13 Going on 30 (2004) Poster

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I Never Realized what a Schmuck I Actually Am
jmazznyc3 May 2018
Until I forced myself to sit down and watch this entire movie. Completely prepared to despise it after reading all the negative reviews; but am a big Ruffalo fan, and have always liked Jennifer Garner. After the first 20 minutes, my tv remote channel change button was almost completely pressed until Michael Jackson's huge "Thriller" party number commenced. Admittedly, I'm a big '80's fan; which of course factored into my thorough enjoyment of this flick! Madonna, Pat Benatar hits...awesome dude!! Honestly Ruffalo and Garner had great chemistry and gave sweet performances. Any movie that makes me laugh and cry is a keeper. No spoilers; but if you loved "Big" (who didn't...and yes a better movie), you will also love "13". You'll just need to give it a little time :)
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Delightful and Sweet Fantasy
claudio_carvalho4 October 2005
On her thirteenth anniversary, the teenager Jenna Rink wishes to be a successful single woman of thirty. Her dream comes true, and on the next day she wakes up older and powerful. However, she becomes disappointed with herself, since she is an awful colleague in her work, she has no friends and no contact with her parents, and her best friend is going to marry another woman, and tries to be thirteen again and rebuilt her life.

I like this type of fantasy-movie, and I immediately recall "Peggy Sue Got Married", "Freak Friday", "Mr. Destiny", "Big", all of them charming movies. "13 Going on 30" is a delightful and sweet fantasy about a teenager that makes a wish, and once accomplished, she does not like what she sees. Jennifer Garner is simply perfect in the role of Jenna Rink, and the story has some great funny moments, being a forgettable but also great entertainment. The chemistry between Jennifer Garner and Mark Ruffalo is amazing and helps this romantic comedy to work. The music score is also excellent. My vote is seven.

Title (Brazil): "De Repente 30" ("Suddenly 30")
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Garner shines, Ruffalo's wonderful and that makes all the difference
anhedonia23 April 2004
Having criticized the writer of "Connie and Carla" for not recognizing the writers of "Some Like it Hot" in the credits, I'd be a hypocrite not to fault the writers of "13 Going on 30" for not thanking the writers of "Big" (and probably "Vice Versa" and all those switch-comedies of the 1980s).

But unlike the wretched and dreadfully unfunny "Connie and Carla," which featured two horrible performances by the male and female leads, "13 Going on 30" is helped immensely by an utterly charming and winning performance by Jennifer Garner and yet another wonderful turn by Mark Ruffalo, who's fast becoming one of the best actors of his generation.

Garner has a smile that would melt the heart of the severest cynic and she uses that to great effect. She brilliantly captures the awkwardness of a confused teenager stuck in a 30-year-old body and is thoroughly believable as Jenna. There's a captivating sweetness to her performance that's lovely to watch. Ruffalo plays Matt with understated grace - there are scenes in this film that could easily have been played over-the-top, but it's his low-key approach that makes them all the more convincing.

The story, itself, is awfully conventional. There's nothing new or unexpected here. Even the odd twist in the plot provides nothing unpredictable. So it's up to the actors to elevate this above the ordinary and mundane. This film pours on the schmaltz at times, but it's Garner and Ruffalo who help take the schmaltzy plot and somehow make it work. This film succeeds solely because of their performances. Garner proved she could do action with TV's "Alias" and the dull "Daredevil," and now she shows she's a damn fine comedic actress, too.

Romantic comedies are inherently predictable. It's the nature of the genre. And, more often than not nowadays, they're also incredibly dull, uninspiring and make for tough viewing. And "13 Going on 30" being a Hollywood, not independent, film, you know the writers aren't going to take any risks with their story.

But somehow thanks to Garner and Ruffalo, "13 Going on 30" has undeniable charm. It may not leave a lasting impression, but you leave the theatre smiling and that's more than what can be said of most romantic comedies these days.
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Cute and sweet... accept that it's relatively formulaic, and you'll have a great time
TBJCSKCNRRQTreviews11 August 2007
My fiancée and I sat down to watch this, not expecting much more than a cute romantic comedy, and Jennifer Garner playing herself(as seen in the blooper reels and behind the scenes interviews of Alias)... we were both very pleasantly surprised. The movie is genuinely entertaining and charming... Garner is sweet(and seeing her play this role has made us appreciate her performance on Alias all the more), as is the overall tone, and the movie is actually rather engaging. Admittedly, the script is formulaic to a degree, but if you look beyond that, you may very well like what you see. And the movie was effective and surprising to us both. The pacing was spot-on. It never dragged nor went by too fast, and the movie doesn't overstay its welcome. The humor was one of the best things about the movie; it's truly funny, it doesn't try too hard and it comes off as very real. It's reasonably inoffensive(apart from a few sexual innuendos), too. The cinematography and editing are both good, and tight enough, no real complaints there. The dialog is well-written and equally skillfully delivered. The acting is all great. The 80's feel and look were captured perfectly. The music, both selection and use, was also fitting and great. The message was really good, too, and it wasn't preachy, either. All in all, an entertaining and charming romantic comedy which will tug at your heartstrings if you only just let it. This gets a good treatment on DVD, as well... based on the Special Edition release(which I would say is worth owning for any fan of the movie), the menus and design are all good and there are several deleted and extended scenes, two music videos of 80's songs from the film, two games, a still gallery in video form, a blooper reel, two commentary tracks and two well-produced specials, one being a behind the scenes production. I recommend this, to any fan of the genre and/or Jennifer Garner. Oh, and children of the 80's as well. 7/10
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cute cute cute!
Lady_Targaryen24 October 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is so...cute! I don't have better words to define it. I absolutely adore Jennifer Garner,and she is funny and cute as Jenna Rink. The story is about a girl called Jenna Rink(Garner), a 13 year old girl who strongly wishes to be 30 and have a wonderful life and a beautiful boyfriend as the women she sees in the magazines. One day, at her birthday, she wishes to all her dreams to become true. When she wakes up the next morning, she's 30 years old, a successful magazine editor with a great life and a famous boyfriend.However,as days were passing, she starts to know what she had become and how was her behavior since her 13 years old birthday.She lost her contact with her best friend Matt and even her parents,has no true friends,betrays her boyfriend and her friend of work is Tom tom, one of the popular girls in her days of school who was a total b.i.t.c.h.

The movie is very nice and remember at some points, Butterfly Effect! :)
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Jennifer Garner rules
Rogue-3228 April 2004
It's impossible to imagine this film with anyone other than Jennifer Garner in the lead role - she shines so brightly and so brilliantly in every scene, elevating what would most likely have been a flat and shallow affair without the seemingly-effortless magic of her performance.

Not that the other players weren't good - Mark Ruffalo came off great here and the rest of the cast was fine, no problems with anyone, it's just that the story (or the telling of it) wasn't exactly original or inspired. No matter, what with Garner lighting up the screen; she's a charmer alright, with her superb comic timing, her infectious warmth and her natural talent for making the audience care deeply about her - you can't learn these things in any acting school on any planet.
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Delightfully Dizzy: A Sweet and Silly Escapade with "13 Going on 30"
The film "13 Going on 30" commenced with great promise, instilling high hopes for an extraordinary cinematic experience. Yet, while being a delightful and tender chick-flick, it fell short of delivering much substance. As the plot unfolded, the narrative progressively veered into silliness, leaving the viewer somewhat disenchanted. While there were a handful of humorous moments sprinkled throughout, they failed to elevate the overall impact of the movie, ultimately rendering it below par. Despite its initial allure, "13 Going on 30" failed to attain the heights of greatness it seemed capable of, and instead settled into a mediocre performance.
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mercywriter6 November 2006
In a time when most movies turn out to be a waste of my time, what a pleasant surprise to find this gem. On the surface, it might look like just another romantic comedy. But there was a depth to this movie that surprised and captivated me. A lot of good messages for young girls, 13, 30, and any age before or after. And what an interesting commentary on society. Through the eyes of an innocent 13 year old, who just happens to have the body of an adult, we see just how shallow, false, and empty modern society can be.

Jennifer Garner is adorable. She exudes a fresh innocence that makes it very believable she is a 13 year old in a 30 year old body. And Mark Ruffalo! He was a surprisingly wonderful hero. I have since seen him in other movies, but this was the first time.

A definite keeper, and one my whole family enjoys watching, over and over again.
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Garner Carries Film With Familiar Formula
CitizenCaine5 September 2004
Warning: Spoilers
Sometimes a formulaic movie rises above its material due to the charm and performance of its star. 13 Going On 30 is one such movie. We've seen this plot before in Big with Tom Hanks and in its numerous followers the last 15 years. We have a female version of Big this time, starring the wonderful Jennifer Garner from ABC's Alias. It's impossible not to like her performance, which is charming, heartfelt, full of wide-eyed innocence, and star-making. It's clear from watching this film that Ms. Garner is headed for major roles in the future. While the film seems geared toward a female teenage demographic, there's plenty of wish fulfillment to go around for guys too. I mean who wouldn't want to be Mark Ruffalo in this film? To have a hot girl like Jennifer Garner calling you Matty and trying to make things up to you is enough for any male to maintain interest. The 13 year old Jenna wishes she was 30 when her birthday party goes awry and she blames it on her best friend Matty(Ruffalo). At 30, she wakes up as Jennifer Garner, and is forced to try to make sense of what's going on. In the spirit of the better recent body switch movies, like Freaky Friday with Lindsay Lohan and Jamie Lee Curtis, 13 Going On 30 isn't just a movie with comical results. There is also sort of a moral to learn, which makes the film all the more endearing. Sure there are several parts to the movie that require an enormous suspension of disbelief, such as how Jenna goes from 13 to 30, how Matty would even want to bother with her at 30, working with her magazine colleagues with a 13 year old brain, and especially what she proposes to revamp the magazine she works for. Do we really believe the public is ready to discard celebrity gossip and layouts in favor of ordinary people? Do 13 year old girls really wish they were 30 at times? I'm not so sure about that. However, the complications that ensue via the charming Garner captivate us, and make us yearn for a second chance for something in our pasts too. We can all identify with that. The dance sequences weren't as fun as they were intended to be; because, most of the songs in the film were released long before Jenna would have turned 13 in the movie, making them seem out of sync with her time line. Garner's bounce and energy were enough to carry this film, which is above average of its type. *** of 4 stars.
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Will Rewatch
vivianla8 March 2020
I loved this movie - memorable and I can relate to so many scenes - wished I watched this when I was 13. Reminds me of what matters and what doesn't in life.
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Predictable & Unoriginal
breezyturtle10 December 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is horrible. Everything in it has been done before. There is nothing original. I cannot stand when writers don't come up with their own plots.

A girl makes a wish on her 13th birthday and wakes up as an adult. Hmm, sounds a lot like a movie in the 80s called Big. What is even more annoying is Jennifer Garner's acting. She doesn't act like she is 13 she just acts like she is stupid.

From then on, you can guess the whole plot. She gets a good job and it just so happens that a friend she had at 13 works with her. Wow, how awesome! But, no....her friend is bad and turns on her, trying to get her job. But, of course, she wins in the end when she comes up with a "great" idea.

There's also a dancing scene in the movie that I've seen a thousand times before.

I hate this movie.
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For the Kid in All of Us
ThomasDrufke28 March 2019
Some actors are just born to play certain roles. Though I've never been the biggest Jennifer Garner fan over the years, she is beyond perfect for the role of Jenna Rink in 13 Going on 30. Conveying the perfect amount of innocence, charm, and earnestness, the joy of seeing Garner play a 13 year old trapped in the body and life of a 30 year old woman is unparalleled. I love the nostalgic feeling of the film, even though I didn't grow up when Jenna did, and the overwhelming feeling of 'needing to remember what used to be good'. Mark Ruffalo is an instantly likable and relatable love interest for Garner, and they have remarkable chemistry. We've seen this type of story before, but it's all in the execution, and they nailed it here.

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Fun and frolicky
=G=4 August 2004
In "13 Going On 30" Garner is a 13 year old with a guy best friend and an impossible dream of becoming one of her school's "in" crowd. She pulls a "Rip Van Winkle" and suddenly finds herself 15 years older, with boobs, and the editor of a glitz and glam NYC femme fashion magazine. The rest is a fun frolic about coming to grips with what is important in life...what's steak and what's just so much sizzle. Garner and Ruffalo work well as the leads in this good old family values bop flick which keeps the momentum up 'til the very warm and fuzzy end. An unabashed chick flick, "13 Going On 30" should be an enjoyable watch for teen females and anyone in the mood for a romcom who can still remember what it's like to be 13 going on 30. (B-)
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More Montages than Rocky IV
fatcat-7345014 October 2021
A 13-year-old girl thinks popularity is everything and she wants to fit in with the cool girls. Also she has a geeky friend for the reason that she needs a nice guy as a love interest.

Unfortunately, the cool girls hate her guts and just use her to do their homework. Wishes she was 30. A short time later, she goes into a closet during a party game and when she comes out, she's 30 (or 29 I guess?).

No need for Zoltar the Magnificent or Chevy Chase as a magical hot tub repairman. No, let's cut out the fat and get straight to the point. The transition is never explained. It just happens when convenient and unhappens when convenient. Cool.

Unlike in Big (1988), where the Hanks character's jejune mind makes him fit to make decisions at a toy company, the protagonist here just comes out swinging and makes appropriate leadership decisions at a magazine just because.

And the swiss cheese of a plot goes on. As usual in these romcoms, they don't bother to explain the reasons behind things, they just expect your brain to connect the dots that materialism, desire for popularity, and hard work = bad / uhm... geeky nice guys = good?

The mean girls at the beginning of the movie are bad but then they try to make you hate certain characters later on. The new boyfriend seems attractive and charming - why doesn't she like him exactly? The new friend is mostly supportive but she justifiably does some mean things - villain? The protagonist at 30 is also built up to be some sort of ogre just because she cares about her career and social reputation and doesn't call her parents much. I don't buy it, she seems ethically decent to me.

The acting is really bad. Garner weaves between confused 13-year-old girl and shrewd career woman about as smoothly as a drunk driver doing a cone test. The geeky friend in his adult form looks like he doesn't even want to be in this movie. Also he looks like a depressed Josh Gad (which means I expected a better performance if he looks like Josh Gad, lower points for the disappointment). The dialogue isn't funny either.

Not a good film from a technical or logical standpoint, but it's entertaining for sure. They wisely tried to play the radio over the stinky plot by cramming the movie with a rocking 80s soundtrack.

Also the intended audience will probably get the warm fuzzies just seeing this predictable three-act happy ending romcom about a girl who discovers that popularity isn't everything.

Honourable Mentions: The big dance scene is very reminiscent (plagiaristic?) of the one in "Can't Buy Me Love" (1987). Who wore it better? Defintiely "Can't Buy Me Love."
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Jennifer Garner makes this movie watchable
christian1238 December 2004
Jennifer Garner plays Jenna, a 13-year-old girl who makes a wish to become older, and she finds herself thrust forward 17 years into the body of a gorgeous 30-year-old executive. Trying to discover what happened, she gets back in touch with her old high school friends, who've all lived 17 years of life, while she is still just a girl in the body of a woman.

The plot is obviously similar to the movie Big and all the critics have already bothered to point that out. While 13 Going on 30 isn't as good or engaging as Big, it's still a decent film with a nice message. The movie works a lot better than it should because of Jennifer Garner. She's funny and she has a great personality. It also helps that she's having fun in the role and it's so hard to actually hate her because she plays a very likable character. Mark Ruffalo gives an okay performance, he was a little dull though. I don't think comedy is his best genre. There are also some fun performances from Andy Serkis and Judy Greer.

The film was too cheesy and silly for me at times. For example, there was this one scene where Jennifer Garner is at a sleepover with all these little thirteen year old girls and she's telling them about her kissing experiences. After she does this, they all get up and start dancing. It was just so cheesy and annoying though girls will probably love that part. The movie is also pretty predictable. If you have seen the preview then you should know how things will end. The movie is pretty simple yet still entertaining. It's also a lot better than other similar films like Chasing Liberty and The Prince and Me. In the end, 13 Going on 30 is a decent, charming chick flick that should appeal to it's target audience. Rating 6/10
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Good, once you get past the beginning
GLPman13 November 2004
Wow, to be honest: I really didn't think that I was going to enjoy this movie. The beginning was slow, and dragged on a little too much. But after that!

Garner does an excellent job portraying a confused thirteen year old in the body of a thirty year old. 13 GOING ON THIRTY is arguably one of her best.

The plot was good. Don't expect any twists or turns, though. Its consistency is one of the things that actually inspired me give it a good rating.

There really isn't much more to it! 13 GOING ON THIRTY was a great movie and I encourage you to see it if you haven't!
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Jennifer Garner Owns This Movie
purplerice00014 November 2023
This movie is the sole property of Jennifer Garner and no one else (although Mark Ruffalo is very charming). I always knew Jennifer Garner's face and that she existed and she was famous but I never truly knew why but now I absolutely understand why she's at the top. She was so natural and played the character perfectly even with the bad dialogues. It made me feel really immersed and I even felt the characters emotions. Though the movie is corny, it has its sweet moments and I could feel a lot of chemistry from the main characters. This is not a super serious movie and it should be treated as such. I had a lot of fun even through the weird and awkward parts and I'm sure you will too. It's a simple, feel-good movie and sometimes that's all you need.
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The Female Version of 'Big'
Chrysanthepop6 February 2008
'13 Going on 30' feels like watching the female version of the 1988 Tom Hanks starrer 'Big'. Of course one knows what to expect from such films so if you watch it with the right level of expectations, you might not be disappointed. It follows the typical romantic comedy chiches but has some funny and fun moments. Jennifer Garner is both cute and hot and she fits her part well. Ruffalo looks uninterested in the beginning but the chemistry seems to build as the film proceeds. I wish they gave the 'thriller' sequence some more footage as that was one of the brighter moments of the film. In a nutshell, it's a decent film that can be enjoyed taking ones level of expectation into consideration. Nothing great. Not exactly memorable but not utter trash.
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I don't want to live anymore
hoju_311 April 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I'm beginning to see a pattern in the movies I give a 1 to. They are almost all movies that my wife made me watch. Maybe I should stop having faith in her taste in movies. Anyway, this is typical drivel aimed at pre-teen girls but done even more poorly than usual. Once again, the writer broke the cardinal rule of any movie. He/she made the main character unlikable. She starts off by being a complete b*tch to her friend at the beginning, and then finds out when she becomes 30, that she's basically a sh*tty person (having affairs, etc.). Why the F would we feel for this person? OK, let's say we can get past that. Jennifer Garner is about as far from attractive as you can get without having some sort of deformity. I don't know if it's her or the writer's fault, but her character goes well beyond my threshold for annoyance. Here's a tip for future filmmakers: 13 year olds are NOT entertaining, they're annoying. Far and away the most embarrassing moment in the movie came when they danced to "Thriller". Holy crap that was painful. It showed her practicing that dance at the beginning. That explains why she knows it, but an entire club full of people?!? Argh!!! The Macarena would be more believable! All of a sudden she's completely incompetent and has no clue how to do her job and no one notices? At least Tom Hanks' character on "Big" had a job that made sense to a child. These body-switching/child becoming adult overnight movies are really getting out of hand, and this is by far the worst one yet.
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MAGNIFICENT Mark Ruffalo!!!!
anagal15 August 2006
Ah, Mark Ruffalo is at it again! No one can escape his tearfully cute charm and sweetness nor Jennifer Garner's equally hilarious performance in this laugh-out-loud comedy, superior to the similar 1988 film "Big", featuring Tom Hanks. I just could not get enough of this movie! It just makes you want to marry Mark Ruffalo (even if you're a guy) and curse the day he married Sunrise Coigney (honestly, he is THAT CUTE in this movie!!!!) Everyone played so well and you can easily tell that everyone had so much fun working in this film, on set and off. It was an absolute delight to see Garner go from enigmatic super spy to bright but clueless 80s sweetheart. You even regretfully start loving the "antagonist" Tom-Tom for her totally "happening" skanky personality!!! The greatest theme of the film, to be true to yourself, resonates sweetly but powerfully in every scene. It is an utter joy to watch over and over again (Mark Ruffalo is beyond STUNNING and just reduces you to tears at the end, not because of the movie's ending but because of the realisation that you can't be his wife!!!!! Honest!)
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30 going on 13!, Or never wish to be what you can't be!
jotix1006 February 2005
Knowing this film is a rip off of other, better done movies first hand, helps one understands what's to come, and therefore, without any expectations, this little number might be an inoffensive way to spend an hour and a half of one's leisure time.

The film director, Gary Winnick, works by the numbers in presenting this story about a teen ager who awakens one day transformed into the epitome of all what she wanted to be. Suddenly, the ugly duckling becomes a most beautiful swan, right in front of our eyes.

The film is helped greatly by the wonderful Jennifer Garner and Mark Ruffalo. Ms. Garner has a wholesome look that works in her favor. Mr. Ruffalo is excellent, as always.

In a way, Jenna, in her wish for being 30, only wanted boobs and a hunk for a boyfriend. Imagine what would have happened if she had wished to be a nuclear scientist, or a brain surgeon?

Oh well, it's only a film. Enjoy it.
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Cedric_Catsuits16 July 2007
There is one glaring flaw in this movie - namely Jennifer Garner. She is totally out of her depth - not entirely her fault, but a good example of how badly casting directors can get it wrong.

We begin with a cute, funny and slightly geeky 13-year old, ably portrayed by Christa B. Allen, and suddenly find she has transformed into a hulking great, plastic he-woman. Garner's acting toolbox lacks the cute, the funny and the geeky. She also can't dance to save her life, unlike Allen who's Thriller routine is quite exceptional.

Garner can't help the way she looks, and I'm sure there are many roles that suit her - but not this one! Compare her style and performance to those of Tom Hanks in Big, and nobody could deny they are chalk and cheese.

Unfortunately the bulk of the movie concentrates on Garner's character (I use the term loosely) and without a single strong supporting cast member this movie is doomed to fail. I liked the beginning, I quite liked the end, but the hour and a half inbetween had me grinding my teeth.

Who this might appeal to is beyond me, so my advice to all is: don't bother.
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Exceeded my expectations!
GailTaplin-9844722 May 2020
It's a teen film and Im struggling to find things to watch in lock-down so anything almost goes. But this was great! Fun, funny, happy, silly, lovely costumes, lovely Mark Ruffalo and Jennifer Garner is terrific in it. Loved it.
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A bit predictable, but still a charming film nonetheless.
TheLittleSongbird11 May 2009
I really liked this movie. Sure it is very like "Big" plot wise, so it gets a bit predictable. However, overall it is very charming and sometimes funny. Jennifer Garner is perfectly cast as Jenna Rink, believe me her performance was that charming, this is well worth seeing just for her. I also loved her costumes. The script is funny and quirky. Sometimes in the romantic scenes, it is a bit frothy, but almost every romantic comedy suffers from similar problems. The supporting actors were fine also. I really liked the chemistry between Garner and Mark Ruffalo. There have been criticisms of Ruffalo's lack of charisma, but I personally liked him here. Nice to see Judy Greer and Andy Serkis as well. All in all, a little predictable in the plot, but a charming and entertaining film, that deserves a 7/10 from me. Bethany Cox.
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inconsistent story line and disappointing acting
quantumpeep10 May 2004
Warning: Spoilers
I will be the first to admit that as a 31 yo male, I am not the target demo for this movie. However, I went with an open mind and the hopes that it would offer simple, playful truths about the world and live up to the comparison with Big. It doesn't.

Jennifer Garner had her moments, but didn't quite pull off either the playfulness of being trapped in an adult body or the very real fear of showing up to work not even knowing what your job is.

Perhaps my main criticism would be that the movie is not self-consistent. I am happy to believe in magic dust that transports us to the future and fulfills our wishes, but: (SPOILERS) Does nobody realize she can't do most of her job anymore? Would a room full of people know the choreography to Thriller? Would she hit on a 13 year old boy in public without remembering that, oh I don't know, she's trapped in the body of a 30 yo and hanging out with her peers? Would anyone sabotage their current employer and keep the proof in their office desk? Ok, maybe the last one.

Mark Ruffalo offered the one glimmer of positivity for me with a quality performance as the one believable character in the movie.

Again, I admit that I am not the target for this movie. It certainly had the cast and publicity to be the next Big, but in the end, it falls well short.
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