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A Surprisingly Good Sports Film Lacking Most Cliché
classicalsteve28 February 2010
During the 2010 Winter Olympics, NBC broadcast a 30-minute documentary piece on the 1980 US Olympic ice hockey team. While I knew the story of how they beat the Soviets and won the Gold Medal (I had seen it live as a kid), I was expecting some clichéd rhetoric about the team and what they had done, akin to films like "Knute Rockne, All American" (1940) and "Rocky" (1976). I was pleasantly surprised to find that the story was anything but. The coach of that team, Herbert Brooks, was no hackneyed clone of a Knute Rockne or a Vince Limbardo. Instead he was a tight-fisted uncompromising hockey general who distanced himself from his players, more like a Bobby Knight than a Knute. This was not someone with whom teammates would feel comfortable having a beer. Instead, his inspiration to the players came from the other direction, by exposing their weaknesses and in some cases using unfairness and resentment as anchors from which to get the best out of his players. I decided that "Miracle" might be worth a look, especially as a prelude to the US vs Canada in the gold medal round of 2010 Olympic Hockey.

Kurt Russell portrays Herbert Brooks as a lean and mean hockey coach who leaves sentimentality at the front door of the ice hockey rink. From the get-go he informs his players he's not there to be their friend. His goal is to let loose their highest playing potential coupled with the best conditioning among the Olympic hockey players at all costs. At times, he seems to be driving the players too hard well-beyond their comfort zones. Much of the story is the unconventional training techniques he uses to prepare the players for the 1980 Winter Olympics. According to the film, Brooks is relatively new to these techniques which he adopted while studying USSR hockey. His plan is to use the Soviets' techniques against them in the Olympics, which is not just about strategy but also about extreme discipline and an uncompromising tough sensibility akin to the military. One character points out that everything Brooks does has a purpose behind it.

The only short-coming in the script may be the portrayal of Brooks' wife who finds her relationship with her husband compromised, at least according to the film. I wondered if it played out in real life as in the film or if it was fabricated by the screenwriters. Too many sports movies have this sort of relationship with the wife acting as the balance between the obsessive coach and the needs of his family. She's been through this before. Why did she marry him in the first place? To be a successful account?

Certainly, most Americans know the outcome of the story, although the sequence of the game between the US and the Soviets is riveting and plays out about as well as the fight between Rocky and Apollo Creed. However, the meat of the story is really about the relationship between Brooks and his players, and the coach's single-minded determination to create the best Olympic team possible. By putting a certain amount of anger and determination into their hearts and heads, Brooks brings out the best in them, much like a sergeant in boot camp. The speech before the Americans played the Soviets is one of the better scenes of its type, leaving behind the "do it for the Gipper" silliness that has become a sports cliché. The only moment which was lacking in the film was the speech before the very final game when the US played Finland after the Soviets. In that speech, apparently Brooks told his team that if they didn't win, they would go to their graves regretting the missed opportunity. I would have liked to have seen Russell give that speech as well. Apparently Herb Brooks died before the principal shooting of this film had ended, and the film is dedicated to him. Just about as fitting a tribute as a coach could ask for.
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A Miracle for Disney
j-lacerra13 May 2005
Don't let the fact that this is a Disney movie deter you from watching a thoroughly enjoyable and adult-level sports movie for two-plus hours. Kurt Russell does an excellent job portraying coach Herb Brooks as a complex and sometimes ruthless and inscrutable leader. Very UN-Disney-like indeed.

I am not a hockey fan - in fact I dislike the game intensely - yet I enjoyed the well-crafted scenes of competitive team play. Knowing the outcome of the BIG GAME did not detract at all from the excitement and suspense surrounding it. Sort of like the suspense Ron Howard achieved in Apollo 13 (where we knew in advance the outcome, but were worried about and later relieved for our astronauts).

A must-see for sports fans and non-fans alike.
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Good movie
michael-hatch30 March 2004
I was wary at first of Disney production of this film. I didn't want the cheesy Mighty Ducks type of sports movie, especially when dealing with the awesome task completed by these players. I thought the film makers did a nice job and the movie itself was quite entertaining. I think it exposes a whole generation to the 1980 U.S. hockey team and what they accomplished. Even though I am not a fan of Kurt Russell, I thought he was very good as Herb Brooks. He had the mannerisms and the voice down very well. Russell is a huge hockey fan himself so I know it was honor for him to play Brooks. For die hard hockey fans, this movie will entertain and it does not poison the game action or what it is really like to play hockey.
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It was winter of 1980, and I remember it well.
TxMike1 November 2004
'Miracles do happen', the announcer's original broadcast is heard during the scenes recreated for this movie, 'Miracle.' Anyone who remembers what happened during those Winter Olympics in 1980 will know what this movie is about, and how it ends. However, there can be no spoilers, because this is not a movie about a hockey game, or even the sport of hockey. Nor is it about the players. It is solely about the coach, Herb Brooks, who, with his unconventional style and wisdom about the game, took these young hockey players to a level no one thought possible. In the end it didn't really matter whether they won or lost the game against the Russian. What mattered was that each of the 20 players found out what was possible inside himself.

The movie begins with a montage of scenes from the period, the years, leading up to the selection of the Olympic hockey team in the summer of 1979. The cold war. The oil shortage and long gasoline lines. The disgraced President Nixon. The embattled President Carter. The Russians invading Afganistan. Then we see coach Brooks doing it his own way. A year and a half of scouting, one day of try-outs, to pick the 26 players which would eventually be cut to 20 for the competition. The DVD extras show us how much went into making the movie faithful, including a session with Brooks himself, who died in an accident right after filming was wrapped up. A very fine movie of a very inspirational journey.
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Miracle Gets A Hat Trick
mercury46 March 2008
Miracle is a Walt Disney movie about hockey. This sounds like Mighty Ducks, but believe me, it's not. Miracle stands on its own as a great movie. Disney has made true stories about sports in the past like Remember the Titans, and movies like that had the same Disney feel. Miracle is a movie for everyone to go see. It is a wonderful movie about a true game in history.

This movie tells the story of Herb Brooks. Brooks works endlessly studying films and picking players to represent the United States in the Olympics. He doesn't just see this as a job, but he sees it as a second chance. Brooks was on the 1960 Olympic hockey team, but just before they left to compete, Brooks was cut from the team. The team went on to win, but Herb Brooks wasn't there to get the gold. Now this is his chance to win. The movie starts with Brooks getting the job and from there we see his plan. Brooks tells his players from the start how he's not going to be their friend, but he's going to be their coach. When Brooks says something he means it. Brooks changes the way the Americans play and he teaches them the way their tough opponents play. Brooks plans to beat them at their own game. It seems impossible in the beginning for Brooks to get these young guys that have never played together, and teach them a whole new way to play. It also seems impossible for the USA team to defeat the Soviet Union. The Soviets seem like an unstoppable force that can't be beaten. When you see the Soviets in action it does look impossible, but this movie shows how nothing is impossible. Miracle really doesn't go into all of the players, except Jim Craig. Craig and his father are going through a tough time because of Mrs. Craig's death. You see Jim struggle and all you want throughout the movie is for him to win the big one for his family. Besides Jim Craig, you're never really introduced to the rest of the guys. The only one that you're with throughout the movie is Herb Brooks, well portrayed by Kurt Russell. You see what it's like to assemble a winning team. You also see Brooks getting so caught up in his work that he has no time for his family. All you want is for this guy to win.

This movie is more than just a sports movie. It is a movie that shows dreams can come true. You watch a team of young guys bond and become a family. You see these guys win from all of their hard work and determination. Their win at the time was a miracle and even today watching this movie you get the same great feeling that these guys did the impossible. This is a great sports movie and even if you don't like sports, it is still a great movie.

I highly recommend this movie to everyone. It is a movie that you should definitely see if you're down because it is a movie about hope. It is also about victory and when the movie is over it will have every red-blooded American cheering for the good old USA. This movie must have done something right because it had everyone get just as excited as they would have been years ago. When the USA team shoots that final goal to make the score 4 to 3 and the clock starts to wind down, you see everyone getting more and more excited. Finally when the clock runs out and you see that the USA has won, everyone is on their feet cheering. Then when the American flag is waved high in the air you hear the people in the theater cheering USA. Miracle made you feel as if you were back in time witnessing the real game. The movie lets you know what's going on at the time with clips from history and it is just amazing how a film can do this. Be sure not to miss this spectacular film. I guarantee you will not be disappointed. The movie is well written, well acted, and well filmed so Miracle gets a Hat Trick.
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Great job, Kurt et al
canuckteach16 June 2011
Kurt Russell does a wonderful job of portraying Herb Brooks, an innovative hockey coach, and a hard-driving motivator of the young American team that competed at, and won, the 1980 Lake Placid Olympic hockey championship. Indeed, everyone is great, including the hockey players who learned to act to portray the famous group of college amateur players that Brooks pulled together to form a tight-knit and well-conditioned squad.

Camera work and re-creation of key plays is amazing -- maybe the best hockey footage ever shot (see the DVD special features). Also touching is the collage of tragic events involving the USA in the 60's and 70's, leading up to the Olympics. By the way: I found the (voiceover) speech we hear from 1980 by Jimmy Carter ("The USA has a crisis of confidence..") as moving as MLK's famous "I have a dream" speech. It sets the stage nicely for the events that follow - we all need a dream from time to time, or maybe a Miracle.

And you don't feel sorry for the Russians, this the last vestige of an arrogant cold-war-produced hockey machine: seasoned veterans laying out college kids with nasty body-checks, or slashes (just in case you thought us Canucks had the patent rights to tough hockey). Good news, though: the USA was up to it, repaying hefty checks in spades.

Finally, there is is some insight into Brooks hockey ideas, years ahead of their time: carefully-rehearsed breakout plays, circle patterns of player movement, and short 40-50 second shifts to keep players fresh.

There is a nice up-to-dater on where the players were in 2006 when the film was made, but the NHL careers were overlooked - several of these guys went on to have stellar careers in professional hockey. The talent level was substantial.

Anyway-- good job all around.
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Disney's has finally come back with a hit
mOVIemAN5622 July 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Miracle is, in my book, a great sports film. Disney is finally able to come back with a smash hit sports film. Miracle follows the true-life story of Coach Herb Brooks (Kurt Russell) and his team in there goal of winning the 1980 Olympic games in hockey. Standing against them is the seemingly invincible Russian squad who the team must overcome.

The film follows the entire team from training, to the cut lists, and right to the Olympics. Instead of a dragging sap story, Disney decides to focus the movie more equally with Herb Brooks and his family and the team and there own little family they've formed between themselves. I'm really not to fond of the sport of hockey but the scenes on the ice are beautifully crafted and filmed. The drama is well-placed and you feel as if your part of the team and feeling everything they do.

I really found this movie to be good. Kurt Russell is great as Coach Brooks and he is supported by some great actors as his team and some of the sons of the actual players who won the game. This is a great sports drama, no Hoosiers but very, very close.

Miracle. Starring: Kurt Russell, Patricia Clarkson, Noah Emmerich, and Sean McCann.

3 1/2 out of 5 Stars.
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Historically accurate and put in good context
dk1517-463-29675330 September 2012
Even if you're not a sports fan you can appreciate this movie for being historically accurate. Compared to other sports movies, this one and "Hoosiers" are the two best ever made.

It begins with scenes from the 70's and they do a great job throughout pointing out the Iran hostage crisis, gasoline shortages and the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, yet not to the point where any of those things are overdone.

I wish they would've shown more of the gold medal game against Finland, but the movie was already long enough and it might have taken away from the drama of beating the Soviets.

As for other things, Kurt Russell is excellent as Coach Brooks. My favorite scenes with him are the "Great Moments" speech and when he tells the team of the Russian style of play and how they can play with them by attacking rather than defending.

And I love the fact that they got a small clip of the famous Mean Joe Greene Coke Commercial, which in fact came out at that time, the fall of 1979.

The outcome is predictable, since we all know who won, but in spite of that, this movie has plenty of drama and suspense. Finally, this is also a family friendly movie--no excessive profanity or sexual scenes. Definitely a "10" in my book.
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Great movie!
mm-397 February 2004
I stopped myself from chanting USA USA in the theater, because my wife would have left, but I still got emotional and raised my hands up when the US scored. I still miss the Jets leaving the Peg, and still have the game reflexes when I watched the movie with a hockey crowd. I remember watching most of the games when I was eleven. Everyone hated the big Red machine from the Soviet Union, that killed the NHL all stars, and team USA afterward in a pre-Olympic game. Part of the cold war fever taking place and this movie showed the importance of the game back in 1980. I was chanting USA USA while watching the game, live at home and remember Craig with the flag, all the players standing on the podium during the medal ceremony. This must of had a huge influence on Hockey in the USA, and turned a lot of youngsters onto the game! Being a hockey nut I remember watching the US during the 80's and they would lose in the first round at the Canada cups but with the younger players coming up they got better in every tournament, and finally made the cup final in 1992. This event and the infusion of Canadian junior hockey coaches into their college system makes the US, the hockey power it is today. Is is no longer just Canada and the Russians, I figure there will be many Canada, USA olympic gold medal games with maybe a movie about it one day. Great hockey movie the advisors made the goaltending, and puck movement so real. Russell looks and acts like a coach, from the coaching view, not the fan. Brooks later became the coach of the Rangers, it was classy of them showing his picture at the end of the movie. 7 out of 10
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Classic Retelling of an Actual Event !!! A Brilliant Film !!!
cshep5 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
"Do You Believe in Miracles ?' is an immortalized phrase describing the winning over the Soviet Professional Hockey Team by a group of Unknowns on the 1980 USA's Hockey Team !! Well that phrase can now be applied to this movie directed by Gavin O'Conner !!!

The plot of the film shows events prior to the 1980 Olympics, and the growth of the individuals involved !!! Herb Brooks(Kurt Russell) must put together a competitive hockey team to represent USA in the 1980 Olympics. He has 7 months to select , condition and mold a competitive team, and all he has to work with are are a bunch of prima donas with some talent from the college hockey ranks, more interested in themselves and the skirts in the stands. Brooks realizing his team has no focus and little chemistry,and little chance of winning, runs the line drills, where the players skate back to the other blue line and back, red line and back, and then the far blue line and back at full speed, until they are exhausted !!! The word "Again" takes on a whole new dimension !!! The players soon get the message and start to focus on playing at an Olympic level !!!

Brooks has several trials, personal growth and complex internal arguments,as he has to reduce the 26 man roster to 20 players. Brooks, the victim of the final roster cut, from the 1960 Olympic Hockey team, is all too aware of the pain of the final "Cut."

The USA's Hockey Team slowly emerges to become one of quality, but lose some of their confidence after playing the Soviet Professional Team in an Exhibition at Madison Square Garden , shortly before the Olympics start at Lake Placid.

That being said the rest is History !!!

The Team of Director O'Conner, Editor John Gilroy, and Cinematographer Dan Stoloff take you onto the ICE and INTO the GAME !

The last 30 minutes of non-stop action and furious skating are the BEST I've EVER seen !!! As good as the GAME itself !!!

Kurt Russell delivers an Academy Award worthy performance as Herb Brooks !!! Russell has always been underrated for his body of work, but this separates the men from the boys !!!

So if you need a "Miracle " in your life, start with this one, as good as a life changing film as you will ever see !!!

Rated a 10 !!!
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An Enjoyable Film Even If You Don't Like Hockey
christian1233 April 2005
In 1980, Herb Brooks (Kurt Russell), a former Olympics hockey player cut from the winning 1960 U.S. team, put together a ragtag band of college hockey players, taking them to the Winter Olympics at Lake Placid to face the seemingly invincible Russian hockey team, winners of four successive gold medals. Miracle tells the true story of how they worked together to defy the odds working against them. Everyone likes a good upset especially when they can cheer on the winning team. Miracle gives you that story and its a nice film to watch with your family. I don't watch hockey because I don't really like it and its just not very appealing to me. But there's things that non-hockey fans can enjoy from this film. I liked the determination from the team and the inspiration the coach gave to them. Kurt Russell does an awesome job as Herb Brooks, probably his best performance in a long time. Patricia Clarkson does a good job playing his wife and all the players on the team aren't bad either. The one actor that was bad was Noah Emmerich, he just showed little to no emotion and didn't really put in a good effort. This wouldn't had been a problem if he had a small role but he was the assistant coach. Miracle is directed by Gavin O'Connor and he does a good job. The hockey itself wasn't actually that bad as some scenes of the game were pretty cool. The focus is on mainly on Russell and while you learn some stuff about the players it would had been nice if they had shifted some of the attention on them as well. The screenplay may be filled with clichés but the film does it right even if it feels like you have seen it before because you probably have. The film is 135 minutes long and for me it started dragging a little and getting kind of boring. The movie is also predictable so the ending game as well as the entire movie isn't really suspenseful. The focus is more on beating Russia then actually winning the medal. When they do play in the final game and win the medal, they only show them scoring the winning shot. After that Kurt Russell starts talking saying how they won the last game by coming up from behind. While we know the outcome to the whole thing it still would had been nice if they had added a few more scenes. Its also better then The Mighty Ducks but that's not a hard thing to do. Rating 7/10 a treat for hockey fans and a film that a normal movie-goer can enjoy.
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Mesmerizing Movie!
Sabrz7 May 2009
Miracle is one of the better sports movies that I have seen. The movie portrays the United States team's unlikely Gold Medal victory at the 1980 Winter Olympics. It does one hell of a job at capturing one of the greatest moments in sports history.

There are many elements that make the movie great. The actors really get into it and make you believe they are the players. Kurt Russell turns in an astounding performance as Team USA's coach Herb Brooks.

The critical event in the movie however is the time period and events surrounding everything. The Miracle On Ice occurred during the Cold War and not long after the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan. Morale was deteriorating at home and the country was in desperate need of a morale booster. That came in the form of a hockey game.

The Soviet Union had been the dominant hockey power for years winning gold medals in 64, 68, 72, and 76. The US is a team made up of young college kids molded into an effective unit by coach Herb Brooks. The US would end up playing the Soviets as a huge underdog. It is a story of the little team that could versus the superpower. David versus Goliath basically. The events taking place made this more then a hockey game. This was a competition between 2 countries with heightened tensions. Even before the puck drops you can feel the intensity in the air.

Overall you don't have to like hockey or know an ice skate from a roller skate to appreciate this movie. It is an unlikely underdog story surrounded by international turmoil. The movie is inspiring and the best fact is it really happened. Miracle is a must see.
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Good movie, wrong title
lovintennis8 August 2017
The title doesn't match the story because it's not miraculous given that Herb Brooks knew exactly what he was doing from having figured the Soviets out through extensive obsessive studying. That's why he insisted at the beginning that he was the man for the job; it's not like he winged it or just stuck with the same scheme the Americans had been using all along and somehow it merely finally happened.
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If you like USA and hockey, you will like this. If not, this is not a movie for you!
mack_898 October 2016
Hi there!

This is a patriotic hockey film. So if you like USA and hockey, there is a big chance, that you will like this movie.

If not, then this is not a movie for you. The acting and the story is OK i guess, but if you don't like people shouting USA the whole time, a angry hockey trainer thats shouting and hockey players simply playing hockey and train, there is no way, you will like this movie.

Im not such a huge fan of hockey or the USA. I just like good films, with good actors, good stories, good music and so on.

Therefore i will give this movie a 5/10!

Over and out!
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what I thought
redcrvette31 January 2004
I am the child of two St. Paul east- siders. My father has loved hockey for as long as he can remember. My mom, well, she just likes sports in general. Hockey ruled my life from the very first moments. First my father's practices and games, then my little brother, later on there were boyfriends, friends, high school, and college. Now there is Gophers and Wild. I imagine that hockey will continue to define my life for a very long time.

That said, for Minnesota kids there are legends told to them from the beginning. How Paul Bunyan shaped our lakes and rivers, and lived "Up North", and there is Herb Brooks. Legends that define Minnesota heritage.

Herb Brooks was a man who shaped the way hockey is viewed in Minnesota. A stand out at St. Paul Johnson High School, and at the U. He went to coach his beloved Gophers and work with his idol John Mariucci. Now the ice at Mariucci Arena (not 2 miles from where I sit now) bears tribute to Herby. His coaching techniques are still used and abused throughout the state.

Kurt Russell paid apt tribute to our late leader, and I am positive he would be impressed. I was fortunate enough to get sneak-preview tickets to see Miracle, and I can honestly say I don't remember when I had such a good time at the movies. I don't think I stopped smiling once. Russell's accent was good throughout the movie, but on just a few lines I could have SWORN that he was a Minnesotan. He elongated his vowels very well.

Eddie Cahill did a superb job as Jim Clark. I wondered how exactly he would play someone so torn between immense sadness and undeniable pride. I was even more impressed with his hockey skills. I hope that this helps the very yummy Mr. Cahill move from TV-boyfriend dujor (friends, Sex and the City) to a great movie actor. As it is the only thing that disappointed me was that he was running around the Cities last summer, and I had no idea.

If you are still reading this it goes without saying that I think you should see this movie. Sure you know how it ends, you've probably seen the game at least once on ESPN Classic even if you are old enough to remember it in the first place. The portrayal of our country at such a dark time in the world's history is historically great. Apt tribute is paid to Afghanistan (even if we are repeating the USSR's mistakes now), the Ayatollah, the oil embargo, and the general distrust in government. The Miracle on Ice was a very bright spot in a very dark time, and Miracle does a wonderful job showing just that. To those who say, who outside the US cares? I say hockey fans care. Sports fans care. This is not just a hockey movie (though it is a great one); it is a movie about hard work and perseverance. Isn't that what America really stands for?

So, Bravo Disney. I think Herby would have been pleased. I know that I am.
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Great Inspirational Sports Film
ciaralalin201328 November 2011
Warning: Spoilers
The film Miracle (2004) directed by Gavin O'Connor, tells the true story of Herb Brooks, the coach of the struggling US Olympic Hockey Team in his quest to beat the odds. Both the Movie Miracle and the events which it chronicled were set in the year 1980. At this time there was great upheaval in the world because the US and the USSR were embattled in a prolonged cold war, where neither nation trusted the other. The competitive nature between the two countries was seen in all aspects but especially in sports. The Soviet hockey team at this time was considered to be unbeatable previously winning the Olympics for twenty years straight. The film follows Brooks on his journey to transform a group of young and inexperienced US Hockey players into a cohesive team and overcome the best hockey team in the world.

Miracle stars the accomplished actor Kurt Russell as the notorious Herb Brooks, a tough and fearless hockey coach, determined to win. Russell was able to capture the personality of Brooks so well that at times it feels as if it were really Brooks on the bench directing his team. He achieves not only the look, but the body language, facial expressions and Minnesotan accent as well. The event of the 1980 winter Olympics at Lake Placid is recreated so well throughout the movie that the natural performances of the actors only helped to enhance the feeling of really being there. The young actors picked to portray the team play their roles perfectly. Unlike other movies the majority of the cast in Miracle were not professional actors; in fact many of the actors had never acted before. The director cast actual hockey players so that the viewer can really experience the bond of a team and to ensure that the performances' of the actors would feel realistic.

One of the most convincing performances in the film comes from Eddie Cahill who plays Jim Craig. Cahill is able to illustrate through his acting the immense amount of pressure he was going through as the goalie of the team. His role was pivotal to the film because it helped the viewer understand what it was like to be on both sides, from the perspective of both player and coach. The actors used to portray the team are successful in their pursuits and their acting as a collective creates a feeling of unity. The actors work well together and create a truly believable team.

If you are a fan of inspirational sports films Miracle will not disappoint. It has everything you are looking for in this genre of film and more. The film is both interesting and entertaining and will have you on the edge of your seat the entire time. Miracle was made with such passion and enthusiasm that the real players who lived it support the film proudly. The film is a fitting tribute to Brooks who died before the film was finished and is dedicated to him in the closing credits.
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Very Realistic Hockey Scenes Help Make This A Winner
ccthemovieman-13 October 2006
This was a pretty nice movie overall. It had its bad points but they were more subtle. The good stuff was out in front: the realistic hockey scenes and the inspiring true-life story of an amazing underdog sports team pulling off the "miracle." That, of course, was the 1980 United States Olympic hockey team winning the gold medal and along the way becoming the first team in 20 years to defeat the Soviets.

The story also is about Herb Brooks, the coach of the team. Everything in here centers around him. Kurt Russell does a nice job playing him, although I don't understand the Polish accent Russell used. Why would Brooks have a Polish accent?

Over the years, sports movies - as in other genres - are becoming more and more realistic. This was about as good as it gets in that regard. A number of the actors are players, meaning they know how to skate. A documentary with the DVD shows the great lengths they went to in filming this in order make the action look realistic. It's not fake; these guys know how to play the game and the camera-work, along with the sound, is outstanding.

For a fairly long film (135 minutes) this film moves by fast and the drama is there but not super-intense since everyone knows the final result. The story is basically, as mentioned, about Brooks and the way he molded a group of kids together to play so well as a team. Many of his ideas would not have been implemented had others had a say, but Brooks proved them all wrong.

The only part of the film that was totally unnecessary was the typical Liberal slant that Hollywood just has to put in our faces every chance it gets. Here, they do it by quick cheap shots against Republican Presidents while airing an inspirational speech by Democrat Jimmy Carter. They have just stuck with the hockey angle, which the filmmakers here did extremely well. Still, it's a very good sports movie that even non- hockey fans should enjoy.
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This years Academy award winning best actor...
glentom18 February 2004
Its incredible to note that the one truly negative review so far of this movie is by one who described it as a movie about the "U.S. Olympic soccer team." No, not a typo, the reviewer actually used the word soccer 3 times! And even more pathetic was how the reviewer concluded by saying the movie would have been better had it been about something else! Its pretty pathetic to not like a movie when you obviously have not seen it, its even worse to actually do a review about it.

Oh well, on to my review...

The movie MIRACLE will be enjoyed by millions, even if they know nothing about hockey, which is very fitting as millions enjoyed the 1980 gold medal performance of the USA Hockey Team, many of them non-hockey fans as well. It brilliantly captures the moment of the miracle, after beautifully detailing the events that led up to the decisive win over the Russians.

I went to the UW at the same time that Mark Johnson did, which makes the movie (as well as the actual miracle) even more compelling to me. The only people I could imagine not liking this movie are those that either hate sports, or those that watch the movie and come away thinking it was about a soccer match (hehe):)

The only thing worse than Chicago winning an Oscar would be if Kurt Russell didn't win an Oscar for best actor! He truly dominates the movie, which was a heartwarming tribute to Herb Brooks who died virtually during the filming of this movie. The supporting cast did their roles perfectly, as did the makers of this film, who delivered one of the most accurate portrayals of one of the most exciting sporting events of the 20th century.

Go see this movie...if you leave not liking it, then check your pulse to see if you are still alive. Or if you come away thinking it was a movie about soccer, then lightning truly can strike twice in the same place!
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Great film
Sboyer21013 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This is definitely an under-appreciated film, not a lot of talk about it. With that said, its one that stays with you. I love sports movies, especially ones about underdogs. Usually they are about 1 person, or a specific team that has made history for doing something remarkable. Miracle is more than a person, more than a team, its about the entire country.

I'm proud to be an American, and usually get a bit emotional when something big happens with the entire world watching. I was 3 years old when the 1980 Olympics took place, but watching this movie, I felt like I was there. I felt the emotion of crowd, the players, and that damn amazing coach. Kurt's performance was outstanding, and one that is now in my top 15 movie performances ever. I found myself forgetting it was Kurt.

With sports movies, there is always a scene where the team has to 'dig deep' during a practice or what not, you kind of expect it. With that said, the scene when he made the team run the line drills over and over and over and OVER again made me cringe, but ended up being one of my favorite of the film. It was raw, real, and refreshing.

Great film about the American spirit, a guy with a dream, and a team that became...a family.
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No Miracles Happened Here
katydid48196 November 2004
There are too many good stories to bring to the big screen. Therefore, a hierarchy exists in the script room. Films with the underdog coming from behind to overcome enormous odds just aren't enough anymore. Miracle made the jump to production not because it's about this but because of its sub story about the effect the underdog's victory had. 'Do you believe in miracles?'

The story is about one coach trying to bring the USA Olympic team to glory against the unbeatable Soviets. His team is comprised of twenty-some athletes fresh from either Boston of Minnesota, hence a rivalry. Their average age is twenty-one while their opponets have been playing together for ten years. Of course we all know what happens because, like all other sports stories, this one comes with the tagline 'Based on a True Story'. But that, albeit important, is not really what matters. The main focus is here is how they do it.

The team has a drill. They skate from the red line to the blue line back to the red. Simple, right? After tying a game, the coach (Kurt Russell) brings his team back out onto the ice as the audience is leaving and makes them run this drill again and again and again and again and again and again… It's the most well done scene in the whole movie. It has you sympathizing with all the people on the screen. You understand Russell's anger and need to win but still can't believe he'd make them skate the drill again. Again and again. In the pit of your stomach you feel as if you may vomit yourself. The scene is set in partial darkness and scored subtly.

Too much time is spent trying to develop a side story about Russell's past career as an Olympian and how he feels he was robbed of a medal. This causes him to throw himself into his work and neglect his family. There are two or three arguments he has with his wife that start one way and then morph into wannabe 'money scenes' that might as well have tears streaming from the wife's eyes and a drunk, angered Russell. Instead, they try to get that same feeling across with their dialogue but that falters. However, everything comes across as silly and contrived.

Miracle is a Disney movie and it shows. It is clean family fun that is also uplifting and, from a distance, a good time. It gets across all the major points of the 'based on a true story' genre, including the side story built around the coach. The players are inter-changeable and yet you feel as if you know them. The movie gets you cheering and that was probably all it ever aspired to do. ***/*****
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Killer sports movie
Mr-Fusion25 March 2015
Not the kind of hockey movie I was expecting, especially a Disney one. "Miracle" is a laboring trek to the first game, full of self-doubt and brooding (personified by Kurt Russell, who owns this movie, hands down). The geopolitics hang heavy over all of this, but at least it doesn't devolve into jingoism. But once we get into the Olympic games, it's an energized movie indeed. the payoff isn't USA beating the Soviets (we know the history), it's in the team finally coming together. Really electrifies that final game. Even still, you'd have to be dead inside not to smile when Eruzione pulls the team ahead 4-3. And just try not to get misty during Russell's end narration. A sentimental hay-maker, that one.

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Another feel good, lessons learned film from Disney
gregsrants8 February 2004
As a Canadian, I sat back with much anticipation north of the border for reviews of the new Disney film Miracle, chronicling the rise and eventual glory of the 1980 USA Hockey Team at the XIII Olympics. I knew as Canadians we would not take kindly to watching again the euphoria of a country winning at our national game. I knew that there would be the usual flag waving that American's like to put in their sports films and I knew this would put off even the most unbiased and objective of Canadian film reviewers. I knew that given all the above, it would be hard to find a positive review of the film even if it succeeded where most sports films fail. Unfortunately, I was right.

Miracle is the story of Herb Brooks, a coach with roots in the minor leagues that is chosen to lead a group of unknown hockey players against the powerhouse of the Russian team that had not lost in international competition in 20 years. Herb (Kurt Russell) adopts a new approach of taking the game to the opposition rather than simply defending against them. In efforts to accomplish this monumental feat, Herb raises eyebrows by taking on a group of hard workers rather than statistical players. `I'm not looking for the best players Jim, I'm looking for the right ones' he exclaims to his assistant coach Craig Patrick.

The results are at first, disasterous, but once the team begins to build character and believe in their coaches vision, the victories begin to amass and their road to the Olympic podium begins.

Anyone over the age of 35 will remember the Miracle on Ice. Russia had just invaded Afghanistan and there was much tension between the two world powers. The Olympics were expected to be boycotted by Russia due to President Jimmy Carters harsh words towards the Russian offensive, but cooler heads prevailed and athlete's were not punished for their governments politics.

Russia came into the Olympics the odds on favorite. They had not lost in international competition in years and had recently beaten the best the NHL had to offer just weeks before. The U.S. on the other hand did not even rank on the Olympic hockey radar. The previous Olympics saw the squad being trounced by scores of incredible discrepancy. But history was to be made in Lake Placid and American hockey was on the map.

Hockey movies have not done incredibly well at the box office. Sure, the Mighty Ducks was a small success spanning a few sequels, but if you were to pick the best hockey movie of all time, outside of Slap Shot there is not much to choose from (Youngblood, Mystery Alaska). However, director Gavin O'Connor does a good job of telling the story of the coach rather than the team, and this seems to work under the strong acting performance by Russell.

The movie does have faults. At over two hours, the film seemed longer than it should have been and the editing of the on-ice action seemed as if it was shot by different directors, one having a flare for following the play and other wanting to show the skates and low angle shots.

However, for anyone that remembers the series, all the elements and events were duplicated. Who can forget the goal with no seconds remaining at the end of the first period or the fact that Tretieck, the best goalie to maybe ever play the game, was benched by Russia for the remaining 40 minutes?

Miracle is a feel-good, bring your family to, kinda movie. It shows you what hard work and believing in yourself is all about, and really, how many movies can honestly credit themselves with that?
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Disney strikes ANOTHER emotional chord with a powerful moment in history
Robert_duder19 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not a big sports fanatic and yet I keep falling in love with these incredible emotionally powerful and moving sports films, specifically Disney's as of late. The deeply moving, touching and just plain nice Greatest Game Ever Played and now finally I get around to seeing 2004's Miracle. Miracle was quite simply incredible. Well acted, beautifully directed, powerful, invigorating and touching. People certainly consider it controversial calling the film historically inaccurate, American driven, and over hyped and perhaps it is but I don't think they are seeing the real story and message behind those games. This was the end of an era. The Cold war raged for nearly five decades and this was like the pinnacle of the average American's involvement with the Cold War. This was a team that was going to take on the most powerful nation in the world not in war but in sport on ice, with rules. Fairly newcomer and unknown director Gavin O'Connor does an absolutely brilliant job of recapturing the spirit and turbulence of the seventies moving towards the end of the cold war. On top of making you remember those days and the seventies from politics to sports to the average person's life he manages to bring out this incredible story of people, a team and a Coach who would do anything to get this team that medal.

Kurt Russell plays tough as nails Coach Herb Brooks. Hands down Russell gives an Oscar Worthy performance. He was robbed because I am certain he belonged up there. His performance as Herb Brooks is moving and so diverse. We see every angle of him, his passion for hockey, his love for his family, and his utter raw determination to train this team to be the best in the world through all odds. Russell is as good for the team as he is downright cruel but his methods are all for good reason as we see. Any Russell fan as I am NEEDS to see this movie. He is incredible. He is by far the star and stand out performance in the film. Granted the film really is about him and Herb Brooks' story. The rest of the cast is very much supporting cast but they all do a great job. The hockey team in particular are all so important and I would love to list them all but sadly I won't. I will say though that they are all fantastic and they all have their moments. I have to mention Eddie Cahill, for a couple of reasons. First of all I am a huge CSI New York Fan which he is a regular cast member of. But more importantly he does a great job as intense goalie Jim Craig. Craig gets a bit more of a back story having his mother pass away and her wish for him to play for the Olympic team. Seeing Craig's father (Malcolm Stewart) at his final game cheering him on was moving!! Cahill's performance is moving and he is so intense and a powerful presence on screen. Patrick O'Brien Demsey, Kenneth Mitchell, Eric Peter-Kaiser, and Bobby Hanson are some of the more prominent members of the team and they are just fantastic. Much like the story of this team they are an on screen team. An ensemble cast who works together flawlessly. Noah Emmerich plays Assistant coach Craig Patrick and he is good. I found him a little low brow up against such powerful performances especially Russell but still he is a worthy addition to the cast.

Miracle is a classic film, case closed. It goes into my books as one of my all time favorites. I won't ever forget Herb Brooks screaming...AGAIN!...and Craig Patrick reluctantly blowing his whistle to force the boys to do drills till they are literally sick. It captures an era, a moment in history of sports that won't ever be topped quite likely. A shining moment in US History and an important moment to many. Whatever people may say about Miracle it will give you shivers, make you smile, it's the feel good movie of the decade. I will watch this again and again and again...FANTASTIC!! 10/10
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Wonderful story
Calicodreamin11 July 2019
A typical sports movie about a ragtag group of young athletes taking on the best of the world and coming out on top to the whopping cheers of the arena... and it was amazing! You can't help but get chills. One of the everlasting Olympic stories, the miracle on ice, is told in a really fantastic way. You can't help but love this movie for all that it represents.

My only criticism is that it's a bit long. But we'll worth it.
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The team that learned to win.
michaelRokeefe12 March 2005
Warning: Spoilers
A very uplifting and rousing telling of what many still consider a miracle in the sports world. Minnesota hockey coach Herb Brooks(Kurt Russell)assembles in his own way a once-in-a-lifetime team of individual hockey stars and melds them into an underdog U.S. Olympic team that shocks the world by beating an over-powering Russian squad in the 1980 Olympic Games.

Some very good hockey play provided by actual players turned temporary movie stars. Eddie Cahill is the only professional actor on the ice playing goalie Jim Craig. Patrick O'Brien Demsey, Michael Mantenuto, Kenneth Mitchell and Joseph Cure put in very good work as young hockey players that may have been a little intimidated in playing against the "pro" team from Russia. Noah Emmerich plays the long time suffering and reliant assistant coach Craig Patrick. Patricia Clarkson plays the understanding wife of the often aloof Coach Brooks. And what about Kurt Russell? He is perfect as Herb Brooks. But not as dynamic as his 1979 tremendous portrayal of Elvis Presley.

Hockey fan or not...the hockey scenes will get your blood pumping and your heart filled with pride.
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