Island at War (TV Mini Series 2004) Poster


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A glimpse at life during the occupation of the Channel Islands
nancyldraper24 November 2018
A glimpse of what life may have looked like during the beginning of the German occupation of the Channel Islands. This is the third production I've watched about this subject, and I rank them in the following order, as to how they tell the stories of the occupation: ENEMY AT THE DOOR - 9 (a TV series, dated but superbly written and performed, deals with the wide variety of the war time conditions, struggles and stories, giving the more fullest understanding of the occupation); THE GUERNSEY LITERARY AND POTATO PEEL PIE SOCIETY - 10 (my favourite movie of 2018, fantastic cast, wonderful performances, well written and told from the point of view of a small group of islanders); ISLAND AT WAR - 7 (good cast, some favourite actors, good performances but rather rambling story telling that doesn't do full justice to the potential stories and feels as though the writer didn't know how to resolve the piece). So, I highly recommend sourcing out the first two (I found ENEMY on DVD at my Library, and GUERNSEY on Netflix) and, if you enjoy the work of Laurence Fox, Sam Heughan, Joanne Froggatt, Clare Holman and Owen Teale, I found this series on DVD at my Library, as well. {Historical Drama}
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Superb Acting; could've done without the nude scenes
thecrafts-6671018 March 2022
The acting here was superb! I'm not familiar with any of the actors but they were all first rate. The props, dress, cars and planes, were all period correct. And the island setting was wonderful.

I'm going to agree with another review and state that Philip Glenister's role of "The Baron" was excellent! I'm going to have to look up some of his other shows and films.

It was a bit graphic at times; mainly with female nudity and it would've been perfect (IMO) without them. But - the Brits have been doing full frontal nudity for decades; even on their tv shows.

After watching a few movies about the German occupation of the Channel Islands during WWII, I knew I had to watch this series. Spot on!
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Sympathy for Sexi Nazis
Danusha_Goska17 August 2009
"Island at War" is an odd duck – maybe more of a platypus, a hybrid creature. As far as production values go, there's nothing to complain of here. The cast is first rate, from the largest role to the smallest. The performances are very real and affecting. The WW II era Channel Islands setting – shops, costumes, cars, music – appears authentic and convincing.

There's a venerable tradition of the most gloriously unrealistic, star-crossed, soap opera romance during the World War Two era – the pinnacle of that cinematic tradition would have to be "Casablanca." And then there are the more gritty, relatively realistic films that depict World War Two for the hell it was – "Schindler's List," for example.

There are a couple of scenes in "Island at War" that are very hard to watch. In one, a drugged Englishwoman is handcuffed to a metal hospital bed. Her legs have been spread; she's exposed and defenseless to the worst assault imaginable. A Gestapo torturer stands over her, ready to do whatever he has to do to get her to cooperate.

On the other hand, "Island At War" contains several scenes more appropriate to a "Casablanca" style WWII romance. Here's the kicker – the male lead in this star-crossed romantic triangle is a high ranking Nazi commander, the leader of the invading forces. No attempt is made to make this Nazi a prisoner of his own conscience who hides secret resistance to the Nazi agenda and who will somehow acquit himself. Rather, he goes out of his way to state that experience has taught him that he could command his own men to shoot each other to death for no other reason than because he has told them to do so. Thus, he makes it clear that he has committed his share of empty mass murders for the Nazi cause. This Nazi, Rheingarten, is played in a most charismatic manner by Philip Glenister. Glenister's given several scenes to develop a sympathetic character. He strips off his Nazi uniform jacket and helps a common laborer erect a stone wall, offering warm paternal mentoring as he does so; he kisses the hand of Mrs. Dorr, the woman for whom he yearns, and is attentive to her in other ways; he sheds tears over a death. Rheingarten is depicted as nothing so much as the ideal husband and father: quietly rational, thoughtful, sentimental, careful of others' feelings, masterful when in command, and handy to have around the house. If this depiction of a Nazi does not rankle you, we need to start from scratch.

"I like this series. It doesn't present the stereotype of Nazis as killing machines," one viewer wrote. Perhaps this viewer has been brainwashed by Political Correctness, which insists that there is no such thing as truth, but, rather, only stereotypes and images. The truth is that the Nazis *were* killing machines. There were not only death camps like Auschwitz and Treblinka; there was also Nazi warfare that violated all civilized norms. I dare anyone who insists that nice guys dreamed up, and then deployed, the Einsatzgruppen, the gas vans, the murder of handicapped children, the Blitzkrieg in Poland. Watch documentary footage like "Triumph of the Will;" study archival photos of Nazis in action. Most were not, unlike Philip Glenister, handsome. Even those that were handsome have the look of hardened killers. Sure, Nazis could be charming; even Fania Fenellon, who survived Auschwitz, described Mengele as an always well-dressed, charming man. But superficial charm and immaculate clothing are not the same as goodness. Baron Rheingarten is depicted not just as handsome, not just as well dressed, not just as masterful, but also as fair and good, and that is something that the Nazis were not. Had they been, the between fifty and seventy million people killed during WW II might not have died. Some might argue that the Channel Islands occupation was different; Nazis were much nicer there. In fact, the Jews on the Channel Islands were rounded up by Nazis, with English collaboration, and murdered in Auschwitz. Unless I missed it, this is not mentioned in the series.

"Island at War" attempts to deal with the badness of Nazism by featuring good Nazis versus bad Nazis, sort of like good cop v. bad cop. Rheingarten is the good, and hot, Nazi. Walker is the bad one. Walker of course, also played by a handsome, charismatic actor, is also hot. Okay. History lesson learned.

Another odd feature of this series. If you came to it with no knowledge of World War Two, you might conclude that Nazism was a movement much like Robert Bly's "Men's Movement." It made men cry and beg women for romantic attention. The women all refuse, and the men become very frustrated. A good portion of the scenes in "Island at War" depicts attentive, love-starved Nazi men ever so timidly and politely begging English women for some sugar; the coy English flirts only tease them in return. Lieutenant Walker all but gets on his knees to Zelda, the English girl of his dreams, who rebuffs him with all the coldness of a dominatrix: "You repel me." This scene is a killer – Walker is the bad Nazi, and in this scene, you really want the writers to plumb the mysteries of evil. How could such a bad man love so purely? Can the love of a good woman save a bad man? There is no exploration of these themes. Like most other Island women, Zelda puts herself in compromising positions with a Nazi man, and then blows him off.

I'll say one thing for this series. After watching it years ago, I never forget Philip Glenister's performance. I studied it again when the series came out on DVD. He really is doing something special here, and one only wishes he had a better, more coherent, more integral role in which to work his mojo.
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Great Show!
kjack1629 May 2005
If you like good drama and shows about WWII, you will love this show. Every single actor is excellent and the romantic subplots are delicious. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for a sequel.

I've watched the show several times and each time have found new lines and facial expressions that add more to the characters and the plot.

I can only imagine what life on those lovely islands must have been like when occupied by the enemy but I think this show depicts it as good as possible. Yes, the Germans were "just people" until they did something to make the people realize that they WERE in control. To fraternize or not? How would I have acted in that situation. . . . Makes one think.
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joan-114 August 2004
An excellent drama, well acted and very entertaining. The actors have avoided the usual stereotypes often found in dramas concerning with war, portraying their characters as having different sides to them and not one dimensional human being.

Although it is, in some ways, unfair to single out any one performance I have to say that Philip Glenister and James Wilby have been particularly great. Two men on opposite sides, Philip Glenister's character appears strong and James Wilby's character would appear to be the weaker of the two.

However, they are probably more alike than either would care to admit. Two very compelling performances.

Congratulations to all those involved in this production, hope to see another series.
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michelecrosby6 May 2005
This was the best mini-series I have ever seen. I began watching in the middle of episode 2 after my husband kept saying "You should really see this." By episode 3 I was hooked. The storyline is very intense without being crude, graphic or gory. The setting is absolutely gorgeous. The acting and dialog are brilliant. Each character is multi-dimensional and well developed with credit due to the incredibly honest writing of Stephen Mallatratt and the skill of the actors in bringing that writing to life. I felt like I was there.

I never knew about the Nazi occupation of the Channel Islands until I saw this. There have been some complaints that the series is not historically accurate, but this is not meant to be a documentary; it is a fictional drama. A drama with teeth though - many of the characters wrestle with moral and ideological dilemmas that leave you thinking. It's also just plain fun.
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Absolutely Marvelous!!
laura1jane20 September 2004
I can't believe how anyone can critisise this excellent drama. It has been the highlight of my year as far as the television is concerned. ITV have done themselves proud considering the rubbish and repeats they usually churn out! The cast was superb with acclaimed actors such as Philip Glenister of 'Vanity Fair' and 'The other bolyn girl', Joanne Frogatt who has come along way since Coronation Street and Edward Fox's nephew Laurence Fox.

The settings, the backing music and the story lines all fitted together perfectly, i just hope ITV take on board the great amount of praise they have received for this drama and commission a second series!!
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Amytheruleroftheworld23 August 2004
I think that many people are being very cynical about this. i think nowadays people have the misconception that everything that they watch must be original and groundbreaking. Island at war is a nice wee drama, you don't have to think about what is happening it is all there in front of you. Do people really want to be watching things that stimulate the mind NO i think is the answer to that, especially not on a Sunday night. The acting was all of a very good quality and i have to say i feel it says a lot about the story as prestigious actors such as james wilby being in it. I think it also showed a true outlook on times in the Nazi occupied channel-islands, as it didn't make it seem ridiculously awful, it didn't make all the Germans seem like extremist nazi's it showed them as humans, also as much as people may not like to believe it but British women and German men did get together it was inevitable. Over all i thought that island at war was no masterpiece but it was very nice and easy watching of a Sunday and people shouldn't be so critical of it
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texmaderfelt3 May 2007
Warning: Spoilers
The heroes and heroines in this movie were often so grossly inept it was irritating to watch. Nevertheless, the paradox is that the series effectively builds enough suspense to inspire watching in spite of the bumbling actions of the Islanders.

It was near impossible to admire or like many of the characters in this series be they heroes, victims or villains. As expected the Germans were almost all villains in some form or another but the Islanders were for the most part bumbling idiots. The weak willed Senator is so incredibly senseless he actually convinces an equally senseless spy to turn himself in using an obviously half-baked scheme for cover. From the senile old grandmother who initially blows the spies cover to the friends and family who all too often take extraordinary risks to make casual contact with those in hiding, the Islander protagonists are a pathetic incompetent lot indeed. A real spy would have at best gagged or knocked unconscious his wailing partner and a competent mother and father would have assumed they were never free from prying eyes and ears.

The young German flyer evokes genuine sympathy while the rest of the Germans are clearly the bad guys. The Jewish girl, the Bobby and his wife are admirable. The rest of the Islanders I wouldn't trust to walk my dog.
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One of the best series EVER! What happened ??
catherinezoltan18 October 2015
I was crushed for no season 2!!! A great story unfolding human dilemma personal and social during civil unrest. Showcasing the inconvenient truths and critical decisions people are forced to make against their humanity in times of crisis. Far more intelligent and relevant than Downton's Abbey and many other series that have lasted through several seasons. The struggles with cross purposes and apposing goals, human reaction and emotion, was written and acted, cast, with perfection. This was way ahead of it's time. Worthy of Oscar winning seasons even today! You are led into the hearts and minds of every character and invited to fell in love with every one of them, just a little. Not a show you will be able to put out of your mind or forget.
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Disappointed Season 2 didn't happen
artist-862648 July 2020
I loved this series. I am so disappointed Season 2 and more did not happen. It left so much unresolved. This has happened with so many great series. In the future I am going to check to see if the series was finished or cancelled before I even start watching it. I would haven given it 10 stars if it had been finished even with the few complaints that some have brought up.
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Wish they made more seasons.
arcatt20 September 2020
It is not only a good series it is a fantastic History lesson, I had no idea the Germans conquered the Channel Islands and for most of the war they? didn't It is never too late to make more seasons. Too bad all the Actors have aged beyond it And what a cliff hanger they left us in Season one with the last episode. How cruel
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Appalling Misrepresentation
brother_unknown6 June 2006
Much is missing or misrepresented in this series. 1. How did the Germans land troops on the Islands? 2. Why do we never see the Mosleyites (British Fascists) who were there to greet the Germans arrival? 2b. Were there really no anti-Semites among the Islanders? 2c. Why do we never meet any of the French-speaking Islanders? 3. How come no one ever is seen listening to the radio (which every ear was glued to throughout the war)? 3b. Why did neither of the two boys who allegedly came to spy bring a radio with them? 4. How come we never see anyone fishing off the rocks or fishing from a dingy (neither of which was prevented by the occupying forces). Instead we are told the Islanders are desperate for tinned salmon.
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What a Disappointment - Don't Waste Your Time
mason_6125 November 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this on DVD , all 6 episodes over 3 nights. All I can say is , What a disappointment ! What a load of claptrap ! The previous comment from Paradox was spot on. A stumbling, bumbling bunch of Islanders, who could not get out of their own way. A couple of "spies" who were so pathetic, they make you laugh. A bunch of milksop women, mothers and daughters alike, who could not wait to get their pants off with Germans, just weeks after their father was machine-gunned to death by German planes.(The Germans were not all so bad after all, you understand) . Good acting performances by Glenister as the brooding Colonel, and Lt. Walker the Nazi, who gets the hots for a Jewish girl. What a pity a potentially good plot was ruined by the Movie business's ever urgent need to turn everything into a soap opera. The pity here is the terrible anger that must be felt by real Channel Islanders, who lived through the hell of the German occupation, to see it portrayed this way. Don't waste your time on this clunker. It was irritating and frustrating to watch.
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Island At War
rikkitiki2221 February 2005
Warning: Spoilers
What a great show? I loved the Zelda/Walker dynamic as well as the "ship" there. I know, a Jew and a German,but it could work if he chucked his Jewish reservations. I liked the subtle acting ,facial expressions of Colin Mullen(Walker) and Louisa Clein(Zelda/Hannah). When he tells her they're sending German Jews away,her eyes turns teary(For good reason). The music for the scenes and certain actors are just right and the writing for Zelda and Walker are good and snarky. SPOILERS COMING!! HEAD FOR THE HILLS!! HIDE THE KIDS!!! The ending sucked. Zelda ends up living an Anne Frank like life in her own "Secret Annex", Walker says he'll keep sniffing around till he finds her,Bernhardt and Angie are together but then what and the Wilf,Phil and Senator angle.Prison? And then? I'm going to write "War" fanfic and start an I-Petition for a second series.
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A Dramatization True to Events
alrodbel19 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
We watched this over three nights on Netflix in the U.S., knowing little about the actual history of the times portrayed. We went on Wikipedia to read up to the invasion to see whether the specifics, The Germans bombed the island since they were never told that England had withdrawn all forces, which was a de-facto surrender given they were the island's military.

We only read about the occupation after seeing the complete series, and learned that the depiction of the one Jewish women, was an accurate dramatization of how this group was treated - laws imposed reluctantly and not enforced etc.

There is a scene when the one one British spy was captured, and the German commandant said he must be executed to show the people that they mean business. In a similar light, that character had to be shown to be executed to represent the small number but reality of certain residents being killed for overt opposition.

This series seems to have captured the complex history of those five years with very little liberties taken. The writers deserve special praise for conveying reality with such deft story telling.
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Really got into the show but it got trashy at the end!
octoberose-700012 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
SPOILERS!! Not to mention how disappointed I was at the lack of a season 2! Makes me want to write my own fanfic during quarantine lol

As far as the series itself goes, I was always yelling at these characters! No don't open your door to the drunk German! What are you thinking?!?! You don't even like him you're just intrigued by how he could like you and maybe desperate but still! Ugh! And he's a creep! Also June deserved getting called a jerry bag. Bunch of empty headed females drawn to these evil yet strong males. Bunch of soap stuff. And the mother?! Don't even get me started. Ugh. Started out clean but then turned rotten. And the senators wife and the baron. Just no. I wouldn't be offering to sleep with you. Pretty much this entire series I was on pins and needles waiting for someone to get raped. I rooted for Angelique and Bernhardt of course. His character was believable and likable. The rest were despicable. Also wanted to slap the old lady for talking and Colin for leaving his sister and shooting the gun but that does make it interesting and more believable. So relieved when mrs Jonas didn't get raped. Overall the actors and characters DO have depth and the story plot does take some unexpected twists. I do like the series even if it isn't true and might use it for fanfic like I said. It was too cliffhangy. Now I'm frustrated.

Also if youre concerned about this show being clean, it is mostly at first, about the 5th episode everyone is having sex and there is back nudity of a female and a couple shown in bed. Also several quasi affairs. Basically everyone is either in sexual tension, playing cat and mouse or is caving by episode 5.
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Realistic. Well acted. Thoroughly enjoyable.
jagadeesan-0722727 December 2022
Unlike any other WWII drama I have seen, the Germans are portrayed as real people, caught up in a fog of misplaced patriotism in a war machine they do not understand. And the islanders act as real people might when ruled by a foreign power. Sometimes they cave, sometimes they resist. It all makes for gripping drama because you are always kept guessing about who will be true British patriots in the end.

I have read a little about the series. It is only one season because it was not well received in Britain. The Brits didn't like British girls falling for Germans. They want their heroes to be uncompromisingly gung-ho loyal. I prefer reality.

Some have said the ending leaves too much unresolved. I think it is just right. The show's makers are trying for really. How could the Brits win the war on the island when many years of struggle were left?
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josh_hhi17 September 2018
I found this to be a very intense and well acted series. The only reason I give it 8 stars is because it's only one season and it seemed to just be building momentum. It definitely leaves you wanting more. I wish Amazon or Netflix would pick up a 2nd season! Nonetheless it is still worth viewing even for just this one season.
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Why are there palm trees ?
allboyzokfarm16 January 2021
Why are there palm trees ? Will have to research this occupation. 1940 is early in the war.
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A beautiful series
debdshaw6021 July 2018
This is a beautifully told story that's so real. In today's world where evil is rearing it's head and democracy is in danger because those in power won't speak out against these same sentiments expressed by the Germans, it's an even more frightening story.

Many of the Germans terrorize the, particularly women, with violence and glee. It's shocking that a civilized people can turn into brutal animals. We are seeing the rise of this behavior again. Hopefully we can learn the lessons this series has to offer about strength and resistance in times of strife before we get to this point.
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avacuppa8 March 2020
I just found this show on Prime and have binge watched it was so good!! The story lines, the acting, all was excellent. I am so disappointed there was only one series made. I do not understand why it would not have carried on.
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If the islands were this corruptible, it's shameful
Siddhartha1424 December 2020
Sure, everyone was "human" at some level but if you can overlook what the Nazis did and adopt a "romantic" view of what happened in WWII, then it's pitiable. I can only hope that people were not as welcoming to the Germans as it's portrayed by this series. I truly hope this series is not truthful about the level of sympathizers among the islanders.
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No 2nd season
stevetek28 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I was sadly disappointed that after following this series for six episodes there was no 2nd season. Not even a wrap-up episode. Perhaps the budget was to high to continue or maybe the residents of the Isle of Mann got fed up with the disruption of filming.
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Very interesting and enlightening.....special effects knarly
BigBobFoonman28 April 2013
I'm halfway through this series on Netflix, and I am impressed. I never heard of the channel islands, and the fact that they were thoroughly English, and only 10 miles from Nazi French soil at the height of the Battle of Britain is a piece of history I have missed. This is a very unusual and interesting series.

I was pleased to see Joanna Froggart from "Downton Abbey". a very beautiful and talented actress, and the actress with the first name Saskia who plays Froggart's mother, is one of those heartbreakingly beautiful British actresses that eat cameras up.

Historically, the Nazis were SO bad, so incredibly evil and arrogant that it will never be politically incorrect to diss them anywhere, anytime, until, of course, American liberals decide to make it a sin to keep on dissing them. The Nazis in this series are chillingly demonic.

I liked the fact that CGI ME-109s and Stukas were shown in flybys, but as usual, the CGI boys know nothing of aircraft flight characteristics, and thus, the planes came in way too low and way too slow. Most of the explosions from the Stuka bombs were super chinzy, nowhere near as huge and destructive as a 500 lb bomb would be. This is a problem with CGI when they show combat flying and destruction---the planes look good--they just are not flying right---the flying parts are cartooney.

The Brits make great WWII movies---watch and enjoy---just admire the look of the aircraft depicted, and the look of the ladies in a great cast.
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