The Legend of Zorro (2005) Poster

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The Legend of Zorro - Don't Compare It To The First One
mls-1128 October 2005
We saw "The Legend of Zorro" at our local theater tonight, long-anticipating a sequel to a wonderful film featuring Antonio Banderas and Catherine Zeta-Jones. While hoping it would follow suit with the first film, we were committed to going in with open minds.

Simply, the film does not match the robustness, passion or provocative nature of the first film. That does NOT mean it is a bad film - just different.

Strengths of the movie include admirable performing by the Alejandro and Elena stars. Clearly, their on-screen match-up was a great renewal. It was good to see them together again, though there was far less chemistry than they enjoyed in the first film.

The stunt work was fairly good, though some was a bit over-the-top and not particularly believable. All in all, though, it added a bit to the overall story.

The most disappointing aspects of the movie were select portions of the scripting and casting. For example, young Joaquin speaks in 2005 language - 150 years too early. Those creating the script should have restrained themselves, and used a bit more time to research the language of the era being portrayed in the story.

As to scripting: unless my eyes deceived me, one of the padres in the film (actually, Joaquin's teacher) appeared to be one of the Dons from the first film. I am unsure why this would have been a choice by the casting folks - and further unsure why it would be approved by the producer or the director.

Finally, the film seemed to drag out a bit - didn't need to be >2 hours long, in my estimation.

With all of this said, it is worth seeing. Just don't expect the blockbuster film that was the first "Zorro!"
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Divorce is a tough way to start the movie
SnoopyStyle9 October 2013
It's the year 1850, and California is about to join the Union. Zorro (Antonio Banderas) has defended the people for 10 years. His wife Elena (Catherine Zeta-Jones) wants to take some time to travel with their son. Zorro wants to stay to work for the people. She gets a divorce from him. Or is there more to it? Months later, Zorro finds his wife with wealthy nobleman Armand (Rufus Sewell) who owns a vineyard. They were old friends and got reacquainted. Only he's not what he seems.

It's a tough way to start the LOVE story of Elena and Zorro with their divorce. It takes the air right out of the movie. It was tough to see them fighting at all. Of course there is no Anthony Hopkins in this one. That makes the couple's chemistry all the more important, and their split the more shattering.

The action is swashbuckling as before. But everything is just a little more somber. The humor isn't there any more. It's all rather depressing.
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It's not an Oscar quality film but it could make for a fun night at the movies
christian1236 November 2005
Antonio Banderas is back under the mask of Zorro, the 19th Century swashbuckler who must face another dangerous mission, although he promised his wife Elena (Catherine Zeta-Jones) that he'd give up his life of adventure for a quiet family life as Alejandro de la Vega. But those who opposed California becoming a state in the Union are planning a new threat that might change their plans.

The Mask Of Zorro was a pretty good film. The sequel isn't as good yet it's still enjoyable. I personally would rather have the PG-13 rating but surprisingly the sequel didn't actually suck. I have to give credit to the cast and director. Martin Campbell knows how to direct action and he made this film very entertaining to watch. The story is a little weak and there isn't really anything new to found here but the action makes up for that.

The acting is solid just like the first one. Antonio Banderas takes the role of Zorro again and he does a good job. Catherine Zeta Jones returns as Elena and she also does a pretty good job. These two have a lot of chemistry together and they are interesting to watch on screen. The new addition to the cast and the person who almost ruined the film is Adrian Alonso. He plays Joaquin, the son of Zorro and Elena. He has a few funny lines but for the most part, he is really annoying. His role should have been cut since he almost ruined the entire movie.

Many people are complaining that the new rating kills the film and I disagree. The fight scenes are tamer and safer when compared to the original. He actually doesn't really use his sword to kill nor is much blood shown. However, the fight scenes are still pretty good and there are a lot of entertaining scenes like the train scene at the end. There were some boring scenes but they didn't last long. Also, the film is really cheesy and some of this does get annoying, nothing too major though. In the end, if you expect something like the original movie than you will end up disappointed. However, if you want something in the vein of National Treasure, a safe family action film, then this sequel is for you and it can really be enjoyed by adults too. Rating 6/10
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0U6 March 2020
Considering that the first one was absolutely terrific in delivering top notch action and delivering a solid story, this sequel is surprisingly average. The film has the feel and good ideas of the first, but the film mostly feels strained and forced. The film is still an entertaining film but its also disappointing in the fact that the first one was so good. I thought The Legend Of Zorro delivered average action and an average plot, I felt that there was nothing special about the film. The film feels like they're trying to outdo the first one which of course was great. This sequel is at times silly and really doesn't live up to the original. Overall the film is bordeline good fun, it's nothing truly excellent or good. The film is average. I found the acting to be quite sloppy too. The kid annoyed me and he was probably written into the script to give the film a "needed" edge that almost every sequel needs, a kid that gets himself into a shitload of trouble for the sake of putting the main characters at risk. This is too bad, because The Legend Of Zorro could have been something truly terrific, but the end results is that of a strained sequel that tries to overdue it's predecessor. The Legend Of Zorro will disappoint fans of the first, and some will think that this is an average or mediocre film with a watered down plot. Borderline decent, but not good or great at all. I was disappointed.
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Not great, but enjoyable sequel
govenor_phatt25 October 2005
Just saw this at an Advanced Screening the other day and must admit i was not particularly looking forward to it. Mainly due to the fact that i loved the original. I loved its tongue in cheek campness, its fun and exciting action scenes, and Anthony Hopkins.

Thankfully LOZ has 2 out of the 3 (no Anthony Hopkins for obvious reasons) and while the film has clearly been dumbed down and made more "family friendly" as with all mainstream Hollywood sequels, it still has Banderas and Zeta Jones clearly having fun with it.

True, some of the CGI looks a bit naff, and there is a terribly unnecessary scene with a horse which made me laugh just because i would have cried because of the terrible effect, but the action scenes are action packed and use a fairly minimal amount of it.

As for the story there isn't really much to say of it, which is probably why it doesn't live up to its predecessors standards. But it trys well enough.

At the end of the day fans of the original Zorro film will probably enjoy this, as long as they don't expect it to be anything other than a fun popcorn sequel.
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I Liked It, But A Change of Setting May Do Ya Some Good
Andyh743 April 2006
In general I liked the movie, but I would have liked it if they had changed the time period to a later date. But first, let me quickly put down the pros and cons.


chemistry b/w Alejandro and Elena (Banderas/Zeta-Jones); action sequences; further development of Elena's character; continuity with the first film; the film's unmasking scene


anachronisms or historical inaccuracies; plausibility of the plot

Now I mentioned that the filmmakers should have moved the film's setting from 1850 to 1861. The current film makes it clear that the Civil War is years away, but I would set this film at the start of the Civil War--1861--for the following reasons.

1) Doing so ages Alejandro/Zorro more and makes the issue of him retiring that much more pertinent because of his age. Here Alejandro is still somewhat middle-aged, and moving the story 21 years ahead makes his age a much more relevant issue. I understand that the filmmakers didn't want to feature Joaquin taking over as Zorro at the end of LOZ because they wanted Banderas and Zeta-Jones to come back for a third film. I still think that both of them could still come back for the third film--one where Alejandro is forced to come out of retirement and aid his son Joaquin (the new Zorro).

2) This makes the current plot more plausible. As it stands, Count Armand and the society "Orbis Unum" intend to make what will be called nitroglycerin for the South, who will eventually use it. Why not have the society make and try to deliver the explosive for the South who are ALREADY at war with the North? Why do something for a FUTURE conflict?

3) The 1861 setting brings another event into play, which could have been the film's plot instead. Count Armand is French. In the early 1860s France, along with the Roman Catholic clergy, backed the ascension of Archduke Maximilian of Austria to the title of Emperor of Mexico. Now they could have taken part of the plot--the manufacture of the explosive--and have that be part of France's oppression of the Mexican people, with France having future plans to take California (a rehash of the first film's plot). France's involvement in Mexico is true historical fact, and they could have instead made a plot involving this.

4) The time change would eliminate the historical inaccuracies question that plagues LOZ. Did the Pinkertons exist in 1850? Why is Abraham Lincoln, here a lawyer sent to be a witness to the statehood ceremony, in this movie? Setting the film in 1861 eliminates these questions. The statehood part would be gone, but any presence of Lincoln now makes more sense, seeing as he was President at this time, and I'm sure the Pinkertons existed by this point. Things would "fit" better.

So, I enjoyed the film, but I feel that if they had changed the setting to 1861, they could have improved the film. Now, I DO see how this film is somewhat in the "Wild Wild West" vein--using certain methods rather ahead of their time.

However, I feel that changing the date to 1861 would have made things work better, or could have given them another good idea for the film's plot.
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Good but not as great as the first one
sarizonana28 October 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I rated the mask of zorro10/10 and this sequel 7/10

Note: if you haven't seen the first one ,don't watch this one because you won't get why so many people loved the the mask of Zorro so much.

It's sad how a mediocre sequel can ruin a great movie.

What I liked about the legend of Zorro Watching Catherine Zeta Jones and Antonio Banderas together again as a couple and it has some entrtetaning moments, like the Polo scene and their kiss when they get back together again after their divorce

What I didn't like about this sequel The PG rating. It felt like a kids movie, meanwhile the mask of Zorro was really for the whole family.
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A Nutshell Review: The Legend of Zorro
DICK STEEL26 October 2005
Finally, after 7 years since the last Hollywood Zorro movie hit the big screen, director Martin Campbell is back with his original cast of Antonio Banderas in the title role, and Catherine Zeta Jones as his wife Elena de la Vega. Set 10 years after the last movie, The Legend of Zorro wastes no time in plunging the audience thick into trademarked action pieces that many associate with the Spanish Fox - the acrobatic lunges, flips, swordfights, whip action and horseback riding.

It's all familiar territory with the romanticized Old California, now at a crossroads where the state is in decision to join the rest of America. Things have changed for the de la Vega family too, as they have a new addition to the family, a son named Joaquin, who takes on traits of his father, but not knowing his father's secret identity.

Naturally, family takes the central theme in this movie. Why do vigilantes wear masks - simply to protect their loved ones as they enroll in the crusade for justice. This film explores the dilemma of the avenger as he struggles to be there for the general public in their hour of need, and the balance of spending enough quality time with his own family.

Relationships aren't rosy with husband and wife, and it's no surprise, they bicker again on screen. And when this concealment and protection of identity is compromised, what could be exploited from it? Plenty of action in this movie to keep Zorro fans happy, and it's a marked improvement from the predecessor too. Zorro moves with guile and swift agility that will raise your eyebrow at the style of his acrobats, befitting his name "the fox". The use of the whip has increased, and so is the intensity of the swordfights.

However, the plot might be a bit of a letdown. It's the usual James Bondish storyline of some Euro-knight baddie in some highly secret underground organization trying to achieve the total destruction of America. One forgot to remind him that he'll need a lot more smarter accomplices in order to fulfill his desire for world domination. With 4 writers credited for the story, it does seem convoluted somewhat to include too many scenes which clocked the movie slightly longer than 2 hours. Some comedy was injected, but those with Tornado seemed a bit contrived (a horse that smokes and drinks? Come on...) The pacing too is somewhat erratic, dragging some scenes unnecessarily and introducing subplots that in my opinion, went against the motivation of characters. There's a stab at the high-handed tactics of a certain government agency, and it's like watching a precursor of spy-versus-spy games. The soundtrack seemed to rehash the love them from the earlier movie too, playing it each time Elenor comes on screen, and the camera still soft-focuses her a lot too.

But what could have been given longer screen time is the on-screen banter between Banderas and Zeta Jones. That was what made the first film likable and popular, and while this movie had flashes and moments of it, we could have had more. One could have also expected the effects to be seamless given today's technology, and nothing new presented on screen, but while the end result was impressive, there are certain frames that were obviously blue-screened and superimposed.

Despite its drawbacks, this is still a worthy Zorro movie, and with the signature shot of Zorro on Tornado hoisting its legs high in the sky in an all-ready posture ready to strike, with sword drawn, all can be forgiven.
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Makes up a bogieman for the bad guy
phil-107626 August 2006
While fighting for freedom is all well and good, fabricating a "confederate" army in 1850 makes the movie seem like it's in a parallel universe. If this were sci-fi that would be OK, but the whole thing was so silly that I couldn't take anything else in the movie very seriously. This was too bad, since the action sequences and the chemistry between Zeta and Banderas was nice. The first Zorro movie also had some historical inaccuracies, but so obscure that it was no big deal. Especially annoying were the typical confederate stooge-types working for the bad guy. I know Hollywood hardly ever gets history right, but rarely does it get history so wrong.
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light, but in today's movie climate, entertaining
pekjr43 November 2005
I actually got to see this movie a month ago at the sneak preview in Denver. I got there relatively late so I sat very close to the screen. Now that my eyes have stopped bleeding... Nice little flick. Not too serious, nowhere near any historical accuracy, but a lot of fun. Especially for kids from 10-16. Antonio Banderas has a great sense of timing for comedy, and Catherine Zeta Jones was gorgeous as usual without any real depth in her part. She did get to have some nice action scenes, however. The biggest surprise and bonus was the young actor who portrayed Zorro's son. Adrian Alonso was fantastic. This actor will do well and I certainly hope he gets some good parts down the road. Overall, again, light, not very powerful. A great family movie with some fun action and good scenery(Zeta-Jones). Probably the best thing to see until Harry Potter comes out.
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Not as good as the original
jayne613857 November 2005
Warning: Spoilers
It started out with promise, but it soon changed into something awkward and inaccurate in a lot of historical facts, which weakened the plot for me. It was also too violent for its PG rating, and deserved a PG-13 rating. California became a state in 1850, which is when this movie is supposed to be... however, they mentioned several times "the Civil War" between the states, and how the United States is divided. They also had Confederate soldiers in a couple of scenes. They were ten years ahead of themselves, and also there is a scene when it becomes a state and a man in formal attire signing the official papers looked similar to Lincoln, who didn't become President until 1860. Also it wasn't that easy to get a divorce in 1850, like Elena did. Three months after she kicked her husband out of the house and divorced him, she was engaged to another man, which was highly scandalous, because Catholics didn't remarry at that point without being ex-communicated. It had unbelievable stunts and stupid twists. The plot dragged on for the longest time. So, as you can tell, I really didn't enjoy this movie.
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Formulaic, but reminiscent of old style westerns -- with a Latino cast
ms_jade_li5 November 2005
I liked the film.

You aren't going to get a more aesthetic movie than this: the actors (wow, Antonio and Catherine Zeta both in the same movie -- Anjelina & Brad, eat your hearts out -- no contest!), the costumes, the lighting, the villa and townscapes, and the sheer beauty of the location, day and night.

Antonio looks a little more "mature" than I've seen him in awhile, but he's no less smoldering and charming on the screen. He's a natural for playing Zorro. The athleticism of Zorro is pretty impressive too. Lots of leaps, flips, and creative uses of his whip.

Catherine-Zeta is breathtakingly beautiful, as always. Those eyes of hers... It's enjoyable to see her in a maternal role. I love her costumes! It's good to see her multi-tasking.

Their son, Joaquim, is outstanding. Child stars usually make me gag, but this kid has genuine talent, and the person(s) filming and editing have admirably captured it.

The main bad guy (the one with the mansion) is intriguing as well. Not sure who he is but I hope to see more of him.

The other villain is, plain and simple, unidimensional, which is typical of adventure type movies. No surprises there. The way he meets his end is creative.

The Horse. Wow.

The political framework of the plot worked well for the movie.

If you're looking for a movie that entertains while being pleasing to the eye, check it out.
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Parting is much sweeter than Zorro
MovieZoo28 October 2005
When I saw the first trailer, I knew Zorro was going to be in trouble. It was clear his enemies were hiding behind the cameras. If only there had been a Tornado to blow away those enemies.

I really want to say, "go see this movie if you only want to see some adventure, any adventure" but I can't. Yes there is some adventure. It was fun to watch Zorro do his job. But I found myself wanting to get pleasing scenes back that were yanked away by converting serious moments into scene-killing comic relief. One touching, romantic scene was making me feel all soft and warm, when all of a sudden, the two adults became more like Homer and Marge Simpson. Sorry Homer and Marge, I still love you. There were too many mundane morphing scenes. As a result the movie became the same. It showed promise at various points only to become something less. I think the film makers believed they were adding comic relief but instead came up with comic distress.

This is not a movie for the seasoned Zorro fan or the fan who still craves swashbuckling, romance, thrills on the big screen and comedy between scenes(as opposed to adding comedy to serious moments in a scene).

Nick Chinlund, Banderas, Catherine Zeta Jones and Alonso did their jobs well, considering what they were given. Tornado is a beautiful horse but he should stick to his day job and avoid being a comic or a sidekick(straight-horse as it were).

Still, I give it a fair 6 out of 10.
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Better-than average sequel; not-so-great film
irish2313 April 2008
I had low expectations watching the sequel to the outstanding original Banderas-Hopkins- Zeta-Jones film, and ended up surprised. Most sequels are so appallingly bad it makes one wonder why they were made. This is decent for a sequel, creating a new story but using the same characters.

The problem is that the new story isn't nearly as interesting as the original, and that the filmmakers made the regrettable decision to make this a "family" movie. Which, for some mysterious reason known only to Hollywood, means the inclusion of bathroom humor. The previous film had dignity, style, and a moral core. This just has style.

It also seems jarringly out-of-time. So much of the set looks like the Old West, which means gunslingers. So why is everyone fighting with swords? Especially when the bad guys use guns on everyone but Zorro? It's a weird mishmash that doesn't quite work.

The intensity and focus of the original is missing from this picture, but I'm sure it would appeal to kids and others who like relatively straightforward action films.
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Not as good as the first one but...
Chrysanthepop15 September 2007's quite alright for a one-time watch. I enjoyed watching Catherine and Antonio together again as Zorro and Elena but their chemistry was less electric than in the prequel. The film itself is a little slow-paced with loads of over-the-top stunts. Then there's also the unnecessary 'save America' bit which just seems to be a necessary formula for all Hollywood superhero films. Some well shot scenes include the dance scene at the party (no, it's not the flamenco) that has a touch of humour. Cinematography is quite good and the locations are beautiful. In a way it does stay true to the first movie as this time we see both Elena and their son Jaoquin fight by Zorro but it lacks the heart, the natural humour, the energy and passion of the wonderful prequel. Direction isn't completely up to the mark as some scenes seem to have been cluelessly shot. But on a more positive note, 'The Legend of Zorro' was entertaining to an extent, just don't expect anything fantastic that you'd take away with you long after the film's concluded.
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"Nobody leaves my tequila worm dangling in the wind!"
classicsoncall11 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Apart from the lavish costuming and splendid cinematography, this film had a fairly by-the-numbers formula harking all the way back to the 'B' Western days of the Thirties and Forties. The masked hero aspect calls to mind The Durango Kid and the suave villain could have been any character actor to go up against the good guy. I couldn't help imagining Zorro (Antonio Banderas) as a Tex-Mex version of Batman, though the character of Zorro was created in 1919 by author Johnston McCulley, while Batman didn't appear on the scene till two decades later in 1939. So maybe you'd say Batman was the American super-hero version of Zorro.

With the benefit of hindsight, I guess you could say things never change. Here was a movie made in 2005 about events occurring in 1850, and the premise is that a globalist organization, The Knights of Aragon, is intent on diminishing the status of an emerging America. So with the looming threat of a Civil War, the dashing Count Armand (Rufus Sewell) determines that the best way to affect this plan is to provide the Southern slave states with a means to defeat the North and create chaos throughout the country. Back then, North vs. South, today it's right vs. left. And the beat goes on.

You know, as a kid watching television programs back in the Fifties, I can't tell you how many times nitroglycerine was used as a plot device to introduce an element of danger into the story. Mostly in Westerns, and you'd always end up with some 'safe' explosion to close out the story as the hero would save the day. What I couldn't figure out here was why a meticulous tactician like Armand had all those bottles of nitro dangling around in the railroad car in such a way that it wouldn't have taken much to smack into each other to blow the entire enterprise sky high. It wouldn't have taken a train crash to make it happen either.

Say, remember when Zorro and Elena (Catherine Zeta-Jones) crossed swords with McGivens' (Nick Chinlund) thugs. They used their weapons to slash their respective initials on the back side of one of the henchman's underwear. They made it look real 'E-Z'.

What gets me is that Zorro's very talented horse Tornado didn't merit a screen credit for his work in the film. He did quite the commendable job, and if he had an agent like Trigger or Champion, his name might be better known today.
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Zorro and Family - Fun and Entertaining, but it's definitely a sequel
mstomaso2 September 2007
The wonderful Catherine Zeta Jones and Antonio Banderas reprise their roles as Elena and Zorro and are joined by their characters' son Joaquin (Adrian Alonso) in this fast-paced adventure set at the time of California's incipient state-hood. Alejandro's heroism is destroying his family in more ways than one, and the very fabric of 19th century Californian society is also being challenged by a threat of organized terrorism. Zorro, his wife and child must all pool their resources to fight threats to their family and their homeland.

If this sounds like heavy stuff, don't be fooled, this is a lighter film, which feels a bit more like Shanghai Noon than the original Zorro. The stunt-work and sword-fighting are entertaining, over-the-top and not to be taken seriously.

Martin Campbell, who appears to have matured into a very competent studio director (despite some questionable early efforts) does a very nice job with the directing,and the cinematography and editing are fine. The acting is all good - across the board. And if you happen to rent the DVD, you will definitely enjoy the extras which are nearly as fun as the movie itself.

The film's greatest weakness is, not surprisingly, its script. Like most WGA scripts, the script comes across as having been written by committee, in an ad-hoc manner, and without much forethought or a central premise. The dialog is sometimes very weak, and the film is driven less by exposition and plot than audiovisual momentum. If not for the cinematography, acting talent, directing, and editing, this could have been a total wash-out.

Recommended for fans of the original who can keep their expectations in check, and light action fans.
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Spot the Goof
JamesHitchcock9 November 2005
Warning: Spoilers
The character of Zorro, as originally conceived, was a sort of Robin Hood of Spanish-ruled California, but this film updates the story to a setting more familiar to American audiences, the Old West. The year is 1850, the date of California's admission to the Union as a free state, something that has caused consternation in the slave states of the South. Zorro is still righting wrongs, fighting injustice and combating those Southern sympathisers who are attempting to sabotage the ballot on the State constitution. Zorro's activities, however, have not impressed his beautiful wife Elena, who thinks that he is neglecting her and their young son Joaquin. Elena divorces Zorro and gets engaged to an old flame, a French Count named Armand, despite the fact that he is an obvious cad. Indeed, Armand is something worse than a cad; he is a member of a ruthless secret society which already controls Europe and is attempting to destroy the United States. Armand is part of a conspiracy to produce nitroglycerine on his California estate and to ship it by train to the Confederate Army in the South who will use it in a surprise attack on Washington.

It is obvious from the above synopsis that this is not the sort of film that places a high premium on historical accuracy. One can amuse oneself while watching it by playing "spot the goof". There was no transcontinental railway joining California to the Eastern states until 1869. Although some in the Southern states were already discussing the possibility of secession in 1850, there was no Confederacy, and no Confederate Army, until 1861. Nitroglycerine did exist in 1850 (it had been discovered in 1846) but it was regarded as too dangerously unstable to be of any military value. We see Abraham Lincoln at the California statehood ceremonies, at a time when he would still have been working as a lawyer in Illinois. (The President at the time was Millard Fillmore). We see a map showing the twentieth-century political boundaries of the American states. The Catholic Church condones divorce and remarriage. The name "Armand" is occasionally pronounced as "Amande" (a feminine name in French). The Spanish word "constitucion" is seen misspelled in the English way as "constitution".

Much of this historical inaccuracy is probably deliberate. Even though none of the three leading actors are actually American, the film's politics are quite defiantly nationalistic; America's westward expansion into previously Mexican territory is presented as part of the march of freedom, and the fight against slavery is brought in as part of this general theme. (President Fillmore does not have the same standing as an icon of freedom as does Lincoln). The main villain is a decadent European aristocrat; ten years ago he would probably have been an Englishman, but the French now seem to have usurped Britain's Least Favoured Nation status in Hollywood. Another recent film, "The Brothers Grimm", also has a French villain; France's stance on the Iraq war may be to blame. The motto of Armand's secret society, "Orbis Unum" or "One World", may be a covert reference to the UN, an organisation which features in many American conspiracy theories. (This is not, incidentally, the first Hollywood film in recent years to project modern America's fears of foreign conspiracies back into the nineteenth century; there was a rather similar plot line in "Wild Wild West").

Despite its questionable politics, there are some enjoyable things about this film. Catherine Zeta Jones, one of the most beautiful actresses working in the cinema at present, has never looked lovelier than she did in the original Zorro film, "The Mask of Zorro", and her beauty has not diminished in the intervening seven years. Antonio Banderas makes a convincingly dashing action hero, ably assisted in his swashbuckling heroics by both Ms Jones herself and Adrian Alonso as Joaquin. This is a family-values thriller; as in "The Mummy Returns" the hero is helped in his struggle by his wife (played in both cases by a beautiful British brunette, Rachel Weisz in the earlier film) and their cheeky but lovable young son. The action sequences are generally well done, and there is an amusingly detestable comic villain in Nick Chinlund's McGivens. Nevertheless, the film often lacks the freshness and vitality of its predecessor. I hope that this sequel will be the last; any attempt at making this into a lengthy series would, I feel, be subject to the law of diminishing returns which normally afflicts such franchises. 6/10
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Antonio Banderas is appropriately magnificent as Zorro along with gorgeous heroine Catherine Zeta-Jones
ma-cortes28 April 2008
This inferior sequel is a lavish swashbuckler starred by Zorro, as a dashing masked avenger; again Banderas dons a black outfit and becomes the Zorro riding in the hoofprints. This is a zesty recounting of saga of legendary masked rider , though not as distinctive as previous entry, Zorro faces danger from marauding Pinkerton officials as well as corrupt villain. Rufus Sewell as an elegant French villain and leader of knights of Aragon. After numerous setbacks the hero and his lovely heroine, a wonderful Catherine Zeta-Jones, help the good people of California thwart the greedy schemes of a meanie who stands in the way of statehood for the territory. The nimble actor Banderas runs and jumps all over the images of this movie, as he deals with the oppressor with a breathtaking finale over a train and wreak havoc included.

In the first Zorro(1998) Antonio Banderas took a chance and jumped from comedy-action to costumed comedy-adventures; and this following he repeats relishing his secret identity with cape and sword; executing bounds and leaps, twists and climbs and throughly enjoys himself. A great casting and an unstopped action keep this picture moving at a rapid clip. Banderas made the character of Zorro his own and quickly established himself as a Latin legend. Antonio Banderas is terrific as the Zorro, well accompanied by ideal heroine, a beautiful Zeta-Jones. Nice secondary cast, such as Shuler Hensley, overacting outrageously as the villain, and repeating actors as Tony Amendola and Pedro Armendariz Jr. Furthermore, overwhelming swordplay and horse action and displays too much of everything. Evocative musical score by James Horner and colorful cinematography by Philippe Rousselot. Another version about this known character created by Johnston McCulley are the following : The mute classic adaptation ¨Mark of Zorro¨(1920, Fred Niblo, with Douglas Fairbanks), the classic ¨Mark of Zorro¨(1940, Robert Mamoulian with Tyrone Power), ¨The mask of Zorro¨(1998, Martin Campbell with Banderas) and European version ¨Zorro¨(1975, Duccio Tessari with Alain Delon).
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skip this and watch the Mask of Zorro on DVD
jsosne30 October 2005
I enjoyed the last movie, but was sorely disappointed by this film. The plot is ridiculous and the writing is weak. Some of the action sequences are great, but most of them are absurd. While some may enjoy the idea of a 10 year old boy in fight sequences, I thought it was silly. The movie's attempt at comedy came across as just plain goofy. There was just enough violence to ruin the movie for younger children (one child in the theater started crying). Anthony Hopkins lent the lat movie a touch of class that is lacking in this film. There may indeed be enough chemistry between the stars to warrant another movie, but the story and dialog made it impossible for me to enjoy to enjoy this film.
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A "bad" action movie.
MeloDee21 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Near the end of my film, my brother and I joked about how this film was a "good bad action movie." We consider "bad actions movies" as almost a sub-genre inside of action. Oh yes, they can be quite "fun", with pretty explosions and battles to boot, but they also contain a myriad of clichés.

The Legend of Zorro contains several ingredients that qualify it as a bad action movie, or even just an action movie in general;

A hero who's really awesome in hand-to-hand, gymnastics, and a variety of stunts (this time including with a whip) A sexy, butt-kicking heroine

The aforementioned pair's small son, who has an "attitude problem" and seems to think he's a hero (but he is, sort of) A guy who is utterly vile and cruel, simply for the sake of being utterly vile and cruel A classy, groomed main villain with an evil stare A plot of said main villain to destroy the U.S., kill the hero's son, AND steal the hero's wife at the same time A little plot twist thrown in to make us think the story actually is about more than that

So what are my opinions concerning each of these elements? The hero and heroine are fine. Their son? He was a total brat, but I liked him, and the kid playing the role could really act. I was even more impressed when I discovered he hadn't even been able to speak English when he was chosen to play in this movie!

As for the vile and cruel dude...yeah he was a little over the top. You know, how he can't seem to take a shower, grins to show his even filthier teeth, is racist, bears a cross-shaped scar and quotes scripture whilst talking about going about "The Lord's work?" The guy seems to love harassing Mexican farmers for no apparent reason, but hey, what the heck? We just needed somebody to hate, and Harrigan's there to satisfy our appetite to the fullest. I personally wasn't satisfied so much that I didn't stop to wonder why on earth the classy bad guy would have such a one in his employ.

The groomed antagonist with the malevolent stare played his role to near-perfection. His ploy to destroy the U.S. didn't really make sense to me, but then, he was French and all that so I guess maybe that was the script-writer's excuse?

Anyway, moving on. There's one thing about this film that you keep on wondering about even after it's over.

How the heck did Zorro get there?

Yeah, we know that a typical superhero cliché is that when there's trouble, somehow the superhero appears there. On closer examination of better and more mature films, we can note that the superhero didn't just "appear" there but rather followed a series of clues that led him to arrive to the scene of the crime just in the nick of time.

In this, however, you get the impression that either the script writer was just extremely lazy or Zorro's telepathic. The fact remains, that Zorro is NOT telepathic and therefore his timely interventions in the villain's evil plans are improbable.

Another improbable thing, is an antagonist, who by all accounts despite the whole hiring Harrigan thing seems pretty darned intelligent, deciding not to kill the protagonist when he has the chance. Instead, he leaves it to an unreliable henchman, without even staying behind to make sure the guy gets the job done. Come on, this is Zorro. What kind of idiot would do that? Additionally, even though Harrigan's unreliable and pretty much a psycho, he does something that's incredibly stupid even for him, which, of course result's in Zorro's easy escape.

Now here's the part I feel really, really proud of myself for noticing. Do you know how the bad guy invents nitroglycerin? Well it turns out, that as I suspected, nitroglycerin was invented 13 years AFTER California became a state. Oh, that's not that bad of a goof, but goofs can be quite culminating.

So what is my overall opinion of this film? I actually enjoyed the whole viewing experience quite a bit, and would even be willing to watch it again. Zorro and Elena's comedic arguments and unmistakable attraction were more than entertaining. However, I missed Anthony Hopkins, I missed having a good plot, I couldn't convince myself that that whip would've actually wrapped around anything and supported someone's weight, and if I'd had to pay for this movie, I would've felt cheated.
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Zorro is good, but the history is a mess
wombatdc12 August 2006
The people who wrote this should re-read their American history: they have butchered it. It is so bad, the movie makes no sense. They have combined Civil War (1861-1865) with California becoming a state--that never happened. California was a state way before the Civil War was a reality. They even have the wrong American flag when they signed the paper making California a state. There are so many mistakes that make this movie a total complete fiasco. Maybe the makers of the movie should have made this movie an 'alternate history' movie; even that would not save this movie. This movie was just horrible. As a movie, this tries to make Zorro a legend. He and his wife undergo a divorce and here reality takes a complete leap into unbelievability. Divorce did not exist back then as it does today. Divorced, his wife works for the Pinkertons as an undercover agent for the U.S. government. In reality, Pinkerton was a private detective agency and did not work for the U.S. government at this time; it only worked for the U.S. about 12 years later during the Civil War. Zorro exposes the nefarious plot, saves the day, and helps California to become a state. The railroad was not as big back then, and not big at all until after the Civil War when the Continental railroad system was made in the 1870's. Even using the Henry rifle in California was wrong. The stunts do not save this mess; even Antonio and Catherine were not able to save it. The original 'Mask of Zorro' was better than this mess.
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Solid family adventure film
Tigereyes3 November 2005
If you don't like Saturday morning cartoons, children's adventure movies, and silly fun, then don't bother seeing this film. Otherwise, you'll have a good time.

The filmmakers take major liberties with history, human behavior, and the laws of physics, but it really doesn't matter. They're not going for realism. They wanted to make a flamboyant PG-rated kids' movie and succeeded. The characters all behave pretty much the way they do in kids' movies, and the cast is obviously having far too much fun.

Adults expecting a grown-up swashbuckler will be disappointed, but the adventurous kid in me really enjoyed it.
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This is not a history lesson; this movie takes a lot of liberty with historical facts.
Movieguy_blogs_com3 November 2005
Antonio Banderas is back as Don Alejandro de la Vega (aka Zorro) in 'The Legend of Zorro'. But this time, the world has changed. California is no longer part of Mexico and is becoming a state of the Union. Zorro must do what he can to insure the safety and freedom of the people.

This is an action-packed film for the whole family. This is not a history lesson; this movie takes a lot of liberty with historical facts. Beyond that, it is a really fun movie. Granted, it is a little over the top with some of the action. But, I think that is more for the kids to enjoy. I would say it is a combination of 'Spy Kids' and 'The Musketeer' (not as over the top as 'The Musketeer').

I thought Adrian Alonso (Joaquin) did a particularly good job as Don Alejandro's son. I thought he was the same kid who played opposite Antonio Banderas in 'Four Rooms', but he is not. Nevertheless, he is really good. So is Rufus Sewell (Armand) as the villain. People may remember him from 'Dark City'.
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Zorro must prevent a French Count from destroying America.
jreda14 August 2014
Warning: Spoilers
The Legend of Zorro is a legend worth forgetting. It is drastically different from the first film in a bad way. There is no entertaining revenge plot in this film. The film has been dumbed down into a family friendly adventure. The cool chemistry between Antonio Bandares and Catherine Zeta Jones is severely lacking in this film. Instead of being passionate lovers, they are mostly depicted as bickering parents in order to serve the film's mediocre plot. This films plot is so silly by involving a French count trying to destroy the U.S. with explosive soap. Besides being stupid, the films plot is also historically inaccurate. I usually don't like to identify historical inaccuracies with movies set in history because it can be considered nitpicking. However, this film's plot is grossly inaccurate. For instance, there was no Confederate army in 1850 because there was no civil war then. While there are many bad points in this film, there are also a few good points. One of these good points is the films villain played by British actor Rufus Sewall. He is the mark of a true actor by being able to disappear into different characters, usually villains. He has the charm of a James Bond villain and definitely deserved to be in a better film playing a better character. Overall, this film is a drastic bore. If you want to see a good Zorro film, watch the superior Mask of Zorro.
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