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Script, Cast, Performances, Chemistry = A Great Romantic Comedy
Instant_Palmer21 March 2021
Producers Judd Apatow and Shauna Robertson gave Jason Segel the chance of a lifetime to write and star in a film that ended up packed with comedic acting talent. The supporting ensemble cast and four leads (Segel, Bell, Kunis and Brand) perform Segel's script with synergistic perfection, generating a chemistry that is contagious to the audience.

Fate sometimes produces great opportunities... The part of Aldous Snow was written by Segal based on his friend, actor Charlie Hunnam. Charlie was cast in the role, but he quit at the first table read, paving the way for Russell Brand's big break (which he did not waste, making the character an iconic role-of-a-lifetime for the actor/comedian).

Each of the four lead actors shines in the spotlight - Kunis and Bell both look stunning and connect well with the parts and audience. Segel and Brand pull off their numerous laugh-out-loud funny scenes with subtle perfection. All four seem born to play the parts.

My favorite Apatow film, 'Forgetting Sarah Marshall' combines a great script with perfect casting, across the board great acting performances, and uniquely effective direction by Nicholas Stoller. The result is a deserved 8+ IMDb Rating, as this film is one of the very best romantic comedies of the 2010's.
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Funny and sweet without seeming too formulaic
joestank1513 November 2008
Forgetting Sarah Marshall - A slacker composer Peter (Jason Segel from "Knocked Up") has a breakdown after his girlfriend Sarah (Kristen Bell of "Heroes"), the star of a hit TV show, dumps him for a British pop star. Peter goes to Hawaii to try and forget about Sarah, which proves to be a poor choice when he finds Sarah is not only in Hawaii, but they are staying at the same hotel. Paul Rudd, Bill Hader, Jonah Hill and Mila Kunis co-star.

This was a funny movie! It's a more mature than your average comedy. It survives comedically without leeching off too many other bits of pop culture, unlike Knocked Up. There is the exception of some funny spoofs of CSI and Ghost Whisperer, two fatted calfs rip for killing. Everyone is allowed to be funny, even the women, and they are. I enjoyed the occasional "Scrubs" style cut-aways which were frequently funny. The best one has to be the week Peter spent in the same pair of sweat pants.

This was a lucky stroke from from first time director Nicholas Stoller and first time writer (in addition to lead actor) Jason Segel. I hate making comparisons to other actors, but I kept thinking of Judge Reinhold when I saw Segel. Not that that's a strike against him.

Segel is a fresh face in the comedy genre, and is adept at playing sympathetic slacker and funny man in one. Kirsten Bell acts much better in this than Heroes, and it's a nice change of pace to not recognize Paul Rudd in appearance and character immediately. Bill Hader is funny as always. What really comes across in this film is that everyone, even Sarah Marshall, seems like a 3-dimensional character. Hopefully the days in comedies when people are bitchy or vile just for the hell of it are gone. Even the shallow pop star Aldous Snow (Russell Brand), who is the rival to Peter, is likable. There's no animosity between the two men. It's nice to have a comedy where we don't have to demonize anyone.

It's a cute film, sometimes hilarious, but the first half is definitely funnier than the second half. I might pick it up on DVD sometime.

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Same Apatow clan, slightly different take.
Cognition7 February 2008
This film was shown at my university tonight and Stoller was there for a Q&A after the screening. The film was the typical Apatow romp that we have seen as of late (Superbad, Knocked up, etc.). There was the usual crude and creative humor as well inappropriate sexuality to make another great Apatow team production. People should not come in with the expectation that this is another romantic comedy reincarnation of "Knocked Up". This is more of a typical and organic romantic comedy. The heavy emotional weight and issues in "Knocked up" are not present in "Forgetting Sarah Marshall". The casting and comedic pacing was done very well and though it may not be a cinematic heavy hitter, it was very good for a directing debut and it was what movies all strive to be, entertaining.
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A miraculous movie!
rzajac16 January 2009
I normally do not go out for sappy, romantic roller coaster romantic fare; and Forgetting Sarah Marshall (FSM) pretty much falls under the romantic "date flick" rubric.

And I can't, for the life of me, quite figure out why I liked this so much. I guess the filmmakers succeed in making the welter of comic bits, scenes, and images come across like genuine romantic sweet chaos. How they succeeded is beyond my comprehension.

And maybe that's the point. Some films are good, some are bad, and some are sort of like miracles. Their power is inexplicable; and that's how FSM felt to me.

It was boffo, a bit over-the-top, a tad muddled, a mix of character study, revelation, and farce. And, as things unfolded, by dint of pacing and sheer comic/character acting power, I came to really care about the characters; and I loved it! I glowed through most of FSM.

Here's a way of looking at it: FSM was sort of like Shakespearean romantic farce. Maybe that explains why I liked it; because my mind already has a little engine for processing this kind of narrative stuff, built up from past experiences watching Shakespeare In The Park!

It also comes down to artistic sincerity. Most romance flicks are a little insulting because they're not sincere. There was something, in the end, believable and therefore redeeming about the characters and their silly little Hawaiian comedy of errors and feints.

And that's a miracle, in my book! This is not an ordinary date flick.
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A romantic comedy that is actually funny? Wow, I didn't think those existed any more
Smells_Like_Cheese21 April 2008
Forgetting Sarah Marshall, definitely the biggest movie that everyone was looking forward to seeing this year. Apatow has had nothing but big success with his comedies: 40-year-old Virgin, Knocked Up, Superbad, Walk Hard, and now Forgetting Sarah Marshall, their next big hit. Also Jason Segal's first major script brought to life, I have to say he's got talent, the reason I say that? These characters... they're likable! Not only are the likable, they are real and people you could relate too! For example, Sarah Marshall's new boyfriend that she broke up with Peter for, yeah, he's a little bit of a moron, but you know what? You could understand why people liked him, he was pretty cool, even the girlfriend, Sarah, yeah, she was a jerk, but so real and also you don't get too mad at her with her reason on why she fell out of love with Peter. Forgetting Sarah Marshall has great laughs and a fun story.

Sarah Marshall: hot actress, beautiful, and a fun person, just broke up with her musician boyfriend, Peter. He's just heartbroken and needs to get away for a while, so he goes to Hawaii, but guess what? Sarah is there with her new rock star boyfriend, Aldous Snow, and things are not seeming to go his way. But when he meets Rachel Jenson, the nice and really pretty hotel clerk, they go out and he ends up realizing that maybe this break up wasn't such a big deal after all.

Forgetting Sarah Marshall is a funny movie, I guarantee you are going to laugh. I do have one complaint, the male nudity, now it's not that I'm a prude at all, just this was more uncomfortable than funny with Jason exposing all his assets. I don't know, just that type of humor isn't funny with me, male or female, just depending on the joke, but this was more awkward. But I do think this is a fun movie, it has a great story and really makes you laugh and just have a good time with these characters, it's a good recommendation from me.

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Surprise Solid Comedy
unscripted119 March 2008
I often go see advance screenings in my area, especially now that I must officially be on "the list" as I am constantly finding tickets in my work inbox. This was the second Apatow production I've seen in advance and just like "Superbad", this did not disappoint. At the same time, while many of the cast members may be recognizable, there seems to be something different about this installment than I've seen in the likes of "40 Year Old Virgin", "Superbad", or "Knocked Up".

For starters, there was a definite presence of the "TV actors on the big screen" theme here, but I am pleased to report that Jason Segel, Kristen Bell, and Mila Kunis take to movies like naturals. Like many Apatow productions, Segel penned the script and takes over as lead Peter Bretter, proving yet again that with this crew the writer is best suited for the leading role. Segel delivers a character we all know too well from our own personal experiences and never breaks role from the shocking beginning to appropriate ending. I even give Segel extra credit for not completely victimizing his character and pointing out apparent flaws on both ends of the ending relationship.

Kristen Bell plays Sarah Marshall, the iconic ex of the film, but her role sits on the back burner along with the truly hilarious Aldous Snow (Russell Brand) to make way for a leading role in Mila Kunis. From the beginning it is clear that her not-too-smart and shallow role of "That 70s Show" didn't follow her to "Forgetting"'s script. Kunis plays Racheal, a hospitality girl for the hotel that "Forgetting" takes place, and subsequently deals with Peter as he tries to get over Sarah Marshall. Her character is intelligent, charismatic, and appreciative of the good in people, a strong juxtaposition to the seemingly selfish starlet Sarah Marshall. Kunis owns the role with pride, even slipping in gestures and glances that didn't seem to initially be in the script. Hopefully this will open her up for more serious roles than "American Psycho 2" and the typecasting that often happens with TV actresses like her.

The star of the film, in my opinion, easily has to be Russell Brand, who plays the over-conscious over-sexed rock star Aldous Snow. Snow adds the necessary level of comedy that could have been missing from what is truly a tragic plot. About halfway in the film, I couldn't help but snicker to myself just with the presence that Brand creates (complete with perfect costume choices). The only downfall to a character who is truly the Mercutio of this tragedy is that Brand clearly overshadows Bell's performance as Sarah Marshall, who is ironically the most forgettable character of the film.

The writing flows with well-timed jokes, apathetic digs, and shocking vulgar humor. There is even a few moments where you feel Segel was digging on the cast with jokes involving crime dramas (Segel did time on "CSI") and TV actresses in horrible horror movies (Kunis did the atrocious "American Psycho 2"); not sure if it was intentional, but I caught what I thought was a reference. Just as with most Apatow productions, leave the kids at home. Unlike the rest, however, the crude humor doesn't overflow and turn off most audiences (like I noticed with "Superbad"). It also doesn't get very heavy in the least (which is what I felt hurt "Knocked Up"). I think Apatow has found a great balance with this production and Segel's script. I also want to give credit to Nicholas Stoller , who proved that he can be successful as a director after the hit he took from helping write "Fun with Dick and Jane".

All in all, this comedy is just another example of a good time for adults. It keeps a consistently flowing script, unlike many recent comedies that seem to lose pace as they close the story. While crude, the jokes are just light enough to appease most adult audiences and the short 100 minute run time will ensure you won't be glancing at your watch waiting for it to end, just laughing hysterically.
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A Nice and entertaining Rom-Com!!
sauravjoshi8521 January 2024
Forgetting Sarah Marshall is a romantic comedy film directed by Nicholas Stoller. The film stars Jason Segel, Kristen Bell, Mila Kunis and Russell Brand.

After his break-up with Sarah, Peter Bretter decides to go for a Hawaiian on a vacation where he is shocked to see that Sarah has checked in at the same resort as his.

Forgetting Sarah Marshall is the typical type of love stories with a predictable plot, a predictable execution and predictable climax but you'll still love to watch this film and the film also entertains.

The best part of the film is probably it's cast and superb dialogues who makes this otherwise a predictable film a fun film to watch. The film has it's own funny, sad and romantic moments with a pinch of humor at regular intervals.

As far as acting is concerned all the characters were impressive in the film and did a fantastic job be it Segel, Bell, Kunis, Brand or Jonah Hill. Paul Rudd looked little disconnected.

Screenplay of the film is good and climax is equally good. If you like Rom-Coms then you'll surely love this film. A must watch.
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Apatow's Crew Sets the Comedy Bar for Hollywood
roset367827 March 2008
I'm going to be honest, walking into the advanced screening tonight I was expecting an overly chick flicky somewhat dull comedy. What I got instead was a pretty hilarious movie with just the right amount of romance and a whole lot of vulgar comedy also. I can honestly say this is the funniest movie of 2008 so far. The entire Judd Apatow crew has overall had about 4 or five great comedies in the last 3 years, putting them up with all the other great comedy film makers since 2005. This movie makes me feel like I can now trust any movie they make most the time. When this movie hits theatres in April, GO SEE IT. I promise you won't find a funnier movie out any time soon.
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Not a disaster, not a masterpiece
seawalker5 June 2008
I have thus far been nearly immune to the talents of Judd Apatow and his merry band of funmeisters. I have never seen "Knocked Up" or "Superbad" or "Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby". No doubt one day I will. I have seen "The 40 Year Old Virgin" and "Anchorman: The Legend Of Ron Burgundy" on TV and found them... well... OK, I suppose. Not really my cup of tea, but nothing awful enough to make me want to change the channel.

I went to see "Forgetting Sarah Marshall" last Monday. So, why exactly did I bother to see it, when everything in the press has pointed out that it is exactly the same as every other Judd Apatow produced movie?

Frankly, nowt else on at the cinema that I could be bothered with. (Indy? "Sex And The City"? Thank you, but No.)

"Forgetting Sarah Marshall" again, is OK. Really it is. OK is good and better than not OK. Not a disaster, not a masterpiece, but OK and alright, and it does the job it sets out to do. Funny in parts, grossly rude in others. Some nice performances from Jason Segel, Kristen Bell and the UK's very own Russell Brand. Interesting to read that Russell Brand is generally considered to have stolen every scene in which he appears, when Brits will tell you that what he is doing is a watered down version of the standard shtick he has been using on British TV and radio since his UK breakthrough a couple of years back. Still, if it works, why not?

"Forgetting Sarah Marshall" has done the expected business in the UK and the States and is a competent piece of comedy. Could be a lot worse.
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You Won't Soon Forget It!
bwymle21 February 2008
I know, I went for the obvious.

I was lucky enough to see an early screening of "Forgetting Sarah Marshall" a few days ago and I am more than happy to start spreading some buzz for this film. It was consistently funny and highly quotable with a strong cast and well developed characters. I have been continually impressed with the multi-talented young actors under Judd Apatow's wing and Jason Segel--who, I'll admit has been one of my favorites since "Freaks and Geeks"--does not disappoint.

There are many familiar faces here from other Apatow projects, but for good reason. Paul Rudd, whom I love equally in comedy and drama (true fans must view "The Shape of Things" but be prepared to be uncomfortable), Bill Hadar, and Jonah Hill hit just the right notes in their supporting roles. There's Russell Brand--whom I was unfamiliar with but apparently evokes strong feelings one way or the other across the pond--is hysterical and delivered some of my favorite lines. Kristen Bell and Mila Kunis are sympathetic straight women to the goofy men around them. It was particularly nice to Mila Kunis outside of the 70's Show/Family Guy worlds. And, last, but certainly not least, there's 30 Rock's Jack McBrayer playing an equally lovable and funny newlywed version of Kenneth.

Though I did feel that the film ran a little long, it never once dragged. There were also a few shots that I am sure will not be available until the unrated DVD hits stores because though they are truly hilarious, they are essentially the only thing keeping the film from a PG-13 rating.

Finally, I will say, that those who liked Knocked Up, Superbad, and 40 Year-Old Virgin, will certainly enjoy this movie. I, personally, would rank it above the other three and will enjoy debating my friends about that come April.
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Not Bad
Eschete25 April 2008
Well, I didn't like it as much as everyone else here, but the movie was pretty good. It's refreshing to see an American film using the comedic value of the ridiculousness of male nudity. Naked woman? Beautiful. Naked man? Hilarious. Why? I don't know. That's just how it is.

The film takes a cute look at American film script staples like betrayal, infidelity, male drama queens, brotherly love, celebrity worship, stupid TV shows, phony, pseudo-spiritual rock stars and vapid actresses, but is detached, ironic and hip enough to make it all work well. Worth the money.

I have to add...Mila Kunis is beautiful. It's hard to tell on "That 70s Show," but in this movie, her eyes and personality shine in a most hypnotic way.

B+. Things to watch for: lame rock star tattoos, bad lyrics a' la "Him", and Hawaiian scenery. I never, ever wanted to visit Hawaii until I saw this movie. I kinda do, now.
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You won't want to be Forgetting this comedy
rparham4 December 2008
Prior to the release of The 40 Year Old Virgin, it is likely that few people knew the name Judd Apatow. Now, just three years later, that name has become almost a stamp of comedy quality, with such films as Knocked Up and Superbad following on the heels of The 40 Year Old Virgin. Now, the Apatow steamroller moves forward with Forgetting Sarah Marshall, and once again it has mined comedy gold, with lots of laughs, but also, as with many of the previous film's from Apatow's company, a nice streak of sweet romance to go along with the laughs.

Fogetting Sarah Marshall focuses on Peter Bretter (Jason Segel), a Hollywood composer who's girlfriend, Sarah Marshall (Kristen Bell), is the star of a CSI-style police procedural series. Jason is a bit of a layabout (who also isn't afraid to walk around his apartment naked), and Sarah has decided she has had enough of him, so she is breaks up with Peter, leaving him in a seemingly unending pool of despair.

To try to take his mind of Sarah, he takes an impromptu vacation to Hawaii, but quickly discovers, to his horror, that Sarah is also at the same hotel as him, with her new boyfriend, recently on the wagon British rocker Aldous Snow (Russell Brand). However, while doing his best to avoid Sarah, Peter finds himself falling for a hotel staff member, Rachel Jansen (Mila Kunis).

As with such films as The 40 Year Old Virgin and Knocked Up, Forgetting Sarah Marshall is a comedy that isn't afraid to mine the more vulgar for comedy, nor does it shy away from some rather frank nudity, including plenty of footage of star Segel (who is also the screenwriter). The upside is that, unlike many other sophomoric comedies these days, the raunchier material actually produces laughs. Much of the film's best humor comes from Brand's performance as off the wall Snow. The character has lots of great scenes and lines, capitalizing on the characters seeming insatiable libido.

Forgetting Sarah Marshall doesn't just provide lots of laughs, it also features an involving and touching romance between Peter and Rachel. Both Segel and Kunis have a nice chemistry between them that fuels an involving romance. As the film progresses, we can't help but root for the characters to find themselves together in the end.

In addition to the previously mentioned Brand, the cast of Forgetting Sarah Marshall gives us both great laughs and characters we can be involved with. Segel proves to be relatively low on insecurity as he puts himself almost completely on display (literally). His Peter is an character whose rather unassuming nature wins you over. Kristen Bell makes the films titular character at times apparently self-involved, but also someone who has a soft spot for her ex-boyfriend. Kunis' Rachel is a character that is both no-nonsense and full of sweetness.

In the end, Forgetting Sarah Marshall proves to be another winner from "Team Apatow", and belongs right next to the previous hits from his creative team. If you are looking for both laughs and a dash of romance, look no further than Forgetting Sarah Marshall.
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Schlubby meets louche
Chris Knipp20 April 2008
The Judd Apatow comedy machine has ground out another one. It's middling, not as sharp and on target as 41 Year Old Virgin, Knocked Up, or Superbad, but not as tiresome and lame as Dewey Cox and Drillbit Taylor. Again, the--for Apatow--seminal TV series "Freaks and Geeks" gets mined. (First-time director Stoller has co-authored some things with Apatow.) "Freaks" alumnus Jason Segel wrote and stars as TV composer Peter Bretter, dumped by girlfriend Sarah Marshall (Kristen Bell). Peter does the "music" (mostly just ominous sounds) for a sleazy crime series featuring Sarah. She's taken up with decadent (but clean and sober) English rock star Aldous Snow, played by Russell Brand, an outrageous Brit comic whose real life junkie confessions are a hoot. Brand takes us away from Apatow's limited world of fat Jewish boys trying to get laid with hot chicks. His Aldous Snow is a sleazy sex god and recovery guru and when he's on screen, things take a welcome new turn toward wit and absurdity.

But that comes briefly, and later. We begin in Hollywood, where Sarah comes to see the couch potato Peter, who refuses to put on clothes to hear her breaking up speech. Despondent, Peter follows advice from his brother Brian (Bill Hader of Knocked Up and Superbad) and goes to Hawaii, where his waiter is Apatow warhorse Jonah Hill and his reefer-addled surf instructor is "Friends" and Apatow alum Paul Rudd. Who should be at Peter's hotel but Sarah and Aldous? With the questionable linchpin of this lame "surprise," comedy, heartbreak, and resolution ensue.

There are no jaw-breaking laughs. In fact the only things that kept me watching were the appeal of Segel--he's a giant, slightly overweight puppy dog--and the louche Brit pungently evoked by Russell Brand. As for the Hawaiian setting, Oahu may have been a fun place to shoot. The Apatow crew probably wanted out of Hollywood. But the Pacific is too soggy and pretty an environment for repartee. For a change, instead of female nakedness (oh, just a few bare breasts), Segel is frontally nude, repeatedly, but just for a split second each time.

Apatow's posse is at home with male adolescence and early--or frozen--schlub-hood. But not with much else; the Apatow-sponsored features haven't managed to match the depth and breadth of their mother lode, "Freaks and Gesks." In the TV series, Segel got dumped by none other than Lindsey (Linda Cardellini), the lead character. None of the film comedies have come up with a female as smart, sensible, interesting, and central as Lindsay. Sarah is a pathetic sliver of humanity by comparison. Lindsey went out with Segel's "Freaks" persona Nick out of pity, and when he got too intense, she pulled away. His suffering was convincing, a little disturbing even. Her choice was wise. This sequence was less formulaic than Sarah Marshall. Nick, Segel's character in "Freaks" is rather arresting.

Peter grows out of Nick but loses rather than gains depth in the updating. The exotic setting obviously doesn't compensate. Segel already had musical ambitions as Nick, who realizes he's no rock star. Peter hates his sellout TV composing and is working on a Dracula puppet opera--an odd curio performed in excerpt toward the end. As before, Segel's appealing as a would-be artist and a basically decent but weak fellow with his heart on his sleeve, but Nick had more emotional conviction than Peter.

Sarah Marshall spends most of its time on well-trodden territory with hits predictable surprises, obtrusive local color, romance opportunities, and obligatory attempts at reconciliation. It does have laughs, but while Peter's new girlfriend Rachel (Mila Kunis) like him is basically a decent person, she mostly comes off as little more than a pretty face, and their relationship is never more than the stuff of sitcoms. In the end it seems that Segel's character lacks the complexity--or the energy--to sustain a whole movie, and he and Sarah are equally forgettable. _________________
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Just not funny
tamemlin2 August 2010
I cannot understand why this film has received such a high rating. It's slow, moany and not in the least bit funny. Jason Segel is not leading man material. And neither is his penis.

The characters are all unlikable, one dimensional bores. There's no set-pieces whatsover, just a long string of static scenes that have no edge. You don't even get many shots of beautiful Hawaii. It's just really weak film-making.

The one plus-point is Mila Kunis, who is a cut above everybody else, and Paul Rudd does his best to improvise some life into his weak role. But there's still no laughs to be had here. Avoid this trash.
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A pleasant surprise
ametaphysicalshark26 July 2008
A relatively minor Apatow clan release, released in April without the sort of promotion and attention "Knocked Up", "Superbad", "Pineapple Express", etc. received, "Forgetting Sarah Marshall" is a pleasant surprise, a consistently entertaining romantic comedy with several scenes of effective and realistic character-oriented drama.

The film was written by star Jason Segel, who based much of the film on his relationship and breakup with "Freaks and Geeks" co-star Linda Cardellini. For a debut screenplay Segel's work is surprisingly strong as he clearly understands where and how to inject just enough dramatic realism into this comedy script. As with most comedies there are naturally several jokes which fall flat, but most of the humor is sharp and effective. Segel even managed to write a good part for annoying nitwit Russell Brand, granted the character is an... annoying nitwit, but a well-written one. Segel's screenplay succeeds mostly as a result of him being able to develop a cast of entertaining and interesting characters whose conversations feel genuine and are never boring.

Director Nicholas Stoller handles the film very well, using the Hawaiian locations to optimal effect and keeping the film moving at a fast pace. The cast is incredible, Mila Kunis in particular is a revelation and anyone used to her from "That 70's Show" will be shocked but extremely taken by the depth and range of her performance. Kristen Bell is also much better than expected, and Segel is essentially playing himself yet again. He's good at playing himself.

"Forgetting Sarah Marshall" isn't perfect and several scenes just plain fall flat, but the end result is still an effective and involving romantic comedy/drama that marks a promising writing debut for Jason Segel.

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Not what I expected, but it has its moments
Sandcooler25 December 2012
Maybe I just get too demanding when it comes to Judd Apatow productions, but "Forgetting Sarah Marshall" is well, forgettable. It's not any worse than the average romantic comedy, but it's not much better either. Ten minutes in you know how the movie will end, which is bothersome because you expect Apatow's team to reinvent this genre at least a tiny bit. But nope, they just follow the same old tired formula everyone else uses. The comedy is pretty decent, but not perfect either. Jason Segel is fantastic in the lead and does great with the material he's got, but the supposedly hilarious secondary characters never really take off. Russell Brand is only funny for the first two scenes, then you've seen it. Jonah Hill is better, but there you have the opposite problem: he's underused. This movie just can't give you a break. The full frontal male nudity is also sort of a desperate attempt to be edgy, a really uninspired attempt to distinguish itself. I didn't hate "Forgetting Sarah Marshall", but it's no well, anything else Apatow has produced.
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Still my comedy go-to, 13 years on
emma-1182013 August 2021
This film is everything a comedy should be. Relatable characters, great setting and jokes galore. It takes me to happy place every time I watch it. Too many hilarious moments to mention. Sheer comedy gold.
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The beginning is Full Frontal...Funny
Nolamoviedude3 January 2019
Jason Segel plays Peter a somewhat lazy musician who specializes in scoring tv shows. He's dating actress Sarah Marshall played by Kirsten Bell. Right in the beginning of the movie, she dumps him causing Peter to drop his towel and to show all of his goodies. I almost pee'd on myself from laughing so hard.

Peter is heartbroken so he heads to Hawaii to get away but guess who is there? That's right Sarah Marshall and she's there with the guy she cheated on him with, rock star Aldous Snow (Russel Brand). Mila Kunis plays a front desk clerk that feels bad for Peter, gets him a great suite and tries to help get him out of his funk. Funny stuff happens from here, Mila Kunis and Peter fall in love and there is a very weird puppet show at the end.

It's a predictable Rom-Com in a lot of ways, has a decent amount of laughs but is too long.
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A Hilarious Journey of Heartbreak and Healing
navodliyanage19 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
"Forgetting Sarah Marshall" is a hilarious romantic comedy that will leave you in stitches. The film follows Peter Bretter (Jason Segel), a heartbroken composer who takes a trip to Hawaii to escape his recent breakup with famous TV star, Sarah Marshall (Kristen Bell). While there, he meets the charming hotel clerk Rachel (Mila Kunis) and finds himself falling for her.

The movie brilliantly combines witty humor with heartwarming moments, creating a perfect balance of emotions. Segel's performance as the lovable and relatable Peter is outstanding, while Kunis shines as the charismatic Rachel. Bell also delivers a fantastic performance as the conflicted Sarah, adding depth to the story.

What sets "Forgetting Sarah Marshall" apart from other rom-coms is its unique blend of quirky characters and outrageous situations. From Peter's awkward encounters with Sarah to his hilarious surf lessons with a stoned instructor, the film keeps you entertained from start to finish.
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Moderately amusing, decent romcom
adamonIMDb22 December 2016
'Forgetting Sarah Marshall' was very popular when it was first released, and seems to remain a popular choice with TV networks. Until recently, I avoided it at all costs, thinking it would be exactly the sort of movie I hate.

After finally watching it, I was pleasantly surprised. Even with the odious and totally unfunny Russell Brand, it was adequately funny, an unexpected change for a romcom. There was plenty I didn't like though. There's a lot of crude humour in the film, and some of it just isn't funny. This film is the movie equivalent of a joke book. Some parts are amusing, others not so much.

Overall, 'Forgetting Sarah Marshall' provides a few good laughs, but is rather hit and miss with its humour. A moderately amusing, but overrated comedy.
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Fun Movie!
BlackDog198111 April 2008
I'm not a big fan of Judd Apatow and his recent crop of movies.

That said, I got to see "Forgetting Sarah Marshall" April 11 at a preview screening with some friends, and I was impressed. It's a joke movie, but it has a story that pulls you along, and the jokes are outrageously funny. I nearly died laughing. It doesn't try to push the envelope of "How immature and disgusting can we be?", which was what I have come to expect from these sorts of movies. It's just funny actors doing a great job of telling a good story that most adults will relate to in some way. It's honest fun, and I wish there were more comedies like this coming out.

All my friends enjoyed the film, too (aged 20-27). It's a good date movie, though certainly NOT one for the kids or younger teenagers.
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Nothing wrong with being a solid film
richard-726161 December 2020
While nowhere near a Richard Curtis Romcom, it is definitely in the next bracket. It is help massively by a strong cast who all pour their heart and soul into it. It's easy to see how Russell Brand broke the American market, for a short time anyway, with performances in well picked films like this. Along with Brand, I though Rudd and Kunis were excellent too. You will watch it, enjoy it, but probably never revisit.
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And you thought *you* were sensitive...
refresh_daemon11 May 2008
An amusing and sometimes awkward breakup film, this pic was written by and stars a long-time Apatow cohort, Jason Segel. The pic centers on lost, hypersensitive slacker Peter, who after being broken up with by his TV star girlfriend copes with its end poorly, eventually escaping to Hawaii where he subsequently books himself into a hotel that she is coincidentally staying at.

Immediate warning to those sensitive to full frontal male nudity: it is present and more than once. That out of the way, the pic was pretty affable, containing more than a handful of good laughs as well as more than a lot of generally comically captured sex scenes. Many of the secondary characters also play enjoyably silly roles. And there is a funny musical component to the pic that also includes an amusing rendition of puppet-related works.

I suppose I do have to level a little criticism for the theme being a little slight, but there still is something to be said for healing of personal wounds and learning to "move on". Those that have seen other Apatow relationship pics will probably see a number of similarities (slacker dude learns to grow up, gross out comedy, etc), even though Apatow didn't write or direct this piece. The film is also a bit on the long side, like many comedies that come from the Apatow crew and you do notice it. Some judicious trimming and relegating of some scenes (including numerous flashbacks) to DVD extras would've been helpful.

Finally, I wish that more character could be drawn from both Sarah Marshall and Peter's newfound love interest, hotel employee Rachel as they played fairly two-dimensional, but I'm glad that Sarah didn't end up a one-note character as well. I didn't love the conclusion of the breakup story arc because I felt that it was a bit of a cop-out, but it didn't ruin the film. Lastly, Peter was written a little on the edge of believability in terms of being oversensitive, so you really have to buy his character, otherwise the film will break on you.

Essentially, this is a congenial, enjoyable, but rude/crude film with a share of laughs and more Jason Segel than you probably ever wanted to see. Recommended for those who like some story with their laughs and can handle the vulgar, sexual, and nude content. 8/10.
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An amiable romantic comedy.
Hey_Sweden24 February 2019
Writer / star Jason Segel here gives himself a plum part as Peter Bretter, a composer who wastes his time doing music for a cheesy TV series. He was dating the female star of the series, the titular Sarah Marshall (Kristen Bell), but she has dumped him in favour of a tragically hip rock star, Aldous Snow (Russell Brand). In order to try to get over the breakup, he takes a vacation to Hawaii - only to realize that Sarah & Aldous will be staying at the same hotel. The balance of Segels' story has him becoming attracted to the friendly hotel desk clerk (Mila Kunis), while doing his best to move on with his life.

The characters become more endearing as the story plays out, in what is typical but engaging fare for the Judd Apatow company. It has its fair share of raunchy gags (Segel, a braver man than I, actually opens and closes the film with some full frontal nudity) and silly moments. But, for the most part, it actually takes the tale fairly seriously, making its characters flawed and recognizably human, but still appealing, and not total cartoon caricatures. It seems to be built on a somewhat formulaic foundation, but at least it keeps its viewers watching and attentive.

Granted, a big part of the appeal is some gorgeous on-location shooting in Hawaii, which adds an exotic enticement to the proceedings. Along the way, there are some hilarious digs at 'C.S.I.' and David Caruso, and some priceless musical moments - "Dracula's Lament", "We've Got to Do Something", etc. And the gags continue during the closing credits, as one more shot is fired - this time, at 'Ghost Whisperer'.

Segel acquits himself nicely in the lead, but then so do many of the cast members. Bell and Kunis also look absolutely ravishing, needless to say. Brand is a hoot as the self-absorbed Snow. Co-stars include Bill Hader, Jack McBrayer, Liz Cackowski, Maria Thayer, Taylor Wily, Paul Rudd, Jonah Hill, and Da'Vone McDonald. The cameos in the TV-shows-within-the-film are a hoot. What's nice is that so many people here get a chance in the spotlight, with Segel and director Nicholas Stoller giving them some effective comic moments.

In general, this is not a genre that this viewer actively seeks out, but he heard some good word of mouth on this one, and he was glad that he gave it a try.

Seven out of 10.
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I am very disappointed
pizza_sky4 February 2009
This movie wasted 2 hours of my time and just make me wanna scream: "LAME". Nicholas Stoller write the movie "Yes Man", but direct "this" maybe he should stick with writing.

I am so disappointed because I heard all the great review. I was expecting something like knocked up. They say this is from the maker of "Knocked up"? why can't I see the resemblance? but this just felt like a shallow, overdone-theme kind of movie for me. I am so disappointed. Actually it's not bad if you consider it as your-average-chick-movie, but that character of the "band guy" just get on my nerves

Maybe I was just not paying enough attention to the movie, but yeah they have some funny lines and scene, but i don't felt the originality. And the ending make the movie a little bit better. At least the ending is not some boring cliché one.
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