When a Man Falls (2007) Poster

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Editorial Reviews
demona_326 February 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Though marketed as a Sharon Stone thriller, this solemn chamber piece revolves around three men. One evening at work, Gary (Timothy Hutton in ever-present baseball cap) runs into night janitor Bill (Dylan Baker in over-sized spectacles). Gary and Travis (Pruitt Taylor Vince) used to tease Bill, a classical-music enthusiast, in high school. The encounter spurs Gary to reconnect with Travis, with whom he lost touch after the latter was involved in an automobile accident (for which he blames himself). Together, they drink and commiserate over their lonely lives; meanwhile, Gary's neglected wife, Karen (an uncharacteristically disheveled Stone), takes to sulking and shoplifting. Bill becomes preoccupied with his pretty neighbor, Sadie (Stacie Bono), and her abusive relationship (in his dreams, Bill saves Sadie from her attacker). A senseless tragedy forces these isolated individuals to face their fears once and for all. Originally known as When a Man Falls in the Forest, then When a Man Falls, the follow-up to Ryan Eslinger's Madness and Genius moves too slowly to generate suspense, while the characters lack sufficient development for their catharsis to have the desired impact. (An absence of personal touches, like portraits and mementos, contributes an air of artifice.) Despite their efforts, this leaves the actors stranded at times, particularly Baker, whose Bill is too bizarre to inspire much sympathy. Of the leads, Vince makes the best impression--would that Eslinger had concentrated more of the story on his character.
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An Interesting Film
Moviegoer20174 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
When A Man Falls is a unique film about a group of people not quite happy or comfortable in his/her own skin. The film focuses on a janitor with social anxiety, his former bullies; one of which is in a hopeless marriage, the other traumatized by a car accident from seven years prior to when the film takes place. Sharon Stone plays the unhappy wife who longs for youth and romance, Timothy Hutton is her husband Gary who consoles himself with wine, and Pruitt Taylor Vince is Gary's buddy, the one who had the accident. Dylann Baker plays the janitor. All actors do a wonderful job portraying the melancholic characters.
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Different but could have been better
bellino-angelo201415 December 2022
WHEN A MAN FALLS IN THE FOREST is a movie that in Italy and few other European countries was released in theaters but in the US was released straight to video. And although this statistic might mean it's a terrible movie, it wasn't. Now please don't assume I loved it, but I mildly liked it.

The film is about the interwined lives of a group of people that are not really happy despite the apparences. Karen Fields (Sharon Stone) is a woman frustrated of her life and her separated at home husband Gary (Timothy Hutton) wants desperately to find the joy of live while being addicted to alcohol. Bill (Dylan Baker) is a janitor that is afraid of meeting new people and is annoyed by a family with kids that moved near his apartment and Travis (Pruitt Taylor Vince) is a man that lives marked by a trauma.

I liked the performances. Stone and Hutton were fine at playing an estranged wife and husband that after a while are reunited with their daughter that came for a visit, and Baker was good at the janitor. My issue was that some of the actions of Travis didn't make a lot of sense and I really hoped that the lives of the characters would have hugely improved but the ending left it open. As it is, it's a decent drama about the lives of some people with their problems but nothing more.
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Disintegration of lives loosely connected
gradyharp16 February 2008
The original title of this bleak film - WHEN A MAN FALLS IN THE FOREST - was inexplicably shortened to the nebulous WHEN A MAN FALLS for the release of the DVD: had the original title been retained, the audience may have been given a clue as to the intended message of the story. This is the second film for 26-year old writer/director Ryan Eslinger and it does suggest that he wants to deal with some existential material, but he has a way to grow into how to make it happen.

The lives of three men and a woman are interconnected in the all too common shallow 'relationships' that are a major problem in how our society is working. Bill (Dylan Baker) is a night janitor in a large company, a man who shuts out the boring world with his earphones connected to the great opera classics: he avoids people including those who saunter past him and those whose chaotic lives in the next door apartment distress him. Gary Fields (Timothy Hutton) is a down and out professional man who works in the building that Bill nocturnally keeps tidy, the two 'old high school acquaintances' meeting only because Gary has taken to sleeping in the office. Gary's wife Karen (Sharon Stone, without makeup and looking spent and used) has lost all feeling for living, detests Gary, and finds her only joy is in shoplifting. Gary has shut himself off from old friends for reasons that seem to be related to an accident that involved is best friend Travis (Pruitt Taylor Vince), a man at odds with his own environment. The only apparent connection here is that, once Gary discovers that Bill is a night janitor, Gary and Travis feel guilty that their response to Bill in high school had been one of cruel ridicule. Each of the four main characters wanders aimlessly through a world that has become strange and vindictive and it is only a bizarre incident that throws the quartet into some semblance of meaning. Each person has fallen, but since they are in the midst of a lonely 'forest', has anyone noticed or cared? This could be a study in personal tragedy were it done better, but despite the fine credentials of the actors, the script is so full of holes that character development suffers and what results is not unlike watching an injured bull struggling around a bullfight ring as the crowd attends to the matador et al. Sadly we just don't care about these damaged people, making connection with the film next to impossible. Maybe next film...Grady Harp
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Excels in sophisticated subtleness
m_imdb-790-18719810 May 2011
This film is a dramatic look at the lives and relationships (or lack of relationships) of the four main characters. It is a thought provoking look into what can happen when we allow ourselves to dwell within our personal misery to the point that we can no longer connect to those around us. The acting, writing, cinematography and direction are excellent, and the film is riddled with beautifully captured moments of life to which so many people can relate. If you are looking for a shallow sexy thriller, see Basic Instinct or Sliver. But if you are someone who appreciates the simplistic intricacies of what makes up the soul of a person...this movie is an excellent choice for you. It is a mature film that doesn't lay the emphasis on effects and the usual circus but on the subtleties and realities of people standing in the middle of their lives.
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A third of it is all right
lhhung_himself4 February 2008
There are basically 3 different stories that interconnect, actually two major stories and one minor one but in any case only one of them is actually done decently.

The arc involving Bill the Shy guy isn't bad. He's a bit of a stereotype but is charming and the incidents are amusing, if not altogether original. It could have been developed a bit more but then again, it's all been done better elsewhere.

The other major arc is a mess. The major problem is that the Timothy Hutton character is way too charismatic and astute to alienate everyone as he had done. I couldn't fathom why Sharon Stone would want to leave him or why his son detests him. Another problem is the Stone character - we get very little clue about her motivations or problems. There is a hint of a tragedy that took place - but it is never really developed. By that I don't mean that it needs to be explicitly stated, but how it changed the characters was never brought out. And the conclusion - well let's say that it's not implausible only because none of this subplot makes sense anyway.

The final arc with Hutton's best friend is too short to add much. It seems like filler. Actually, everything but the Bill story seems like filler.

This is yet another of those "indie" films made for Sundance with all the trappings of that genre, the "quirky" (in the 70's it was zany - now it's quirky...) characters and situations and the acoustic Grey's Anatomy soundtrack. Unfortunately, there's little of substance or interest underneath.
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total waste
freaksexy7610 February 2008
i picked it out because of sharon stone, i knew it had to be at least up to par. i didn't have any idea that by the next 90 minutes later, that i would want to tear my own eyes out. it was so depressing that i was depressed before it was half way through. not but one time did it even make sense or connect any of the people in it. when it was on the shelf it sold me on a psychological thriller. wow thats so lieing. in my opinion it was one of the worst movies i have ever seen. and i thought i had seen a lot of substandard movies. this made no sense, everyone had a scene one after another of sleeping, on couch, on roofs. and they all were severely unhappy. not a single smile or hardly any words spoken from sharon stone in the 4 scenes from her. i can not believe she did this movie at all. she must have been dirt broke or something really awful. i don't recommend anyone see this or spend money on this junk.
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when a man falls
alifrog-124 February 2008
This movie is a complete waste of time. I have watched it and could not tell you what it was about. The cover of the movie is pure deception, it leads you to believe that it is a sit on the edge of your seat movie NOT. If you want to feel really depressed go ahead and watch it but leave the pills in the bathroom. 90 minutes of my life felt like a lifetime of head in bucket full of snakes.Sorry but just did not get it at all.Wanted a movie with some feel to it , all I felt was pain. I kept telling myself it will get better, but alas it never did. The only thing that saved the movie for me was that it finally ended. I was holding on looking for that spark that would tell You did not waste your money but that never happened.
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Worst movie I possibly have ever seen!!!
clje13324 June 2008
I can't believe I managed not to turn this movie off, when it immediately spiraled into deep, dark, depression, and never recovered. I love Sharon Stone and Timothy Hutton, but this movie is bad enough that it could end their careers. The plot, if you can call it that, goes nowhere fast. I kept waiting for more Sharon Stone, to enter the dark world the plot outlines, but details are sketchy at best. I forced myself to watch the entire thing, because I thought it could only get better, but I was wrong. It only gets worse, then when you realize you've just lost 86 minutes of your life you'll never get back, it's really disappointing. This movie is a total bummer, and a waste of time. If you're thinking of renting it, I wouldn't!!!
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very lucid dreaming
jamesgc-122 June 2008
I enjoyed this movie a lot. The opening scenes, focusing on shots of electrical leads unravelling, an alienated janitor, moving his hoover back & forth, show that this is the kinda of film which you may have to suspend judgement a little over what is happening and where it might be heading and perhaps look a little deeper at the symbolism. Inter-twining lives are not of course new but those of the three male leads, Bill, Gary & Travis & that of Karen are not so much connected by events but more by how they are dealing, or not dealing with, their various personal dilemmas & tragedies or just their own approaches to their lives. Beautifully shot, well acted & directed, this film has more than an air of surrealism & may be open to more interpretation of the dreams & realities & possibilities than perhaps you might think at first. Recommended.
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You try to get him up
sol121815 March 2010
Warning: Spoilers
***SPOILERS*** Slow moving and at times confusing melodrama involving a number of people with problems that never seem to end. Mosty because the persons who have them don't or can't seem to face them.

There's at first Bill, Dylan Baker, a janitor at a downtown high rise office building. Bill is so scared of everything that for some eight years on the job he never tried to get to know any of the people he works with. It was only by sheer accident that Garry Fields, Timothy Hotton, who works in the building as what looks like a housing or construction contractor finally sees Bill and recognizes him as someone he went to high-school with. Being the wimp that he was in high school that he is now Garry and his friends used to make life miserable for Bill back then and now feels very guilty for doing that.

It's one of his high school buddies Travis Gilmore, Pruitt Taylor Vince, whom he hasn't talked to in some four years that Garry gets in touch with to have a couple of drinks together with in the local bar and talk over good-or bad-times with. Travis as it turns out has been going through a personal hell after he hit and killed a young woman who ran a red light in front of him and has now become a mental case when it comes to being behind the wheel on a car! In fact Travis spends all his free time from work, as the manager of local 7-11, in bars drinking, until he could barley stand up, his troubles away.

As for Bill he's created a fantasy world for himself in him thinking that he's the knight in shinning amour for every damsel in distress in the neighborhood focusing on his next door neighbor Sadie, Stacie Bono, as the distressed damsel he's to rescue! It's Sadie who seems to be constantly being worked over by her abusive husband-David Paules-but in Bills unbalanced state of mind your not quite sure if what's happening to Sadie is real or just being imagined and conjured up by him!

We then come to what has to be the most whacked out person of the entire lot Garry's not all there in the head wife Karen, Sharon Stone. Karen who feels that her husband Garry is taking her for granted and spending more time or money on her wants out of her marriage and go on with far more important things in her life, when not working as a receptionist at brokerage house in town, like being a full-time kleptomaniac or shop lifter. This later in the movie has Karen finally being caught by a store detective at a swanky clothing store where she tried to sneak out with about a half dozen blouses stuffed under her dress! Things really start to fall apart when Garry and Karen's son Will, David Williams, shows up for a visit from his collage break and soon realizes what a terrible mess of a life his parents have gotten themselves into. This leads Karen to go completely off her nut where Garry tries to find peace and tranquility by finally having her put away for her own good before she ends up either hurting herself or anyone else.

***SPOILERS*** In the end Garry does in fact finds that elusive peace that he's been looking for during the entire movie in off all places a local hardware store when all his troubles abruptly and unexpectedly ended in a flash. In like what happened in the Bible to Lot's wife when she, in her not listening to her husband, was in an instant converted from being a living breathing flesh and blood human being into a pillar of lifeless salt!
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a new low water mark
michael01002 February 2008
The movie that will make all others shine. American Pie becomes an epic artistic accomplishment in comparison. To its credit, somehow it does manage to out-bore watching paint dry, out depress tax return season, and generally is the only movie i can think of that's worse than an hour and a half with your dentist.

This must be the worst movie ever made. 1.5 hours of your life are stolen from you with zero interest, humor, plot, story, emotion, or even drab dialog given back in return. How could they make a movie about nothing and just keep going sideways, on and on. I kept waiting for something to happen; a redemption that brilliantly ties it all together. Something to make it worthwhile. Surely the boring, depressing nothingness is like the start of Bolero, that we need hang in there to be amazed with some forthcoming stroke of brilliance tying it together? don't hold your breath, there's no crescendo in this one, the entire movie doesn't rise above a sad whimper.
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mcguiness-fiona11 May 2008
This would have to be the worst movie I have ever seen. I kept hanging on thinking that something would happen or something would make sense eventually or something would fall into place or something - anything - - but no. I could not work out the meaning of this movie - was there a meaning to this movie? Maybe it was just about the pointlessness of life....whatever, I thought of topping myself - fortunately the movie ended. This movie is depressing and pointless. I just wish I had turned it off after the first half hour when I still had enough good sense to know that I was going to regret leaving it on. Forever hopeful I thought something might happen - I live and learn.
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What the...
pedroo-110 November 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I still can't believe I've spent 90 minutes of my life watching the same thing on and on again, waiting for something to happen. Turns out it doesn't happen, it's the most boring movie I've ever seen. I thought of sleeping at 45: but I thought it WAS gonna get better, and I was repeating that to myself all the time... but hell no, the same crazy indie story all again. Sucks. And WHAT THE HELL is wrong with the Sharon Stone character? She seems like a robot without any emotion, distorting every world from reality, couldn't stand it at all. Weirdest thing is that in Brazil the dubbing for the movie is called "Autodestruction". How's that for strange.
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Worst movie I have ever seen, and I've seen a lot of bad movies
hiei22911 July 2019
So 1, the description on the box calls this movie a psychological thriller. That is the biggest lie I have ever seen.

It's boring. Nothing happens in this movie. I didn't care for any of the subplots. I was honestly happy when the major scene happens with Gary. Nothing in this movie makes you care what happens to its characters. Huge waste of time
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It's the sound this movie makes while watching it.
scarletpumpernickel13 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I too chose to watch because of Sharon Stone. And, as things started out, I was all geared up to applaud her sensitivitve side.., perhaps overestimating her input, since she was the producer and all. But by the end.., after seeing that there was never really going to be any kind of artistic payoff at all.., I'm sadly relegating this film to the category of efforts at poignant insight.. made by people who want to be seen as sensitive and perceptive about the mundane lives of the "little people".., but don't really have the capacity to be either. In other words, the film was (ironically) rather forced, like lucid dreaming.. or her virtually inexplicable, celebrity smiles (painful to watch).., and therefore lacking all semblance of reality.

Let's say...... I see Sharon Stone's next (equally shallow) creative challenge as perhaps being a remake of Black Like Me. It seemed that her only lines that had any ring of authenticity was the brief, semi-coherent whining about losing her youthful good looks. Oh..., the word I've been looking for.. to describe this style of cinematic pretending is "slumming".

At least, early on.. when the hand shadows morph into the classic triple 6 sign, we're tipped off that it's your basic Masonic film.., and even if the movie's a dud, one can always spend the time trying to spot the transgenders. cheers!!
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A Mature look at the disillusionment of midlife
thorbart26 January 2010
I don't think young people will appreciate this movie

though us older folk will understand the doldrums middle age can fall into this movie does that state justice with a good example of that proverb "be careful of what you wish for"

Sharon is not the total beauty you are used to but not hard on the eyes either ... Tim does a bit of a supposed spontaneous phone call that is a bit on the too good to be spontaneous side but doesn't detract from the essence of the theme and growth of the storyline.

to anyone who understands this state of depression and disillusion some aspects are a bit obvious but the story still does its job as a tear jerker of sorts.
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Surprisingly "arty"
notprivatepress11 October 2008
A decent film, but be in the mood for some introspection. Sharon Stone is great because, well, she's Sharon Stone. You always get the feeling she's just about ready to snap a full on crazy - but that kinda IS what is interesting about Sharon Stone. Sort of a female Jack Nicholson, but hotter in heels and a skirt.

The movie gives a snapshot of how we can all get lost in drudgery and mundane life. So don't view when you're really depressed. The film does a nice job with symbolism and there's an incident that unites the characters and pulls the story together. Good film to watch on a chilly night with some cocoa and buddy so you can have the discussion about how you feel SO much better about YOUR life and would NEVER slide into one of the character's way of life.

I'd give it a B-
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nogodnomasters26 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This is a film for those who like an indie character study.

Gary (Timothy Hutton) works late at night. He may lose his job and go to jail, although he doesn't discuss the matter with his friend or wife. He drinks and take sleeping pills to help him escape life.

Karen (Sharon Stone) is married to Gary. She has passed the "let's talk about the relationship" stage and wants to live a separate life. She is depressed about getting old and losing her looks. She resorts to shop lifting to escape boredom.

Bill (Dylan Baker) is the night time janitor. He went to school with Gary and Travis and is a recluse who attempts to live his life in a world of lucid dreaming. His apartment building doesn't afford him that luxury as he is forced to interact with the world.

Travis (Pruitt Taylor Vince) is Gary's old friend. They have recently got back together. Travis likewise is a semi-recluse since his wife died in a car accident.

Sadie (Stacie Bono) is Bill's neighbor who gets into loud fights with her husband. She attempt to makes friends with Bill, who can only fantasize about her.

Will (David Wiliams) is the son of Gary and Karen. We find out about him about two thirds through the story.

The movie is about how people's lives get into ruts that spiral downwards. These downward spirals are connected to each other. In order to break out of it, a drastic measure is required. Acting was good, but this is not a film most people would want to watch. It is a "people watcher" film.

No F-bombs, sex, or nudity.
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Utterly Amazing!
dramaqueen757512 September 2007
I saw this movie at the SXSW Film Festival. I went in with high expectations, and this film did not disappoint. I am a huge fan of a screenplay with characters that are somehow interconnected. It doesn't hurt when these characters are played by some of the most gifted actors in the business today. Dylan Baker, Timothy Hutton, Pruitt Taylor Vince and Sharon Stone-- you really can't get much better that that. Not only is this movie entertaining, it really makes you think. After the movie received a standing ovation from the audience, I walked out thinking about the movie and honestly didn't stop thinking about it for about a week! I can not wait until this film comes out on DVD. I recommend WHEN A MAN FALLS IN THE FOREST to everyone!
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Artistic Tedium and Paradox
gracelight189 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
The problem with making a movie about life feeling tedious is that if it is a good film it will feel tedious and if it is a bad film it will feel tedious...Although artistic merit is quite evident in this film, its unfortunate choice of subject matter left me as numb as the characters and like the characters, the only relief came in the ending of the film and also like the characters, by that point I did not care what form the ending took, as long as it was over. That may have been the point, but that is not why I watch movies. I wanted to like the film, the acting was great, but there just wasn't one single redeeming moment or any relief at all from the constant droning monotony of these character's horrible, boring, pointless lives. Again, that may have been the point, but people watch movies to get away from that, not submerse themselves, no, ever so slowly drown themselves in the thick viscosity of utter boredom and meaninglessness. A nap would have been better (another point literally and ironically made in the film).
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If a flea crawls
buttyfrench26 May 2008
Warning: Spoilers

Despite cameos from Ray Liotta and Ransom Monroe, nothing gives this film the kick it needs. When the Sharon Stone character shoplifts the gloves, towels, guns, and diamonds, we are led to believe that she is the one abusing the girl next door to Bill. It turns out that she is not the one. Two or three scenes are stolen from The Big Chill, directly. At least twice, clocks are shown in the background showing different times. Sharon Stone looks good for an actress who is over 70 years of age and really is hot. Dylan Baker is underrated for an actor that can play a good weirdo. I knew a guy in high school who was weird like him so we picked on him until he snapped like the Bill in the movie. I was eating a taco while watching this and I had the feeling that someone else was watching me eat the taco, and, watch the movie. Then, I realized that someone could be watching the person that is watching me eating the taco and watching the movie. These random thoughts made watching the movie infinitely more interesting.
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