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Silly, But Entertaining
claudio_carvalho8 July 2007
In Manhattan, Ashley Albright (Lindsay Lohan) is a lucky woman and very successful in the agency where she works. The clumsy Jake Hardin (Chris Pine) is an unlucky aspirant manager of the rock band McFly, who is unsuccessfully trying to contact the entrepreneur Damon Phillips (Faizon Love) to promote his band. When Ashley meets Jake in a masquerade party, they kiss each other, swapping her fortune with his bad luck.

"Just My Luck" is a very silly and predictable comedy, but also entertaining. Lindsay Lohan is charming and adorable as usual and shows a good chemistry with Chris Pine making this movie work. Further, the story has no villain and all the characters are nice. Forget the private life of Linday in the tabloids and enjoy 103 minutes of fun in this forgettable fell-good movie. My vote is six.

Title (Brazil): "Sorte no Amor" ("Luck in Love")
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Runs out of ideas, but not as bad as its rep
TheLittleSongbird5 June 2011
This is not the worst movie of 2006 as I have heard it often cited, Little Man and Date Movie are much worse. But it is no Pan's Labyrinth or Children of Men either, nor did it need to be. Instead it is a flawed but reasonably entertaining film. It is predictable in the story yes, it runs out of ideas at the end(didn't like the freeze frame for example) and the script and characters in a sense are clichéd. However, the film does look good with striking locations and fashions and the photography is above adequate. The soundtrack is bright and breezy, the pace is snappy and there are some amusing situations. Plus the entire cast are likable and do give it their all, while she has been better(ie. Mean Girls and Freaky Friday) Lindsay Lohan is very charming. All in all, not that bad in my opinion. 6/10 Bethany Cox
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not that bad
pepekwa11 January 2008
normally i would cross the street to avoid watching a lindsay lohan movie as gawking aside, i don't do teenage angst/silly comedy airhead films. However, I watched the first five minutes of this and stayed the course of the movie. While as pointed out, this wont win any awards, it has its quirky moments, which were rarely funny but were well choreographed and the whole bad luck/.good luck theme and the idea it can be switched was an interesting idea that was played out well in the film. Faizon Love stole the show as the always pressed for time moneybags record producer and it helped that the band could play and are musicians in their own right. All-in-all, i wont be buying the DVD but if you're stuck on a plane flight or just need to kill 90 odd minutes, this film serves its purpose.
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Not something I'd watch again, but I don't regret watching it
Smells_Like_Cheese12 September 2006
Seriously people, I thought that this was an honest, funny, and cute movie. The plot is a bit lame, of course, I mean what were you expecting from a Lindsay Lohan movie? But still, I thought that it was just a fun little flick to watch. I loved having fun with my friends when we watched it because we were coming up with ideas on how Lindsay and this guy could still be together and how they'd have to have a chart and take turns with the luck.

Maybe that's why I enjoyed it so much. But as a movie, yeah, it was a little lame. There were still a lot of funny and cute scenes, like when Lindsay looses her luck and she has to work as a janitor at her crush's old job. Her working in the high heels was so funny. I guess because I'm a girl and could relate to it. So, give this movie a chance, it really isn't that bad. If you are looking for it to be bad, than don't watch it.

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A Good Escape
brian09088820 May 2007
I thought it was a great escape from all the negativity. I laughed and smiled at parts. Sure, it was no blockbuster! But I don't think it was meant to be... it's a kind of feel-good flick that everyone ought to see once in a while. It was very romantic!

For those people who keep claiming that it was a lousy movie need to lighten up a bit. We all need a little bit of magic once in a while and the negativity kind of brings me down. Go see the film.. enjoy it.. it's shallow but it's fun. Don't try to take any hidden meaning out of it... but enjoy the simplicity.

Oh, and by the way, this is the only Lindsay Lohan movie that I thought was any good.

A 7/10
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It is a combination of 'Freaky Friday' and 'Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen', but not nearly as funny
Movieguy_blogs_com12 May 2006
In 'Just My Luck' Lindsay Lohan plays Ashley Albright, probably the luckiest person alive (hence the name). All she has to do is scratch a lotto ticket and she wins. But when fate comes knocking, she accidentally loses her winning streak to Jake Hardin (Chris Pine). What is Ashley to do when she falls in love with the guy who stole her luck? This is a cute teenage movie without a lot of substance. I think Lindsay's fans will like it, but I think this has very limited appeal. It is a combination of 'Freaky Friday' and 'Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen', but not nearly as funny.

It had a good message in the end, but who cares. The best part of the film was when Ashley takes a beating after losing her luck. She has to learn what life is like for the less fortunate. But I still would not recommend it.
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Good movie
GRIMMz1220 October 2020
Decent movie, 5/10 seems to be tooo harsh jeez people nit pick small little things. Good little romantic movie, story is decent definitely a one time watch.
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Very entertaining!
Gordon-112 October 2006
This film is about a lucky young woman having her fortunes turned upside down after a kiss with an unknown man. She has to reverse her bad luck by finding the guy she kissed.

The plot is predictable, but it is very entertaining to watch. My friends and I laughed many times during the film. The bad luck Lindsay Lohan experienced is a bit outrageous, but is in fact realistic, as each individual event could really happen in our every day life! Oh and the ending about the train time board gets me laughing so hard! Apart from the refreshingly entertaining script, I was pleasantly surprised by the fact that the film also addresses greed and sacrifice.

I definitely recommend this film for some light hearted entertainment!
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Great concept… Not so great movie
SameeMan13 August 2006
I like to call myself another victim of the magic of advertising. Once I saw the trailer of "Just My Luck", I thought it would be great. Since, I liked "How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days" by the same director, I thought this movie would be something like that. However, I was very wrong…

The main problem with this movie is its script, which is very immature and predictable. There's nothing new to see here and you can predict almost everything. I even guessed the ending of this movie as soon as I saw the scene where "Katy" and "Ashley" talk for the first time. If you are into movies, you will too...

If you overlook the silly script, then there comes the bad acting. What is wrong with Lindsey this time? She is totally overacting her part and the actresses who play as her two friends are not any better. It is as if they are doing roles of fairytale princesses. However, in my opinion, Cris Pine does his part well.

However, I am not saying that this movie is 100% garbage. It has two or three enjoyable scenes, but that's about it. In my opinion, "Just My Luck" has a great concept, if it was not for the childish script and bad acting this could have been a very entertaining comedy.
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Fun, sweet, screwball comedy about luck
quark1830 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I'm watching this movie in 2019 as a fan of Chris Pine, not Lindsay Lohan. I've never seen Lohan in anything before and I can't understand the bad reviews. Her performance here is fine, with the exception of the bacon scene where she doesn't look hungry, but doing multiple takes of eating scenes is hard on actors. Her bad reviews seem to coincide with her name appearing in the tabloids around that time. Considering recent news coming out about widespread abuse of children in Hollywood, I have a lot of empathy for child actors and would cut her a break.

Ashley (Lohan) is a very lucky young lady who does not think she is lucky. She just feels entitled to have everything go her way, from getting cabs to finding money. Until she loses her luck. There is a lesson here for those who wish to see it, but it's totally possible to watch this slapstick comedy without any serious reflection at all.

In contrast, Jake (Pine) is a very UNlucky young man for whom everything goes wrong and he cannot even cross the street from home to work without getting bird crap on him and nearly run over by a car. (The way that driver cursed at him is very New York.) Jake is almost too good to be true, maintaining a positive attitude and amazing persistence in the face of constant disaster. He is perfectly sweet to his young cousin Katie, who also has lousy luck. His constant bad fortune makes him empathize with others who are down on their luck. There is a lesson here, too, for those who wish to see it.

Ashley and Jake exchange luck with a kiss at a masquerade ball and there is another lesson here, in how much difference a little luck can make in a person's life. Luck can be the difference between a janitor job cleaning backed-up toilets and a wealthy life as the manager of a rock group (Jake). Luck can be the difference between that same disgusting janitor job and Vice President of a PR firm (Ashley) where throwing A-list parties is "work." Same person, same skills, same personality. Just different luck.

To Jake's credit, he remains sweet after his sudden good fortune. To Ashley's credit, she realizes that living a charmed life isn't much fun if the people she cares about do not share in it. And it is to both their credit that they voluntarily give the luck to someone who needs it even more than they do, the little Katie.

Okay, I understand that the filmmakers wanted to produce screwball physical comedy, but it was sometimes too contrived. That scene of Ashley dancing with the floor-polishing machine was funny but after losing all her shoes in her flooded apt, there's no way she'd have worn those ridiculous slippery heels to that job. Also, dropping her last contact lens into the litter pan might be bad luck, but picking it up and putting it back in her eye without rinsing it in disinfectant is plain stupid.

Not everything is based on luck. Jake's knowledge of music and his persistence are independent of luck. Ashley got her big break due to luck, but she was prepared enough to improvise a PR plan to a major client, given the unexpected opportunity.

Both Jake and Ashley learn to be better prepared about things in general, to leave less to luck.

That studio shared by Ashley's friends Maggie and Dana is much more realistic about housing in NYC than "Sex and the City," which is particularly referenced here.

It is interesting to see the contexts in which people say things like, "When one door closes, two others open" and "the wheel always spins back." They are said by people who have suffered misfortunes and are desperately hoping that things will improve.

I am in that situation right now. That must be why I keep watching this dvd, hoping that my luck will change. It is a fun, light comedy that can be watched and enjoyed many times.

It is fascinating that the careers of Mr Pine and Ms Lohan went in opposite directions after 2006, exactly as depicted in this movie. Eerie.

Chris Pine seems to really enjoy doing physical comedy. I did not know how good an acting job he did in this one until I tracked down a copy of "Confession," where he plays a very dark character, also convincingly. I think he would like to do more of those, too, instead of being cast mainly for his beautiful face.

The character Damon is really funny. I have no idea if bigshot music producers actually act like that, but I hope they do.

Finally, this film also works as an introduction to the real-life band McFly. What a fun idea, to make a film about a band where the musicians play key roles but do not have the burden of carrying the film. We can enjoy their music while spending most of the film watching the professional actors. The band's performance was fine. I picked up their album after watching this movie.
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no surprises, it's as bad as you expected
mitchum_unscented28 May 2006
Girl who takes her supernatural good luck for granted loses her mojo to unlucky but surprisingly cute loser. Of course you are wondering what happens next. Does she get it back? Does she learn a life lesson along the way? Do the two fall in love in the end?

This isn't even the kind of bad movie that you can enjoy watching for the humor of how bad it is. Those are the movies with amateur actors or plots that don't make sense because they ran out of money half way through. Or the ones where they try to do something innovative and are just weird. This is worse -- it's professionally bad. Everything is smooth and marginally professional and completely predictable, and painfully boring.

I saw this because there was a slight "not as bad as you expect" buzz, and now I'll admit I was suckered. This movie is so formulaic I doubt I'll even remember having seen it a year from now.
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Love the Distraction, too bad the movies is so hated.
bajan13k12 August 2006
To be honest, I didn't expect this movie to have been as hated as it seems to be. It seems to have a high number of both 10/10s and 1/10s... as if you either love it or hate it? Well, I loved the fact that the movie distracted me enough to relax and unwind for an hour and a half. I didn't think it was groundbreaking, so originally I was going to give it 9/10, but also, I though it was very straightforward and plot twists are usually important parts of dramas and romantic comedies.

The thing is, though; I've never expected romantic comedies to have very much story or be very heavy on plot. So, all I was looking for was something to occupy me... and I got it.

There's not much else to say, except that I really don't think the movie was so bad that it deserves a 1/10. When you consider the genre, it was fairly average. Plus, "blonde humor" is funny, and I think that's why the girl-who-was-lucky was so silly: she was really not accustomed to thinking critically, relying on her good luck (i.e. a very positive, problem-free environment) to provide a platform for her success.
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Just got lucky.
hitchcockthelegend4 November 2010
Just My Luck is directed by by Donald Petrie and written by I. Marlene King and Amy B. Harris. It stars Lindsay Lohan and Chris Pine. Plot sees Lohan as Ashley, the luckiest girl in New York, who after kissing Jake (Pine,) the unluckiest man in New York, loses her luck to him.

Yeah it's pretty thin as a concept goes, two people, one lucky, the other not so, meet and their fortunes drastically change. Cue much larkery as Lohan's it girl suffers wave after wave of accidents while Pine becomes a big mover in the music world after discovering Brit guitar band McFly. The cynical amongst us would say this is just an excuse to promote McFly in America, but if one sets expectation level at medium then Just My Luck has enough romantic comedy froth to not waste the time of the undemanding viewer. Pine and Lohan actually make for an adorable couple, but sadly the romance is under developed by the writers and the culmination of their coupling is badly rushed. The comedy set-pieces are handled well enough, while McFly themselves have enough boyish charm to not let the "hard sell" get annoying.

Far from breathing new life into yet another role reversal comedy, Just My Luck is still, thanks largely to its two leads, engaging enough while it lasts. 6/10
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Freaky Friday II The Return... or something like that
office127 May 2006
I was amazed that my eight year old daughter found this movie almost as silly as I did, and thats not a good thing. I went with my Mother (82) and my daughter (8) and wished I was somewhere else. I don't usually feel that way, I liked Chris Pine in the Princess Diaries II and I liked Lindsay Lohan in Freaky Friday, I watch several movies with my daughter that I actually enjoy. I had to walk out at one point due to the shear stupidity of the scene. I am not saying that the movie was a total loss, I gave it a 3 after all, there were some good scenes and some good chemistry between Chris and Lindsay but the writer, Director and whoever handled the editing should reconsider the material. I would hate to think that was the best they got during filming... One highlight was the band, they were pretty good as were the friends. Missi Pyle's talent was completely wasted as the "boss" leaving this movie as a Lindsay Lohan vehicle that crashed on the way to the audience.

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Are You Kidding Me?
CloudyNight21 May 2006
I saw this movie knowing that I would be disappointed...but when you're desperately bored anything can happen, even me losing my resolve not to see it.

The Acting: Now, its hard for me to say that "she didn't do all that well" when I'm not a professional actress myself, but...Lindsay Lohan (playing Ashley) didn't do all that well. She definitely overacted her part. I found her entirely fake, and she didn't seem very into the character, and she did not convince me of a single line. It was forced and her character was what many in the writing world would call a Mary-Sue. There were some moments that I could commend her on, but not so many that they blind me to her many, many mistakes. Pretty terrible job on her part.

Chris Pine (playing Jake), on the other hand, did quite a good job......in fact, I probably would have loved this movie because of him if not for-

The Script: Seriously, did I see the same movie that the director and actors saw the script for? The lines were completely and DISGUSTINGLY corny, and sounded horribly forced. They didn't come nearly as smoothly as they should have, and nothing seemed even remotely believable.

My biggest problem was with the script, but there were many factors that led me to give such a low rating: the stunting, the camera shots used, and especially the forced acting that I saw. I was not disappointed, not really, as I expected the movie to be far worse, but I was by no means happy with it.

A word of advice for Lohan, wherever she may be: You aren't a fairytale princess; take roles that will make you seem real, and not desperate to seem perfect.
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cute flick that got a much worse rap then it deserved.
triple87 January 2007
Warning: Spoilers

This wasn't a bad movie at all. I like movies with this type of premise and the movie itself made a cute watch. It's not going to land an Oscar but one could do worse then this.

Just because a movie maybe cutesy or unoriginal or predictable doesn't always mean it's bad. This movie happens to be all of the above but it still has a fun quality and that's probably because the two main leads are very likable and have enormous chemistry(way more then one would think in a movie like this). The initial meeting between them at the masquerade party was done well and had a touch of mystery. Later, when they strike up a friendship it is developed really well and seems believable. The transformations of each of them, when having luck and losing it, are interesting if painful. Plus you get to like both main characters and do kind of wonder how the movie will resolve as you want both characters to come out of it OK, with their luck intact. I will say I did like the way it was resolved.

I was occasionally reminded of both "Freaky Friday" and "Prelude to a kiss". Most of all, I think the movie worked because the two main characters were both likable and relateable. Who hasn't felt the highs and lows of these two at different points in one's life? I think this movie did pretty bad at the box office but I caught it by chance and didn't find it half bad though it's not a must see. But if one digs the premise and is a Lohan fan, they could do worse then to check this whimsical little flick out. My vote's 6.5
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Films with music stars keep getting poorer
sparkster2419 July 2006
Films have a poor reputation when they involve stars from the music industry (or should I say 'pop stars' as I categorically refuse to put Britney Spears and McFly in the same batch as the deity Bach and Wagner). Thus, I wasn't expecting much when I got up at a ridiculously early time so I could see the only showing Brighton Marina cinema had of Just My Luck with an audience consisting of 3 people (including me).

The storyline is predictably simple, Ashley (played by Lindsay Lohan) has good luck and Jake (played by Chris Pine) has bad luck. Ashley holds down a successful job although the audience is unaware of what job she is successful at. By contrast, Jake is head of a small-time band known as McFly. Ashley gets lucky (although what you mean by 'lucky' is key here, (see below,) by improvising for her company and landing a 'big-ball-date'. At this 'big ball', Ashley kisses Jake who has hijacked the ball as a professional dancer to try and get the prestigious Damon Phillips (played by Faizon Love) to look at his band. Via this kiss, Jake gains all of Ashley's luck and suddenly everything goes wrong for Ashley and everything goes right for Jake. McFly became famous and eventually are asked to play at a 'Hard Rock café'. After learning from a clairvoyant what has happened, Ashley tries looking for her luck doing random silly stuff including kissing all the professional dancers (which is probably why she took the role), eating someone's leftovers from an unhygienic cafe before, pivotally, falling for Jake. She eventually discovers Jake has 'stolen' (her words, not mine) her luck and she attempts to get it back from him. I shall stop at this point as I think to go any far would ruin the ending but, if the truth were told, it isn't anything to write home about.

I believe commentators have gone a little too far in categorising it as one of the worst films ever made and may want to ask themselves for what reason they believe it to be so poor. It may not be a particularly a good film, but this it is difficult to see how it could have been any better. May be one criticism of this film is its target audience. The target audience is rather narrow, there is nothing that will stimulate you and the jokes are rather immature and 'teeny-poppy'. If you like that sort of thing, you might be happy seeing this film… it was rather predictable from the outset what it was going to be like, Lindsay Lohan has too small a range to play to play any other character-types! So, we must accept that most people are going to be outside of its 'target audience'.

I was disappointed with the characters, though, Ashley was, paradoxically not entirely an alpha female. I'm not sure who or what Ashley was supposed to be and I don't think the actor knew either. This was demonstrated in her mediocre acting. It doesn't seem realistic that Jake fell in love naturally with Ashley for any reason other than pity. Am I wrong in thinking that most girls don't want to be pitied? I think what annoyed me most the lack of basic coherent structure. As already alluded to in earlier statements, I don't think this film defines what luck actually is and, as a result, there is no clear distinction between what is 'luck' and what is 'intelligence'. For example, if someone works very hard to achieve a degree and gains a first, one wonders whether it was gained through pure luck or intellect? In contrast, Lindsay gets her position because she sits in on other people's discussions (according to the film) and based on what she has learnt decides the best way of organising a ball. Her offer is accepted and she does very well within her company, is this plain luck or is that because she deserved it? Later in the film, even when she knows that she has overdone the washing powder, she still switches it on even though she does not know where the 'off' switch… I'm not sure what that has to do with luck. Similarly, when she tries to replace a lightbulb. What has this got to do with luck? The main point is that there is no 'depth' to this film. Here is a film looking for a theme and a structure. If it purports to be a comedy, I fail to see the joke. While it isn't the worst film you'd ever see you will probably come out feeling as dissatisfied as I did.
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Very funny
comediclead25 October 2006
This was so funny. I loved that Lindsay was the luckiest girl ever. She reminds me of me. But I just hated all the bad stuff that happened to her. All of those incidents. Her friends, Maggie and Dana (Samarie Armstrong and Bree Turner) were funny all the time. Although, it was hard to think that Lindsay had played a college graduate. She was only about 18 when she was filming it.

And Donald Petrie is a good director. I love How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days and Miss Congeniality. I'm glad Donald got the chance to direct Lindsay Lohan. I just wonder what this sequel will be like.

This is a great movie for friends to see with each other, too. Not really date movie but friend movie.
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Predictable, formulaic, and almost painful to watch.
SilvrRayz12 May 2006
Watching this movie was much like driving past a horrific trainwreck or five car pile-up on the freeway. You know you shouldn't be compelled to give it more than a passing glance, but for some reason you just can't tear your eyes away.

As with most romantic comedies, this plot is completely formulaic and predictable to the very end. The only real surprises are in the little things that make up the story. The script is achingly bad, it has the actors saying things that I'm sure were meant to be cute little one-liners, but it just comes out sounding dumb.

Missi Pyle, always a great addition to any comedy, was great in her small role. I felt myself wishing she had more appearances, it may have made the film more funny and easier to bear. Lindsay's performance was weak, and I blame this mostly on poor direction and not lack of talent. I feel like she is still not quite ready to carry an entire romantic comedy on her own. She would have been fine in one of the supporting roles, and I think Bree Turner would have been a much more suitable choice for Lindsay's lead role.

Suspension of disbelief is crucial to enjoying this movie in any way, shape, or form. Unfortunately, everybody knows that Lindsay was 18 when she made this film. It's extremely difficult to believe that Lindsay is a college graduate (they never say how recent, but one can only assume VERY recent) with a killer job at a top PR firm in Manhattan, and a chic fully furnished apartment in a very posh building with Sarah Jessica Parker as a nearby neighbor.

I realize that this is meant to be a popcorn flick and nothing worthy of an Oscar or anything other than a Kid's Choice or MTV Movie award, however most other fluff movies have better writing, acting, and direction than "Just My Luck". I'd much rather spend my time watching a ball of fluff like "Failure to Launch" than this movie. Thankfully I didn't have to pay to see it.
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Good for a movie night
Daughter_of_the_Valar3 February 2007
OK i saw this at the cinema and was a bit disappointed but recently saw it again on DVD and found it to be much better than i remembered. I admit on first viewing it's a little cheesy and annoying but on second viewing, it's actually quite good. I think it has to do with the fact of seeing it in the comfort of my own lounge room. I also found that i wasn't as judgmental or analytic. If you just sit back and watch the movie for what it is, you'll enjoy it more. Otherwise you're just going to give yourself an aneurysm over plot holes in the script and whether some scenes had any point. I reckon it should have been released straight to DVD but whatever.

Basically it's a fun, silly chick flick that relies a lot on physical comedy rather than wit. I'm more into witty comedy so it wasn't that funny for me but it was still amusing. I actually laughed quite a bit in one part that involves mud.

Chris Pine is really good as Jake, if it wasn't for him then the whole movie would have fallen apart in my opinion. Plus i'm a huge fan of McFly so i had something extra to enjoy ;)

In a nutshell...Just My Luck is really good for when you're having a movie night at someone's house and you want something cheery and simple to keep the mood light.
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A Nutshell Review: Just My Luck
DICK STEEL17 June 2006
The only Lindsay Lohan movie I had ever watched was Mean Girls (2004) on board a flight to Europe, and I thought it was a pretty entertaining chick flick. Herbie Fully Loaded somehow didn't appeal to me, so Just My Luck was next on the screens here. There's another little story too on how we picked this DVD in Petaling Jaya, KL, Malaysia, together with Scary Movie 4, and then donated it, but heck, that's another story for another day, and it really was just our luck that night of the purchase. Just My Luck tells the story of the crossing of fated paths between an incredibly lucky girl, and a totally unlucky guy. In typical boy-meets-girl fashion, these 2 individuals will meet, and re-meet each other again in make-believably coincidental situations, and find in each other, the sparks of love. The introduction was quite neat, as we get acquainted with Ashley Albright (Lindsay Lohan), the walking good luck charm, and Jake Hardin (Chris Pine), a walking disaster with a knapsack full of emergency supplies to help him tide through the day. One's a sassy PR consultant, the other a "bao-kar-liao" (takes care of everything) lowly worker at a bowler's, aspiring to make it big via his discovery of a Brit band, the McFlys. The couple meet anonymously at a masquerade ball, and a seemingly innocent kiss transfers all the luck on Ashley, to Chris. And so it follows that Ashley will try everything she can to get her luck back. Until her conscience starts to question just who might need the luck more. The reversal of roles story isn't really new, only the medium and method are different. Like recent movies The Shaggy Dog, and even Lohan's own Freaky Friday, are movies that belong to the same story genre. So the question is, does this one work? Given the good looking cast, it should appeal to the youngsters who are fans of Lohan, or are attracted to the good looks of Chris Pine. Their chemistry worked well off each other, and you can feel their respective surprise and frustration as their lifestyles differ drastically. There are plenty of situational comedy infused with a story like this, but most of them felt contrived. Towards the end, given that luck could swing the situation either way, some scenes seemed to be stuck in limbo way too long, waiting for that punchline to give it direction. Granted, being incredibly lucky already is stretching the plot a bit too thinly, so you'll be better off treating this movie like a childish fantasy. A typical date-safe movie enjoyable at certain points though, with the usual expected feel-good ending.
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Enjoyed this movie with a grin on my face
ssantanuberaa6 November 2018
Got a bad feeling when I saw other reviews here. This movie must deserve to be rated above 6.5. It's a fun story beautifully represented. Acting and plot is really good of all the actors and actresses. Watched the whole movie with a grin on my face.
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Simple & Sweet!
namashi_119 March 2015
'Just My Luck' is a simple & sweet rom-com, that passes of as a pleasant one-time watch.

'Just My Luck' Synopsis: Manhattanite Ashley is known to many as the luckiest woman around. After a chance encounter with a down-and-out young man, however, she realizes that she's swapped her fortune for his.

'Just My Luck' works due to its funny Screenplay & Lindsay Lohan's goofy performance. I. Marlene King & Amy B. Harris's Screenplay makes good use of its interesting premise, and many moments succeed in making you laugh. Of course, its not sharp, but for the genre it follows, its decently written. But its Lohan, who's responsible for the film's funniest bits. She's in good form, particularly in the comedic portions, not once going over-the-top. She also gets fine support from a nicely restrained Chris Pine, who manages to leave a mark, despite the fact, that this is Lohan's show.

On the whole, 'Just My Luck' isn't a bad way to spend a lazy Sunday afternoon.
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lohans second worst after confessions
brandon4512 May 2006
Warning: Spoilers
this movie simply was terrible. it wanted the viewers to laugh with it, but instead caused people to laugh at it. all of the actors horribly overact (the notable exceptions being chris pine, who is simply adequate and a band that just cant act at all) with lindsay lohan managing to be the most annoying character in the story. she is supposed to be a character who gets bad luck but....putting too much tide in the washer and just doing the wash anyways? throwing water on a hairdryer that it still plugged? changing a lightbulb when the switch is still turned on? these aren't examples of bad luck, they simply show how stupid and how little common sense lohan's character possesses. romantic comedies these days have gone downhill...lets hope that movies like just my luck don't become the staple of the genre.
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Funny movie but..
sanaamjaved16 March 2022
Its a nice rom com but there is a HUGE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN STUPID AND UNLUCKY.

The unlucky Lindsay is simply stupid.. not knowing basics of life is not being unlucky.
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