Super Troopers (2001) Poster

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I couldn't stop laughing
Agent1021 May 2002
This was a welcome change of pace, a film that was a bit independent and a bit mainstream, yet all in all, was still hilarious. With an unknown and unproven cast, this film captured a certain sense of zeal within a viewer, certainly making the viewer wish highway patrolmen were this funny and irregular all the time. Funny, even though the comedy was sometimes low brow, this film certainly earned its accolades at the Sundance Film Festival.
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Forget what that other guy says.
grizzlor24 December 2002
Super Troopers LOOKS stupid but came through in the clutch with solid laughs from this comedy team.

I'm not going to use some lame rating system like the other guy used but I will say this: IT IS BETTER THAN THOSE MOVIES HE MENTIONED.

Super Troopers combines solid physical comedy with surprisingly solid comedy writing. Its by no means a classic, but it is very worth sitting around with some friends, smacking a few beers and checking out this flick.

I was surprised by the hilarity of this movie, hopefully you will too.
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"But our shenanigans are cheeky and fun! "
Mr-Fusion20 September 2016
I have a list of movies that, when airing on TV, I tend to get sucked into. "Super Troopers" is absolutely one of those. This thing's hysterical. It's sophomoric to the core, but it'd be a disservice to chalk it up to your run-of-the-mill immaturity. On paper, pretty much all of these jokes should fall flat; but this group of players is extremely well-suited to the material - which is really just a long series of memorable one-liners. And then they throw in Brian Cox and Danial von Bargen, and there's no weak link in this cast. But it's really the stupid things these guys resort to when they're bored. Sometimes I think we should all incorporate cat games into our everyday.

I love this movie.

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future classic
tallandthin24 February 2004
One of the funniest movies I've seen in a long time. I haven't seen a funnier first 10 minutes of a movie since SOUTH PARK -- the gags are puerile and stupid, yes, but they are also refreshingly original. No fair comparing this to POLICE ACADEMY -- the characters in that dreadful series of movies were all alien morons and hardly recognizable as human beings. These characters are smart and fully fleshed out -- these are the kind of guys who remind you of your friends. This movie should be an inspiration to both aspiring film-makers and to the big studios -- you don't need a $20 million actor and twenty-five different writers and a ridiculously contrived concept to make a successful comedy. If I were running a big studio, I'd sign Broken Lizard up to do 10 more movies at the $5-$10 million range, let them hit their stride and develop a following, and cash in on the DVD sales. And let's face it -- none of these guys are leading men, none of them would ever have had a career in Hollywood on their own, but together, they're funnier than those lames on SNL.
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One of the best comedies ever.
blairjones7816 July 2005
Not many movies keep on getting better and better as you watch them for the 5th, 6th or 7th time, especially comedies. The first time I saw this movie in the Cinema it didn't blow me away, and most people I know who have seen this movie only once do not rate it very highly. After seeing it a few times I rate this movie as high as Fletch and other classic comedies, probably higher.

There is so many worthwhile jokes that I think it must have taken quite a while to write - if you don't have a similar sense of humour you would probably think they had written it all in one night which clearly wasn't the case. There is not a lot to complain about with respect to the acting either - their style suits the movie perfectly.

Remember that it is a comedy first and foremost - if you are looking for an clever story you have the wrong genre. Criticism of the movie being a series of sketches or jokes is really irrelevant - one look at the cover or preview tells you exactly what kind of movie it is. Regardless, there is nothing wrong with the plot and if you appreciate/comprehend the jokes the movie flows just fine.

If you are going to watch it, watch it 2 or 3 times.
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Makes little sense, but very funny at times
rbverhoef20 December 2005
'Super Troopers' has taken the 'Police Academy'-films and changed it into something funny. One of the differences is that the State Troopers in this movie want to be funny, things are not simply happening to them. The Troopers are Thorny (Jay Chandrasekhar), Mac (Steve Lemme), Foster (Paul Soter), a rookie named Rabbit (Erik Stolhanske) and the weird outsider Farva (Kevin Heffernan), all under the leadership of Capt. John O'Hagan (Brian Cox). The movie is set in Spurbury, Vermont where so little is happening they play games to have some fun. Their victims are the people they turn over. They also have a constant battle with the local police.

There is a story, although it is more like a framework for gags. The Spurbury State Trooper department is about to be closed due financial problems. A dead body is found and it seems that there is a connection with some drugs, found in a truck. A great bust could help the Troopers. Of course the local police wants the same bust causing more problems between the two departments. A sub-plot involves Foster and a girl from the local police, Ursula (Marisa Coughlan), who are dating although that is against the rules. Of course Ursula might come in handy when it comes to who will solve the crime first, the Troopers or the local police.

But like I said, the story does not really matter here. It is divided in funny segments, one a little funnier than the other, but all quite entertaining. Especially the verbal jokes dealing with some drivers they have pulled over will give you some great laughs. It is especially funny because at first we think the Troopers are just very dumb and talk in clichés. But then we learn that before they walk up to a car they decide which joke they will try, simply for their own amusement. Of course the movie goes over the top at some points, especially with the Farva-character, but it is not distracting because almost every comedy these days has a character like his.

This may not be a great movie, but is an entertaining from start to finish. It made me want to see the other films from these comedians, their group is called "Broken Lizard", including 2004's 'Club Dread'. Since it is hard to top this movie at least in this particular genre, I am not sure whether I should, but that says enough about 'Super Troopers' itself.
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Biting Satire of Cops, Drugs and Highway Mayhem! Awesome!
jeezycreezy-124 September 2004
The ensemble cast in this film takes the just above average drug humor and turns it into a laugh festival. I rate this movie as funny as Animal House.

The Local Highway Troopers are hapless, hopeless, and not anyone you want on YOUR highway, but man are they funny! You truly find yourself loving this crew as they struggle to keep their station open in the face of budget cuts.

The characters are so widely diverse yet so believable from the ethnically questionable leader of the crew Arkot Ramathorne (Thorny) whose girlfriend runs a head shop to the adorable and insane Mack whose wild stunts steal the show on a regular basis.
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Amusing, but forgettable
BigGuy15 February 2002
Super Troopers ended up being enjoyable, but forgettable. Nothing really stood out as exceptionally funny, but there were funny bits throughout and the overall experience was enjoyable.

This movie will appeal more to a certain type of moviegoer and others will lament paying the movie to see it. The humor is more like the comedies that came out in the 80's than more recent gross-out comedies. Well there are a couple of masturbation jokes, which I don't normally find funny, but basically worked in this movie.

Perhaps the movie worked because it didn't try too hard. It followed a storyline and through in some crazy antics, but never too seriously. I gave the movie 6/10, enjoyable, but nothing too memorable.
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Realistic Comedy Classic
King-of-Boops20 June 2006
This movie was hysterical! The way they joked around with each other was so true to life! It wasn't unrealistic at all! Anybody who sees this will have to agree that there is at least one character in the film that reminds them of one of their buddies! I know it sure reminded me of the guys that hang around me! We just saw the movie this evening on IFC in widescreen, without commercials, and unedited. I am very happy I waited to see it this way instead of a TNT, TBS, USA, or FOX broadcast version. I am definitely getting this movie on DVD as soon as possible! The outtakes and behind the scenes features are probably fantastic!
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Watch it with some buddies
jfgibson7318 August 2021
To be honest, it was so long ago when I watched this movie, I really don't remember many details. I just remember laughing hard. That is what I am basing my rating on. I really don't know if it would hold up to a viewing today, because I haven't liked anything else they've done, but I really don't have a desire to watch it again. I'll give it a seven and say it's worth a watch.
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Unbelieveable that viewers ranked this one so high!
cresswell2 March 2002
It is mind-boggling that viewers gave this film an average rating of better than 6 points out of 10. I went in expecting some zany fun along the lines of Airplane or National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation. Instead the movie offered a few lame sight gags and a cast of characters that you just didn't grow to care about. Were I still a 16-year-old male (instead of a 45-year-old male) I might not have viewed this film as such a big waste of time. But my tastes have changed since I was sixteen.
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A rave review for a great comedy
kinsellamj26 January 2003
Super Troopers? Never heard of it. Then I saw it. Then I hit play again and watched it twice in a row. Sitting in an Airbase in Turkey, I knew I had found what would be our number one "cruise flick." The movie that all the officers of Fighting VAQ-134, could watch together, then spend the next few weeks quoting. One guy even got a callsign, "Farva." Perfect. There is a lot of great material to chew on all through the movie. The rivalry, pranks, and rookie bashing are things we cherish. And we can all relate to having that one guy around who drives you crazy. Many of my peers have already purchased the movie. And we have incorporated many of the quotes into our cinematically based lingo.

My recommendation is to grab a bunch of friends, maybe some cold beverages, and have a good time. You just may want to become a Highway Patrolman.
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Goof-off comedy made for ADULTS, for once
Spleen26 November 2002
A comedy about people slacking off and abusing their authority, in which much of the humour derives from people being humiliated; and yet ... why, it's actually good-natured, with not the slightest trace of nastiness about it. If you're one of those people who actually care for the hundred or so teen comedies that have been made in the past half-dozen years you might like to try a more mature version of the same thing, without the sour aftertaste, and with as much genuine humour as the rest of them combined.

Take the gross-out scene earlier on. We wince as we watch competitive drinkers force vast quantities a certain substance down their throats - but the substance is not semen, not urine, not blood plasma, not even hard liquor, but ... maple syrup. Technically, this DOES qualify as gross-out humour, but of a strangely witty and not unpleasant kind.

Obviously I'm not claiming that this is the most brilliant comedy ever made; just the best (or one of the best) in its own particular territory. It's a movie that makes me suspicious of people who don't enjoy it. Quite frankly, if you don't find at least some of its jokes ("It's Afghanistanimation!") amusing, then you have no soul.
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heynow-ca29 December 2017
Saw the reviews and had to watch this and was quite disappointed. so much of the humour felt forced. Kept waiting until it became funny and it really didnt deliver.
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Scott-17722 January 2003
I have seen this movie about 25 times and it is absolutely one of the funniest movies I've ever seen. The comedy is fresh and deep at times but if you have any sort of a sense of'll love it. The characters are built well and the film flows evenly until the end. Farva is the funniest character and works well with the others.

Buy it!
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pig_7114 February 2003
This was a true comedy gem. Everything about it rocked. It has the real goofball humor but hopefully you'll notice the real subtle things in the movie that can even be more hiliarious. Buy this movie, and I am already lining up for Broken Lizards Club Dread.
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Hated it then fell in love with it
Musicisall42016 May 2005
Man the first time I saw this movie I thought it was awful. From the trailer my friends and I thought it would be based around the college guys, but it's based on the cops, which at first was disappointing. But later when we watched it on PPV it was hilarious. It's one of those movies that will give you thousands of quotes to crack up you and your friends like the always fun "He's already pulled over he can't pull over any farther." It's definitely a movie to watch in good company and preferably unsober. There's too many little funny things in it to mention, you have to watch it a few times to catch them all, and if your like me you'll want to. Don't expect to see an Oscar winner, or for that matter any award winner, it's just a stupid fun movie, and if thats your style this one is definitely for you.
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What you'd get if you put any Farelly Brothers movie, and The Naked Gun in a blender.
jaysilentbob3712 June 2006
If you try to picture that, you'll understand what kind of movie you're getting when you watch this hilarious movie. This is one, that will actually require a second viewing after wards, either because you're laughing so hard, or you don't get most of the jokes. If you don't understand it the first time around, please watch it again. There are a LOT of jokes and gags here, most of them are fall-on-the-floor funny, and even if you don't get it, the movie will still make you smile. I think this is the perfect movie to watch on a bad day. It will cheer you up instantly.

The film follows the ridiculously stupid antics of a team of five Vermont State Troopers, Thorny, Farva, Mac, Foster, and Rabbit, none of whom would really qualify for a bronze medal in the special Olympics (as far as police work goes). These cops' idea of a good time involves playing bizarre, often rude mind games with the speeders they pull over (such as, trying to substitute as many words as possible with the word "meow," and repeating each other's lines), and chugging bottles of maple syrup in the nearby diner. The state cops and the local cops are rivals, and if the contest was for sanity, the locals would win in a landslide. The mayor is threatening to shut down the state troopers precinct, and when a murder that somehow involves drugs occurs on the highway, the inept highway patrolmen find this as a last ditch effort to save their jobs.

Yep, the plot highly resembles something from The Naked Gun, and while the film isn't as great as that, the laughs are nearly just as consistent. Once you see the movie for the third time, you will need to pause the movie occasionally in order to let out all your laughter from the last hysterical gag, and prepare yourself for the next one, which will of course, come probably as soon as you hit the play button.

The actors who play the five troopers are all really talented unknowns (especially the guy who plays Farva), and they should all get more starring roles. These guys really know how to make you laugh your ass off, and the fact that they manage to keep the straightest faces imaginable while doing it is priceless. These guys need more recognition, because as long as these guys aren't acting, lots of talent is going to waste. This film really makes me want to see the other Broken Lizard movie, Club Dread, just so I can see these guys in action again. The scenery in the film is just plain gorgeous, with the beautiful green New England look. It's a happy setting, that totally sets a mood of impending hilarity. From the hysterical opening sequence involving some stoned teenagers and littering, you'll need to duct tape your sides together to avoid splitting. Quoting another review, this film may seriously impair your ability to keep a straight face while speaking to a state trooper. I couldn't agree more. This hilarious film receives an 8/10. Please watch it again if it isn't hilarious to you the first time.

Super Troopers is proudly rated R for Language, Sexual Content, and Drug Use. Sex: 8/10 Violence: 5/10 Swearing: 10/10 Drugs: 7/10
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Strangely watchable
bowmanblue14 August 2018
Super Troopers' is - almost literally - a 'car crash.' It's a comedy about four (or was it five?) state troopers who spend their days generally winding up motorists (and occasionally catching criminals). However, their days appear to be numbered when local government threatens to shut down their unit in favour of another 'better' department.

I say 'four or five' troopers because I couldn't really tell them apart. One was black. One was stupid (or even more stupid than the others - if you can believe that!), but the other lot were pretty interchangeable (maybe it was the abundance of moustaches?). Basically, the film has no recognisable stars (unless you count Brian Cox and Linda 'pre Gal Gadot Wonder Woman' Carter's minor roles.

The comedy throughout is definitely of an 'adult' nature, so expect daftness and bawdy male humour. I don't know whether it was just me, but I didn't laugh that much during its run-time and you may be forgiven for thinking that I didn't enjoy it. Despite its lack of stars, maturity and (obvious?) jokes, it was strangely entertaining.

I think you have to be in the mood for something like this and know what you're getting. If you're looking for something even slightly intellectual then steer well clear. There's no brainpower required to watch this, only an appreciation of severely low-brown humour. And, I obviously was in the right mood when I watched it, as I'm actually quite looking forward to the (belated?) sequel which I can only hope entertains as much as this one does.
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One of the funniest movies I've ever seen
marimbadaddy26 July 2006
A great film, with a good pace, lot's of great physical humor and good dialog. This film features terrific characters with the leads (the members of Broken Lizard) and supporting cast. It even has wonder woman (well, Linda Carter is in it at least. And she's still a babe.) The film is also visually interesting with good cinematography and excellent editing. There are great performances from all of the characters including the stoners, cops, and troopers.

The plot centers around the antics of a bored group of state troopers who play around with the people they pull over, despite the fact they are about to be cut from the state budget. Good plot tension is added by there rivalry with the local cops and there fight over the territory. There are a number of great pranks, in addition to the good repartee between various characters.

This is one of my favorite all time movies, and one of the funniest movies I've ever seen. It ranks up there with Rat Race, Caddy Shack, and perhaps even Animal House.
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Overrated Brainless Comedy
claudio_carvalho20 April 2005
In Vermont, the budget of the City Hall is not enough to maintain the highway patrol and the police force, and one of them is to be terminated. When the two troopers are disputing their survival, the highway patrol arrests a huge load of marijuana. However, their apprehension is credited to the police department, enhancing their dispute. Yesterday I saw this VHS on sale, and after reading many favorable reviews in IMDb, I decided to buy it. My son and I laughed a lot of the silly and very dumb jokes, and "Super Troopers" is nothing more than an overrated brainless comedy. However, call it "future classic" or "one of the best comedies ever" is such an exaggeration and I can imagine how is the taste of such a viewer. "Super Troopers" follows the same type of low-level jokes and satires of the "Police Academy", which is better and better. My vote is six.

Title (Brazil): "Super Tiras" ("Super Cops")
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"Police Academy" on a Low Budget
kapecki24 March 2003
This is frat house humor moved to the cop house. A bunch of occasionally funny set pieces strung together by a plot not worth mentioning does not make a movie. The opening scene, in which our comic troupe of troopers stop a car of stoned-out kids, may be a hint on how one needs to view this film to enjoy it.
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Funny AF
bevo-136781 April 2020
I like the pranks they play on each other and unsuspecting motorists
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The laughs aren't always there, but there are sparks about
Quinoa198415 February 2002
Broken Lizard, a comedy troupe I never heard of before until I started seeing trailers for this movie months back, has a movie out now called Super Troopers, an engagingly stupid cop/state trooper comedy. The plot involves a dead body, over a hundred kilos of grass, but that's just the baseline for the troupe to stage skits somewhat connected together (along with co-stars Marisa Coughlan, Daniel Von Bargen, and surprisingly Brian Cox who delivers some of the best lines of the movie). At times I saw what the film was trying to do to inspire laughs and indeed I did grin at a number of things throughout, and even burst out laughing in some scenes: the first drug bust scene, the fast-food scene, and one of the most disturbing gags I've seen in a number of years, the bear-f***er gag. But it fell flat at too many points where it could've been funnier. Still, Lizard has done the best with what they could've done, topping nearly all of the Police Academy movies, and delivering better than I expected. Grade: (a strong) B
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Strangely overhyped, and not funny.
PatrynXX2 September 2002
I'll admit, word of mouth got me to watch this one. And usually that's good, but this time it didn't work. I only laughed once and smiled throughout. Certainly isn't that funny. The last good funny movie I watched was Rat. Golfballs is better than this movie. I didn't fully understand why it's got an R rating either.

So I would suppose that 1. you have to be in the mood to watch below the belt humor, or 2. watch so few comedy's that this is actually good.

I don't know if it would be better to watch the second time round, so I'll leave that as a question.


Quality: 0/10 Entertainment: 5/10 Replayable: ?/10
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