Winning London (Video 2001) Poster

(2001 Video)

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Acting was not too bad but the complete impression of the movie was werry poor
jahnerikroos6 February 2022
When waching this movie i get the feeling og a secondary school production with the camera and clipping. Acting was not too bad but the complete impression of the movie was werry poor.
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Winning London
studioAT21 May 2021
20 years on it's nice to look back at this film.

It's a fairly standard Mary-Kate and Ashley film, with all the trimmings that go with it. The plot is paper thin, the film seems like more of a fashion ad and an excuse to show off London's landmarks.

BUT, it's actually quite good fun if you're in the right mood. The girls are likable enough, the story isn't terrible. I quite enjoyed it unexpectedly.
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Plain awful
talking_tree12 January 2003
I can see that this films is mostly rated and commented by girls under 15. No one else could say one phrase to this rubbish. The movie was (as usual) higly boring, stiffly acted, predictable, like a big musicvideo. I simply can´t believe how anyone can write this unpleasant film and how can those two girls, Mary-Kate and Ashley with 14 years of acting experiense, want to act in a film with this kind of plot. It´s stupid. And why in the world can´t the eVeR hire other actors with good talents?? I had never seen those other actors and..well..they were newcomers with not so much talents, at least yet.

I tried, I really tried to watch this movie from the beginning to the end but I couldn´t. I knew what was going to happen in it and the acting was just so hideous it wasn´t worth it! Maybe you´ll still watch it, despite my and other people´s words, that´s what I did because I was curious to see if the Olsen twins had finally grown up...but it isn´t worth it, trust me.
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Butterworthp30 January 2003
This was one of their better movies, much better than our lips are sealed and on the same level as it takes two. The movie is set in london ,yes i know your thinking not another foregn trip but this was actually good and had a drive about it. The best part about this movie was when riley did the speech at the end which was a great scene and for once it wasn't all perfect for the twins because they had to fight to get the men this time, but anyway the twins are becoming more and more beautiful and the movies are slowly progressing.
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Dull, not very well made, but all around harmless
swim_freak77720 December 2008
"Winning London" is the story of a girl named Chloe who is the captain (?) of her high school Model UN club. After doing well in a tournament, her team is invited to the giant, international competition is London, England. However, when one of her team mates cannot attend, Chloe's twin sister Riley step in (mostly so she can hook up with some guy on the team).

I've never really loved or hated the Olsen Twins and their movies. But, a little while ago, I got suckered into watching this on TV by a friend of mine. This is a relatively harmless, but bad movie. The plot is pretty typical, and unimaginative, with nothing very interesting, creative, or unique about it. It relies heavily upon cliché jokes, plot devices, and, of course, stereotypes. Also, there are times when you can see how low budget this movie is. When Riley and a her boy toy are crawling through the air ventilation, it's really tall and wide and looks like a crappy set.

The acting is also pretty thin. The Olsens are blah, and really I felt nothing for either of their characters. They both seem rather unpleasant and whiny. One is willing to step over anyone and be a (for a lack of a better word) bitch just so she can win. The other is continually whining and making a big deal of how her crush isn't remembering her the way he should. The side characters also got on my nerves. That annoying kid with the camera (I forget his name) and the rather bland and boring fat girl. Even Jesse Spencer, who I rather like as an actor, wasn't that great. The accents were also pretty bad. Really, I found it sad to see the British people in the movie being portrayed as uptight posh individuals with accents that were garbled and couldn't be understood.

But really, though I didn't like this movie, and there were a lot of things that bugged me about it, it wasn't really anything terrible. In fact it's pretty harmless and dull. I don't think that I will forever have the horrible images of "Winning London" emblazoned in my brain. Probably, in about a week, I'll forget all about it. Besides, I'm not the intended audience. It's good if you have younger girls, they'll be entertained. Also, if you're an Olsen twins fan, then of course you're going to love it. If you're anyone else, I say just skip it.
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Stereotypes running amok!
lucy_sandwell17 December 2005
This movie was quite terrible - it shows the English as terrible snobs! Practically no British teenager speaks that poshly - apart from the royals. Not even the royals youngsters wear suits to discos! What normal guys wheres one of those riding jackets! The Olsen twins displayed their total lack of knowledge of Britain - and referred to every single wrong stereotype they could find. This film is stupid and childish - and will send all the wrong messages to the USA about us Brits. We do not dress up-tight to ALL occasions, we CAN dance, we do not all live in stately homes, we do not all have up-tight parents and we can have fun. The film does do us one favour however... we ARE integral and we DO have morals. We also DO NOT negotiate with terrorists. We can definitely give the Americans a run for their money like that.
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elaineator27 September 2003
Well there is not much you can say for his film. From the one's that I have seen, I think this is the worst yet. At least the others are watchable. The film follows the same general plot as the rest; the girls go to another country and meet boys, with a nice little story to help you tell the difference. You would think that since they are in England they would be able to find an all English cast. Instead they force on us an Australian (Jesse Spencer) with a fake accent, and I was surprised to see some people who made comments actually thought he was British. My advice is, if you ever decide to watch this film, don't.
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Ruyshi_Masaki16 April 2002
I've seen other Olsen Twins movies, and most of them were ok, (It Takes Two) And one, 'Our Lips Are Sealed', was probably the best, so I had high hopes when I saw this on TV. This movie is an endless string of overused material.This movie is basically the same as 'Our Lips are Sealed', but with a LOT less charm. It's very predictable, no suprises anywhere to be found here.The only good thing that might come out of this mess is that it's a perfect movie to MST with you and your friends.
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Not Bad
AgntAeon5 March 2003
This film was a bit of a change to the twins' usual charade of marketing-infested "hey we don't care, we're rich!" junk. It certainly stands out from others I've watched like When in Rome and Holiday in the Sun.

It didn't seem fake at all, most stuff that they do they try to pull it off like it's a normal thing, but most teens don't go around in limousines and private jets. This one was believable, the whole gang looked like actual tourists and took cabs all over the joint. The only thing that really didn't seem right at all was one of the actors had the most fake and put on British accent I have ever heard. Being directed by Craig Shapiro and because I've seen Our Lips Are Sealed too, there's a couple traits in there that I knew what was going to happen before the whole scene had finished. Although I don't blame them, I'm not too bright on cockney rhyming slang either.

Overall, it's predictable, it's funny in places, and it has a happy ending.

All the things a romantic comedy should be.
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The Olsens Twins Holidays
info-37283 January 2006
I think that the comment of "zwerr" is far too over dramatic for this tiny little bit of film. This is not a blockbuster or mega-production like "The passion of Christ" or something like that where you can discuss about several things contained in the movie. "Winning London" is just a relatively cheap made "The Olsens are on holiday"-video-clip. Of course the girls were only 15 an the boys over 20 at production date. This is not to good but to talk about pedophilia and snuff-movies in that context is inappropriate. As long as the girls don't show sexual intercourse with a teacher or parent I don't care about that. Also: US censors tend to look at sexual things in movies. But this one is completely clean. To be honest: This movie tries to be funny but it's not, the hostage-scene is suitable for kids (I would call it boring) and the fact that The Olsen's were executive-producers of this film (at the age of 15) shows: "Winning London" is strictly for Olsen-fans. If you really like to criticize, watch programs like "Malcolm in the middle" where there is far more to find on the one hand and which is more fun to watch on the other hand.
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nygurl168717 August 2003
I love this movie. I can watch it over and over. The twins were great in this movie. There were great jokes and memorable quotes. I am a huge fan of the Olsen twins and am looking forward to many more movies. I know we each have our own opinions and I don't care what anyone else says this was a great movie.
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The locations were nice the rest just boring
lisafordeay4 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Winning London is a direct to VHS from the Olsen twins and you can pretty much can tell what this is about. Two sisters go to London as part of their school tour,there's romance and low quality video quality,some mayhem and yup that's it.

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zwerr2 January 2005
It is not fact that this movie is just bad that makes me angry and revolted. It is the fact that this movie openly promotes racism, bribery, dishonesty, meaningless relationships and other things that are unacceptable among normal people. But OK, you can't forbid one to state his opinion, it is shocking fact that this opinions target children, young girls who will take this opinions as they're own. It is not strange that US is leading so much wars, that it has so much drug addicts, teenage mothers and so on: when in movies like this you may see that it is normal to bribe people with magazines, video-games and jerseys to win a competition; black people with dreadlocks have never seen computer in their lives; nobles are evil; relationship between 15 year old girl and 22 yearn old boy( or should I say man) is normal and socially acceptable---it is just a step from pedophilia, people. However this movie has opened my eyes in one thing. I now see why Americans have death sentence, just that it is used on wrong people. I frankly don't see difference between "snuff" movies and this movies, for it can have same bad influence on minds of people.
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Worst Mary-Kate and Ashley film behind "Passport to Paris"
Aleta_Nook18 December 2015
With the Olsen twins now as teenagers and are not looking so adorable anymore, they cannot seem to hold their own as teenagers, which probably explains why they didn't get to make many films around their teens.

This film is about 14-year-old Chloe (Mary-Kate) who wants to win the international modern UN competition. Her 14-year-old twin sister is a whiny kid, who has fell in love with another teammate, Brian. These kids are just too mean, I know that they're in their teens, but they're still too whiny and bratty which makes for a typical teen character.

I liked Mary-Kate and Ashley when they were little small kids but after they reached their pre-teens, they and their movies have been made full of clichés and predictable plots which make for boring movies. Even though their other movies were kind of predictable, too, such as "It Takes Two", they're still fun and funny.
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AMAZING (by Olsen standards)
kaosgirl7317 April 2003
What can I say? This movie is the BEST OLSEN FILM YET. It's completely harmless, and it's got a hot British guy in it. And c'mon, at one point, the ventilation system magically becomes a laundry shoot. What more could one ask for?
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salsa899 May 2006
If you go in to this movie expecting it to be intellectually stimulating then I'm afraid this movie isn't for you, but if all you want is a pleasant movie on a Saturday than this is fine family fun.

The premise is that the two olsens and the rest of their Model UN team go to London to feature in an international Model UN. The film is predictable in places, irritating in others(no one would believe that the twins were boys!!), and genuinely entertaining in others still. It is an above average olsen film and I'd give it 8/10 considering that.

Just remember; go in to it in the right mood. It's a light film that doesn't need reading into. Don't expect big, just a gentle comedy.
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One of the Olsen Twins best movies...
Mary-Kate24 September 2002
I have seen alot of the girls movies over the years, and have totally grown up on thier fashion and lingo. But, this movie is def. the best...I have to admit most of their story-lines suck...and they aren't as good of actresses as the Mowry Twins (Tia and Tamera...i.e.-sister, sister (1994)).....but this movie is awesome! So check it out! lol ~*Mary-Kate*~
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Loads of Fun.
jjparish17 October 2021
This is such a fun film to watch. Yes its a slight film with a corny plot about american students going to london for a young model UN convention. But I really liked it. London looks gorgeous. The soundtrack was great, especially the "Get out of London" song. Ashley and mary kate are very attractive and so are their boyfriends. And so are the rest of the cast. This is by far the best olsens twins movie.
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Great movie if you watch it all the way through.
Panthor30 March 2001
Winning London is yet another one of Olsen twin's great, highly enjoyable movies... though this movie starts off kind of slow and may start to turn you off, however, if you have the patience to make it through the first half of the movie, it really picks up and gets REALLY good and entertaining during the second half of the movie! The scene where they stage the rescue mission is absolutely fantastic and really picks up the tempo of the movie.
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Keeps Getting Better!
hipchick32013 July 2001
I've always liked the Mary-Kate and Ashley shows and movies. And they keep getting better and better! Probably, because Mary-Kate, Ashley and I are all the same age. I liked Passport to Paris, then I loved Our Lips are Sealed, and I just don't know what I'd do without Winning London! It was different from all the other movies, too. I reccomend it to everyone! It's such a great movie for all ages. It's full of friendship, love, humor, and excitment! Enjoy if you do get a chance to see it!
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Cute Very Cute!!!
Roxburyfunny19 June 2002
I watched their other movies in the early 90's like how the west was fun, Double double toil and trouble etc. i did not however watch the sing along i'm to mature for that i watch scooby doo instead. Loved this movie they are great role models for more little cousins better than brittany spears that for sure. This movie was good well directed well acted and it had its moments where you wanted to rock out to the music. This movie rocks as well as they do and i love their show so little time you can here the theme song for the show in the movie and their names are they same as the ones in the show. A good movie recommended for those who love a good movie.
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the best one yet
sara14stars10 May 2003
This is a great movie. I only got the video a little while ago but i've watched it like 5 times in a row. Mary-Kate and Ashley can come back here anytime they want!!! My only gripe is jesse spencers accent. But you can't have everything
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IF you even consider watching this I would advise you to drink heavily before
punk_girl_18 November 2001
THIS MOVIE IS HORRIBLE! But thats not a big suprise since it is an OLSEN twins movie. I had to watch this while babysitting.....I was appauled by the plot, acting, and directing. I don't understand why they even bother making movies anymore! All of them are the same, exactly the same. They go somewhere and they both meet these "hot guys" or just some really bad actors. Then they get into a predicament and one of them has to play a sport to get out of it....or has to do something so incredibly dumb to help out their new found friends. It's pathetic. But I suppose my hatred for them goes back to their days on Full House, even then the little idiots where sell outs. You know something I think I'm going to jump in my car, and buy some of their merchandise at Wal*Mart. Just trust me on this and don't see this movie, if you do you may have to get therapy for a few years!
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Great movie!
BritBlonde8814 June 2002
Being a brit myself, this is an extremely cute movie which shows u most of London's most important sites which is very enjoyable. Don't let the beginning turn u off, it gets better and even better, u get to see England! i think this is a definate 10 movie, and i hope u get to see it
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