The Transporter (2002) Poster

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Statham & Style Elevate The Action
ccthemovieman-118 June 2006
I still rate this pretty high even if the last 10 minutes got totally out of hand and went crazy, action-wise. By "out-of-hand," I mainly refer to the usual excessive action and bad guys-keep-missing-good guys-even-from-short range-type mentality. Actually, a lot of the film is that but it's such a fun movie that I didn't care.

Jason Statham is very cool in the lead and it's he that makes this a decent film. I also enjoyed Shu Qi, a very pretty woman; the witty dialog of Francois Berleand and some stylish, tongue-in-cheek directing by Louis Leterrier and Corey Yuen. Another director whose films are known for their hip styles also co- wrote this: Luc Besson.

Some of the action scenes are outrageous. To Statham's credit, he did most of the action scenes himself. I guess he's a tough guy in real life, too. He's pretty amazing.

A no-brainer-but lots of fun movie.
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Jason Statham action star.
Captain_Couth27 August 2005
The Transporter (2002) was a fun action film that was directed by Jet Li's fight director Corey Yuen and it starred Jason Statham. Jason stars as Frank Martin. He's a hired gin who does driving jobs for a hefty fee. For his services he'll use his superb driving skills to get his paying customers out of a jam. He asks no questions and needs precise instruction in order to perfectly time his getaways. His number one rule is to never ask questions. One day he takes a gig from a sleazy and shady man named Betancourt (Matt Schulze). Instead of delivering the goods, he breaks his number one rule and peeks inside the package...

A fun action film filled with bone breaking action and wild stunts. People have unfairly slammed this movie for being unrealistic. What do you expect? The action scenes are performed to flamboyant ans stylized you have to suspend belief. It's one of those movies that doesn't throw in realism all of a sudden to make the movie more interesting. Jason Statham is pretty cool as well as the Transporter and he seems legit, not another tough guy phony. HE looks like he can knock the tar out of you in a real fight. Co-stars Shu Qi (she learned to speak English phonetically for her role in this movie).

Highly recommended.
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A few bumps mar an otherwise decent outing in "The Transporter"
dee.reid31 August 2005
There's no question that Luc Besson is one of Europe's biggest action producers. I mean with the cult classics "La Femme Nikita" (1991) and "The Professional" (1994) behind him, he's basically been given the green-light for every big action picture he comes across. One of his latest and most ambitious projects was "The Transporter," released in 2002.

I have to admit this is one flick I approached with a very open mind - very open. I mean, I like Jason Statham. I think he's a pretty cool guy and at first, even I questioned his casting as Frank Martin in "The Transporter." But the problem is, and I'm assuming this is the result of the quickly edited action scenes (which were toned down to make the film "PG-13"), he's not being given the room to really be the best he can be.

As the lead character, he's a transporter. He can get you, your associates or your property anywhere, anytime, on time, no questions asked. But you know what? Common sense tells us that it was curiosity that killed the cat, and the cat in this picture thankfully doesn't die some horrible death but instead, curiosity yields him a break - a beautiful woman named Lai (Shu Qi) - bound and gagged, and in the trunk of his BMW.

It's not spoiling much that she and Frank get together and as a result, are forced to do battle with shady and vicious American businessman Wall Street (Matt Schulze) and his army of high-kicking, disposable assassins. There's a little more to the plot and Lai, and the circumstances surrounding her appearance in the trunk of Frank's car, and it involves some smuggling of poor Chinese immigrants from China to Europe, where much of the action takes place.

Speaking of action and there's plenty of it, Statham does display some pretty impressive moves but the frantic editing just doesn't do him justice. He obviously worked out for this part and there are frequent moments when his ripped torso is on display. He also (barely) manages to shy away any possible accusations that he's just a British novelty to American audiences. Director Corey Yuen (whose work on Jet Li's 2001 action film "Kiss of the Dragon" I admired), is behind it and Besson's got a producer credit.

The problem may not be Statham because I think he's a really cool actor with a raspy British accent, but the script is worth some deeper examination by more thoughtful minds. There are plenty of holes and unanswered questions (i.e., the extent of Frank's military training and experiences, Lai and how she wound up with Frank and her quarrelsome relationship with her father who is played by Ric Young, and the plot with the Chinese smuggling).

But why am I making such complaints? "The Transporter" is an action movie; no plot required. Despite some bumps in the road, "The Transporter" is pure action fun from beginning to end, and I got my free ticket to see "The Transporter 2" on Friday.

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colorful action picture
Buddy-5127 October 2002
Warning: Spoilers
`The Transporter' is pretty good for what it is - a sleek, slick, high-octane action thriller that couldn't possibly expect us to believe anything we are seeing on screen and, quite frankly, doesn't care that we don't. That attitude is probably all for the best in this case, since it allows the filmmakers to devise elaborate action and stunt sequences without having to pay the slightest heed to that fantasy killjoy known as `credibility.'

Jason Statham literally drips attitude as The Transporter, a stolid, nattily dressed former military man who spends his time delivering packages (no questions asked) all over the French Mediterranean for what turn out to be some pretty shady criminal clients. One day he discovers that the `package' he is to deliver happens to be a human being - a pretty young Chinese girl named Lai Kwan who has been dropped, bound and gagged, into the trunk of the sporty car on which he lavishes most, if not all, of the love and caring he has to offer. Yet, Frank turns out, despite his initial air of callous and self-serving indifference, to be a criminal-type with a heart of gold, and he is soon helping Ms. Kwan foil an attempt by her nefarious father to sell a crate load of Chinese immigrants into slavery. However, the plot is the least of the matter when it comes to a movie like `The Transporter.' This film is far more concerned with attitude and style than it is with its storyline, which exists merely as a vehicle on which to hang all the explosions, car chases and kickboxing fight scenes that have become the stock-in-trade for modern action pictures. The movie is well directed, well edited and quite beautifully photographed by cinematographer Pierre Morel, who gives the film's French Riviera setting a bright, sparkling sheen. In fact, Morel's camerawork here is some of the best I have seen in a film in a very long time.

In addition to Statham, who makes for a very `cool' action film hero, Francois Berleand turns in a wonderful performance as a shrewd, wisecracking police inspector who knows that Frank is up to something but who has enough faith in his own instincts to at least give the man the benefit of the doubt. Qi Shu is cute and charming as the uninvited and unwelcome `complication' that steps into Frank's smooth-running, well-ordered life.

`The Transporter' is the cinematic equivalent of junk fast food - not high in nutritional value, but quickly consumed and satisfying when you don't have the time or inclination for something more demanding. Like its cool-under-pressure protagonist, the film delivers the goods.
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A B-Movie for the MTV generation
freemantle_uk15 July 2013
Back in the 1990s Luc Besson was a top action director in the US and France, best known for films like Leon and Nikita. In the early part of the 21st Century, he turned to producing and one of his major hits was The Transporter, the film that made Jason Statham into an action star.

Frank Martin (Statham) is an ex-military man who turned into a driver for hire in the South of France. He lives by three rules: No.1 never change the deal, No.2 no names, No.3 never open the package. But on a job he opens the package to find a Chinese woman (Shu Qi) tied up and gag, resulting with him crossing an American gangster, Bettencourt (Matt Schulze) who wants Frank dead. Frank has to work with the woman, Lai, and a police detective, Inspector Tarconi (François Berléand), to bring down Bettencourt and his operator.

The Transporter takes a basic B-Movie plot and story and gives it an MTV flash. The highlight of the film is action sequences which director Corey Yuen injected a load of fun elements with martial arts, gun battles, an axe fight and the famous oil fight scene. There are flashy moments like when a gun is in the air and the downwards camera on a gun when a machine gun magazine clip drops to the ground. There is some weak CGI but it is rare and the best parts of the action is the practical effects and stunt work. The real problem with the action is at times there was too much quick cutting which made some of the action sequence and it made them hard to follow: this was the particularly the case with the fight in the bus which was too tight, too close and overly edited. The best sequence for me was the highway chase because it was easier to tell what was happening and for the most part the fighting and gun fights were well done.

The Transporter was Statham's first leading role outside of Guy Ritchie's films. He had the action chops with his physique and his martial arts ability and he was already showing his shy wit. But he gave his character a weak American accent which kept slipping. Likely Statham had enough charisma and was able to give Frank enough menace in his look. Statham also had very good chemistry with Qi who did have charm as Lai. The pair worked well and were surprisingly believable in the context of their world.

The Transporter lacked a threaten villain: Schulze played his role more as a man who is partier then a ruthless crime lord who will kill anyone who crosses him. Schulze's performance also did not help giving the character smug, frat boy characteristics. The film also introduces a character called Leon who was able to beat up and knock out Frank, leading you to think that there is going to be a showdown between the characters: but it never comes about, which is very disappointing.

Stanley Clarke gave The Transporter a more modern, techno score which was fitting for the most part, especially when it becomes pumping for the action sequences near the end. The score combined by the French setting reminded me a little bit of The Bourne Identity. But The Bourne Identity is a much more intelligentially stimulating film.

The Transporter is a very paced actioner that does not rest. There are fine action sequences throughout the film and a decent start to The Stath's action persona: but this is a film for Statham fans.
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Die Hard IV – Do Not Think, and You Will Have an Enjoyable Action Movie
claudio_carvalho7 March 2004
Nearby Nice, Frank Martin (Jason Statham) transports and delivers illegal cargoes. His business is supported by three basic rule: Rule no. 1 – The deal is never to be changed; Rule No. 2 – No names; and Rule No. 3 – Never watch the cargo. The day he breaks his own rules, he realizes he is transporting a Chinese girl, Lai (Qi Shu), and he gets in many troubles due to his fault. This movie is pure action having all the usual clichés: car chasing, explosions, fights when nobody uses guns, the lead actor gets some kind of involvement with the victim etc. But the choreography is excellent and the action scenes are great. Jason Statham recalls Bruce Willis in `Die Hard'. If the viewer do not think, he will have an enjoyable entertainment. My vote is seven.

Title (Brazil): `Carga Explosiva' (Explosive Cargo')
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An excellent action movie!
Rooster9912 May 2003
All action movies should strive to be this imaginative! OK, the plot was not particularly intriguing, but what action movie's actually is? But the plot was secondary to the action, it only served to make the bad guys bad and the good guys good. The rest was up to Jason Statham's considerable fighting talents.

There were some unbelievable yet jaw-dropping stunts, a terrific fight scene in oil, and some great car chase scenes. There were no smarmy one-liners making light of good action sequences as is too often the case in American-directed action flicks. The hero was cold, yet compassionate. He didn't kill unnecessarily, but when he had to, he was ruthless. There are many great action sequences, some so unbelievable you have to just shake your head and remember that action movies are not supposed to be based on reality. There is even a great shot of the hero jumping off a speeding semi while it races over a bridge onto the back of a bus going perpendicular to the truck under the bridge!! I mean, come on! It would never happen, but I have to give credit to the stunt coordinator who imagined the possibilities.

There is another hilarious scene where the hero chases down an airplane on foot, hijacks it, jumps out of the plane at great altitude in order to land on the back of a speeding transport with a conveniently located borrowed parachute! I am glad all crop dusters carry such indispensable equipment and that it is so easy to land on the back of a truck speeding down the highway at 130 KM/hour.

All in all, 90 minutes of sheer enjoyment. Even with the predictable ending, I have to highly recommend this movie. If you can suspend belief for a little while, you will be rewarded.
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A Guilty Pleasure
stephen-mooney29 March 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I first saw this a few years ago, on a rainy day and I nipped into the cinema in the late afternoon to get dry and warm. How glad am i? A film that basically came out of nowhere and helped secure Jason Statham's reputation as being the hardest Englishman in the business (Vinnie Jones? Please!) and one of the most popular actors in America. Its pure adrenaline from the first car case, right through to the homo-erotic but brilliantly choreographed oil fight. Statham's no Tom Hanks in the acting stakes - but then he is not required to be. He's required to look hard as nails and run, jump and punch a lot. Which he does - a lot. The biggest let down of the film was the weak ending. You know that the girl will save his life and kill her father, you know it - but you really don't want it to happen and when it does, well - lets just say that every time i watch the ending I want to throw the TV out the window. Anyway - pure blokes film, great fights, great stunts, cars, guns, sexy woman and it may never win any awards for best screenplay, but that doesn't mean its not worth checking out. And if your girlfriend/boyfriend complains - just mention buffed up men with no shirts on, covered in oil.
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Great cult classic for men ....
vitomacdoc4 September 2006
The first time I watched this movie, I was hooked, I think it is a sleeper cult classic.

This movie has all the makings of a great testosterone flick. It starts with a wild car chase in France, introduces some memorable phrases, adds an attractive woman and antagonist with a very bad hair piece. There is also the required explosions and fight scenes, but they are not over-the-top.

The plot is not spectacular, but hey, it's a guy movie. Jason Statham makes a great tough guy, loved him in The Italian Job as well.

I recommend inviting your friends over, grabbing some Orangina, and watching this great movie.
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Spectacular action movie plenty of violent fights and exciting chase scenes
ma-cortes2 January 2011
This thrilling film is packed with unstopped action , stirring car races and sensational fights .The former mercenary called Frank Martin(Jason Statham in his starring debut) turned in security agent is now serving as chauffeur for delinquents and mobsters . He is contracted by a gangster to make a delivery, but when Martin stops along route, he aware his "package" is moving. Frank's curiosity leads him to break the rules, and he discovers the package is delivering to Wall Street contains an amazing surprise . Violating his own personal rules, he breaks his own code and looks inside the trunk , finding its contents to be a wonderful Oriental woman named Lai ( the Chinese Qi Shu ) . Learning that Martin broke the rules and aware about Lai, Wall Street (Matt Schulze) orders his mercenaries to kill him . Later on , he becomes involved in human smuggling by ominous nasties( Matt Schulze, Ric Young). Meanwhile , an astute Police Instector (Francois Berleand ) is investigating the deeds .

This exciting picture gets frenetic action, suspense, thrills, tension , terrific chase scenes, and lots of violence when the struggles and killings happen , being pretty entertaining. Chases galore abound with breathtaking velocities and overwhelming pursuits where the cars bound, leap and fly. It's a run-of-the-mill action film but from the start to the finish the action-packed is interminable. Furthermore , incredible fights with bound and leaps by the trainer master Corey Yeun (artificer of spectacular choreography from Hong Kong cinema) and spectacular chases including a moving ending involving a plane and trucks . Impressive car races and pursuits were made by authentic stunts and computer generator effects. Jason Statham is top-notch as action hero, he lives what seems to be a luxurious life along the French Mediterranean, hiring himself out as a mercenary "transporter" who moves goods from one location to another , he's a tough man fighting stunningly . Matt Schulze is magnificent as an extremely clever villainous .Lively musical score fitting to the action by Stanley Clarke . Spectacularly photographed by prestigious cameraman Pierre Morel (Taken , District 13), subsequently successful director , shot on location in the followings places : Avenue De Saissy, Cannes, Alpes-Maritimes, Cassis, Bouches-Du-Rhône, Eze Village, Alpes-Maritimes, Marseille, Nice, Paris, and Rue Pierre et Marie Curie, Aix-en-Provence;Saint-Tropez, Var, France , Villefranche-Sur-Mer, Alpes-Maritimes, France. The motion picture is lavishly produced by the notorious producer , writer and director Luc Besson and well directed by Louis Leterrier (Fury of Titans, Incredible Hulk , Danny the Dog) and Corey Yeun , two notable experts on action cinema. In conclusion the film provides fast and furious entertainment and action unstopped with no sense and developed with fast paced and continuous movement. It's a must see for action lovers .Followed by two sequels Transporter 2 (2005) by Louis Leterrier and Transporter 3 (2008) by Olivier Megaton , repeating Jason Statham and Francois Berleand .
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"A High-Octane Masterclass in Action and Style"
chiragrathod1921 July 2024
"The Transporter" is a standout gem in the action genre that redefines what it means to deliver thrills and excitement. This film is a meticulously crafted showcase of speed, style, and sheer adrenaline.

"The Transporter" immerses the audience in a world where precision meets power. Statham embodies Frank Martin, a skilled driver who operates under a strict set of rules, and his portrayal is both charismatic and relentless. The film expertly pairs Statham's remarkable physicality with tightly choreographed action sequences that leave viewers breathless.

What truly elevates "The Transporter" is its remarkable sense of style. The cinematography captures the sleek aesthetics of luxury cars and urban environments, while the film's pacing is expertly tailored to maintain the viewer's attention. Every chase and fight scene is elegantly executed, with a focus on realism that sets it apart from more fantastical action films.

The fight choreography deserves special mention, as it blends martial arts with gritty realism, solidifying Statham's role as a formidable action hero. The encounters are not just mindless violence; they are strategic, showcasing the intelligence and skill of the protagonist.

Beyond the high-speed chases and breathtaking stunts, "The Transporter" also manages to weave in moments of humor and intrigue, keeping the narrative engaging without sacrificing the thrilling atmosphere. The film strikes a perfect balance, making it as entertaining during its quieter moments as it is during its explosive action sequences.

"The Transporter" is an adrenaline-fueled ride that expertly combines stylish action with a captivating lead performance. It's a quintessential action film that appeals to both hardcore genre fans and casual viewers alike. With its blend of charisma, precision, and high-stakes excitement, "The Transporter" stands tall as a modern classic that continues to resonate well beyond its release.
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All Quiet on the B-action Front
Flagrant-Baronessa2 September 2006
A hard-boiled ex-soldier (Jason Statham) runs a private 'transporting' business in which he moves goods for clients from point A to point B, no questions asked, no packages opened and no names exchanged. One day, he breaks his own rule by opening the large bag he is transporting and finds a beautiful gagged woman (Qi Shu) in it.

Jason Statham of Snatch and Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels fame slips into the buff testosterone-fuelled action-hero role with almost effortless conviction and the perfection with which he delivers his cheesy lines deserves credit ("All right, that's enough juice for now."). From the campy winks, the fast-paced drop-kicks and packing punches and just generally badass attitude, Statham clearly masters the B-action genre. He knows what he needs to do to entertain the audience, and he does it like he means business. Hardcore, in other words.

However his "American" accent clearly deserves less credit. If you were BLOWN AWAY by Kevin Costner in Prince of Thieves or Natalie Portman in V for Vendetta, you will like his efforts. Ditto Qi Shu whose performance keeps us guessing (mostly about what the hell she is saying). In all fairness, I thought she was really cute as Lai – the woman who complicates things by popping up from the bag, but also viciously annoying with her little high-pitched girly screams and submissive approach. Thankfully, Statham and Shu's on-screen chemistry makes up for this and facilitates the whole plot on an important, fundamental level. Because they are so different (macho-man vs. girly girl), they somehow look great juxtaposed.

This plot never strays from its template story. Ever. It's simple. It's straightforward. It's action-packed and amazingly fast-paced. Twenty minutes fly past like five. But enough praise, because "The Transporter" really isn't a good movie. Even if you're looking for cheap adrenaline kicks this would not be the first film I'd recommend (it's probably be Poseidon [2006], ha) -- this simply lacks 'oomph' and the good guys are too GOOD and the bad guys are too BAD. Nothing new -- next, please!

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Not Very Good.
shawny-617 October 2002
Hi, I've just finished watching The Transporter.

One question. Why would Jason Stathan sign up for this? I know he is capable of much more (e.g. Snatch).

The movie was horrible from start to the end. The chinese chick just put the icing on the cake. She was very annoying. Someone or something should've killed her way before. What about plot? You ask, what plot? Exactly. There was no plot.

Rating 1 out of 10. wait for PPV.
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Smooth Fun!
suspiria1021 April 2003
Jason Statham plays the Transporter, an ex-military man who will move anything that needs to be questions asked. He has three simple rules. But when he breaks his cardinal rule, no peeking, he opens a varitable pandora's box that he might not survive. Statham plays one cool character. I could see him as a serious action hero type. The project was spearheaded by Luc (The Professional) Besson and directed by Cory Yuen. The film has high energy and is a load of fun. The fighting scenes are cool and the beginning and ending sequences are a blast. Forget the Fast and the Furious use The Transporter 8/10
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Absolutely bloody hilarious - a hoot from start to finish..............
ianlouisiana6 September 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Presumably M.Besson produced "The Transporter" between two more pressing engagements.Indeed one might be forgiven for thinking that "produced" might be too strong a word.For this is a film that has run amok.I lost count of the number of "hommages"up on the screen to such an extent that it seemed one long "hommage" to dozens of infinitely better movies. To get to the particular rather than the general,the hero is a narcissistic criminal of indeterminate origin whose desire for anonymity is so strong that he leaves a box of snapshots and souvenirs on top of a cupboard.He is a man so unthinkably stupid that he uses his own car when hired as a getaway driver in a bank robbery.His sole attempt at concealing its identity consists of fitting revolving number plates,a device James Bond was using forty years ago.Duh......I think the Old Bill have rumbled that one son.For some reason not made clear he has a laissez - faire relationship with the local flic that is almost oedipal.He drives a black and shiny BMW penis - symbol with fine disregard for other road users and clearly needs a refreshment course on the Highway Code.He has - and you could have knocked me down with a rolled - up copy of "Soldier of Fortune" - a background in the military.And just in case you thought he was a clerk in the NAAFI there's a medal thrown carelessly in his ditty box.He is played by Mr J.Statham in a particularly tight - fighting suit.He is a man so vain as to be unable to resist gazing lovingly at his own image in every reflective surface he comes across.Presumably Mr Statham wishes to assume the mantle of Mr S.Seagal in the comedy action hero stakes,but I must say he has a lot of ground to make up.He is not as funny,neither does he display Mr Seagal's sang froid in dispensing mayhem.Mr Statham wrinkles his brow a lot to signify thought,something Mr Seagal never has to do.I am not entirely sure what accent Mr Statham attempts to assume,he appears to be a little confused himself at times,veering between Bob Hoskins and Joe Pesci in random fashion.To be fair to him he has very little to work with,he might as well be playing the tooth fairy for all the basis his character has in reality. There is a nice line in product placement,if I was considering doing a blag,for instance,I'd give serious consideration to big Beamer after watching this.And if I had shares in "Orangina" I would be well pleased. Mr Statham was prominent in "Lock,stock and two smoking barrels".I suspect "The Transporter" will appeal to the same audience of mainly lager - swilling wannabe geezers who will sit in front of their tvs burping happily trying not to knock their cans of Carling over as they reach for their Naan bread and Lamb Tikka.
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The best and worst of the action movie genre.
hitchcockthelegend9 January 2011
The Transporter is directed by Louis Leterrier and Corey Yuen and written by Luc Besson (who co-produces with Stephen Chasman) and Robert Mark Kamen. It stars Jason Statham, Shu Qi, Matt Schulze & François Berléand. Music is by Stanley Clarke and cinematography comes courtesy of Pierre Morel. Plot sees Statham as ex-soldier Frank Martin, a much respected courier in the underworld who is dynamite behind the wheel of a car and electric with his fists and feet. Living it up nice and cushy on the French Riviera, he lives by a set of rules that should not be broken, but during this particular "transport" job, he breaks his rules out of curiosity and gets embroiled in a fight for life.

The Transporter made back double its production budget, enough of a financial swing to ensure that sequels would follow (two so far, with the first sequel easily the best of the three). With Stallone et al on the wane, and the likes of Diesel and The Rock yet to convince, The Transporter gave ex-model-turned actor-Statham the chance to flex his muscles and make a mark in the action genre. Which he did, with great physicality, deft of movement and rugged good looks. Which is just as well since all those around him are rather bad. He's helped enormously by the choreography of Yuen, who gives the fight scenes plenty of zest and originality to leave them memorable. The spirit of Hong Kong action movies reigns supreme in The Transporter, with the added bonus being that of Morel's pleasing photography. But strip away the action and there's nothing left, the plot is boorish and the dialogue just dreadful, worse still is Clarke's music score, where instead of adrenalin boosting urgency we get leaden comedy. Very poor, and indicative of the production. It seems that the makers had themselves a bunch of great action set pieces to begin with, and then built the film around them, without due care and attention.

It does what is expected of it as an action piece of popcorn, but it's pretty shallow outside of that. 6.5/10
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Jason Statham satisfies all your cool fighting needs
SnoopyStyle1 December 2013
Frank Martin (Jason Statham) is a hired transporter willing to deliver anything with simple rules. Never change the deal. No names. Never look in the package. Frank's latest job is to transport for a guy named Wall Street (Matt Schulze). However on the way, he opened the package which turns out to be a Chinese girl.

Written by Luc Besson, this has all the cool people who looks cool, and does cool fighting. And Jason Statham is great at this. From this point on, he becomes the go to guy for all your cool fighting needs. François Berléand does well as Inspector Tarconi and Qi Shu makes a good looking kidnap victim. However, it's not really about any acting. It's all about the action. And director Corey Yuen is an expert at the HK action style.

My biggest problem is that people keep losing or not bringing their guns. So it's a lot of kung fu fighting when gunplay would make more sense. However sense has little to do with this. You must leave reason out of it.
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One of my all-time favorites of the Action genre
deltajuliet21 February 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Where to start......

The Transporter starts out with a spectacular car chase through Monaco. Statham (this is the first film I saw him in; he's now one of my favorite actors) dazzles the screen as the amazing driver of the BMW right from this opening.

I could talk about character development (and there is some on Frank's, Statham's character's, part), acting (and it was decent), et cetera, but in all honesty, that's not what this film is about. This is about having fun, watching some amazing martial arts, and viewing some great driving. Not to say that it totally relies on action (I absolutely loathe xXx for everything it represents), just that the action scenes are simply the highlights of the film.

And that's why this is one of my favorite action films. The martial arts were some of the best I've seen. Though they may not have been all entirely believable (well, this is an action film), they were always at least possible (versus something like The Matrix). And they were great eye-candy. The martial arts also utilized many things that haven't been in past martial arts flicks (ex: fighting in oil, thus much slipping around, etc). Basically, action = good.

The action direction that Corey Yuen contributes gives John Woo a run for his money. The cinematography seemed to always provide a clean, crisp French Riviera sunshine that gave a vibe of energy and excitement (and aesthetic appeal). Fight scenes were never hard to follow, and always fun to watch. Car chases were beautiful. I don't know if I've said it yet, but this is a great action film! It's never too over-the-top, and it's not totally non-stop action, so the action that is provided is boosted that much more. A must-see for action-buffs, Statham fans, or Shi Qu fans, this is one of the most recent cult films I know of.
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What a great Jason Statham
anokvdj1 September 2019
I love that choreography and many explotions. Must watching!
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Energetic, stylish and breezy action flick
TheLittleSongbird15 February 2010
I saw "The Transporter" with my brother and sister while holidaying in Scotland. I was expecting a formulaic and predictable film with bad acting and mechanic action, but what I got was the complete opposite. There may be some weak spots in the script, and Shu Qi doesn't always convince as the beautiful captive. But the film is beautifully filmed with lovely cinematography and gorgeous scenery, and has terrific action sequences that help the film go along at a fast pace. The story is a good one, and the soundtrack is energetic. With the exception of Shu Qi, the acting is not bad at all. Jason Statham has a cool charisma that does shine through, and Matt Schulze seems to be having a lot of fun as the lead bad guy. The direction is efficient enough, overall this is a fun action flick if a tad on the short side, helped enormously by a confident sense of style and the action. 8/10 Bethany Cox
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Not bad for a cheapie
drh-822 July 2007
Actually, Claudio, it was a Japanese girl that Frank was transporting! But I guess, to a Brazilian, all orientals look the same!! For a low budget (I assume) movie, this isn't half bad - just as long as you don't take it too seriously. Jason Statham is every bit as good as the various Bond actors and, dare I suggest it, if his character had been named James Bond, this movie would be rated every bit as good as all those 007 movies. The action is unbelievable (let's face it, NO ONE could do what Frank (or JB) does but that doesn't matter. The film is made to entertain and that's what it does. If you want realism then this movie probably isn't for you but if you enjoy a nice break from the mundane, then go for it!
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Jason Statham rules
LivingDog1 June 2003
Jason Statham rules.

Qi Shu delivers some very cute and adorable lines.

Matt Schulze is utterly convincing as a bad guy.

The script is poorly written. The direction is obvious in only 1 place. The martial arts choreography is downright brilliant and Jason Statham is exceptional at performing it utterly convincingly. (I highly recommend you see Statham in "Snatch" an 10/10 movie where Statham shines brighter than any star among a sea of talent.)

When is Hollywood going to discover Statham?

  • Zafoid
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High-speed action from start to stop
Freddy_Boy14 June 2007
Jason Statham plays Frank Martin a man works as a professional transporter. That means delivering or driving anyone without asking questions.

Statham is an unlikely action hero. From chased in Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels to boxing promoter in Snatch and now energetic action star challenging "actors" as Van Damme for the role as hard-kicking bad boy.

And he does a fine job too. Statham has a lot of presence and a lot more acting talent than other action stars. He might not be a Kevin Spacey but he can definitely get into character. Even if it happens to be the generic "ex-special forces" unwilling hero that just happens to be good at just about everything, except giving up that is.

French action movies are plenty in numbers now a days. This movie isn't bringing life into a stagnating movie industry. If anything this movie is contributing to it. This is, pretty much, a standard generic template. Some cool action stunts, fight scenes, car chase and some, but not much, snappy dialog.

In the end The Transporter is nothing more and nothing less than a good action flick. With Jason Statham as the main contributor that is.

This is also another one, albeit rather early, movie that carries the "Luc Besson Label". He was indeed involved as a writer and producer his name even puts director Louis Leterrier on the side. A director who, as a note, got to direct The Incredible Hulk with Edward Norton. That these movies, with Bessons involvement, act as a springboard for directors and upcoming action stars is likely but also sets the standard for movies to come.

Still, Transporter was one of the earlier action movies, not groundbreaking or anything but very well worth viewing and by all likelihood even enjoying.
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Starts at 80 degrees, ends at 20 below zero
TimBoHannon4 March 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Meet Frank Martin. Martin (Jason Statham) is a retired British Special Forces officer currently enjoying retirement in France. Well, sort of retirement. Frank actually makes his living by transporting goods or people from one location to another. His services have made him a millionaire many times over, evidenced by his oceanview palace. The two-tower structure comes complete with fancy gates, a brick driveway, a garden, two kitchens and even an elevator. In his pristine garage resides the only love of his life, a perfect BMW. His services come with three rules: the deal never changes, no names, and never look in the package.

The movie begins when Martin arrives with perfect punctuality outside of the world's richest bank. He is to whisk three robbers to safety, but four emerge. Citing rule number one, Martin refuses to leave and calmly explains why he cannot carry four men. The lead robber puts a gun to his head, but without the ignition code, he cannot drive. Checkmate. The panicking leader executes the fourth man.

Martin starts the car and is pursued by police in a wild chase through busy streets and narrow alleyways. Dodging and swerving his way to safety, Martin outsmarts the police in the film's high point. This car pursuit has drawn comparisons to a similar scene in The Bourne Identity.

The movie only rests for little while, and then it is on to his next job. His contact explains the job, then says, "It is for a man named..." "No names," Martin interrupts, reiterating his strict adherence to the rules. The client's name is Wall Street, I suppose, since he is only addressed with pronouns. The cargo is large bag to be fit in his trunk.

While tending to a flat tire on the way, he notices his "cargo" squirming. Curiosity gets the best of him, and he discovers a hopelessly bound girl (Qi Shu) with her mouth sealed shut as well. He has no sympathy and completes the deal, but when his customers double cross him, he enacts revenge and the hostage ends up in his home.

The girl, Lai, is grateful for the help and stays with him though she is free to leave. However, her former captors are not too happy with her current quarters. 5,000 bullets later, she informs Martin that she was smuggled in from China as part of a human slavery operation and many more will follow.

Up until this point, the film is performing admirably, but once it's second half commences, the wheels begin to fall off one by one. The chemistry existing between Statham and Shu in the first act quickly evaporates. Not even the discovery of Martin's conscience works.

We are led to believe that Lai's father (Ric Young) is one of the slaves, but we later find out that he is the mastermind behind the operation. This new discovery throws into question why Lai was in the bag in the first place, and raises many other questions as well. The film never gives its audience the courtesy of answering those questions, and it feels as if Luc Besson is making it up as he goes.

The action also goes down the toilet. It mostly consists of Frank being confronted by a group of ruffians and knocking them to the floor. Each man rises up to fight again, and every time he has them beaten more henchmen appear and join the fray. His reluctance to use lethal force is astounding. The invulnerability of every character completely undermines the effectiveness of everything the film wants to do, and reduces it to the level of Beverly Hills Ninja. The climax involves Frank parachuting onto to a semi-truck in an attempt to commandeer it. It is boring, and reminded me of how much more I enjoyed the semi-truck chase in License to Kill.

Statham flourishes as the amoral Martin and Qi Shu fares well as the confused and vulnerable young girl in strange surroundings. Francois Berleand is satisfactory as a friendly but suspicious detective, but has no interesting material. Matt Schulze falls flat in embarrassing fashion with his lifeless treatment of Wall Street. Ric Young is equally bad. Even Shu, who probably set the record for time being bound on camera, becomes a drone in the second half.

Cory Yuen is better than this. Luc Besson is better than this. Moviegoers deserve more than an action film that slowly destroys itself. The first half warrants a good score, but what follows is so putrid that The Transporter rates only a four out of ten.
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Pretty good action movie.
0U23 February 2020
The action/fight scenes themselves would explain the rating I'm giving this movie! Sure some of the action scenes are over the top but not so much to take away from the film itself, so for me, it worked! I thought the French detective guy played his role nicely and so did the Asian girl. This is definitely a rewatchable movie because some of the action/fight scenes are a nicely executed.
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