ran across this show while channel-surfing one day. There are many reasons why I still watch this show.

First, I LOVE the catchy theme song. Second, evil babysitters are funny, and I love how he gets revenge on Vicki one day during cheerleading tryouts! Third, how can you NOT like characters like Cosmo's mom, Jorgen von Strangle, Wandissimo (the Latin-lover masseuse), the mattress king (who sounds like Jackie Mason), Chet Youbetcha the news-reader (who always seems to leave town on a burro), and, of course, Timmy's parents. It's tempting to discover their names but it's almost more fun NOT knowing.

He is loyal to his friends to a fault, even if one does live in a trailer, another is an uber-genius, and another has a talking boil (why can't HE have a brother named "Lance"?).

This cartoon makes fun of everything from boy bands to conspiracy theories and just about everything in between. It's good to know that nearly nothing is sacred to the writers of this show. It should be noted that they DO stay within the bounds of good taste, and if this makes it boring for you, well, there's always South Park.

I can't recommend this show highly enough. "This show stinks! It's terrible" is the exact opposite of how I feel about it! May it have a long life in syndication.
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WAS great
enricoshapka29 May 2021
Great show for kids that I watched in childhood. Fun and nonsense most of the time but wholesome. Timmy's dad is the best. "Channel chasers" is this cartoon masterpiece episode, lots of references and mature parts; Timmy becoming an adult is the best way to end this cartoon. First seasons before it are 8/10. Later seasons 1/10.
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great TV show
jaemiewaters23 December 2011
it is a great TV show i never saw a TV show this good before i mean it is a hoot i never saw anything like this before it is the best TV show it is the best show on cable i never saw a TV show this good before it is a laugh out loud show it is one cool show i never saw anything like this before this is the best TV show ever i never saw a TV show this good before my favorite episode is food fight this is just a great show on TV i never saw anything like this before this is a hoot it is the bomb it should be a 4 out of 4 stars or 10 out of 10 stars this is the best TV show on Nick it is the best show ever i never saw anything like this before it is one good show this is a hoot it is one cool show on TV i never saw anything like this before make this show number 1
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One of the best shows on Nick!
mussicmann427 September 2006
OK, the first thing I have to say is that Fairly Oddparents is one of the best shows on Nick, (next to Spongebob) and has hysterically-funny characters. Comso is the best, because whatever he says is stupidly funny. I also think Timmy's dad is funny too. The fact that he and the the mom have no first names is really funny. Too bad this show is getting canceled. They could do so much more with it! Like make a theatrical movie, or something. Some of the new episodes did stink, because I think Fairly Oddparents got a new writer or something, but it is still a fun show to watch! I also think Jimmy Neutron and Spongebob are great show too!
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Mysterygeneration23 January 2022
Rather than the muscular, wavy-haired Big Timmy he imagines, Timmy magically becomes a fat, middle-aged boy with no hair except on his back. People don't recognize him and think he's a scary man. In the episode's second short, "Game Over", Timmy longs for a more difficult video game. He gets it and almost takes it.

It's a life of chaos for good kid Timmy, who keeps learning the hard way and never seems to remember: be careful what you wish for. Listen to Frankie Muniz (Malcolm in the middle), who gives the voice to Chester, one of Timmy's best friends.
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Kjvm575720 September 2014
This show used to be good. Used to. This show was once great and entertaining and had likable characters and funny jokes. Now this show just recycles old plots (at least two or three times) and now a days its not worth watching. The characters have been dumbed down and become really unlikable just for the sake of the "plot" if you can even call it that because some of the new episodes don't have plots the idiot characters just act like lazy morons (kinda like the writers) and mess something up that they the proceed to fix in 2 minutes of filler garbage and they never face any consequences for what they did. Butch Hartman should have ended this long ago while it still had some (very little) dignity know its gone on so long people have stopped watching it (and Nick in general) because of how boring and dull it has become. Also the dog and the baby should have NEVER been introduced they somehow managed to make the show worse than what it already was.
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Nickelodeon Finally Does Something Good
nottyk30 September 2003
This show has to be one of the the most ridiculously hilarious shows on tv. It serves a great purpose as something to stimulate the innerchild. It has a countless amount of great humor that I can appreciate, as well as my 12 and 4 year old cousins. While they may not understand a ghostbusters joke thrown in, I do and I recognize that this show is for everyone. Another good show, but not a funny is Dexter's Laboratory.
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Great until the end
mitsubishizero3 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
When it first came out it was great. There was so much creativity. It was amazing how many possibilities there were with each episode. Timmy Turner (Tara Strong) was a likable protagonist. It was understandable what he was going through even when it was selfish. After getting humiliated by his abusive babysitter Vicky behind his parents back he becomes a fairy godson to a fairy couple Cosmo and Wanda. With magic at his disposal he uses it to make his life better with unexpected disastrous results. In addition to having to fix things he also learns a lesson at the end.

The animation was great. It was bright and colorful but could also be dark and dramatic when it needed to be. The characters are likable and fun to watch. It's fun to see Cosmo's antics as well as Timmy's idiot parents. Many of them have an interesting yet simple design. Even the antagonists are ones you'll love to hate. The jokes are mostly funny. One joke I thought was funny was when Cosmo turns into a woodpecker and even lets out a laugh after getting hurt. One episode I like is the chocolate episode where everything is sugary. It shows how something may be sweet at first yet the more you think about it the more you realize how bad it actually is.

The big problem are the later seasons. When they introduced Poof it took me some time to warm up to him but he was a nice addition. Adding new characters is very risky and more often than not it suffers from "Cousin Oliver Syndrome". That's where Chloe and Sparky come into play. They just don't work. Sparky's too annoying and Chloe's not the worst but she completely changed the dynamic of the show negatively. You see she has to share Cosmo and Wanda with Timmy as part of a new rule from Fairy World. Her backstory's sad but I couldn't really get into it. I'd say watch the first seasons and skip the ones with Sparky and Chloe. This's a good example of a show that started great but went on for too long because of the studio. It's also funny to think that this was cancelled several times before finally being cancelled 2 years ago. For what it's worth it was a good show until the last few seasons.
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The thing about this show is that it's BLOODY Hilarious!!!
tyranid_slayer7 May 2007
Oh my god i don't remember why i was watching this but my sister was watching nickelodeon and this show came on.

It was probably one of the most funniest animated shows to date. The show focuses on timmy turner and the wishes he makes. The plot lines are always funny wit good jokes and puns. The thing about fairly odd parents is that it sometimes repeats certain things to make them funny like when timmy is trying to find fairy world but goes to hairy world, scary world and a cow keeps appearing looking for dairy world and this is repeated throughout. Although repetition is never usually funny this show executes it perfectly. Most of the laughs are provided by the fairy cosmo or jorgan vonstrangle. (the thoughest fairy in the universe) This show is definitely the best animated show to date and will e around for a long time.
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great humorous FairlyOdd Parents show rocks
xtnhkoby18 July 2006
FairlyOdd Parents is one of the few cartoons i still enjoy watching a lot. Comedy plays a big part in this cartoon and you'll find many little silly random things stitched into the interesting plots of the episodes. each episode has sort of like a few main random jokes or things that get used a couple of times through out the episode. its neat like that.

the cartoon is mainly about a little 10 year old kid named Timmy Turner who had a miserable life including his evil babysitter, Vicky, his crazy cranky teacher, Mr. Crooker, and his uh.. just unfortunate life in general. So Timmy has two fairies that were sent to him. Wanda and Cozmo are a big part of the show and the funny situations and usually disguise as goldfish or turn into anything else(Cozmo and Wanda always stay green and pink and faces). Wanda is the wiser more practical of the two. My favorite is Cozmo because he is usually silly clueless and an idiot. He sometimes makes situations harder.

And as for Timmy, he usually gets made fun of. yea and hes got a pink hat and the buck teeth.
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I used to like this show.
MairegChernet25 April 2008
In fairly odd parents, a young boy named Timmy (voiced by tara strong)has two fairies, one female, named wanda and the other one male,named cosmo (Susan Blakeslee & Daran Norris respectively)who grant his every wish in the exception of those who violate the fairly rules. I loved this show as a kid. This show used to be a part of my daily routine of TV watching. The silliness and stupidity of cosmo is what I used to love the most, I also enjoyed wanda's sarcasm and Timmy's pursuit for his dream girl trixie.

However, this is a show you grow tired of as you mature. Around age 10, this was one of the few things I watch on TV. But now at fifteen, I would rather watch family guy or some other show, or perhaps the news. Unlike shows like spongebob and family guy, who are eternally enjoyable, the fairly odd parents is kind of monotonous which is why I am not interested in it anymore. For 10 year olds it's a perfect show but now I am over it.
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I grew up with watching this show
jego-305296 June 2021
This is basically one of the first Nickelodeon cartoons I ever watched along with SpongeBob. I only like the first 8 seasons. I hate season 10 more than 9.
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Funny show but inappropriate too
divyanka-3449216 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I used to like this show, but lately, it has become very annoying. It's so noisy and people are talking repeatedly with no pauses. They just say way too much and it's not interesting anymore. Cosmo is getting increasingly repulsive and the fairy dog is very annoying and unnecessary. The show is full of disgusting stereotypes that makes this cartoon shockingly borderline inappropriate, and it's a surprise how come it's not banned. Other than that, there are really funny parts and witty lines.
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A Charming Nicktoon
fireflysky-9604115 February 2022
I grew up as a kid who watched Nickelodeon every day. My brother and I would run to our couches to watch classic cartoons like Spongebob after school or on weekend mornings. I really enjoyed most of the animated cartoons and plenty of them hold a special place in the category of my childhood cartoons. (Keep in mind that the creator of the show, Butch Hartman, NEVER created my childhood. This is a case where I will completely separate the creator from the creation.) The Fairly Oddparents is one of those cartoons. The show centers around a 10 year old child named Timmy Turner who has two fairy godparents, Cosmo and Wanda. The zany couple help Timmy get through the day without having to deal with his abusive babysitter and torment from is mentally ill teacher.

This show holds a soft spot for me because of the charm. Yes, some episodes had great lessons and spotted hilarious moments, but the thing that represents this show for me are Cosmo and Wanda. Basically without the couple, this show would literally be some sort of long TLC episode. While their relationship seemed to be falling apart after season 6 (okay, basically the whole damn show was falling apart), they couple had their heartwarming and funny moments. One of the most memorable scenes from this show, in my opinion, was when they sang the song "Floating With You" on the TV film "School's Out: The Musical". For me, Cosmo and Wanda are one of the best couples on Nickelodeon. While shows like Spongebob Squarepants and the classic Mickey Mouse cartoons are what I usually watched when I was a child, The Fairly Oddparents is definitely a show that all Nickelodeon fans much watch if they have not. Oh, and if you do, don't bother to watch beyond season 6.
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Was a good show at first, but now it's getting repetitive and unfunny (in general at least)
segabeat19 August 2006
Starting off on "Oh Yeah Cartoons!", Fairly Oddparents is about a 10 year old boy named Timmy Turner. His life is miserable, especially when he gets babysat by Vicky ("Icky" with a V), who is very cruel to him by giving him chores. Then after breaking a magic 8-ball, Timmy is immediately granted fairy godparents, named Cosmo and Wanda. And here on, Timmy gives wishes to them, and they become granted, though some of his wishes are mistakes and may make other people feel worse. Timmy has a couple friends, named Chester and AJ. Chester is a brace-faced kid that mostly hangs out with Timmy and AJ. AJ is a genius and sometimes may annoy Timmy with his smartness, but both of them eventually resolve their differences and get along fine. And then there's Denzel Crocker, who is a mean, yet insane teacher that always suspects that Timmy has godparents, so he's sometimes stalking him. All the other characters don't affect Timmy life so much, but they do serve a purpose in certain episodes. If Cosmo and Wanda are punished, or if Timmy and his godparents needed help, Fairy World is there where all the other fairies are. And the storyline goes on...

When this became a show in 2001, it became popular right away. This show seemed to try to mimic some of the constant stupid humor that Nick's other popular show, Spongebob, shows, but it managed to be unique in its own way. The 1st and 2nd seasons were pretty entertaining and humorous at times. Cosmo was always a brainless idiot, and same goes for Timmy's parents, primary his dad. Then Wanda is the wise one and offers advise to Timmy many times. Though some of the humor was childish and stupid, there are sometimes hints of adult humor thrown in.

However, at the start of Season 3, Fairly Oddparents seemed to have changed, in a bad way. First off, Frankie Muniz and Ibrahim Muhammad, both which voiced Chester and AJ in the first 2 seasons of the show, were replaced with different voice actors, and even kids can tell the difference. This change was not for the better in my opinion, because now the 2 characters feel like different kids. 2nd off, the show started to become unfunny and repetitive from there. While Season 3 was tolerable with some okay episodes, Season 4 just made the show even worse. By Season 4, Cosmo was mostly unfunny with his stupidity, and many of the other characters don't help much in making the show funny ether. So, Fairly Oddparents was good in its first couple of seasons, it started going downhill later. Fairly Oddparents also happened to have a handful of made-for-TV movies, mostly released late in the series, which were pretty okay, and made up for some of the dull episodes.

I hear that here in 2006, the show stopped production of new episodes. I think it's a good decision, because its last seasons sucked for the most part, and it's been on air for long enough (5 years, with 6 seasons). It's been fun at first, but now it's a good time to put it aside and move on. At least there are DVD releases that we can remember it with.

Overall, Fairly Oddparents was pretty cool, unique, funny and addictive at first, but then declined into a mediocre show when it ended.
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Pretty good at first, then it started to fall a little, and after Poof was born, the show completely died.
CartoonKing225 September 2011
Warning: Spoilers
"The Fairly OddParents" is the first animated TV show created by former writer and director on "Johnny Bravo" and "Dexter's Laboratory", Butch Hartman. It is also the 16th of Nickelodeon's Nicktoons, and the first spin-off of Nicktoon anthology series "Oh Yeah! Cartoons".

The series follows miserable 10-year-old boy Timmy Turner, whose life gets turned around when he gets his Fairy GodParents, Cosmo and Wanda. Cosmo and Wanda grant Timmy's wishes, as long as the don't interfere with the fairy rule book "Da Rules". Together they deal with Timmy's moronic parents, his evil babysitter Vicky, bully Francis, and paranoid teacher Denzel Crocker (voiced by Carlos Alazraqui).

When this show premiered in 2001 right before "Invader ZIM", it was funny and entertaining in a kind of goofy way. It wasn't as good as some other Nicktoons, like "Doug"; "Rocko's Modern Life"; "The Ren & Stimpy Show"; "SpongeBob SquarePants"; or "Hey Arnold!", but it was funny. Sure it had flaws. For instance, Timmy's voice was kind of annoying, despite being voiced by a talented voice actress (Tara Strong); the animation was very bland and boring; while in some ways the show was clever and original, it was also unoriginal and stupid at some points; also, Timmy was kind of a confusing character. Sometimes you felt sorry for him because of how miserable his life was, but other times he acted so annoying and selfish that you begin to think he deserves what he gets; and lastly some of the dialog and humor was kind of childish, But still, "The Fairly OddParents" was an enjoyable show. The plots were decent and some jokes were pretty funny. However it started to slip a little around 2004 or 2005. It became a whole lot more childish and juvenile, and more poorly written and unoriginal. Finally, in 2006 it was announced that "The Fairly OddParents" had been canceled, which was kind of a good thing, considering how bad it became.

But in 2008 Nickelodeon aired a made-for-TV "Fairly OddParents" movie called "Fairly OddBaby", where (for some strange reason) Cosmo gets pregnant and gives birth to Timmy's new GodBrother, Poof. The TV movie sucked, and the episodes that came afterwards did too.

Also, earlier this year a down-right awful live-action "Fairly OddParents" TV movie titled "A Fairly OddMovie: Grow up, Timmy Turner!" aired. Everyone thought it was gonna be the end, but sadly, the dying carcass of "The Fairly OddParents" is still dragging on. And it shows no sign of stopping.

2001-2004: 7/10

2004-2006: 4/10

2008-present: 1/10

It went from being good, to below-average, to what it is now: completely horrible. Since this show has more bad episodes than good ones overall, and still some big flaws in the good episodes, I can't give it a particularly high rating.

Rating: 5/10 "Average"
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This show is very cute!
Sasshey10 March 2004
My 7 year old son and I watch this program everyday and we both enjoy it very much. It's a cute show and always has a good lesson in it. I have yet to see an episode that wasn't enjoyable. The characters are funny the plots are interesting (for a cartoon) and the animation is well done. We watch The Fairly OddParents and Spongebob Squarepants both. And I think that they are fun with fresh ideas that kids and adults can both watch and enjoy. I like finding good programming like this that I can enjoy with me son. Something that can hold both of our interests. The Fairly OddParents and Spongebob Squarepants are both keepers! Keep up the good work Nickelodeon!!
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Wait... Timmy is voiced by a girl?
YungRapunxel21219 April 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Timmy is voiced by a girl? Apparently so. The voice can get very,very annoying if you watch a marathon of this show. Or an episode. The storyline circles around a boy named Timmy Turner, with stupid parents, a horribly horrid babysitter called Vickie, two Fairy Oddparents named Cosmo and Wanda, and a baby Oddbrother named Poof (at first I thought Poof was a girl.) The show got dumb after a while, like the 4th season. Sometimes, I wonder about the meaning of this show. If Timmy was locked in a cage with a lion, don't you think he would wish to get out? Well, in similar situations, he does not wish to get out.

Mild name calling, like idiot or moron. Some kissing.

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